Chapter 49: A new friend

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We went into base and we let Lefty in because we trusted him, and he was telling the truth, he really wasn't evil, because he became our friend.

"So Lefty how would you like to be our friend? You seem like a nice guy, knowing you just saved my life" I say to him.

"Yeah sure I've never had any friends before" he says to me.

"Well your in luck buddy" I say.

"Thanks you guys" Lefty say to us.

"No problem bro" I say to him.

"Did you call me bro, Mangle?" He says to me.

"Um how did you know my name?" I asked

"I don't know I just did?" Lefty says to me. We decided to let Lefty be part of our group.

A year has passed by so quickly, WhiteRabbit and I now have a son, and Mangle is happy with Lefty, things turned out well in the end, we named our son Spike, because we thought it was a cool name for him. Shadowbonnie and ShadowFreddy had a daughter that they named Rex we decided that we should renovate the base and turned it into a hue house with the base being hidden. I saw WhiteRabbit was writing something.

"what ya writing?" I asked.

"It's nothing" he says to me then closed the book.

"Ok" I say.

"Hey Lollie why don't we take Spike to the park?" WhiteRabbit says to me.

"Sure that sounds like a good idea" I say, so we walked to the park with Spike and when we got their we sat on the bench and watched as Spike playing in the park.

I was thrilled to go to the park, because I made a friend their, his name was Fangle but I called him Fang for short but he didn't seem to mind.

"Hey Fang first one to run up the hill and back here wins" I say, but before I could even run, Fang storms past me as fast as he could, I ran after him I was able to pick up speed but I was nowhere near as fast as Fang.

I ran up the hill right past Spike, he was nowhere near as fast as me.

"Catch me if you can" I say as a little taunt as I race past him.

He runs after me behind me, I saw him pick up some speed he was catching up, but I was already going back down the hill, sure I was super fast but since Spike was a rabbit he was able to jump really high which aloud him to pick up even more speed, In the end I was somehow beat.

"Aw man how did you beat me? I was so sure I was for sure going to win? I was so fast and so close" I say.

"Well speed isn't always everything you know right? And besides it doesn't matter who wins or not, it's about having fun in the end" Spike says to me.

After the race we went home, mum and dad were acting very strange, when we got home all the lights were out, when I turned them on I was surprised with a birthday party.

"Wow thanks mum, thanks dad" I say to them.

"Anything for the best son in the world" dad says.

"Yeah anything or you sweetie" mum says.

I had actually forgone that it was my birthday today, and everyone was their, it was so fun it was the best party I have ever had, their was a pool party and everything. I had never had so much fun in my entire life before, but oh my god it was so much fun.

"Thanks mum, thanks dad" I say to them.

Their was a magic show, uncle WhiteRabbit performed some of the coolest magic tricks, my favourite was the one were he appeared at one place to another place, he called it teleportation. He was even able to make me and everyone else teleport which was fun.

"Get ready for the best part of the show" WhiteRabbit says.

He started doing some really cool tricks with some black fire, he made it appear on his hands and disappear from his hands.

"Ready, set" he says then vanished.

"Go!" He says behind us then made fire everywhere. I don't know how he does this stuff but it's awesome.

"Cool" everyone shouted at the same time.

"How does he do that?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't know but it's cool" I replied.

"I know right" Bonnie says.

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