Joy x reader

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I was walking out of the school building to sit under the big cherry blossom tree that was around the school to eat my lunch, when I saw a girl with long blond hair sitting by herself. She was playing with a butterfly and was making flower crowns as it landed gracefully on top of her head, she looked adorable.

I thought I should go talk to her, maybe we could be friends I had just moved and transferred here from a different school and no one has talked to me.

There was a gang who was trying to take my lunch but I luckily ran when they had there backs turned, I think there names were the Nightmares but who cares. All I care about is making a friends with this cute girl. Wait, did I really think that no she's not cute I just met her she could be like that girl named Toddy I thought she looked cool but when talked to her she started to make fun of me and look down on me as if I was below her. I ran before she could see me cry. That had just happened twenty minutes ago and i'm still hurt by it.

I was about too forget about my plans on getting a new friend when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Huh?" I looked up to see the girl in front of me her baby blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight her smile was warm and comforting it made me want to smile along as well.

"Hi I saw you looking and you looked like you were about to cry are you ok?" She asks concerned as she tilts her head, "wh-what oh no I'm fine I was just thinking about my day that's all" I said, I didn't even notice that I was about to cry.

The girl then pulls me into a hug it was the first kind thing anyone has done for me, I start to silently cry burying my face into her shoulder as she held me tight shushing me while rubbing my back as what a caring mother would do with a child.

After a minutes pass I finished crying she led me to the tree where she once was. She pulled out mine and hers lunch and placed on napkins as if we were on a picnic I smiled and looked at her "I was gonna wait with my friends but they didn't show that's why I was up here. But we can eat lunch together if you want" she says, taking a bite of her sandwich which I did the same with mine we both hum at the satisfying taste we both notice what we did then laugh.

"My names Joy what's yours?" "My names (Y/N)" she then places the flower crown that she was working on and placed it on my head, "(Y/N) what a beautiful/ handsome name" she says with a smile making me blush. "Th-thank you" I stuttered that's the first time I've ever been complimented today.

She then grabs both of my hands which surprises me her hands were smooth and warm compared to mine, I was always working so my hands were a little rough.

"Do you want to be friends (Y/N)?" She asks with a hint of blush on her cheeks I was to stunned to say anything so all I could do was nod my head like moron she then giggles placing a kiss on my cheek "let that be I sign of our friendship" she declared innocently. I finally shook out of my shock and giggled then quickly hugged her putting my face in the crook of neck whispering thank you.

[joy's POV]

I was stunned by her thank you her day couldn't have been that bad. Could it? Oh poor girl/ boy I then quickly hugged back nuzzling my head in her neck she/ he lets out a giggle and I smile she's/ he's adorable.


We let go returning to our lunch we talk for what seemed like hours until the bell rung from the inside signaling lunch was over we both looked at each other with sad expressions, but we both knew we'll see each other tomorrow. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I smiled knowing that I finally made a friend.

I hope you all enjoyed I had so much fun making this I hope it wasn't to sappy for any of you guys heh
Joy is my second favorite so I knew I had to do her next
again I hope you enjoy make sure to give me some of your suggestion
Words: 790

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