🎸Bonnie x guitar Reader🎸

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Requested by: @Night_wolf81
Hope you enjoy! (Sorry for the wait)

It had been a long week for you, first being your family your mom had just recently given birth to your new baby brother Nico. You were dragged to the hospital by your dad having to sit in a uncomfortable chair for almost four hours barley able to sleep. Luckily your uncle was there and treated you to your favorite fast food place to get you something to eat and prevent you from exploding in the waiting room.

Next was a partner project your history teacher assigned, you would have been okay with this since you had plan on working with one of your close friend that had the same class as you. But your teacher had other plans, your teacher had taken the liberty of assigning groups. You had been stuck with Toddy, she was making you do all the work and her only texting you to get an update on how the project was coming along.

When you had brought this up to the teacher she only said that she'll 'check into this' but nothing happened Toddy was still bossing you around. So, you decided to let it go and just handle the work just to get it over with. It wasn't so bad anyways it was simple work, it just would have gone faster with two people.

But it seemed the universe hated you because your responsibility have doubled ever since your new baby brother had arrived, your mom and dad have been expecting more from you. The responsibilities would pull you away from your project, from diaper changing to watching him while your parents took breaks to work it was starting to increase a bit of stress on you. However you didn't complain, it must be hard raising two kids now considering one is newly born for you parents.

They weren't expecting to have another child, your mom was very surprised when she got the test results from the doctors. As well as your dad who was less than thrill to be dealing with another child. He said that you were enough, though he didn't want your mom to get an abortion and your mom didn't want one either. So they both decided to keep it, you were happy at first, you got lonely being the only sibling and having another to boss around or to have happy moments with was exciting to you. However when having to deal with waking up late at night because of his crying wasn't very exciting and you wish whatever stork brought him would take him back.

The worst part of all of this is that you haven't been given the time to yourself to practice on your guitar or see Bonnie your instructor, he has been been helping you with your guitar skills ever since the day at camp when you first heard him play on stage. He was amazing after you all had gotten back to school you had begged him to teach you guitar, it was one of your favorite instruments your family had bought you one for Christmas but you have yet to play it since it was so difficult even looking at the manual and disk doesn't help. So Bonnie was your last hope.

He was surprised when you had asked him to teach you since he had an instructor himself, but he didn't want to say no since he wanted to help a fellow guitar player out. He had agreed and you two have been practicing ever since, your skills have increased significantly it had surprised you you didn't know you had it in you. You have even learned to play one of your favorite songs from a game, it always soothes you whenever you have a rough day and it calms your growing anxiety. But you were never able to play it, and now you really need it.

The next week at school you were completely worn out from your family and the project luckily you finished it all you had to do was turn it in during history. You had worked on it last night not even getting a wink of sleep, it's not like you could since Nico kept you up with his crying. You had heavy bags under your eyes, your hair was a mess and pulled into a ponytail as your last attempt to look good. Your legs felt weak and it felt as if you would collapse, but you moved forward saying that you can make it through the day.

It was when you got to your locker and put your things in was when Bonnie had came to visit you. "Hi (Y/N), where have you been? it feels like you e been avoiding me all week" he asks tilting his head to the side, you found his voice calming. "Hey Bonnie, sorry I made it seem that way I've just been...very busy" your speech was slow as you rubbed your eyes tiredly, "are you okay you don't look so good" his question stops you, were you okay? You shook the thought out of your mind. "I-I'm fine, It's just been a very hectic for me last week" you reassure him, his eyes narrow not buying what you were saying.

He looks you up and down then grabs your hand, it surprises you at how forceful he's being as he leads you down the hallway almost dragging you since your legs felt wobbly. "B-Bonnie where are we going?" You asked still confused as to why he wasn't saying anything. You kept quite to see where this was going, it didn't take long for both of you to arrive where Bonnie wanted to take you. It was the practice room.

"Bonnie why are we here?" You asked, as he opened the door seeing the instruments all displayed at the side of the room neatly tucked away. The room was calming and warm with an air vent blowing air to cool the room, "go sit over there (Y/N)" Bonnie said pointing to the carpeted stage. You only nodded and sat down, you look at Bonnie seeing him walk to a closet and opened it grabbing two pillows from out of it. He then goes over to the instruments and picked up his red guitar, he places the pillows behind you. "I use the room to sleep when no ones around" he grins, you playfully rolled your eyes asking yourself as to why you weren't surprised.

