Revenge (Multiple Pairings)

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Requested by: londonthefuntimecat

Type: Fluff

AU: Felix, Bon, Fred, Fox and Spring are a band in this. Also, Freddy and Fred have separate bodies.

Pairings: Foxica (Fox x Chica) Springle (Spring x Meg) Fedix (Fede x Felix) BXB (Bon x Bonnie) and Fredoy (Fred x Joy)

Third Person's POV:

Sweat was dripping down Fred's forehead as he finished the final lyrics to the song he and his band were singing. The crowd went crazy, throwing flowers at them and holding up colorful signs. All the girls here were very pretty, but there was only one person that had truly captured Fred's heart. The sweet angel called Joy unfortunately wasn't here tonight. In fact, neither were the others Fred's band members were crushing on. It made him feel suspicious, since usually those people would be at every one of their concerts. Fred figured it was just out of sympathy, and that all of them actually thought he and his band were just lame. He still felt a little out of place within the band, but the other guys did give him a feeling of comfort. They all got off stage and Fox gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Nice solo you did there." He complimented him.

"Thanks. I guess your part was alright too." Fred offered his tall friend a playful smirk.

Fox mindlessly ruffled Bon's hair to which the smaller boy yelped.

"Don't do that! My hair's gotta look good for when I see Bonnie again!" Bon protested, quickly trying to get his hair right again.

"He probably won't notice anyways." Spring joked, even thought they all knew Bonnie really wouldn't notice a change in Bon's hair.

"Ah, young gay love~" Felix dreamily said.

"Yeah, you and Fede, am I right?" Fred smugly asked.

Felix's face gained a bit of color and he awkwardly cleared his throat.


"I want it that way!~" A voice suddenly interrupted Felix.

It came from backstage, where Mai would usually be around this time. It wasn't her voice, though. It was a boy's. And Felix knew exactly to who the voice belonged. He swung open the door.

"Fefi!" Felix suddenly yelled.

Fede jumped before turning around, his face grew red when he realized Felix had probably heard him sing.

"O-oh, uh.....Felix, hi!" Fede nervously waved at the taller.

And not only Fede was there. Chica, Meg, Bonnie and Joy were all sitting in a circle.

"Whoa......what's going on?" Spring asked as he shyly smiled at Meg.

"I told you goofballs yesterday today would be the day you'd meet your biggest fan group!~" Mai cheerfully explained.

Whoops, they totally forgot.

"'re all our biggest fans?" Fred muttered dumbfounded.

"Of course, you silly! There isn't any other band we like to listen to like yours!" Joy sweetly smiled at him, and Fred mentally melted into a puddle.

"Uh, we also got you guys something....." Meg mumbled, walking towards Spring in particular.

She took out a small box from her skirt's pocket, and somewhat aggressively gave it to Spring. The latter chuckled, trying to keep it cool, but there was an undeniable stutter in his voice.

"T-thanks, Meg....." He smiled down at her, to which Meg replied by slightly smiling back.

"Oh, right!" Chica took a red scarf out of her backpack and ran over to Fox.

"I made this just for you!" Chica wrapped the scarf around Fox's neck and gave him a hug as well.

A tough guy like Fox getting all flustered was worth millions of dollars. It was just too priceless when he muttered a quiet 'Thank you' to the blonde girl. Now it was Fred's turn to get flustered. Joy waltzed over to him, she was holding something behind her back. Suddenly, she pulled out a rose. Any boy would've groaned from embarrassment because getting a flower from a girl was weird, but Fred just stared at it. After doing nothing for at least 5 seconds straight, he awkwardly took the rose from Joy to which she laughed. Fred didn't trust his own voice to thank her, so instead he offered her a charming smile. Now it was time for the gay stuff.

"Hey, Bon!" Bonnie wildly waved his hand in front of Bon's face, obviously excited about something.

"H-hi, Bonnie!" Bon fiddled with his fingers, too nervous to say anything else.

"I got you this plectrum!" Bonnie took out a plectrum that was blue and purple colored.

A small heart with bunny ears was also printed on the middle. Bon's eyes widened. Was that supposed to mean something......?

"I'll tell you what it means during our next guitar practice!" Bonnie told him with a wink.

Bon wished it was Wednesday already. Finally, it was Felix's turn to get something. Mai looked at him with a big-ass grin as Fede shuffled over to him.

"How may I be of service to you, Fefi?~" Felix asked with a flirty tone.

"A-actually, I wanted to give you something......" Fede mumbled with red cheeks.

Felix leaned down a bit and was taken off guard as Fede's lips touched his. He stood up straight again, looking at the smaller boy in front of him with shock.

"I just wanted to let you know, I'm your biggest fan!" Fede cutely laughed after saying that.

The whole room 'awed' and Felix felt butterflies in his stomach. He reached forward to hug Fede, but when he did, the latter winced.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked concerned.

"A-ah, just my wrist......" Fede said with a painful smile.

He took off his jacket to reveal his wrist in a cast. Felix's eyes widened at it.

"What happened?!" He hysterically asked.

"Just, uh.....D-Deuz....." Fede muttered, avoiding eye contact.

It wasn't entirely Deuz's fault, though. Fede had just been walking around and he somehow managed to knock Onnie out after harshly bumping into him. Deuz of course, thought Fede had purposely hurt him, so he broke his wrist. He definitely went overboard there, but Fede was aware of how protective Deuz had to be of his band members. They lived in the dangerous part of town, for God's sake......

"But hey, it's not what you thi-"

"They're gone." Mai simply announced.


"While you were daydreaming, they all went outside. I wonder why....." Chica explained, frowning in confusion.

Oh no. Five shadows walked past a dirty-looking dumpster, they all knew who they were looking for. The pink-haired one of them suddenly stopped, making the other boys stop as well. Leaning against a wall was Deuz, questioningly looking at them. What were those losers doing in his territory? And why were they with so many?

"So you're the one who hurt my Fefi?" The pink-haired boy he remembered as Felix growled.

And it was at that moment, Deuz knew........he had fucked up.

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