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I woke up to foxy hanging over me.
"What you want to finish the job" I asked.
"No I know you won't remember after a while and I hope yee now I be sorry matey so I be helping yay get out of here" he said sadly.
"Look foxy I'm sorry for saying that and thanks" I said.
For a minute I for got that I was hurt and then stood up and then fell to the ground in pain.
"Matey I called yeer sister Macy and she be on her way lets get yee out front"
Foxy had me in his arms and ran for the front door we got out to the parking lot and he set me down on the asphalt and waited with me we talked until my sisters got there they both jumped on me and hugged me I winced in pain.
"Oops sorry for got you where hurt Mikey"said my two sisters at the same time.
I had never been so happy to see them before in my life. foxy picked me up and was about to put me in the back seat of the car when I said
"See yee around matey"
He laughed and went back in the building.
"Mike how bad are you hurt" my sisters asked.
" I need a hospital" I said and that's where we went.

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