Chp 1: New 'Friends'

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6 months later....

It's been half a year as Mar has been having strange Nightmares lately. She never understood what she was seeing. First it's nothing but a campsite then emptiness before seeing 5 children standing there. They looked at her curious, wondering who she was while she did the same but every time she opens her mouth to say something, the children run away before waking up in sweats.
Ever since she moved from one state to this new location due to a job transfer, she's been having the same dreams or nightmares, she couldn't tell.

Today marks the day of a reopening of the mall she works at. Apparently a new owner bought the mall and had big plans for it. It was announced that the mall was working its way up to a better attraction and were now releasing two brand animatronics, prototypes to be exact to see how they react with a crowd of people.

Mar and other security guards were informed about these changes and were told to make sure no one gets too close. Each security was going to monitor the animatronics and to report any changes. This week would be Mar's turn to do so and this got her both curious and nervous in monitoring AI robotics and technology.

Once Mar got to the mall, it can be seen where most of it was under construction and off limits from the public. Mar meets up with her director who begins to lead the way "it's an easy job to be honest, at least you don't have to deal with theft or any shootings like last time" the director said as Mar sighs "well if you say so, honestly I'm still surprised when they announced AI animatronics, usually people use animatronics for Halloween or I don't know chuck E' cheese" she jokes as her director shook his head amused and chuckles "to be honest, I was surprised too, practically claimed that they are going to take our jobs soon or it's already happening" he said as Mar shrugs "you never know" she told him as she shivers at where they were walking "why does it feel eerie in these hallways" she asked while hugging herself. "We're getting close to the maintenance shop but they are renaming it, parts and services now" the director said annoyed.

Both Mar and the Director reached the Parts and Services at the back of the building within the hallways of the mall where Mar looked around amazed, everything changed inside. It wasn't big yet but you can see tables filled with parts of any kind of metal materials on one side while the other were computers and blue prints and in the middle of the room was like a cylinder like room with windows and a door, in front of it near the metal and glass door was another computer where someone was typing within it. Mar froze as she spotted two animatronics sitting inside, it felt like they were staring at her and it creeped her out, both looked like sun theme but a lot of green and aqua green colors. On the left side, the first sun theme animatronic had different shades of green, very dark green, what stood out was his eyes they were pure white with no pupils and a grinning mouth that looked like sharp teeth, the way he was dressed was like a jester like with some reds and yellows into the mix.
On the right side, same sun theme animatronic but this one had lighter greens and orange mixture, eyes we're black with red pupils with the same grinning sharp teeth smile, same theme jester like but yellows and other shades of greens.

Mar had stood there staring at the two jesters like animatronics scared yet curious. She snaps out of it when her director was calling her name "Geez Mar, didn't think you will stand there like a statue" the director said amused yet concerned but he couldn't blame her as it was the same reaction he had when he first saw them. "need to sit down?" He asked as Mar slowly nodded. "Uh... Yea.. Yea" Mar mumbles as she backs away a bit and goes to sit down but the animatronics keep staring at the newcomer.

The director gave Mar a look of concern before looking at the technician "you sure they are stable? I can't have my new security guard have a heart attack" he states sternly, he had to admit there were at times where he acts like a father figure or uncle figure towards the youngest of the security team and only female at that. The technician sighs "yes, she'll be fine, we make sure of that" he replied already tired from both being there days without going home and thankfully someone was coming I'm to take over, that is if it becomes a success where the twins aren't malfunctioning.

Mar didn't realize that where she sat was practically next to the strange cylinder before there was tapping on the glass. Mar froze and slowly turned her head to where the glass was and had to hold in her scream when she saw the darker green sun theme animatronic standing there as he waves at her "Hi friend!" His voice was high when he spoke which had Mar stare at him in a daze. "If you keep staring you might actually burn him alive" another voice said but this voice sounded scratchy yet a bit deep as the one with the red eyes spoke Mar looks at him next which made the lighter green mix orange chuckles "what? Cat got your tongue? Is that what you humans say?" He asked amused.

Mar couldn't believe how advanced they were, they acted more... Human if anything despite them being machines "um.. Yea.. Sorry, um.. This is a lot to take in" Mar mumbles as the darker sun made a giggling noise "it's ok friend! Oh Dawn can we keep her? Can we?" He asks his brother who glares at him "I told you not to call me that! If I ever find out who named us that I will--" he snaps before he and his brother got an electric shock making them screech which shocked Mar and backed away very fast she almost bumped into the table.

Once the electric shock was done, both twins didn't dare to speak. The technician had a blank look on his face as the director looked surprised by the turns of the event before rushing over to Mar "you ok kid?" He asked as Mar nodded "yea... I'm fine.. I just didn't expect them to be electrified like that" she said before she clears her throat. The technician walks over and hands her a small remote "this will electrocute them if they misbehave or say or do things out of line, try not to press it too many times like the previous idiots had done, almost broke these two" he said as he glanced at the twins who sat there watching them. Mar gulps and nods "alright" she softly said "left side is for Dawn, right side is for Dusk and the small circle in the middle is for both, there a on and off little switch on the side of the remote to turn on or off the remote, highly recommend if you don't want to accidentally electrified them especially near people, can't have anyone suing the company" the technician explains as Mar nods.

The technician sighs "now then, first test is with you, need you to be comfortable with them before they are released for the day in the mall" he explains more as he walks back to where the computer is before pressing some buttons and the metal door opens up letting the twins to come out which got Mar tense as her director stood next to her just in case.

First one to come out was Dusk, the darker version. He slowly ducks down and walks out, he is really tall, no taller than possibly 8 feet tall. Dusk acted like a golden retriever as he walked quickly towards Mar which Mar was more tense. It made Dusk stop for a moment before he got onto her eye level "new friend!" He shouts as his rays moved in and out showing he was happy to be out. Mar felt some comfort from him as she reached up to him slowly which Dusk stayed still for a moment. Once Mar touched his head, it felt squishy almost silicon like which got Mar interested "whoa.." She mumbles before she yelps as Dusk ends up hugging her "you look fun! And warm like a big teddy bear! Dawn! Come meet our new teddy bear!" He shouts as Mar was processing what is happening.

The technician stood there shocked, the twins never came close to any males whether it was the security, maintenance, any techs or mechs, this was the first human intersection towards a female. The technician decided to make a mental note about this as Dawn starts to come out angrily, he really hated that name.

The director was tense and had his hand on his gun "you ok Mar?" He asked calmly, he didn't want to make a scene, not yet if necessary. "Yea, um yea I'm alright just didn't expect any of this today" she said as she slowly calmed her heart down as Dusk puts her down gently and pets her head.
Dawn was standing nearby annoyed and angry from both being electrified and to be working with another security guard, a female at that, he wonders now if she isn't any different than the males he and his brother worked with these couple of weeks.
The director calms down and lets go of his gun "I guess it's time to get this show on the road" the director said "a show?! Is there a show?! Can it be a puppet show? I always wanted to make one!" Dusk asked as he began to jump like an excited child which made Mar smile a bit, to think she was scared of them. They acted very childish for an advanced AI, almost sentient....

Day 1.... Complete....

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