Week 4

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I was doing my job, cleaning the spray paint left by Pico yesterday. Little prick. After I was finished, I go back inside to my office, and get all my things together. I got on my normal clothes and get out of the school. But... Kris wasn't there waiting for me. I look at my phone and see a message.

Message: staying late for music class. Gotta get some more practice done.

I smile. I walk back in and go to where his class was, waiting just outside. That is until I hear a loud thump. I look in through the window, and saw the teacher.

The teacher was clearly mad. Kris was working on a paper while she talked down to him. I glare at her, not liking my boyfriend getting talked down to. I open the door, and both of their heads turn.

Simone: hey Kris!

Kris: Hey Simone!

Teacher: aren't you the janitor? Why are you here?

She looked annoyed.

Simone: yes, I am. I'm also his girlfriend, and I'm here to help him practice!

She rolls her eyes.

Teacher: suuuure. I know his ability, and you can't help him read any faster.

Simone: well actually...

I explained my ability to her.

Simone: so when he looses...

Teacher: you can just reset time... huh. Alright. Let's get some real practice in then!

She says, a bit happier.

Kris: heck yeah!

They grab their microphones and get some music going.

Intentional up-skirt (Satan Panties)—

Kris sung well, but unfortunately fell on his back.

Teacher: oh...

Simone: sorry... I'll reset time then.

I activate my ability.

Teacher: ... so do we... just wait?

Simone: yep.

Teacher: ok...

We sit there for a second.

Jane:... I'm Jane, by the way.

She says.

Simone: oh, well, nice to formally meet you.

I smile.

Jane: so. Will no one remember anything that happens here?

Simone: I will, but no one will unless your ability lets you.

Jane: ok.

She walks up to me.

Jane: I want to try something with you then.

I blink. A bit confused.

Simone: What do you mean?

Jane: I have been trying for a while to figure out my stances on a few things, and since I won't suffer the consequences... So I want you to be my fuck buddy for a few minuets.

I sigh.

Simone: Of course it had to be that...

She gripped the bottom of my hoodie, but paused.

Jane: T-this doesn't mean I'm gay! I-I'm just experimenting.

I nod.

Simone: Same.

Jane lifted up my sweater, revealing my bra to her. I reach back and undo it for her, letting it fall to the ground.

Jane:... are they natural?

Simone: Unfortunately for my back, yeah.

Jane: hm...

She lightly gropes my left. She squeezes a few times.

Jane: Well, it feels real... but...

She let go of my sweater, it staying above my breasts due to their size. She copies what she's doing with my other breast.

Jane: There's no way they're real...

She squeezes a bit harder. I stand there, not even blushing at this point since it was less lewd as it was weird.


She grabs my shoulders, turning me around. She wraps me in a hug and grabs my boobs again, she starts lightly flicking my nipples, I blush slightly.

Jane: does it feel good?

Simone:... y-yes.

Jane: good...

I feel her place her chin on my shoulder. She whispers into my ear.

Jane: how good does it feel?~

I blush.

Simone:..V-very good...

I try not to express that I was getting aroused.

Jane: do you want more?~

Simone:... n-no...

She seemed to be annoyed by that, since she starts getting a bit faster.

Jane: Really? Well... your rock-hard nipples tell a different story.

She says, making me realize how hard they actually were. The pinched them, making me flinch. She seemed to enjoy this. Wanting to make me flinch more, she started tracing her fingers around the tips, I try not to react. I close my eyes, trying to not moan or flinch. But suddenly, I feel something wet wiggling all over my breasts. I open my eyes. I was so distracted, I didn't see her move to the front and start licking my melons. I try backing up, but she stays with me. She sped up her licking, focusing on my nipples. It was in this moment, that I despise my sensitivity. I threw my head to the side and grab her wrists. My arms were too weak to get her off.

Simone: I give! I-I give! I like it ok! J-just stop!

But she doesn't. My legs give out and I sink to the floor. She followed me and continues. I lay there shaking, before she finally stops. I breathe for a second, but, I feel her grab my breasts again. I look down and see her turning them towards each other.

Simone: w...w-wai-

At a very fast speed, she rubbed my nipples against each other. I threw my head back, and before I could think, the pleasure overwhelmed me and... my pants got a wet spot. I just came. TO MY BOYFRIEND'S MUSIC TEACHER.

