Jackets (Bonddy)

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Requested by: lyysbian

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Platonic Bonddy (Bon x Toddy)

Third person's POV:

Toddy was in despair. All her stylish red jackets were stained with purple paint! Red and purple did not match, in her opinion. Apparently those Nightmare kids found her precious treasure and decided to play a 'prank' on her. If she found them, she'd make sure they paid the price. But first things first. New jackets! And Toddy knew exactly who she'd bring with her on her shopping spree.


Strong (?) and handsome. He'd keep the paparazzi away from her! And she guessed it wouldn't hurt to spend some more time with him.

"So......why did you want me to come with you again?" Bon asked a bit confused.

They were currently standing in front of the biggest mall in their city.

"So I could spent more time with you! And you could definitely use more stylish clothes......" Toddy said, looking at Bon's distasteful sleeves under his T-shirt.

"I don't think I need anything.........but I'll go with you, anyways." Bon gave her a warm smile.

Hmm.......maybe she'd buy something for him too. Toddy thought Bon's sleeves were ridiculous, but they were part of what made Bon, Bon. She marched inside, Bon shuffling over the floor behind her.

"Let's go to that store!" Toddy suddenly shrieked, grabbing Bon's hand and dragging him along.

Bon yelped but allowed himself to get dragged away by the red-haired girl. They entered the store. It was an expensive one, but price comes with quality. Toddy never took too long on deciding which clothes she wanted, a thing Bon was thankful for. She had the ability to immediately decide which clothes were worthy of her, and which weren't. She picked out three red jackets, and one short-sleeved blue one. She paid for them, and hid the blue one in her shopping bag along with the red ones. She'd give this to him at the end of the day.

"What do you want to do now?" Bon asked, surprisingly a bit excited.

"We could........get some frozen yogurt." Toddy suggested, even though she hated the cold treat.

"Huh? I thought you hated frozen yogurt!" Bon said in surprise.

"No, I don't. What makes you think I do?" Toddy crossed her arms, trying to look annoyed.

"Haha, sorry! Alright, let's go then!" Bon took her to the nearest frozen yogurt place.

He ordered a blueberry yogurt for himself and a strawberry-flavored one for her. The both of them sat down on a bench, eating their yogurt in silence. Huh, this doesn't even taste half that bad...........

For the rest of the day, they spent their time shopping. Just shopping. At every store, Toddy bought something she knew Bon would like. He couldn't afford a lot of things in this mall. Heck, the frozen yogurt was already nearly over his limit. When the evening began to fall, the both of them got out. Bon was laughing at a blunt remark Toddy made on someone's dress, which was one of the reasons she got banned from a store. Toddy couldn't help but slightly chuckle at it as well.

"Well, that was fun! I'll see you tomorrow at school, Toddy!" Bon was about to leave, but Toddy quickly grabbed his arm.

"Bon, wait. There's something I want to give you........" She took one of the two shopping bags she was holding, Bon was holding the four other ones.

She took out two blue-white striped sleeves, a blue short-sleeved jacket and a green scarf that matched Bon's eyes.

"Here you go." She put the scarf around his neck.

"Toddy.......you really didn't have to...... Thank you so much!" Bon reached forwards and trapped her in a hug.

It made Toddy feel warm inside, and she patted him on the back in an awkward fashion. Hugs were still new to her, after all. Bon quickly put on the jacket and stuffed the sleeves in his jeans pocket. After giving her about 6 more hugs, Bon finally left. Toddy didn't tell him, but the text on the back of his jacket was the same as the one on hers. "BFF'S FOREVER." Toddy smiled to herself before realizing she had six bags to carry. Oh well, she could always call her dad.

So that was a bit of a long one-shot XD  But it was really fun to write! ^^

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