He sat down next to tuning his guitar, "what dose this have to do with me?" You asked hoping to get some kind of answer, "you seem stress, I want to help you (Y/N)" Bonnie smiles to you when he had finished tuning his guitar satisfied with the sound he begins to play your favorite song. You gasp how did he know? You asked yourself feeling your eyes grow heavy from the wonderful strings that Bonnie hit.

(Play the song up top ^_^)

"I heard you play this song before I noticed how calm you look after you played it, I thought if I played this it would help you relieve your stress." He said quietly as he continued to play, you relaxed your body but you tended up. "Wh-what about class?" You worries about being late, "we can skip I'll say it was for my band" he reassures you not looking up from the guitar to into the tune to focus on anything else. You relaxed again satisfied with the answer,

You curled up into a ball letting the music hit you. You smiled at the peaceful music and quite you got you wished you could play as well but you knew you wouldn't be able to stay up for long without passing out with the guitar in you hand. You took a look at Bonnie a piece of his hair in his face while his eyebrows knitted close together as he focused on the piece he was playing, he looks cute.

You closed your eyes letting sleep take over your body, it didn't take long as soft snores left your mouth. Bonnie noticed and finished playing he looks to you and smiles placing a hand on your cheek noticing your hum clearly enjoying his touch. Bonnie has been taking an interest in you for some time, ever since you had asked him to help you with your guitar.

He enjoyed playing with you and doing cute duets, also just enjoying your company in general the talks you two have are interesting and it really gets him thinking. He always noticed and embraced his feelings for you, he always wondered if you felt the same about him. It kept him awake at night twisting and turning with thoughts swarming his head.

He wants to confess but he's to paranoid and is afraid of ruining an amazing friendship with you. He knew this wasn't the best time to confess, with everything you've been through he doesn't want to add onto your stress. He just wants to help his friend in need, he plans on making your week enjoyable if it means it'll make you happy.

And you being happy is the best thing ever, seeing you smile in your sleep makes him wonder what your dreaming about. Was it him? Was he in your dreams? Or, was it something else? He didn't know but seeing you like this made him tired as he lets out a tired yawn he curls up next to you while also giving you some personal space. He closed his eyes thinking just a few minutes of sleep won't hurt anybody.

As soon as he woke up he noticed you were still asleep, he lift himself up and stretched his muscles to try and wake up. He noticed his phone in his pocket and looked at the time, school was over he chuckled seeming this as the longest nap he's ever had at school. He looked over to you again and decided to wake you, "(Y/N) wake up, wake up" he lightly shook you. Your eyes flutter open surprised to be woken up, "B-Bonnie? Where are we?" You asked rubbing your eye as you lift yourself up with the help of your arm.

"We're in the practice room, you slept all day" he said blankly you gasp, "n-no way! Ugh, all that work" you whines leaning your head on your friends shoulder making him blush. "I'll help you, we can pick up your work and go to my place where I can help you" he resolves giving you a toothy smile. You thought about it debating whether or not this would work.

"Okay! But how are we going to make it pass without them finding out we didn't skip?" You asked moving your head away from Bonnies shoulder, "we'll say that our parents dropped us off to get our work!" He says standing up to place everything in order, you nod helping him place the pillows back you noticed the guitars and went up to one.

You grazed you're fingers on the strings playfully strumming it, it was nice you felt completely well rested and you plan on playing your guitar and get your stuff done because you felt fully energized. You felt someone grab your hand, you look over seeing Bonnie leading you out the room. You smile letting him lead you to your and his classes giving your teachers the same answer.

You visit your history teacher last going to your locker to retrieve your project, "wow your project looks great" Bonnie compliments smiling. You smiled, "thanks I did it for our partner project!" You looked down at your hard work smiling, "who was your partner?" Bonnie asks arching an eyebrow. You scowl knowing that you did not want to remember how Toddy ditched you to finish the project by yourself. "Toddy" you said bitterly as if it left a bad taste in your mouth, Bonnie nodded "I'm guessing she didn't do anything?" He places his hands in his pants pockets as you two walk to history.

