Birthday Surprises (Freddoy)

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Requested by: asriel_dreemur09853

Type: Fluff

AU: Soulmate AU (What your soulmate writes into their skin appears on yours too, but it only works after you and your soulmate turn 16. Also, the first thing they say after your birthday will appear on your arm.)

Pairing: Freddoy (Freddy x Joy) and mentions of BXB (Bonnie x Bon)

Joy's POV:

I blew out the candles and laughed as my band mates clapped for me. Finally, I turned sixteen! That means tomorrow I might find out who my soulmate is! Bon noticed my excited look and chuckled.

"Thinkin' about your soulmate?" He easily guessed.

"Yup! What's the first thing that appeared on your arm again?" I teasingly asked.

Bon's cheeks dusted a red color when he thought about his soulmate Bonnie. The two of them had just met a month ago, but they were definitely a perfect match.

"'Pudding Tuesday!!!' was the thing I saw when I woke up that morning." Bon said with a laugh.

"And on Bonnie arm the words 'What the hell?!' appeared." Meg said, barely being able to hold back her laughter.

"I wonder what your soulmate will say!" Toddy chimed in.

"Me too!" I dreamily said.

As night came around, I quickly went to bed even though I knew I wouldn't get any sleep. The following morning I got up, feeling exhausted. I looked down at my arm but there was nothing printed onto it so I assumed my soulmate wasn't awake yet. I yawned and put on my school's uniform. As I went to have breakfast, something finally appeared on my arm. ..........huh? It said 'Hey, Satan.....' Is that really the first thing my soulmate says when they wake up??

"The fuck?" I blurted out, realizing my mistake a bit too late.

Oh no! Now my soulmate probably thinks I swear a lot! I groaned and quickly finished my cereal. That's not good......but I can explain it to them when I meet them! I met up with Meg, Bon and Toddy and entered the school. Bon went to hold hands with Bonnie and Toddy lingered around Chica. I noticed Meg's somewhat saddened expression and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, you'll find your soulmate soon! I promise." I reassuringly told her.

She stiffly nodded before raising an eyebrow at my arm.

"Your soulmate's first words in the morning are hey and Satan?" Meg asked surprised.

"Hehe, yeah...... And I accidentally swore out loud and now my soulmate has a bad word printed onto their arm......" I said a bit embarrassed.

Meg repeated the sentence on my arm a few times before suddenly running off. I didn't have time to react as the bell already rang. I got my ass to class (XD) and barely paid any attention to the lessons. When it was lunch time I went to sit at a table with my band, except that Meg wasn't with us.

"Where's Meg?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Oh! There she is!" Bon said, pointing somewhere behind me.

I turned around to see that Meg was approaching us while she was dragging a brown-haired boy behind her. She forcefully put him down on the chair next to me and I couldn't help but giggle at the boy's nervous expression.

"This is Freddy." Meg dryly said.

Toddy skeptically looked at him, Bon waved and I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you! I'm-"

"The fuck?" He interrupted me.

I blinked and instinctively looked at Freddy's arm. Oh......this is really embarrassing. My face lit up, and Freddy's face did the same. Meg fist-bumped Toddy for some reason and Bon snickered.

"S-sorry about that thing that's written onto your arm....." Freddy said a bit flustered.

"Sorry about what's on your arm too...... But who were you talking to when you said that?" I curiously asked.

"My, uh.....twin brother." Freddy replied, even though it sounded like a lie.

"You call your brother Satan??" I loudly laughed at that.

"Sometimes!" Freddy said, joining in with my laughter.

"Well, we'll leave you two alone~" Toddy said, walking away with the other behind her.

Me and Freddy shyly smiled at each other, not sure what to do with the new privacy given to us.

"Can I buy you some pudding?" Freddy charmingly asked.

Most people would expect their soulmate to hand them a rose, or buy them a ring right off the bat, but pudding sounded romantic as heck to me.

"Yes, please!" I happily replied.

Freddy walked away, and I fan-girled inside. He seems so nice! Spending time with him is gonna be awesome! Freddy returned with two cups of pudding. A chocolate for him and a vanilla for me.

"I thought you liked vanilla, for some reason....." Freddy said, offering me the left cup.

"You're right about that! I love vanilla!" I said with a grin on my face.

"That's great then!" Freddy sat down next to me again, and we both happily ate our pudding. I swore I saw Freddy's eyes flicker, but I brushed it off as just my imagination.

Third Person's POV:

"Freddy, she's super hot! Nice job calling me Satan this morning, by the way." Fred said, saying that last part a bit sarcastically.

"Come on, that was accurate." Freddy quietly whispered back.

"Did you say something?" Joy asked, looking at him with her beautiful blue eyes.

"U-uh no! Do you wanna hang out after school?" The brunette suddenly asked.

"Hehe, of course!" Joy sweetly smiled at him, and Freddy's heart started beating faster.


"Really, dude? Cool? Say something like 'splendid' or 'wonderful'!" Fred annoyingly commanded him.

Freddy rolled his eyes and hoped Joy wouldn't think off him as weird. But she seemed like a really sweet and nice girl, so he was sure she wouldn't mind his strange behavior.

"Are you a satanist?" Joy randomly asked.

Freddy spit out his pudding.

"Yes, Freddy. We're satanists."

"I don't know??" Freddy truthfully answered.

"Intriguing!" Joy said amazed.

Oh my God she's super weird but in a super cute way! She's perfect!!

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