☀️Sun and Moon🌕

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Sun and Moon were being built at the same time.

They were almost done, but not powered on and not online.

They knew nothing.

Not why they changed when the lights went on and off, then merged back together once it was set.

And Sun and Moon could struggle and phase out, but not for long and not pleasurably.

Moon once did that and ran back to his alter ego after being burned by the lights.

Sun once did that and ran back to his body after being too afraid of the dark.

They never learned.

But now they are about to know why this happens...

Because this is the conversation the two programmers working on them had.

"I'm done. I can't do this anymore," growled one of the workers, who was working on Moon.

"But- You can't just leave! You're almost done!" cried the other, who was working on Sun.

"Look, we're just working on animatronics to play at the Superstar Daycare, right?"


"So why don't we only make one?! They're kids. Tiny toddlers, for that matter. Even just one animatronic is too much for them. How did we manage to financially afford 6 animatronics?! You'll see. I'm saving us money."

"You're almost done! Why not just... Finish it?"

The 'it' was obviously Moon.

"He's too much! They're just kids! They won't know any different!"

"Don't underestimate kids like that. My daughter's only 3 years old, and she already knows the difference between one and two!"

"Okay? These aren't your children, though. They're just kids! Yours will be good enough for the Daycare."

"If you leave, what do you want me to do with... It?"

"Destroy it."

"Destroy it?! But you spent all of your time and work on this! It can't just mean nothing to you!"

"It really doesn't mean anything to me. But we don't have to destroy it, if you really don't want to."

"If you're gonna leave... At least tell me what to call him."

The second worker was obviously talking about Moon.

"Whatever. Just... Moon. Or, Moondrop, like his candy? Or... Moonfall or something. Whatever you want."

"Moon sounds nice. If you really want it, I can destroy him..."

"You would? Then do. He looks... Off to me. Cursed. Bad."

"You... Really want this?"

"Destroying him will do what's best for the children. It's complicated. Protecting the children by lying to them? Sounds... Tricky. That thing is cursed. It's bad. He'll give the children bad dreams!"

The other, who was working on Sun, didn't reply and sighed.

"I'm sorry, buddy," the worker who worked on Moon told him before leaving.

Moon was taken to the trash compactor to be destroyed.

Whatever soul was in Moon's body floated back to the room where Sun was.

The soul flew into the animatronic's mostly wooden body.

Animatronics have souls made of the things their manufactories didn't add, and eventually, when the robot is entirely finished, the soul just... Disappeared.

And he made it into the body before his own body was destroyed, making his soul now Sun's soul.

And the part Moon's builder had forgotten to add...

Was to be gentle with children.

Whenever the lights would go off, Sun turned into Moon, who wasn't at all gentle with children. 

When they turned back on, Moon turned back into Sun.

But the actions he made weren't switched to nicer actions.

Sun once got in huge trouble, almost destroyed, for Moon's actions.

His action?


"Naughty boy... It's past your bedtime..." Moon snarled to the innocent child who wasn't sleeping.

The kid glared at him, making angry noises that made Moon feel like he would wake the other children with his racket.

"It's time to go to bed," Moon sounded like he genuinely cared about the child going back to sleep.

"No!" the toddler shouted.

"Quiet..." Moon hissed and grabbed the toddler.

Bad children must be punished...

His line took him up to the ceiling.

Still holding the child.

The higher and higher Moon got, the more panicked the child got.

"No! No! Nooooo! Moony, no!!" 

The child started to pout, thinking this was Moon's way of sending someone to time-out.

But deep inside the kid's heart, he knew what Moon was really doing.

He started to full on cry, and Moon got very upset about that.

He'll wake the other children up!

Moon had to do something.

So he dropped the kid.

The lights turned on in panic and Moon turned back into Sun.

"Oh! You're a quick fella, aren't you! It was just naptime a minute ago!" Sun chuckled, seeing the kid on one of the nets they laid around to keep them safe when... Accidents occur.

He flew back down to the net to stand in front of the child, but the toddler screamed, cried, and backed away.

Huh? Why is he scared of me?


The child was full-on sobbing, desperate for Sun to not touch him at all.

There was a crowd of people outside the Daycare, for some reason.

The mother of the child heard his cries and grabbed him, swiftly walking out of the Daycare.

Why did she leave so quickly..? What's the matter?

He was taken into Parts & Service soon after the moment.

It was like an interview with a robot, since Sun was completely sentient and could answer- he could even lie!

But Sun didn't lie; he even taught kids not to lie.

They trusted him.

"Sun?! What did you do that for?! I thought you had better instincts than that! The programmer actually said you actually didn't have the capacity to do that!" the worker that took him in stormed.

"What happened?"

What did Moon do this time?

It happened every day, so Sun came to realize that he switched egos when the lights were on and when they weren't.

"Why do you think that child is crying out there?! You dropped him!"

Sun froze up in horror.


Moon always does little bad things that don't get me in much trouble... He... He's never dropped a child before...

"Don't act like you don't remember it! You dropped him!"

"I... Dropped a kid?!"

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