my au but it's thomas sanders vines.

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i had to do some of these lmao- i love this dude's vines.

most of these is just crack lmao- some of them involve: Past william x mrs.afton and past henry x past mrs.emily (her name is chamile in my au) and a smol joke ship that i will mention later.

dont like this shit? thats ok im legit just writing crack.


William: "playground phone-" he went over to it. "I don't know who you are but i will find you and kill you."

Fritz: "WHAT-" *legit runs to find his parents*


They were on a road trip.

Michael recording:
"story time.  and thats when they became horribly lost."

CC in back seat: "Are we lost!?"

Michael: "he lied."

3. (past henry x past mrs.emily a bit)

(lmao heads up this one is when william and henry were in their like- 20's so they are a bit more silly and stupid :'>)

William recording: "story time." He turns the camera to a bus stop and henry and Chamile sat there.

"He came to the bus stop every day to meet the one he loved." (yes i changed it lol)

Chamile laughed and henry threw his baseball cap at the camera and it blocked the cam view.


Past jacob on camcorder : "story time."

he was filming him, jeremy, lucas, and michael walking down the sidewalk.

Jacob: "the man was about to step on a SNAKE- A SNAKE-"

michael literally jumped backwards looking at the ground.

Jacob: "buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut he missed it."

Michael looked at him. "Jacob turn that damn camera off."

jacob laughed.


Michael was recording him and his friends.

"in every group of friends- there's the dumb one."

the three of them point at michael.

"come on really-"

then he looked up to see william pointing at him too.



they were grocery shopping.

past Michael again:

"story time. little did she know the mysterious figure creeping up behind her-"
William had been slowly going up behind liz and put his hand on her shoulder making her jump then she laughed at herself.

William:  '-'   "i got the apples-"

7. (sorry i keep doing so many with past michael its just lots of these suit him :'>)

Past Michael again: 

"Story time."
He was walking down the road with liz and CC. CC was reading a book not paying attention

"He had no clue he was about into a BRANCH-"
CC stumbled backwards slightly.
"That was nowhere near her"

CC got up closing his book annoyed.

8. (JOKE ship warning: gregory x elizabeth)

Gregory: "It is common law that a flower be presented to the loveliest lady." *is legit looking at a mirror*

Elizabeth looked at the flower. "Oh well of course that's me" u-u (sorry not sorry)

Gregory:  '-'

9. (this is shortly after william and mrs.afton's wedding lmao)

Mrs.Afton was chasing william because he had tried to wash clothes but had messed up his wedding attire from only a week ago.

Past Henry recording:  "No matter how fast he ran he could not escape the demon! but he would not let his soul be taken today!"

*William kept running*

10. (past william and mrs.afton around highschool/college)

William was standing against a wall a few feet from where [redacted] was reading.

"Just like all the other flowers in the garden she was just as exquisite."

She laughed "stupid."


Michael and his friends were recording and saw there teacher.

Michael: "here comes the QuEeN able to kill men with a single stare."

teacher: "you better watch out kids"

*they bust out laughing*


William recording:
"one among them could strike the mightiest of poses."

the afton kids looked at him like he was insane.

"Congrats you all failed miserably."

13.  william got drunk :'>

He was right in front of elizabeth.

"Your stupid- Ly talented you delicate little butterfly. *chuckles* flutter" :D

Elizabeth: "what?-" '-'


past Henry recording: "story time."

He showed the camera on a 6 year old michael who was walking to william.
"He knew just what to do to embarrass his son."

William gave michael a little pat on the head.

michael's face got a slight pink tint from embarrassment. (no not ship thing :P michael just get easily embarrassed as a little kid ->-)

"dad im not a little kid anymore."
"but you are. your 6."


im currently doing a fnaf 4 tormentor skit of a sleepover lol-

also another little thing where elizabeth and CC stole mike's camcorder 


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