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As we left off, both Cassie and Gregory enter the house, and yet to bumped into a wall, and that wall happens to be their adoptive father, (YN), and if you can't tell....this is the (YN) that has dealt with the "Purple Man", the one who murdered thousands of innocent sweet children behind their parents back...and the one, who murdered (YN)'s little sister: Cassidy....that "Purple Man", is none other than William Afton. (YN) is now 49 years old, and is a father that adopted both Gregory and Cassie in an orphanage house, alongside with a lovely women that happens to be his wife, and sadly to pass away due to cancer. And now, it's his responsibility to take good care of both Cassie and Gregory...but right now, he's upset and disappointed at his kids of the trouble they're in...

(YN): Inside.Now.

(YN) said with a deep yet calm tone voice. Gregory and Cassie stood dead quiet, and to walk into their home, and (YN) to close the door. He turns and yet to see them both try to sneak away towards their rooms...

(YN): Kids.

They both stopped, and yet not have anywhere to escape, so they turn around, and walk up to (YN), Gregory having his hands inside his pockets looking the other way, and Cassie holding her hands behind. (YN), arms crossed and gives a sigh...

(YN): *Sighs* Where have you two been?

Cassie: ....

Gregory: ...I told you we went to Ellis's-

(YN): Do not lie to me again!

Gregory: B-But we were! Right, Cassie?

Cassie: Y-Yea.

(YN): Really? ...I called his mom, said Ellis was with his father the entire time.

Gregory: ...

(YN): It's 9pm, and yet supposedly you two are coming back home from "Ellis's" by I'll ask again, and I won't say it again...where were you two?

Gregory didn't wanted to answer, all he could do is look away with his hands still in his pockets...

(YN): Fine...Cassie.

Cassie: ...Um, we uh...went to...the Pizzaplex.

Gregory: Aw man.

(YN): What?! Are you-How many times do I have to say this do not go or even get near to that restaurant, especially you Gregory.

Gregory: What the-Me?! Why go after me?

(YN): Cause you're the only one besides Cassie that never listen to me.

Cassie: Aw wha-Why am I getting punished then??

(YN): Because you listen to him.

Cassie: ...I take it back.

(YN): ...Kids, warning about it is one thing, but lying to me to try and go to that restaurant is something I never expected from you two, especially you Cassie.

Gregory: Oh come on. What the big deal about that restaurant that you can't even let us go near it.

Cassie: Yeah dad, ever since they announced that Pizzaplex, you started to get worried about it. What is it they do that you might know?

(YN) stood quiet...and remember the horrible things that has happen to a pizzeria restaurant like that...thinking about it makes him a bit scared of it, and the fact what happen to his sister, and the man responsible for her death and many more children, yet doesn't know how to tell it to Cassie and Gregory...all he can do is a take a deep breathe, and reply...

(YN): ...There's a lot of me to say, that you two won't understand, yet too young to even tell you about it, so I decide to wait a bit longer.

He approaches to Cassie and Greg close, kneels down and places both hands onto their shoulders...

(YN): So please, even you Gregory...just don't go near to that restaurant, no matter how fun it looks, I know what I'm not go there, ever, and never lie to me again about it, understand? ...once you both are a bit older, then I can tell you two about it, okay?

Cassie: ..Yes dad. We won't go over there ever, nor we will bother you about it...right Gregory?

Gregory: ....sure.

(YN): Good.

Cassie: Can we still watch the show then? I wanna see Roxy again.

(YN): Sure thing sweetie.

Cassie: Yes!

Gregory: ...Is there something to eat? I'm hungry.

(YN): I'll cook you two some Patties.

Cassie: Nice! Thanks dad.

Gregory: Yeah...thanks.

Both Cassie and Gregory make their way over to the hall and head to their rooms as (YN) sighs in relief about settling the situation that has happened. He walks over to the kitchen, open the fridge from the top and pull out a bag of meat patties, set the oven on and placing a frying pan with oil and waiting for it to he does...he began to to think in his mind for a sec, and to think about his sister, Cassidy, who he thought he lost her at a fazbear pizzeria restaurant in the year 1987, and yet to find out at the end, the man behind the slaughter, the man who owns multiple Fazbear's Pizzerias in the past, the man who he worked for as well: William Afton...he can still picture his pure evilness in his head, when he attack him and try to kill him as well...and to hear Cassidy's screaming for his name, imagining her being...helpless...scared...and lost...he was in his own world for a sec until the oil from the pan began to sizzle more, and some to oil wen to (YN)'s hand, and felt the burn as he the lowers the heat of the oven down...

(YN): Shit...

He then grabs two Pattie meats and place them on the pan and let them cook for a minute...and thinks about the Pizzaplex they made...

(YN): Why even bother making another restaurant like that? these people and kids not know the story behind the owner that owns that company? Sooner or later, that restaurant isn't going to go very well...

At the hallway, we see Gregory and Cassie spying on their father, Cassie felt worried about him, Gregory on the other hand not really. They both quietly walk back to their rooms and shut their door...

Gregory: See? Told you somethings wrong with him.

Cassie: Guess you aren't lying this time.

Gregory: Mmm, anyways, ever since that restaurant was build, I always spy on him, and talk about the restaurant. It's like he doesn't even want it to be there anymore.

Cassie: Hmmm, that is something...but then again, now that I witness seeing it, I'm now worried for him. Don't you?

Gregory: I mean...a little, but at the same time it kinda annoys me the fact he won't even tell us why we can't go to that Pizzaplex nor even take us there once.

Cassie: ...I mean, he did told us that there were more than just one Pizzeria restaurant like that were built back then...and told us those restaurants are bad news, and I guess this bad news too?

Gregory: Psh, what kind of bad news does this one even have? It's already been a month that the restaurant was built and yet nothing happened.

Cassie: I'm not too sure either...but, can we just cut it off? The shows about to start! Roxy is gonna appear.

Gregory: ...Fine.

Both Cassie and Gregory sat on the floor legs crossed watching their big TV screen and to see the Glamrock animatronics perform on stage as Cassie was excited to see her favorite Glamrock animatronic: Roxy.
As for Gregory, he doesn't have a favorite, but still wants to go to the Pizzaplex badly, and the fact Cassie also does as well even more than him...

Gregory Mind: We will go to that Pizzaplex.


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