Jane: good girl~

She lightly rubs my nipples. I sit there, my pussy begging to be touched.

Jane:... r-remember! This is just experimental!!!

Simone:... y-yeah...

Time finally reset, and the song begins again.

Intentional up-skirt (Satan Panties(Take 2))—

Kris wins this time, pumping his fists in the air.

Kris: alright! How many times did I lose?

Simone: only once.

Kris: ok ok. I'm getting better!

Jane: alright. Are we going again?

Kris: yeah!


Down (High)—

This song was a lot faster. And of course, Kris lost.

Jane; hey. So... when you said he lost once... did we...?

Simone: did you molest my tits? Yes.

Jane: ok good. Now I don't need to explain.

She yanks my pants down, leaving me in my panties. She eagerly grabs my buns, squeezing them as hard as she could. I let out a accidental squeak, and she seemed to enjoy that. She smacked my ass, getting another one out of me. I feel my panties slide down and her tongue snake around my cheeks. It swirls around my hole, and I clench my eyes shut.

Jane: feel good?~

Simone: n-nooOOOOO!!!

Her index finger suddenly jabbed into my hole and started exploring. Her middle finger, other index finger, other middle finger, both ring fingers, both pinky fingers, and her tongue join in, massaging and stimulating my insides. I fall to the ground and start to rapidly moan from pleasure. She stuck to me, continuing to torment my insides. She finally stopped, letting me breathe.

Simone:... o...o-oh god...

I feel myself being flipped over. Before I could stop her, she buried her face between my legs. I shriek as she starts flicking my clit around. My legs clamp shut and I start pulling at my own hair. She was driving me crazy. I lay there, suffering from the overstimulation, then it all finally stopped. The song reset and I was dreading the outcome of the next loss.

Down (High(Take 2))—

Kris won, his star-filled eyes darting to me.

Kris: how'd I'd do?

Simone: 1 loss, again.

Kris: shoot.

Jane: well, I think I can do one more.

Kris: Yeah!

After School (M.I.L.F.)—

Jane went especially hard on this song. I could tell, because as soon as she won, she was heavily breathing. Although, maybe it was for other reasons. Her eyes dart towards me and she threw herself ontop of me. We fell over and she rips the clothes off me, along with her own. She sat up and as I try to steady my vision, I see her pussy inches away from my face.

Jane: eat me. Now.

Simone: B-b-but I don't know how!

Jane: just do it!

I look at the women's vagina. I drag my tongue up it. Tasted weird.

Jane: god you're bad.

Simone: I-I told you!

Jane: keep going!

I repeat the action a few times. It still tastes weird. She leans down without me noticing. Until I felt her sucking on my clit. I squeak in surprise and fall into a moaning mess like before. She stops, leaving me on the ground. After a few seconds, she picks me up and carries me towards her desk.

Simon: w-what n-n-now...

Jane: you'll see~

She sat down and placed me on my stomach across her lap. I realize what she was about to do, but she was fast enough to start before me. With a ruler, she swatted it on my ass, getting a yelp from me.

Jane: such a bad girl~

She repeated the action a few times. After the 10th, she dropped the ruler and pulled me up to face her on her lap. She started playing with my clit. I was too tired to fight back, letting her play with my sex organ. She placed me on her desk and started sucking my clit again. I came a few times before she pulled away.

Jane: remember. This isn't gay! It's just experimental!

Simone: r-riiiIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!'

She started sucking again. This time, 100 times more intense. I came again again and again. Finally, time rest.

After School (M.I.L.F.(Take 2))—

Kris won. He stretches.

Kris: alright. How'd I do?

Simone: you lost once.

Kris: shoot. Well, that's why I practice!

Simone: yeah. U-um. It's getting kinda late, I think we should leave before we get kicked out Kris.

Kris: oh. Yeah, right!

Jane; ok. Well, if you don't mind Simone, I'd like you to come back again. This was good for practice.

Simone: sure...

We got our stuff and leave to my place. We get there, and he stretches.

Kris: man I'm tired.

Simone: too tired for some fun?~

Kris: never~

Simone: well you're in luck!

I threw my clothes away.

Simone: where do you wanna do me?~

Kris: ummm... I think...

He looks around the room.

Kris:... your room?

Simone: works for me!

We went into my room and had fun until we fall asleep.

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