You nod answering his question, "she left me to do all the work" you say quietly ashamed at yourself for letting someone stomp all over you. "Did the teacher do anything?" He inspects you not liking this scenario, you shook your head telling him what she had told you that she would 'check into it.' Now that bothers him "you can't let people walk all over you (N/N), that's how people get their power by taking advantage of people like you" he says calmly, you only nod.

Once you turned in your assignment and asked for work, which wasn't anything since the project you both left and head off to Bonnies house. After texting your parents and tell them they both allowed it saying you've earned it from helping them out. It didn't take long to finish most of the work you both had as you both helped each other. You were on your last question when Bonnie has asked you a question, "are you into anybody?" He asked straightforwardly. It knocked you off your concentration red taking over your face as you look to Bonnie.

Seeing him with a curious yet determined look made you blush more knowing he was the one you liked, you nod your head subconsciously going back to your question. The answer made Bonnie a bit upset, "who is it?" It seems as if today Bonnie has been asking a lot of questions you wanted a to know a bit from him. "Who do you like?" You ask raising an eyebrow a small smirk on your face was evident from seeing Bonnies blushing face.

"You" he mumbles facing down as his hair covers his face, he wasn't able to face you he thought you hated him now or that you would feel awkward and this could ruin friendship. He took your silence as a sign and sighs feeling tears run down his cheek you lift up his face placing your fingers at the bottom of his chin. "I love you too Bonnie" you smile bringing him into a tight hug, his tears staining your uniform.

You comfort him until it was time for you to go home, you left leaving a kiss on his cheek. You were beyond happy skipping the whole way home, once you got home you noticed everything was quite your parents on the couch sleeping. You didn't want to bother them thinking it'll probably be the only peaceful moment they'll get, you go upstairs to check on your brother. You sigh in relief glad to see him sleeping peacefully.

You went to your own room seeing your guitar at the corner of your room, your case decorated with many stickers and drawings from your friends that you refuse to wash off. You brought your guitar out and begin to tune it, once you had finished you hear your brother stir awake from the room next to you. It sound like he was getting ready to cry possibly from a nightmare since he woke up a lot earlier.

You quickly rush over to your brothers room brining your guitar, when he started to cry you start to play. Playing the same song Bonnie had played for you, maybe it will help him out. You begin playing the soft tune carefully taking carful steps backwards to sit in the rocking chair your mom uses to feed him. You continue playing until you stop hearing him cry, you notice his quite breathing taking notice that he has fallen asleep again.

You smile bringing out your phone to text Bonnie, you have forgotten to thank him for everything. You smile seeing as he was quick to text you back,

You're welcome! I wouldn't mind doing that again, maybe with a date?

                                        I'd love to!

  Great how about this weekend?

                                                                                  I'm free

  Okay we'll talk more tomorrow!💕

                                                                             Okay (^^)

You left your brothers room feeling giddy not able to erase the growing smile that was stuck on your lips. You couldn't wait for you date with Bonnie. The next day at school you waited for Bonnie at your locker seeing as he was talking to the members of his band, you never really talked to them they knew of you but only as Bonnies friend.

But that seemed to change today when you made eye contact with the bass player Chica, she gasped and raced towards you opening her arms as if you two were long time friends. "(Y/N)! I heard from Bonnie that you two are going out, I'm so happy for you two" she smiles brightly wrapping her arm around your neck hanging off of you. The rest joined in and congratulate you on your new relationship,

"I wouldn't have thought a weirdo like Bonnie would actually find someone" Foxy joke but stopped when Golden elbowed him at his side, "what he meant to say was that we're glad Bonnie could find someone like you." It touched your heart at how much they care about your boyfriend, "thanks you guys, I appreciate the support from you all" they nodded saying it's no big deal before walking with you to your class until the bell rung for class to begin.

The week seemed to have pass by quickly and you were freaking out, everything was out of order. You haven't picked out an outfit, you were still in a towel from just getting out the shower, your hair dose not want to cooperate even if it was just washed. Also your date was only an hour and a half away, you felt like crying. You then thought of something, what if Chica helped you! She wouldn't say no since fashion was a hobby to her, and she would never turn down the chance of doing your hair. So you grabbed your phone and quickly hit her up, you hope this will all turns out okay.

