Night 3

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I had awoken to see two cups of coffee and two donuts. One cup had my name on it with a note "have a great day~Baliey" how sweet of her I thought. then I grabbed a donut and got ready for work.
When I woke up Jeremy was watching tv on the couch.
"Hey dude" i said tiredly.
"Hey hey ready for work" he asked.
"I guess" I told him.
"There's a donut and coffee in the table from your sister by the way" he added.
Good. I found the coffee and donut on the counter. then Baliey walked in.
"I see you guys found the food I left for you" she asked.
I just nodded. Then I saw the note on the coffee "I love you Mike, you are the best brother ever" it said. I just put the note in my pocket. then it was time to leave.
"By Baliey I love you so much and please tell Macy that too" I said.
"No you tell her she is coming home to day here bisnuess trip is being cut short" she said with glee in her voice that brought a tear to my eye.
"Y-yeah about that I might not make it home to night" I paused " Jeremy will call you later about it" I ended with sadness in my voice.
"WHAT" she shouted as I ran to the car to go to work.
We finally got to work and there was the manager Mr.Elprup he told us to just go to our office. when we got there we heard the clock chime and sat there. Then foxy and mangle showed up her second head was messed up!
"Mangle what happened" I asked.
"T0y fr3ddy s4w m3 t4lk1ng t0 f0xy 4nd t0ld m3 t0 l34v3 4nd 1 r3fus3d t0 s0 th3n t0ld m3 I'm n0w g01ng to be in d4ng3r and I g0t jumped by t0y b0nn1e 1n th3 h4lls 4nd h3 m3ss3d up my s3cond h34d" she told me I could tell she wanted to cry.
"Um..g-guys t-the t-t-t-
I interrupted
"The two bears are in the vents" Jeremy said.
"WHAT" I shouted.
"N0 N0 N0" mangle said.
then as I backed up I hit a vent and my leg got grabbed!!
"FUCK!! HELP ME PLEASE" I shouted trying not to get pulled up a vent

"MIKE!!!" I shouted.
He had a look of terror in his face.
"I'll sav-
I was two close to the other vent because my leg just got grabbed.
"HELP!!" I shrieked.
"JEREMY!!" Mike screamed.
Then foxy ran over to help Mike and mangle came to help me.
Then between the tugging of my legs and arms my leg started to hurt so much.
My leg had popped right out of its socket.
"OW!!" I shrieked.
The last thing I remember was hitting my head and mangle pulling me towards the center of the room.

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