Chapter 29: The Black Order

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"Woah! You weren't kiddin' when ya said it was tall!" Mary looked at the dark tower with a gaping mouth. She rubbed her eyes, making sure what she was seeing wasn't an illusion.

Maria chuckled. "It's quite the sight, being on top of a plateau in the middle of a Norwegian forest and all."

"I forgot how much I disliked this path." Georges huffed as he dropped Maria's briefcase on the ground, taking a moment to catch his breath.

"Really? It didn't seem to bad to me." Mary remarked.

Georges fell onto his knees, shaking his head. An aura of gloom surrounded him.

"Lady Mary... you and I are very different..." he said sorrowfully.

Mary crouched down to the older man's level and patted him on the back. Then, she looked around.

"Where's Ur-Canpy?" she asked.

"In Lady Maria's luggage." he said dejectedly. Taking a deep breath, he got up from the ground, grabbing the briefcase.

"He's not gonna stay out here with us?" Mary inquired.

"Well..." Georges scratched the back of his head and glanced at Maria. The General was busy looking at something else. "I'll tell you in a bit."

"Okay...?" she narrowed her eyes.

Maria, now facing the other two, called out to them.

"We're almost there! Just a few more steps!" she exclaimed brightly.

Sighing, Georges followed Maria with Mary behind him. Maria was right though, in a couple of minutes they had reached the entrance.

"Wow, those are some big g—" Mary stopped in her tracts.

Just when she thought she'd seen it all, there in front of her was a big, no, gigantic face lodged between the two gates of the tower. Her mouth gaped open. Mary was speechless.

Seeing her pupil's expression, Maria laughed heartily. Her laugh seemed to trigger the face as it began to speak.

"Who goes there?" it said with a loud, booming voice.

"It's been awhile Gatekeeper!" Maria replied joyfully, waving her hand at the sentinel.

"Oh, if it isn't General Krestchmann and Georges L'Belle," the sentinel said, adjusting its eyes. The mechanical lenses peered at Mary. "but who is this cute girl?"

Cute? Mary thought to herself, furrowing her eyebrows.

"My pupil!" Maria exclaimed, putting her hands on Mary's shoulder. Mary awkwardly stared at the sentinel.

"Um...hello." she said.

"How surprising! I never thought I'd see the day when the Krestchmann Unit would have more than one person!" the sentinel remarked. "What is your name, girl?"

"It's Mary." she replied.

"Mary? That's a very fitting name!" he laughed heartily. "My name is Ares Teena Dloe Gynosan P. Ruporson Gear Amadeus 5th!"

Mary's brow twitched.

"But most people call me Gatekeeper." he said.

Suddenly, the sentinel didn't seem so intimidating to Mary.

"Ok's nice to meet you, Gatekeeper...?" Mary said hesitantly.

"The pleasure is all mine." he replied, clearing his voice (something Mary couldn't understand was possible). "I'll just do a quick scan of all of you, just for safe measure."

"Scan?" Mary tilted her head.

"He has to make sure we aren't Akuma by checking to see that our skeletons aren't metal." Maria said to her.

"Then what happens if it's an Akuma disguised as a human?" Mary asked.

"My sensor will activate an alarm and Chief Howell will send out an Exorcist to deal with it." The Gatekeeper explained. "I do hope that never happens and I never have to deal with those...those Akuma!" he exclaimed with a scared tone in his voice.

Yeah, this guy isn't intimidating... she thought.

After the Gatekeeper ran his sensor and the results came back as a negative for Akuma, the doors to the black tower opened. However, before the group went in, Mary looked back at the sentinel.

"Hey, if you're the fifth sentry, what happened to the other four?" she inquired.

"Oh, my predecessors? They all were destroyed in one way or another." he explained. "I hate to think that'll happen to me!" again the Gatekeeper used a frightened tone.


"Wow! The stairs look like they never end!" Mary exclaimed, looking up at the many flights of stairs leading up to each of the levels of the tower. Looking down, she noticed more stairs that lead underground.

"My, it's been quite some time since I was here." Maria said, putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm sure Chief Howell will be overjoyed at your return, Lady Maria...or enraged at your lack of communication over the years." Georges said, the last part coming out as a mutter.

"It'll be alright." Maria gives him an assuring smile, adjusting her metal-framed glasses. "Besides, I've sent you back here every one and awhile."

The brown-haired Finder frowned. "And every time, Chief Howell scolds me for not bringing you."

