He's back

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Angel : wait a minute is this something like a x reader instead of the truth and da- not again *faints*
Vincent : I'm sorry, but I'll have to do it.
At the mysterious house where I can't use mah powers
??? (I guess you know) : that's good Vincent now leave me alone, and don't tell anyone or you will get it.

Meanwhile at the house (is this a x reader or I'm just doing some shizzle)
Vincent : *eats toast* yummy toast!
Nageki : um Bonnie where's Angel? There is something that I have to tell her.
Vincent : *chokes* hahem sorry guys.
Bonnie : it's okay, and I don't know where she is.
Freddy : did she go to the other book wait no she's here for the weekends.
Nanami : I don't know she didn't appear today, but she was here a moment ago.
Everyone : *looks at Vincent*
Vincent : I didn't do anything, and if I do I wouldn't be here.
Chica : right, but where is she?!
Kyle : I'm worried.
Bonnie : let check around.

At the mysterious house
Angel : why I'm I here again?!
Shadow Goldie : why? Cause your mine now.
Angel : Mis- mmph
Shadow Goldie : ha! You think she will be here well she isn't, and I change location!
Angel : *crys* your gonna get its?!
Shadow Goldie : oh really with what?
Angel : *turns into Shadow* Me.
Shadow Goldie: what the?!
Shadow : LeT mE gO sO mE oR sHaDoW wIlL kIlL yOu!
Shadow Goldie: nev- what were did you go?!
Shadow : *hides in the shadows then escape* hehe you think you can get *turns back into Angel*
Angel : *uses wings to fly* I'll never be yours

Time skip by (the confuse author)
Everyone : Angel! Where are you!
Vincent : "I know she already back by now, but she isn't" Angel!
Bonnie : "where is she" where are you
Angel : Bonnie! *lands then runs* Bonnie! *crys*
Everyone : where on earth could you be?!
Angel : the same house, but *hic* different location.
Vincent : we were worried sick!
Kyle : *hugs angel* I'm so worried about you
Angel : okay *hic* lets end this okay I need to rest see you guys, and stay awesome, and I'm *hic* not making a x reader I'm doing this cause I'm bored.

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