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I'm asleep in my be[d] I was having a great dr[e]am when I hear something, It was a growling sound. I [s]lowly wake up and look around my room. I stretch and get up to get some water. It was still dark out so I don't make a sound as I walk. I go to the Ki[t]chen and turn on the faucet. I fill a cup and drink it. I glance over at the fridge. I wasn't supposed to eat one of the cookies Mom made but I'm sure she wouldn't miss one cookie. [I] open the fridge and the light doesn't turn on. There must have been an outage. I close the door so none of the food goes bad. I Walk back to my room and Look at my pho[n]e. . . 7:00? but it's sill dark out? I look out the window and see it was pitch black. I put my face against the glass and see something bone chilling. Something was covering my window. I back away and run to my parent's room. The door was locked. I run down to the front door and try opening it. Locked. I check the backdoor, the same thing. I quickly run back to my room and hide in my closet. I hold the door closed and start hyperventilating. I feel something tug on the door and I pull it shut tighter. The door fly's open and a long tentacle grabs me. I see hundreds of red e[y]es staring at me."DON'T. KILL. US."

I suddenly wake up in bed. It was day. everything was normal, and there was no sign of the monster.

Thank god.

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