Chapter 15: It's ok Foxy, I'm here...

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It's been a month since what had happened to Mangle, and I saw Foxy was crying so I walked over to him.

"Foxy it's ok, I'm here for you" I say to him as I hug him.

"Thank you Tangle..." he says to me, in tears.

"You know if you ever feel like this just come to me and talk to me, I will always be there to help you" I say to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

I'm not sure why but I liked it when Tangle kissed me on the cheek I thought it was nice and cute. I was going to kiss her back but I thought maybe not yet.

"Tangle can I ask you something?" I asked Tangle.

"Sure what is it?" She replied to me.

"Do you want a hug?" I asked as I blushed a little.

"U-uh s-sure" I heard Tangle say as she stuttered. I hugged Tangle and I let Tangle melt into me.

"Your so soft" I heard Tangle mumble to herself.

"I-I'm w-what?" I say as I look down at her.

"Um nothing" she says back to me and looks up at me.

I felt like I wanted to kiss him, and so I did it lasted a good 20seconds then we pulled away at the same time. It felt good to do that with Foxy.

"Hehe sorry Foxy" I say to him. I was shocked when he replied.

"It's fine" he says back to me, I saw he was blushing. He kissed me back.

I don't really know why I kissed Tangle back, I guess we both liked each other the same way. But at the same time something was telling me to stop, but I ignored it and let Tangle sink into me I could literally see her sink into me, because of how freaking fluffy I was.

"Woah where'd ya go matey?" I said, I saw Tangle poke her head out and look up at me.

"Matey?" She asked.

"Yeah sorry about that, for some reason my pirate self was coming back to me" I say to Tangle.

I was confused, was literally able to berry myself into Foxy because of how fluffy he was, it was so comfy though, it was almost like heaven I didn't want to me at all.

"Hey Foxy?" I say.

"Yeah Tangle?" He replied.

"Do you want to be together? I mean like I know it wasn't long since mangle, so your probably going to say no..." I say, but I was wrong, he kissed me again.

"Sure Tangy" he says to me I blushed.

I was confused, did I just call her Tangy? I was embarrassed I saw her blush though. I guess I thought it was cute, and so I gave her the nickname. For some damn reason those words slipped out of my mouth.

"I don't know it's just a nickname I gave you because I thought it's cute" I blushed after the words slipped out.

"You think I'm cute?" Tangle says, I blushed.

"Well I guess you can say that" I say as my ears drop down because I was embarrassed.

"U-um I-I m-mean w-what?" I say.

I giggled at Foxy I thought it was cute. I looked up at him and leaned back, I accidentally leaned to far back that he lost his balance and fell with me landing on-top of him. I felt really bad because it must have really hurt him a Lot. And it did, he passed out. I carried him to the couch I'm not sure how I was able to because he is bigger and heavier then me, so I was shocked I was able to lift him up and carry him to the couch. I lied down next to him and fell asleep next to him. I thought that if something happened to Foxy it would be my fault.

I woke up not long later and I looked out the window, I saw WhiteRabbit at the window but then he vanished then Lolbit ran past and was very confused, I was confused as well, did he just freaking teleport?

"What the hell? Did you just see that?" I say to myself.

"Yeah I did, did WhiteRabbit just teleport?" Foxy says. Foxy had woken up.

"I don't know but how?" I asked.

"I don't know?" I say to Foxy.

"Ok" Foxy says to me.

"Well I guess he can, I don't know?" Foxy says to me.

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