Chapter 6: The Second

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William lay down in his workshop cot wide awake. The alarm ticking towards when the restaurant would close so that he could retrieve Gabriel's body.

He pulled the dusty old book out from under the cot and flipped to the seventh page. "This child was very smart for her age and could not be fooled by desserts. So the man told her that her pet was in trouble in the forest. The girl immediately followed the man into the forest where he took a rock and bashed her head with it."

He then flipped through his logbook, marked out the number 3, and looked for a girl that might fit the description of smart.


Back in the UK Afton house, Elizabeth was playing with her brother Tristen as Mrs. Afton stared out of the kitchen window watching the cars go by.

It had been a month since William had called the house to check on them. Elizabeth missed her dad and she missed her husband.

When would he check back?


As William arrived at the pizzeria to retrieve Gabriel's body, he looked at the wallet photo of him and his family in the hospital when Tristen was born. That calmed him and led him into the Parts & Service room.

Right as he was about to take off the head of the Freddy, the nightguard, Wilson, came over the loudspeaker. 

"Hey uh...Afton?" Wilson spoke. "All of the extra animatronics should be up to shape, so no need to check on them. You need to get some rest man. These next four birthdays are gonna be taxing." Afton let go of the head and walked out of the restaurant.

William chided himself for hiring a nightguard when it's just some metal robots to guard. He'd have to retrieve all the bodies at the end of the week. The only way to get them all out is to have patience.

William drove away in his car.


The next morning, Michael ran into the nightguard as he was leaving the restaurant.

"Hey! How fun is your job at night?" Michael asked.

"Well," Wilson explained, "it's been incredibly boring for the most part, but last night the extra Freddy got a little twitchy after your dad fooled around with it. I guess it was just a malfunction, but it's not going out on stage so it should be fine."

Michael responded, "Well that sounds kind of cool! When I get old enough, I plan on taking up your job." He waved to Wilson as he left.

William and Henry came in behind Michael, carrying a few boxes full of new party supplies.

William ruffled his son's hair. "Are you ready to help us out in the pizzeria today? Your job is really really big okay?"

Michael began to get extremely excited, but he tried to keep his composure to look official.

"So..." Michael asked calmly, "What am I gonna be doing today?"

Henry smiled and explained, "You, kiddo, are gonna be taking care of the dayshift cameras for us! It's a job that's easy, but very very important to keep bad people from taking children away during parties. Do you think you can handle it, kid?"

Michael saluted and marched into the security office.

"I'll go get him started," Henry said to William as he followed Michael into the office.

William turned to begin setting up the decorations and ran over the plan in his head.


This party was for a boy, but William's next candidate was a girl that was attending the party. Susan, a.k.a. Susie, would arrive with big blonde curls and an IQ rivaling that of Michael's. She would not be easily misguided, but her mind would be distracted if something she cared about were to be in danger.

William opened the front doors to let all of the waiting customers inside. He watched as Susie immediately went to go play on the arcade game, Fruity Maze, the most popular one in the pizzeria.

He saw all of the kids gather around her as she racked up a super high score. William decided to leave her alone and monitor the restaurant until the time was right. The kids at this party were too rowdy to be left unsupervised by an employee.

Just then, the high score fanfare played from the machine and William heard cheering. That was his moment.

"Hello everyone!" William announced on stage. "Would the party like to join the crew for a singalong?"

All of the kids melted to the stage, except for Susie, because she wanted to improve her high score. William took this chance to retrieve the SpringBonnie suit from his car and put it on. 

He walked up to Susie as she was playing the same and whispered over her shoulder, "I heard you have a dog. But did you know it was missing?"

Susie turned around slowly with tears in her eyes. "My dog is...missing?" She started to cry.

"Don't worry little one," Afton said. "I found him this morning, and I'm keeping him in a room here so that you can get him again. Just follow me to that room." He pointed at the Parts & Service door.


Michael noticed movement on the Parts & Service camera, but the feed was a little glitchy.

One of the yellow rabbit suits was leading that one Susie girl into the room. She turned and looked at it quizzically before the rabbit pulled out a length of string. It stretched out the string, then the feed started fizzling out.

Michael tried banging on the tv to get a better response, but by the time the camera came back online, the yellow rabbit was gone. Freddy was a little twitchy, but it looked to be a trick of the camera.

Michael sat back in his chair and began reading the book he brought.


William closed up the store and made his way back home.

The Parts & Service door was slightly cracked open, and clattering could be heard from inside.

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