★ Official Fokkos Discord Server ★

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Come and join the Fokkos Discord Server! <3
Here you can better connect with members of the community, receive updates, chances to get free items and art, be able to see all RNG rollings, and much, much more!

>> Before you join us, please be sure to follow the rules! <<

- Once joined, you will need to fill out a form to access the rest of the server! This is to make sure no spam accounts get in, and give people an easy reference to your Wattpad account if it's ever needed!

- Please make sure to post in the correct channels! We have channels for specific topics. If you are uncertain which channel is appropriate, feel free to ask a mod.

- Please do not spam chats with image files or video links. A few at a time is fine!
- Please do not beg for art, items or characters.
- Please do not guilt trip about prizes, bids on auction and having characters or if you have none of what is mentioned. Do not post any negative or derogatory commentary on yourself, others, or trades and sales.
- Do not spread hate, rumors, or speak badly of someone's art, any persons, or any other Original Species in this server

- Please keep chat PG 13, topics should be suitable for 13 and up. Keep it family friendly.
- Keep topics lighthearted, refrain from topics such as suicide, sex, rape, politics and religion.
- It is okay to mention LGBT+ identities in a kid-friendly manner.
- Minor swearing is allowed, but if someone asks you to stop or if it gets out of control, you will be asked to stop.
- If a member asks for a topic change, please respect that.

- We will give you a warning before you are timed-out, so that you have an opportunity to make changes.
- If you continue to break rules and ignore warnings from mods, we will time-out you which means that you can read chat but you cannot type.
- If said behavior continues after 3 warnings and a time-out, you will be permanently banned from the servers.

- If you have any serious or urgent issues please ping or message a mod. Please do not spam ping or spam message mods if they do not reply.

- Sometimes we hold polls! Please choose the emoji reaction to the message to cast your vote!! No double votes please!

>> Now, are you ready to join? <<


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro