Puppet x reader x Mai

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Favorite Animal
Favorite Color

I was walking throughout the 'Enchanted Forest' or at least that's what puppet calls it, my spirit was leading me out of it. It was a (F/A) with (F/C) coloring it looked adorable Mai gave it to me before I went in. I wasn't pared with anyone so she thought that I should have it for company.

[Time skip]

It feels like I've been walking for hours only going in circles as I let the spirit guide me I groan with frustration, "hey do you think we can take a break little one" I ask hoping it would listen. It looked up for a second before making a weird sound then floating up to me pressing its body on me. I cooed at it holding it close to me before finding a log to sit on.

For a few seconds we sat in silence I had taken off my shoes to let my feet air out a bit from how tight my tennis shoes were.

Occasionally I could hear tweets from birds and the tree leaves rustling in the wind it was beautiful out hear. Well it was when it was quickly ruined when I heard rusting in one of the bushes, I looked over thinking maybe an animal or maybe a kid that was just as lost as me was in it.

I went over to it about to see what was in the bush till the thing popped out, "hi (YN)!" It was Mai she was giving me one of her famous crazy smiles that always seemed to be super adorable.

I smile shaking my head at her silly antics, "hello Mai, aren't you suppose to be with your group" I ask arching an eyebrow, "I'm looking for gifts to give them I think I angered one" Mai says looking down her smile fading only momentarily before picking it back up again.

"Ooh what did you do this time?" I ask knowing she probably got her team into trouble, "we went swimming" she said finally getting out of the bush humming the 'Just keep swimming' song I shook my head smiling, she really likes Disney I thought smiling to myself.

I then heard more rustling from a bush Mai looked over smiling then walked over to the bush. "Mai wait be careful" I warned her she chuckled "no need to worry (Y/N) there's nothing to worry about it's just-" before she could say who it was the thing popped up "it's me!" it was Puppet.

I giggled "hello (Y/N), Mai" Puppet greeted getting out from the bush "hello Puppet, hey aren't you suppose to be with-" but before I could finish Puppet spoke finishing my sentence "with my group yes, I'm getting gifts for all of them" Puppet smirked, Mai gasped "I'm getting gifts too" Mai said "really?" Puppet asks with a surprised tone in his voice.

I giggle at both of them then went back to sit down "how has your spirit been (Y/N)?" Mai asks sitting next to me. I smile, "very helpful without it I think I would die from loneliness. So thank you Mai for the gift" I smile at Mai, I could then see see a hint of pink on her cheeks she giggles "your welcome!" she says then hugs me.

I could then see Puppet looking at us with a blank expression which was odd, I then opened my arms for him to hug me too. He then smirks again coming from behind to hug me.

I was then sandwich between the both of them, both happy and that made me happy as well. After a while of hugging we let go and Puppet held out six tiny boxes and gave three to Mai.

"We have to go to deliver these gifts to our group bye (Y/N)." Mai smiles, but before she left she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then ran off to her group which wasn't new as she always gave me kiss on the cheek but it didn't fail to make me blush every time.

Puppet gasps dramatically before playfully scolding Mai he then smirked looking at me then kissing my other cheek. "Well goodbye my friend." My face was now red now that was new, I looked over a my spirit and it looked like it was laughing at me. I playfully shoo it away then got up to chase it "get back here you" it chirps as we ran out of the forest to an opening.

I hope you all enjoyed these two are my favorite
I hope you like it
Words: 783

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