Form + Open Ranks

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You've finally made it to the sign up form! Below, I'll have a list of the current open ranks, as well as summarized points about the specific rank/character(s) in that rank. The form is below that! Have fun, enjoy, and I look forward to seeing everyone's forms!<3

To note: I've decided that I will not be reserving any spots for anyone, so that way everyone can sign up for whatever rank they want and I will thus choose characters for the smaller ranks (such as barons). So just know that if your character is applied to any rank other than a warrior, there is no complete guarantee that they will be placed in that rank. If I do not choose your character for a certain rank, don't worry - they will still be in the story as a warrior! I just may have to switch their details up a bit :)


Starets [8]
- 8 toms
- for the story, must be fifty moons or older
- all are involved with the Starclan conspiracy ; they are well aware that Starclan is a fabrication, and are told this as soon as they become starets
- even if any of these cats have lingering doubts, the power they hold is too great to let go of
- act as advisors to the monarch, though rather just manipulate him into doing what they want

Monarch [1]
- 1 tom
- father of the barons
- the starets' puppet, doesn't actually know what's going on behind the scenes
- believes that Starclan is real...sort of ; this monarch has some doubts, but has no idea who he'd even speak his doubts to, so resolves to stay quiet and complacent

Barons [2]
- two toms
- brothers, sons of the monarch
- are preparing and training to kill one another in order to take leadership once their father eventually dies

Instars [8]
- 8 toms
- each instar is the eldest son of a staret
- are essentially being groomed by their fathers, the monarch, and other warriors to take the place of their fathers when they die
- treated better than your average warrior ; are fourth in line to eat after starets, the monarch, and the barons
- always lead patrols
- usually seen as arrogant and stuck up, but can be friendly, it all depends on the cat

Medic [1/1]
- Position taken

Medic's Tyro [1/1]
- Position taken

Executioner [1/1]
- Position taken

Warriors [∞]
- unlimited spots, both toms and she-cats
- believe that Starclan is real and think that the starets are only there to passively advise the monarch ; mainly, they are loyal to the monarch, as they believe he is the one in charge
- have the normal warrior duties that would be expected in any clan, though do not all sleep in the same den

Tyros [6/8]
- two tyro spots open ; toms or she-cats, doesn't matter
- specifically, these two believe that Starclan is real and would never have their opinion swayed; the mere idea of questioning the monarch and starets horrifies them

Matrons [0/2]
- two matron spots open ; must be she-cats and have kits
- if applying a matron character, please create bios for the needed amount of kits alongside her, as specified below
- the first matron has three kits; her mate is one of the barons
- the second matron has two kits; her mate is a normal warrior, feel free to create a warrior character and pair them up! (or you can always ask someone else to be your character's mate)

Kits [0/5]
- five kit spots open, but ONLY if you also create a bio for the matron ; see above for details

Cats Outside of Clan [1/1]
- Position taken


Name: (if a kit or tyro, also give warrior name)
Strengths: (personality-wise)
Weaknesses: (personality-wise)
Parents/Siblings: (optional)
Mate/Kits: (optional)
Backstory: (optional)
Extra Information: (optional)
Plot Ideas: (optional// this is for any plot ideas you may have for your character! Maybe you want them to have a certain story arc, or think they would be an interesting character for Cherrypaw to talk to in a certain situation; basically, just give me one or more scene ideas you'd have for your character in the story! I may not have time to use the idea, but I'm always open to reading them and working those plots/arcs into the fic the best I can!)

Here is an example of the form with Cherrypaw, the main character of the story!

Name: Cherrypaw/briar
Rank: Tyro
Gender: She-cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Cherrypaw is a dark gray tortoiseshell she-cat with a lighter gray muzzle and underbelly, ginger splotches, and pale green eyes
Personality: Cherrypaw is quite serious to others, though this mainly has to do with her skepticism about Creekclan and difficulty forming relationships with other cats. She rarely shows her sense of humor, and others wonder if she even has one. Cherrypaw is very investigative; sharp and alert and always on guard. She's a smooth liar and unlikely manipulator, though has doubts on the morality of influencing other cats with her words. Overall, Cherrypaw is a good ally to have on your side, but she prefers to lone wolf everything. It's going to take a while for her to let others in.
Strengths: Intelligent, confident, discreet, focused, logical, perceptive, stoic, active, adaptable, fair, empathetic
Weaknesses: Distrustful, deceptive, intense, solitary, suspicious, cynical, impatient, opinionated, paranoid, possessive,  serious
Skills: Hunting, spying, stalking, tree climbing, eavesdropping ; she has great hearing and often enjoys listening in on random conversations
Parents/Siblings: Ryehaze, Sagespeckle (deceased) ; no siblings
Mate/Kits: None yet
Backstory: Cherrypaw was born to two warriors named Ryehaze and Sagespeckle. After Cherrypaw became an apprentice, Sagespeckle moved out of the matron's den and was killed by a hawk only a few days later. Ryehaze grew distant from his daughter; it's been several moons since he or Cherrypaw last spoke. Cherrypaw felt burdened by her mother's death, though was more upset about her father's distance. Eventually, she decided she couldn't do anything and swept all of her emotions away, becoming content with things the way they were, not making new friends and continuing to stick with the same routine. Cherrypaw still feels nothing for her father, and only occasionally thinks about her mother, wondering if she's safe in Starclan.
Extra Information: Cherrypaw is not an open lesbian, fearing that Creekclan and the starets will not take well to it. Instead, she hides her sexuality, reluctantly allowing Snailpaw to pursue her; though she knows she'll never become mates with him
Plot Ideas: Cherrypaw is caught eavesdropping on the starets, but is rescued by Crowpaw, the medic's tyro, who says they were searching for herbs together (they weren't)

^^ There's my mock write up of the form, so hopefully that helps you guys understand what the sign-up is asking for!

Below is a list of prefixes that are already taken (or will be future characters), so please do not submit cats with names that begin with:

[  Badger • Cherry • Claw • Crow • Dusk • Ember • Grass • Heron • Hope • Lake • Laurel • Lavender • Log • Lost • Night • Pale • Perch • Pigeon • Python • Rush • Rye • Shade • Sharp • Short • Sky • Smoke • Snail • Soft • Splash • Thistle  ]

Thank you again for reading through all of this, and I am ECSTATIC to read your forms, and eventually write your characters into my story!! Have fun and feel free to ask me any questions!<3

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