Sarah the Ghost

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"What's up jack ass" I heard Mike say.
"MIKE YOUR ALIVE" I shouted.
"Yep, but could you quit your shouting it hurts my head" he said as if he was annoyed.
Yep mikes back alright.
"O-ok Mike" I replied thankful that he was alive.
"I'll be right back" I told him.
I went as fast as I could on my crutches down the hall to where everyone was. I saw doll sitting in a chair away from everyone else.
"D-Doll will y-you come w-with me for a m-minute" I whispered to her.
"W-why Jeremy, why" she said crying.
"Doll y-your g-going to like t-this" I told her.
"Ok I'll go with you" she replied.
She stood up and I grabbed my crutches, then we rushed down the hall near Mikes room.
"W-wait why are y-you taking m-me to M-Mikes r-room" she asked.
"Do you trust me" I asked without turning around.
"Y-yes I g-guess" she replied.
We continued walking until we reached Mikes room. I opened the door.
"J-Jeremy why are we here, Mikes dead" she said, I could tell she was going to cry.
"Just t-trust me" I told doll.
We went inside.
"M-Mike" I asked.
"What" he said perking up in bed a little bit.
"M-M-Mike" doll said.
"Doll?" Mike asked.
Doll ran in the room and looked at the bed and saw Mike just sitting there.
"Y-y-y-your a-a-a-alive" she said
"Yeah, I guess" he replied.
He tried to get up but fell back down.

I started waking up when I heard Jeremy.
"MIKE" he shouted.
"What's up jack ass" I replied.
"MIKE YOUR ALIVE" Jeremy shouted, again.
"Yep, but could you quit your shouting it hurts my head" I told him rubbing my head.
I could tell he was annoyed by me.
He told me he would be right back.
I was laying in my bed thinking about what the hell had happened but I couldn't remember much, all I could remember was seeing everyone and then seeing a black figure of a little girl.
I looked around, nothing changed from my......dream? I looked at my self, the blanket that was covering me up had tears on it, I had a cast on my arm and something on my ankle. I hurt right in my chest area. I felt my head, crap my hat wasn't anywhere doll probably took it. I found my old beanie and put it on.
"M-Mike" I heard Jeremy ask.
"What" I said perking up a bit.
"M-M-Mike" I heard a soft and sweet voice say.
"Doll" I asked knowing it was her.
Doll ran in the room and looked at me.
"Y-y-y-your a-a-a-alive" she said.
"Yeah, I guess" I replied.
I tried to sit up a little bit and just fell back down.
"Mike your going to hurt yourself, s-stop" doll told me.
I didn't remember what happened at the restaurant or why I was in here all that I knew was my chest hurt. then I realized what happened, Freddy Fazfucker, he had cut me but I didn't think it was that bad. Then again I did pass out.
"M-Mike I'm going to go tell everyone else t-that your a-alive" Jeremy told me before leaving.
It was just me and doll.
"Mike are you ok" she asked.
"I really don't know" I replied.
I moved my blanket off of me.
My chest was wrapped in gauze.
"Mike what happened anyway" doll asked.
I didn't respond.
"Mike" she pushed.
"It's a long story" I replied.
"Well I have t-
She stopped talking.
"M-m-Mike w-w-who's t-t-that" doll asked.
"What" I said as I looked behind me.
What I saw was a black shadow of a child with its teeth showing.
"W-w-who a-a-are you" I asked very frightened.
"I am the one who has protected you since that faithful day, I am Sarah" the child said.

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