Movies (Eaktrap)

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Requested by: No one

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Eaktrap (Towntrap x Eak)

Third Person's POV:

Eak and Towntrap were going to the movies this afternoon. Eak had anxiously stared at the clock until it was time for their date. He was usually more chill when it came to dates, but today was different. They were gonna watch a horror movie. The movie was called Truth Or Dare, or something amongst those lines. According to Owyyn, it was a pretty shitty movie, but you could get a laugh out of it. He never told anyone, but Eak was afraid of horror movies. A very unmanly thing, indeed. But there was nothing he could do about it. But hey, maybe Towntrap wouldn't notice. He's the one who freaks out during any movie genre, after all. Even with actions and comedies, he'd grasp at Eak's hand if the slightest of violence was shown. So Eak was quite surprised when he agreed to watch the horror movie. Maybe he really just wanted to spend time with Eak. When that thought crossed his mind, Eak decided to buy something for Town. The cinema they were going to didn't sell Towntrap's weird milkshake-thingies. Well, there's actually only one store that sells those things in their city. He quickly walked down the street and bought one that consisted of mostly apples. After that he arrived at the cinema, he already spotted Towntrap waiting outside. The latter was sitting on a bench nearby, softly bobbing his head to something that played through his headphones. Wow, he's cute.........

"Hey, Town." Eak stuck up his hand as a way of greeting his lover.

Towntrap quickly noticed him and immediately took off his headphones.

"Eak!" His voice was existed, a bit odd considering the movie they were gonna watch.

Towntrap ran over to him and pulled him in a bear hug. Any new person to his hugs would've been crushed instantly, but Eak was already used to it and he casually hugged him back.

"You ready?" Eak asked, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Y-yeah.......hey, what's that?" Towntrap pointed at the shake he was holding.

"Oh.......I, uh, got ya something." Eak handed him the shake.

"Thank you so much! You shouldn't have!" He got stuck in another hug after he said that.

"Alright, alright. Let's just get inside already, you dork." Eak playfully said.

Towntrap grinned and took his hand in his. They got inside and bought some tickets. Eak send a dark glare at anyone who looked at them weirdly, his actions making Towntrap laugh. After getting some popcorn the two of them sat down. After numerous unnecessary and misleading commercials, the movie began. It wasn't really scary at the beginning, it just seemed like your average cliché scary movie. Then came up the part were some of the characters had those creepy-ass smiles on their faces. Eak merely gulped at the sight while Towntrap's hand moved to grasp his. He gave Towntrap's hand a small squeeze, in an attempt to calm him down. It partly worked, but he was still terrified. Eak's eye twitched at a scene when the main character's hand had to be broken by a hammer. Towntrap whimpered and hid in the crook of Eak's neck. He placed a kiss on his head and then went on with watching the movie. Then some later a guy broke his neck on a pool table and Eak awkwardly coughed. This isn't too bad yet........just some half-assed scary imagery. Again, Towntrap was terrified so Eak leaned against his shoulder as a way of comfort. When a gay used his pen/pencil to jam it in his eye though, Eak instantly covered his eyes. Fuck.......did Town notice? Nah, he was too busy hugging Eak's arm and looking away from the screen. The movie was over. It was pretty shitty, but did manage to slightly scare Eak on a few occasions.

"Ugh! That was too scary!" Towntrap whined when they were back outside.

"Haha, that was nothing!" Eak laughed, trying to look as cool as possible.

"I know you got scared towards the end." Towntrap said with a pout.

Shit, he did notice...........

"Urh........ Hey, why did you come with me anyways?" Eak suddenly asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Towntrap tilted his head in confusion.

"You hate horror movies, so why'd you come with me?" Eak studied Town's facial expression.

A smile appeared on Town's face.

"To spend time with you, of course!" Towntrap explained as if it were obvious.

Eak's heart skipped a beat, even though he already knew he'd answer that. Shit........this man would be the end of him some day.

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