"I'm so glad you called me!" Chica smiles walking into your room seeing you in an undershirt and basketball shorts. "Yeah sorry, my mom was out shopping and my dad knows nothing about clothes you were the only one I knew" you gave her your own smile though your stress was in the way. "Well don't worry I'll help you out, first let's do your hair, then your clothes! We'll only do a little bit of makeup since we don't want to hide that pretty face of yours" she chuckles already finding your brush and hair spray. You knew she was perfect for the job.

After what felt like hours to most seemed like mere minutes to you, Chica was super quick in helping you get ready, and you look great! With a white blouse and skirt with flats, your hair was curled and pinned with colorful and cute clips. Your lips looked shiny from cherry lip gloss which was the only makeup she put on. You couldn't stop smiling as you jumped to hug Chica thanking her over and over.

You felt like Cinderella and she was your fairy godmother, she chuckles and hugs you back. "You're welcome! Now go to your prince (Y/N)" she dramatically pushes you away giggling, you smile thanking her again. You grabbed your phone seeing that Bonnie texted you saying to grab you guitar, you were a bit confused but grabbed it anyways. You were meeting at the park he was already there wearing a button up shirt and black pants, when he noticed you his face turned red having a goofy smile on making you giggle at him.

"You look beautiful" he says still smiling, you smile at him. "Thank you, it's all thanks to Chica" your smile never leaving as you grab his hand and start walking with him, "no wonder she kept texting me about hints of what you were wearing" you both laugh as you continue to walk around. After a few hours the day was ending with the sun going down, the sky was painted with many pretty colors. You finished the crape Bonnie had bought you throwing the wrapper away. "That was so good, thank you" you look up at him having whip cream on your cheek.

Bonnie chuckles pointing to his face at where the whip cream was on your face, "you have something on your cheek" you took notice and wiped your cheek but it was the wrong one, "did I get it?" You ask oblivious. He chuckles shaking his head trying not to laugh, "nope it's still there" you huff and tried again this time whipping the right cheek but you aimed to high still missing the stain. Bonnie burst out laughing, "no I'll get it" he chuckles grabbing you face in his hands and whipping the cream off with his thumb, once he got it off you two look to each other your faces close to each other. He still had your face in his hand but the cream was gone.

Before you could lean in for a kiss he stops you, "can we play a song? Like a duet" he asks tilting his head. You stopped blushing and smiled nodding this is why he wanted you to bring your guitar, you'll admit it had been a long time since you've two done something like this. You turn to a bench sitting down and opened you guitar case him doing the same. "Any recommendations?" You ask as you tune your guitar, he does the same as well. "How about Lovely Night?" He looks to me when he finishes, I smile nodding as I placed my fingers on to the strings and begin to strum.

(Lovely Night is by the musical La La Land it's good you should check it out)

After singing you both look to each other and erupted in laughter, "that was amazing great job for staying character!" You complemented through giggles, he chuckles nodding "you as well!" You both packed up you guitars and left, he led you home you both talking and sharing stories about your week. He had gotten you a smoothie from a nearby gas station, once you both arrived at your front door you both stopped to look at each other. The moon was up and shining and the porch light was shining down on you two, "thanks for walking me home" you smile looking down feeling your face go hot even with a cool drink in your hand.

He nods, "of course" you both went silent not sure of what to say or how to end the night, you took one step closer to him and suddenly wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him down so your faces were inches apart. "Can I kiss you?" You asked looking into his red eyes, he nods placing his hands on your hips pulling your body close to his. You both leaned in pushing your lips together, crickets and frogs could be heard and the rustling of trees from the light wind was also heard but nothing else. You both pulled away from each other silent but smiling, both of you were very happy.

You open your door and walk inside, you turned around seeing Bonnie making his way down your porch stairs, "thanks for the night Bonnie lets do it again, okay?" You then close the door the last thing you see was his toothy smile. You slid down the door your eyes completely haze with love. This was definitely that best night ever.

Thank you all for reading
Sorry for the late post
I hope you liked it I think I'll edit it but who knows
Love you all
And happy pride month🏳️‍🌈
Words: 3969

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