Laundry (Oweak)

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Requested by: No one :P

Type: Fluff, slight angst

AU: Soulmate AU (The red string appears between you and your soulmate when the right time comes)

Pairing: Oweak (Owynn x Eak)

Third Person's POV:

Eak slammed the door shut and stuffed his hands deep inside his pockets. Why does every day have to suck?! He was supposed to go do some fun stuff with Cami and Towntrap, but noooo! The boss just had to give him an extra task. Do his fucking laundry.....tch! Who the hell does he think he is?! Eak wasn't his slave! And doing something like laundry is the easiest thing ever! It's like the boss always chose him specifically for easy tasks. Eak hated it. Because one, he loves challenges and doesn't like it when things are too easy, and two, if he'd get the easy tasks, it'd mean that Towntrap or Cami got the hard ones. Which obviously wasn't good. Why didn't he just let Owynn do the laundry? That asshole would kill a man just so he had to do the laundry for the boss. And another thing, he still hasn't found his soulmate! It's been like, what? 16 years? All his closest ones found their soulmate already. Cami was with Joy, Towntrap was with Toddy, to everyone's big surprise and his one other friend Usagi finally got together with Loon. Which just leaves him and........ugh, Owynn. But it's no fucking surprise as to why he hasn't found his soulmate yet. Who would even wanna hook up with that purple weed? Not him, that's for sure. After stomping his way down the street, Eak finally reached the laundry place. He opened the door with his free hand, clinging to the basket with clothes with his other, and loudly closed it afterwards.

"Ugh, finally......." Eak muttered annoyed.

"Eak, is that you?!" Oh, no.

"That's a dumb-ass question to ask, you know damn well it's me......." Eak growled at Owynn.

"Are you here to do your laundry? How surprising! I didn't think you'd be the type to do that yourself! Maybe your soulmate could do it for you?" Owynn mockingly asked.

"And why doesn't your soulmate do your laundry?" Eak spat back, gesturing towards Owynn's own basket.

"I like to do things myself!~" He proudly stated.

Eak just rolled his eyes and opened up a washing machine.

"It's a shame that you can't hang out with Cami and Vegetables today, huh?" Owynn's tone was friendly, but Eak knew he wasn't being sincere.

"Fuck you. Boss made me do his laundry........" He looked up just in time to see Owynn's wide grin.

"Why're you grinnin'?" Eak glared darkly at the taller boy next to him.

"No reason, just enjoying the sight of you being angry for no reason~"

"What the hell do you mean by 'no reason'?! Anyone would be mad about getting their free afternoon taken away from them!"

"Maybe, but doing someone's laundry isn't exactly the end of the world." Eak covered his embarrassed face at that statement.

Crap.......he let himself get all worked up by that guy. Not his fault that Owynn is such a jackass, though. Eak let out an exhausted sigh and just went back to watching his boss's clothes go wild in the machine. The silence between him and Owynn was strangely comforting. And for once, they didn't look like two broken teenagers that got tortured by their boss, but just normal every day people who like to argue about stupid things. Eak's washing machine beeped after a bit.

"Oh, I'll get it."

"Nah, it's cool-"

They both reached out their hand to the small door and ended up touching each other. With a yelp, Eak returned his hand which earned him a ridiculous-sounding laugh from Owynn.

"What're you embarrassed about?" Owynn stuck out his tongue at Eak, pissing the latter off even more.

"Alright you purple di-!" Eak's words got caught in his throat when he noticed something red.

................the universe has to be fucking with him right now. Owynn opened up his mouth to say something, but Eak interrupted him at the speed of light.

"No, no, no, no! This can not be real. I don't, and won't accept this outcome." He firmly stated, not even bothering to yell.

"That sucks for you, but we're both stuck with each other now." Owynn said with a light shrug.

"Why does everything hate me?!" Eak groaned and roughly ran a hand through this hair.

Why now, of all time?! He actually didn't even want to meet his soulmate until the drama with his boss toned down a bit. Cami and Towntrap were alright for now, since at the moment boss didn't have any personal vendetta against them, which would also be good for their own soulmates. But no, for Eak it just had to happen at the worst possible time and another thing, he was soulmates with him. Of all the people he could've been matched with, it had to be that purple fool. Boss also wasn't very fond of Owynn. So finding out that Eak and Owynn were soulmates would just cause him to give them even worse tasks than doing laundry.

"Hey, you could've been matched with someone worse~" Owynn slung his arm around Eak's shoulder.

"I highly doubt that......." Eak's voice was laced with toxicity, but also a hint of.......embarrassment?

"Say what you want. I'm dating you now!~" Owynn reached out his fist to him, waiting to get his fist bump returned.

And another awful thing about the whole Soulmate thing was that the red string would remain visible for everyone to see unless you kissed the person you were paired up with. Another possibility was to cut the string, something which Eak really wanted to do, but he wouldn't go through with it. He was strongly against cutting off soulmate strings, even if it meant he had to kiss that asshole. With a sigh, Eak bumped Owynn's fist.

"Now where's my kiss, Honey?~" Eak had reached his anger limit a long time ago, but that was the last straw.

He pulled Owynn down by his hair, earning a wince from the taller one and he released him just as quickly as he pulled him down. Afterwards he made a gagging noise and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Don't say a fucking word........" Eak threatened with narrowed eyes.

"Understood, babe."

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