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I walked back in the restaurant and looked around, I saw the corner where Freddy cornered Mike, I saw the blood on the floor.
"Damit Freddy, nobody did anything to you to make you do this" I said.
"F0xy 4r3 y0u 0k" mangle asked.
"I don't know, Mikey was my friend now he might die" I replied.
"It's just like that day" I added.
"1 kn0w f0xy, 1 w4s3nt th3r3 but 1 h34rd 4b0ut 1t fr0m s0m3 0f th3 0ld3r 4n1m4tr0n1cs" mangle said.
"I curse the man who caused this
I feel like all the other animatronics souls are vengeful I mean ever since the murders" I told her.
"Why d1d th3y h4v3 t0 t4k3 1t 0ut 0n m1ke" asked with sadness in her voice.
"Because even though my soul is at rest the other 4 souls aren't. Freddy wants freedom, at least the little he can get and the marionette can give him control which is freedom to do what he wants, and every one else is under his control. he thinks that I took it away, his freedom, by causing the bite, it's not my fault" I replied.
"Oh...poor soul. "it's not me fault" I just BIT A KID AND TOOK THE LITTLEST BIT OF FREEDOM I HAD" Freddy screamed.
"Poor thing, you fucked up and expect everyone to forgive you" he replied.
"Freddy we used to be friends...what happened" I asked.
"I didn't mean to" I said again.
"Ok doesn't mean I forgive you" he said.
"I can't forgive you either, you murderer" I told him.
"What do you mean?" He said with a grin.
"You know what, trying to kill my friends" I mumbled.
"Trying to do what?" He said with a stupid smile.
I didn't answer.
"Oh well...I need to talk to talk to Toy Freddy" he told me as he left.
"F0xy" I heard mangle say.
"Yes" I replied.
"D0 y0u th1nk M1ke 1s g0ing t0 d13" she asked.
"I don't know lassie" I replied.
"1 d0n't th1nk s0" she told me.
"Why" I asked.
"B3c4us3 h3 h4s h3r" she told me.
"Oh yeah" I replied remembering......her.

I woke up in a cold sweat almost screaming.
"What's wrong" Bailey asked.
"Bad dream" I replied.
I looked at my phone 9 o'clock pm. had I really slept that long?
"What happened in your dream" Bailey asked a few minutes later.
"I rather not talk about it" I told her.
"Are you sure" she asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"You were asleep for a long time" she said.
"I know working the night shift dose that to you" I responded.
We both laughed a little at that.
"Has the doctor told you anything about Mike" I asked.
"Yeah they stopped the bleeding but, he had gotten a metal claw stuck in his wounds" she pause "and it's so bad he might not make it" she finished sadly.
"I can tell you one thing from my dream" I said.
"What Jeremy" she asked.
"Freddy cornered me and Mike a-and M-Mike decided to push me out of the way of Freddy and got killed" I paused "and the worst of it all was I could have saved him like how I could have saved him in real life" I said starting to cry and feel guilty.
"Oh Jeremy......it's going to be alright Mike will make it, and it's not your fault" she reassured me.
Then she hugged me again.
Damit I couldn't say no to her hugs. then the doctor came in.
"Hello Ms. Schmidt, hello Mr. Fitzgerald."
"Hello" I said.
He started talking to us about Mikes condition and just telling us what was going on, then he said:
"It looks like there's a metal claw stuck in one of the gashes and might infect every thing and make it worse. we will try to take it out but, I think you should know, it's going to be hard and dangerous because it's so close to his heart" he told us.
"O-ok so w-what happens I-if you don't t-take it out" Bailey said, shaky.
"He could die from infection or worse" he said.
"O-ok so let m-me get this s-straight, either way M-Mike has a p-possibility of dieing" I asked.
"Yes" he said heavy hearted.
me and Bailey looked at each other.
"Do it" we said.

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