Faded (Eaktrap)

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Requested by: No one :P

Type: Angsty song-fic (Faded by Alan Walker)

AU: None

Pairing: Eaktrap (Eak x Towntrap)


Third Person's POV:

You were the shadow to my light, did you feel us.....?

Towntrap was staring ahead of him, not particularly focusing on anything. It had been three weeks since Eak had gone missing, and obviously he wasn't feeling too well about that. The two of them had started dating since a few months ago, but everything was going great in their relationship. So obviously Eak didn't disappear because he ran away. And Towntrap refused to believe that he was dead, even though the police had tried to convince him that so they could put the case to rest. No case was getting closed until they found his Eak, that was for sure. But the terrible feeling of loneliness was killing Town.

Another star, you fade away~  Afraid our aim is out of sight.......

Even though he hung out with a lot of people besides Eak, lately the mood at the school had darkened drastically. Everything was really depressing, and none of the students seemed to know why. Everyone was acting as usual, but something still felt out of place. There was some kind of ominous feeling lurking around the school, and it reminded Towntrap of how most people would feel before a storm. All of his friends were occupied all of a sudden, and Cami and Owynn appeared to be avoiding him. Eak's parents also had no idea where he could've gone too, and even though he hated to admit it, Towntrap was starting to lose hope. 

Wanna see us.......alight~

But.......Eak said something strange to him the night before he dissapeared. Eak had dropped him off at his house after their date, and before they shared their goodbye kiss, he said:

"Whenever you miss me, just think about your favorite moments with me."

Towntrap thought it was a little odd, romantic, but odd. And then the next day at school, he just wasn't there anymore. Town was afraid his boyfriend had just caught a bad cold, but if that was the case, Eak would've warned him.

Where are you now.....? Where are you now?

Town closed his eyes, feeling the tears forming in them. He desperately thought about his favorite moment with Eak. And as if it were magic, a slight smile tugged at his lips. There was always this one event he remembered that made Towntrap smile even at his darkest times. It was the day before they confessed to each other. He and Eak were on their way to school, after a sleepover at his house. They had gotten up rather late, so in a rush they forgot to grab their raincoats. Towntrap still remembered to take his umbrella with him, though. Not even two minutes after they left the house it had began to rain heavily. Eak had considered just running back to the house and skipping class for the day, before Towntrap had opened up the umbrella.

Where are you now, was it all in my fantasy?~

Back then Eak was shivering, so Towntrap had put his arm around the shorter boy's shoulders. And a bit shyly, Eak had wrapped his arm around Town's waist. And from that moment on, Towntrap had known that they wouldn't just be friends anymore the next day. Towntrap had loved the rain ever since. He just couldn't forget how nicely the small raindrops felt on his hair, and how warm Eak's arm around his waist was. For him, that was an even better date than going to some fancy restaurant with Eak. Just two best friends who secretly liked each other in the rain. It couldn't get any better than that.

Where are you now, were you only imaginary?

His happy thoughts quickly left his mind when Towntrap heard a slam right next to him. A red-haired boy, who he remembered as Fox slammed his books hard on the desk next to Town's. He was noticeably upset, and then Towntrap remembered the conversation he had with Chica earlier today. She told him that Fox was currently fighting with his boyfriend Deuz, so he'd be in a bad mood until they made up. In a way, Fox reminded him of Eak. It was rare that the two of them ever got into serious fights with each other, but when that did happen, Eak was the angry one out of them.

Where are you now?~

Towntrap was more the one to just leave and go do something else until he calmed down. But Eak would stay mad until he finally decided he had enough of being angry. And then they would make up. Eak would always buy him his favorite smoothie as a way of apologizing, and Towntrap would leave him small notes and give him bear hugs. Ugh......the more he kept thinking about Eak, the more his heart would tighten in sadness. Noticing his sad look, Fox's eyes softened a bit as he patted Towntrap on the shoulder.

Atlantis, under the sea~ Under the sea~

"Hey, I'm sorry 'bout your boyfriend........ But Eak's a strong guy, y'know? I'm sure he'll show up sooner or later." Towntrap smiled at the redhead's kind words.

"Thank you......." He softly said.

Then a silence fell between them, but Town didn't mind. Silence could be very comforting sometimes. Though he'd rather listen to Eak ramble on about how Mexico is the best country ever.

Where are you now?~ Another dream?

As the final bell rang, Towntrap dragged his feet over the floor tiles of the hallways. He'd usually be running for the school bus with Eak by now, but Town didn't have the energy to run. He frankly really wanted to cry, to be hugged by someone, he just wanted anything that could ease the pain of missing a beloved one. But like Fox said, Eak was strong. Wherever he might be, he'd be alive. Towntrap was sure of it.

Eak's POV:

The monster running wild inside of me, I'm faded~

I rapidly breathed and tried to force myself to calm down. My eyes were blindfolded and my hands were tied behind my back. I couldn't move or see, and I was literally starving. I should've warned the police sooner....... Now that sick bastard will go through with his plan. But how did he even know that I overheard him when he was talking to himself? It didn't matter anyways. All I know is that I have to get out of here. I've already known that for three weeks, but there wasn't any more time to fuck around. If I wouldn't get out of here, that psychopath would shoot up the school. Including all the students, teachers, my friends and......Towntrap. When an image of Towntrap's smiling face crossed my mind, I growled and wildly tugged at my ropes. A dark chuckle echoed through the room, making my blood go cold.

"The clock is ticking, Little Eagle~ You only have two more days to escape from your cage before it's too late~"

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