Reunion (No pairing)

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Requested by: Fxntxme_Foxy

Type: Fluff

AU: OC AU, I guess?? XD

Pairing: None, but there are mentions of Jante (The OC x The Funtime's Bully)

Third Person's POV:

Jackson walked into the room with a bright smile on his face. Finally it was time to meet up with his sister again! He had missed his sister Abby for quite some time, they both lived in different houses after all. And they didn't even go to the same high school! But Jackson was considering going to Abby's school after the summer vacation, if it wasn't for-

"Jackson!" Abby's energetic voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Onii-chan!" Abby playfully rolled her eyes at Jackson's ridiculous nickname for her.

"Get over here, you goofball!" She opened up her arms for a hug.

Jackson pulled her into a bear hug. Then the rest of the band approached him. They chatted about multiple things. About how Abby has found another boy to fan girl with over yaoi ships, about how Lilly has a cute guy sitting in her science class and about how Fede and Felix finally got together. So yeah, just the fun stuff. But Jackson felt kind of out of place between the members of his sister's band. They had all found someone. And even though Abby claims the relationship between her and Freddy is completely platonic, it was progress for her. And meanwhile he just sat there, listening as The Funtime's rambled on about other people. There was someone he actually liked. And it kinda sucked that it just had to be his sister's bully! He almost felt guilty for liking Dante, the red-eyed boy that often picked on Abby. But he just couldn't change the way he felt. Abby of course, wasn't very fond of the idea of Jackson and Dante dating. But it's not like it would happen anyways! A boy like him could only dream of being with a guy like Dante........ On instinct, Jackson took out the teddy bear he always kept with him. It was a cute brown bear that he got from Abby back when they were way younger, and Jackson would take it out whenever he felt a bit empty or sad. Abby noticed him taking out the teddy bear and gently took Jackson by his arm. While apologizing to the rest of the crew, she dragged Jackson outside.

"Do you wanna take a walk or something?" She offered with a smile.

"Yeah, thank you!" Jackson happily cheered.

Walks could usually calm him down too.  And just like that, they walked into the night. After a few minutes of just aimlessly walking around, Abby raised an eyebrow.

"Huh......I don't recognize this neighborhood......" Abby muttered a bit concerned.

"It'll probably be fine, Onii-chan!" Jackson assured her carelessly.

They were currently in a part of town where a lot of brick walls were. Most of them also had weird drawings sprayed onto them with graffiti cans. How could he tell? Well, there were a bunch of empty spraying cans next to the wall, and the paint didn't look like it was dry. So someone must've been here not so long ago........

"Hey, you two!" A gravelly voice made Jackson jump and Abby shriek.

They whipped their heads around to see two boys approaching them. One had dark brown hair and a goatee, and the other was really tall and had orange hair.

"You're both on our territory, so you better pay up!" The dark-haired one smirked at them in an intimidating way.

"B-but we don't have any money on us!" Abby protested with a flair of her arms.

"Should've thought about that before comin' here." The tall one cracked his knuckles and approached Jackson.

Jackson quivered in fear as the orange-haired guy came closer to him. He raised his fist into the air and then he-


............the tall one that was supposed to hit him lay now completely motionless before Jackson. He wasn't dead or anything, just unconscious. He was hit in the back with a baseball bat by-OH MY GOD IT'S DANTE!

"Don't touch that one......" Dante growled at the unconscious giant.

"What the hell, man?!" The other boy considered kicking Dante, but stopped himself when he saw the murderous look in his eyes.

Nope. He was not dealing with that today.

"Grrr.......alright! You may have defeated Oxy, but I'll get you next time, asshole!" With that being said, the brunette went to pick up the boy named Oxy.

Dante didn't move as the boy went to pick the other guy up, but he did keep a close eye on him. The boy was pretty much dragging Oxy over the ground because he was likely to heavy to get picked up by him.

"Hah, pathetic...... You can't even pick your mate up?" Dante asked with a snarl.

"Fuck you, man! This dude's 110 Kg!" The boy yelled back.

After he dissapeared from his sight, Jackson ran over to Dante. He pretty much clung to him like a koala.

"T-tch! Get off of me!" Dante stuttered as a light blush crept on his freckled cheeks.

"Nu-uh! You saved me, Tsundere-Senpai!" Dante growled at the nickname but he slightly smiled too.

Abby just stood there with her arms crossed as she watched the two boys hug.

"If you hurt him, you're dead......" She mouthed to Dante who just rolled his eyes.

After a rather short goodbye, Dante ran away from them, his baseball bat still in his hands. Jackson giggled before realizing his teddy bear was gone.

"Hey! Where is-"

"Dante took it." Abby simply interrupted him.

"What?! Nooooo!" Jackson started crying and Abby just sighed.

This would prove to be a long and tiring night.........

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