Chapter 15: The Accident

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Michael turned on the TV.

Are you looking for entertainment? Are you looking for a way to contain your kids at their parties? Well here's the perfect thing for you. Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals, by Afton Robotics LLC.

We rent out our amazing cast of characters to birthdays and events around the area! Ranging from Circus Baby all the way down to little Bon-Bon. The kids love these guys and they're ready to be back on stage!

Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals folks!

Not responsible for any accidents involving injury, fatal injury, even more fatal injury, death, souls being ripped out, or child capture.

Michael turned off the TV in annoyance and put on his foxy mask.


His remnant project was in motion. This new service had allowed him to collect a substantial amount of remnant while giving him the ability to stay under the radar and rest.

Afton sat in his underground office. The telephone rang, but Afton let it ring through. Then the light on the answering machine beeped and Henry's voice came through.

"Heya William. It's been....almost a year since you left. I know I've been calling you periodically just to tell you how the location is doing over here, but you haven't called me back at all. I'm worried about ya Afton. Just call me back when you get a chance. Please?"

Afton only smiled at Henry's desperate tone. He then turned to a series of computer screens that were linked to security cameras around his house. His son, Tristen, was protected by a series of alarms and a new technology that Afton coined the Illusion Disks.

With the power to show Tristen any image he desired, he was able to coerce him into staying inside the home to keep him from facing any danger outside. He'd tried to sneak out to go to the Diner a few times before, so Afton was making sure that it wouldn't happen again.


Tristen was trembling with fear. He wouldn't dare leave his bed. Everywhere was a danger to him.

Just then Foxy popped out from under his bed and roared. Tristen sprung backward and screamed.

Michael took off the mask and laughed. "Got ya again, little bro! Gotta try harder than that to hide." Tristen didn't respond. Michael kept laughing as he walked out.

"Birthday's soon bro! We're taking you to the Diner!" Michael shouted back into the room.

Tristen pleaded, "No not there! They keeping coming here and scaring me!" Michael only scoffed in disbelief and walked back to the living room.

Tristen began shaking again as this time a mangled version of Freddy Fazbear walked through the door. Michael heard a lot of screaming that day.


In the evening, William came home and shut off the Illusion Disks.

"Tristen!" he shouted. "We're going to the Diner tomorrow for your birthday!"

Tristen responded with a resounding, "No!", before slamming the door to his room.

"Damn that kid," Afton said. "He's been acting up ever since we celebrated his last birthday. Staying in the corners to 'Avoid the mascots' ha!"

Michael posed. "Dad, he's probably just a little shaken up from Ellie's accident. He'll be fine. Just don't be too hard on him."

Afton walked up to Tristen's door and yelled through, "Unlock this door!"


Afton turned and threw himself down on his bed.

"My wife did this so easily," he thought. "What am I doing wrong?" He slowly fell asleep.


The next morning was spent dragging Tristen out of his room to go to the party.

All of Tristen's friends were there, and Michael was allowed to invite a few buddies. Afton dropped off his sons and said that he had some business to take care of, so he went to the back of the Diner.

Michael and his buddies put on masks from the new "Fazbear and Friends" show and began scaring kids around the Diner.

Tristen just laid on the floor and cried like he had been for a while now. He didn't want to go anywhere near his brother's friends or the mascots on stage. His friends tried to get him to get up, but he wouldn't budge, so they let him stay in his misery.


Afton was assisting an employee that was fitting himself into a SpringBonnie suit.

"Just remember," Afton explained, "That any sudden large movements or moisture can cause the springlocks to fire and crush you. There's never any accidents because we maintenance them regularly, but don't do anything crazy." The technician nodded and walked out of the storage room to entertain the children.

Michael and his friends turned their sights on Tristen. He began cowering in fear as they picked him up and pushed him into the now-empty storage room. Some of the mascots were torn apart. The sight of headless and bodiless animatronics terrified him and he began to cry again.

Twenty minutes later, Afton heard the crying from the other room and opened the door. Tristen was leaning on the door and fell out.

Afton scolded, "I don't know how yourself locked in there kid, but stop playing in there. It's dangerous."

"But, Dad," Tristen tried to explain that it wasn't him, but his father didn't believe him. Afton only left him to be alone again.


After another hour, the group of bullies happened upon Tristen again. He tried running away, but they caught him.

"Wow, your brother is a wimp isn't he?" said one of Michael's friends.

Michael replied, "It's hilarious. Why don't we give him a closer look? He'll love it!"

"No!" Tristen yelled.

"Come on, let's give him a lift. He wants to get up close and personal!" said Michael.

They raised him over their heads and started marching him towards the stage. Tristen continued to try to squirm out of their arms and protested loudly but they didn't listen.

The group continued to walk up to Fredbear. Another one of Michael's friends jeered, "Hey guys, I think the little man said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss! ON THREE! One... two..."

Tristen screamed and Afton turned his head at the sound, only to find his eldest son trying to stuff his younger son into Fredbear's mouth.

"Michael!" Afton said, "That's not safe!"

"....Three!" the bullies shouted as they fully shoved Tristen into the animatronic's mouth.

Tristen tried to find a way out, but his legs were hanging out of the mascot's mouth as the horrible speaker kept blasting the singing voice of Fredbear into his ears.

"Help!" Tristen shouted. As he was trying to squeeze out of its mouth, his arm hit a lever, and the robot's mouth closed abruptly, crushing Tristen's head.

Afton fainted, and Michael began to sob.

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