The Demon in Him Pt.2

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Y/n PoV
" 'Trick?" I asked.
                     Patrick looked at me with yellow eyes, and walked slowly over to me with a low growl. I noticed as he walked over to me, there was something going through his head, but I didn't know what it was. I walked back against the wall and tried to move to the door, but Trick caught me between both his arms and the wall. I whimpered as I moved my head to the side, because his head was getting close to me.

"Y-Y/n?" Patrick asked in a confused manner. 

              I looked at Patrick, and noticed his eyes were the baby blue I loved so much. I gasped and put a hand on the side of his cheek, to which he closed his eyes, and asked,
"Why did you have yellow eyes?"

Patrick's POV

  I stopped what I was doing and realized I was VERY close to Y/n. I had no idea what I was doing and felt her put her hand on my cheek. I melted into the touch, and closed my eyes a moment.

"Why did you have yellow eyes?" Y/n asked.

I opened my eyes slowly while answering,

"I don't know... but I have a feeling next time, it won't be so nice."

Y/n looked at me with a confused look, going to ask something, but my front door opened. The one person I didn't want to see right now, walked through the door.

"Y/n..." The guy said looking at us.

Third POV

      Chandler walked through the door to see Patrick and Y/n against a wall, and also noticed Patrick's eyes turn yellow.

"Patrick, are you alright?" Chandler asked walking slowly over to Patrick and Y/n.

"Just fine, but you won't." Patrick snarled and jumped at Chandler.

Y/n ran to stop the fight, but was pushed by Patrick and hit the wall, while hitting the back of her head against it.

The two fighting stopped when they heard a thump, and turned to see Y/n rubbing the back of her head.

Patrick ran over to her but stopped when she held an arm out in front of her.

"Don't." (Y/n) said standing on her own, and ran out of the apartment.

Patrick's POV

        I watched (Y/n) leave the apartment, and I sighed. I looked over at Chandler, and asked,
         "We're you two dating?"

He shook his head no. "She's beautiful, but she's like a sister to me." Chandler said looking at me.

I sighed again, realizing what I've done. I may have jeopardized our friendship.

(Y/n)'s POV

I went to my Best Friend (B/F/n), and knocked on her door. The door opened and (B/F/n) was standing in the doorway. "(Y/n)?" She asked.

I looked at (B/F/n) and asked, "Could I stay here for a while?"

"Yeah...come on in." She said moving out of the way.

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