Discovery (Mica)

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Requested by: No one :P

Type: Angst

AU: None, except that Chica's parents aren't good people in this one-shot

Pairing: Mica (Meg x Chica)

Third Person's POV:

Meg was trying her hardest not to burst into crying. She was standing with her soon-to-be ex girlfriend Chica on a dark bridge, only the moonlight could light up the blonde's face in front of her. This couldn't be happening........ Meg and Chica had been fighting a lot over the last few weeks. Both of them were angry because Meg was sick of Chica always ditching her as soon as she hung out with her other friends, and Chica was pissed because Meg often just completely seemed to ignore the fact that they were actually dating, and that she should treat her at least a bit differently from a rival. Now, Meg had to admit that she could be a bit of a dick to Chica, out of habit before they started dating. But she could always better herself! For Chica, she would do anything....... But this afternoon everything just went to hell. They were having a singing contest at the secret event. To Meg's surprise, Chica decided to sing against her this time. Usually it was Freddy of Golden who would be her rival. But okay, she could definitely beat Chica! Even though her angelic voice could be very hypnotizing....... They were supposed to sing Beat It, but towards the end of the song, Chica suddenly started singing different lyrics. They were completely different, but she sung them in the same tone as the actual song, so the audience thought it was all part of the performance. Meg of course, didn't know what the fuck was going on. So obviously she lost, but only because the blonde jackass sung other lyrics! Something about "Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen" and "Everyone thinks that we're perfect, please don't let them look through the curtains". The lyrics were disturbing to Meg, but she was

more pissed than scared. But holy shit.......What she found out after the event was more than she could even think of.


Meg stomped down the street angrily. She was gonna go give Chica a piece of her fucking mind! How even dare she ruin something important like that for her?! That was so embarrassing! And her shitty band members didn't even say anything about it! She'd kick Fox's ass for sure when she got back from Chica's house. Okay, so lately it hasn't been going very well for the two of them, in terms of dating and music. They were both devastated that their bands got eliminated, after all. And it's surely been three weeks since they last shared a sweet kiss and not an angry one. But anyways, onto the topic at hand. After finally reaching the house of her girlfriend, Meg loudly knocked on the door. The door quickly swung open, revealing a blonde woman before her. But Christ......the look she gave her was enough for Meg to consider just turning around and walking away again.

" Chica home?" Meg asked, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hmm, yes she is! Are you a friend of her?" The woman suddenly sounded very cheerful, Meg thought it was suspicious.

"Yeah, I guess...... Can she come out?" The woman seemed to consider it before clearing her throat.

"Chica! A friend of yours is here!" A bit hastily, Chica stumbled in the door opening.

Meg couldn't clearly see her face, but she seemed almost......relieved? That's odd, considering Chica probably knew Meg was there to kick her ass.

"O-oh, Meg! Hello!" Was she nervous?

"You wanna go to the bridge by the river with me?" Meg asked with crossed arms, she was still angry.

"Y-yes! I mean, can I go, mom?" Chica carefully looked up at her mother next to her.

"Of course, Honey! Just be back soon, it's game night, after all!" Chica's mom gave her a light push which somehow managed to almost send her falling.

It's almost twelve AM...... Having a game night at this hour seems kinda weird. Her angry mood already gone, Meg started walking with Chica right on her heels. Chica was shivering, even though it wasn't even that cold outside. To Meg's surprise, she was still wearing the same dress she wore at the event from earlier. Meg slightly reached for her girlfriend's hand but stopped herself from grabbing it. Not now, they had to have a serious talk first. As they reached the bridge, Chica went to stand a little bit away from her.

"So what was that during the event, huh? What the hell got into you?" Meg asked, clenching her fists.

".........nothing." Chica softly replied.

"Nothing?! What is up with you?! You've been totally avoiding me lately! I know our relationship may not be the best, but I'm trying!" Meg furiously yelled.

"Meg.......I can't do this anymore......" Chica mumbled, looking up at her with sad eyes.

"What.....?" Meg just stood there, utterly confused at what Chica just said.

Was she.......gonna break up with her?

-Flashback end-

"What are you saying.....?" Meg tried to control the shakiness of her voice.

"The lyrics......" Chica's voice was almost begging.

The lyrics? What's that supposed to mean? Those weird-ass lyrics she sung instead of Beat It? They were-oh. Wait.......Chica always came to school every Monday with some kind of bruise on her body. Meg didn't think of it as suspicious, since Chica mentioned her hobby was cycling, and that she wasn't very good at it and often fell. But......could it be? That look her mother gave her....... It was a weird look, almost like she was trying to say something to her. And then she said there'd be a game night......even though it was past midnight. Then it all made sense to her. Meg slowly looked up at Chica, who had tears streaming down her face.


"Please help me......" Chica's voice was barely audible between the hiccups and sobs coming from her.

Without second guessing, Meg reached forwards and took Chica in her arms. She should've known...... No wonder Chica was often so nervous around her. But she wasn't gonna ignore this. Chica's parents were in deep shit, and Meg was gonna take care of that. She placed a light kiss on Chica's forehead.

"Don't worry, you won't ever have to go back there again."

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