Night 2

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"he wants me what" I asked.
"Dead" Foxy repeated.
"Yes matey i be sure" foxy replied.
"But it's worse" foxy said.
"How can it get worse than that"Jeremy said.
"He plans to to kill ye tomorrow" Foxy said with Grief in his voice.
"Foxy why are you so down its not like it's your fault" Jeremy said.
"But it kinda is matey" he paused "Freddy was being a bitch like always and ways trying to make me talk I didn't talk and he said he was going to kill ye Mikey" foxy told me.
I was shocked but not surprised I mean, the fucker has tried to kill me before right. but tomorrow, at least last time the bear had given me time to prepare.
"Ye-yeah the bear is a bitch I know" I said.
"I don't want my sisters to worry though" I paused "Jeremy lets don't tell them, they already worry enough"
"W-WHAT, the one thing you don't want me to talk to them about, i-is yo-your death" he questioned.
"Yes, p-please don't say anything" I said almost with tears in my eyes.
Foxy said he was going to stay in the room with us and bring his friend mangle with him.
"Mike your insane" Jeremy said.
"I know" I replied.
"Why can't I say anything about Freddy" he asked.
"I don't want my sisters worrying" I replied.
"Oh ok" Jeremy said, I could tell he was worried.
Then Foxy and mangle walked in.
"H1" said mangle.
She had a weird voice and it had a lot of static.
"1 kn0w wha7 fr3ddy 1s d01ng" mangle said.
"M-M-M-Mike t-the two f-f-Freddys are talking" he told me shaking.
"No no no no they both are planning something and I know what it is" foxy said.
I took the tablet that the cameras feed was going on to. shit they were talking. then they both looked at the cameras and one mouthed the words "soon".
"Th3" tw0 0f th3m ar3 s0 m3an" mangle paused "th3 0ld fr3ddy keeps tr9ing t0 h1t 0n m3"
this whole night was horrible so far and the worst of it will be tomorrow. My best friend, Mike, could never be seen ever again. The whole thing would be my fault to. I mean I got him stuck at this job.
Then I made a plan, I would help Mike when the bear comes in the room try to help my friend. I also need to tell his sister but, I promised I wouldn't. I just hope we both go home after tomorrow.
Just then I heard the clock chime and Freddys voice say three.

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