For a split second Maria's smile falters, but she quickly recovers and claps her hands together.

"Well, since we're here now, let's go see Gwen!" she exclaimed, walking away from the other two.

"Gwen?" Mary whispered questioningly to Georges.

"Chief Howell's full name is Gwendolyn Howell." Georges whispered back. "The two have known each other since before Chief Howell was even Chief."

Mary's mouth formed into an 'o' shape as she nodded in understanding.

The trio ascended the stairs to the next floor and walked down the hall. The hall had massive windows on the side facing out to the forest. Mary looked through one of the glass panes, spotting the setting sun. She couldn't believe it was already sunset. Mary liked sunsets, the pretty hues of orange, red, and blue. She was always disappointed at how quickly it would disappear.

Stopping in her tracks, Mary stared at the sunset, mind wandering. She could still vividly remember the first time she met Maria at the church; and the second time they met— in the hospital. Three entire years had passed since those days, and yet to Mary it didn't feel that long.

"Lady Mary?" Georges called to her. "Are you alright?"

"Huh?" Mary shook her head, snapping out of her daze. "I'm fine, Georges. I was just thinkin' that time flies by really quickly, doesn't it?"

Georges smiled. "It really does. I remember how small you were when we first met, and now you're almost as tall as I am! I'm sure even one day, you'll be taller than Lady Maria."

"What?" Mary laughed. "I don't think I'll ever be that tall!"

Mary had to admit that even she noticed the oddly quick rate of growth she experienced. In the past year alone she's grown a tremendous amount! While Mary enjoyed the newly gained height, she also disliked the growing pains that affected her body. Although, the pain tended to dissipate soon after it formed.

Mary looked down T her gloved hands. Maria had told her that the accelerated growth was probably a result of Therion, and that because her innocence was a parasitic type and affected her whole body, it caused both biological and chemical changes. Maria went on a long-winded explanation that Mary didn't completely understand at the time. What she did understand was that her body wasn't like the normal human's.

Mary sighed and shook her head. Taking a deep breath, she caught up to Maria and Georges who were ahead of her. But as she caught up with the two. Two men with cream-colored outfits like Georges passed them. They looked solemn.

"Those guys are the first people I've seen since we came inside." Mary asked, glancing at the men's backs. "They're Finders, right? They don't seem very happy."

Georges nodded. "Something must've happened. We can ask Chief Howell once we reach her office."

"We're almost there, it's just around here—oh!" Maria made a sound of surprise. She had bumped into a man in a white lab coat who had fallen to the ground. Recognizing the young man, she smiled and extended her hand to him.

"My apologies, Alexander. I should've paid attention to where I was going." Maria apologized.

"General! It's been so long!" the man— Alexander gasped. "You don't need to apologize. I was the one who should've realized."

He scratched the back of his head. "I'm sure you've noticed the lack of people around the tower?"

"I have." Maria replied. "I assume something has gone awry?"

"Yes." Alexander nodded. His face became somber. "It was a mission. The details are messy, but what we do know is that General Mikkelsen's entire unit was wiped, including several Finders. He's down in the Main Hall if you want to talk to him. Although, from the looks of it, you might want to talk to the Chief first."

Wiped? Mary's eyes widened.

"I'll do just that." Maria responded. "Thank you, Alexander."

"It's my pleasure. Now, I really should be going! There's much to do, and the Chief will get on me if I don't quicken my pace." he gave a look of acknowledgment towards the trio and sped away.

"That General's team...they were all killed?" Mary frowned. Exorcists, Finders— the thought of them probably being killed by Akuma made her stomach twist.

"That's right. It's unfortunate and a tragedy, but death is a very high risk for those that work for the Order," Maria said, the glare of her glasses shielding her eyes. "which is why I hope one day we can bring an end to this Holy War."

Mary clutched her arm, looking at Maria. Mary hadn't met many Exorcists, the only official one she knew being Maria, but the teen understood the risks of fighting these Akuma. But surely it was a risk worth taking, right? After all, by destroying them, you're protecting those that have no ability to fight back, right?

"I hope so too." Mary said, her voice a mere whisper.


The trio stood in front of two wooden doors. They could hear several voices, most of them loud and yelling, from the other side.

"What's going on in there?" Mary raised a brow.

"The Chief's office is connected to the Science Division, and they're always busy with something." Georges explained. "Chief Howell was part of the division before becoming the Branch Chief, so she works closely with them. I'm sure they're helping her figure out the details of the incident."

"The only way to find out is to go in, yes?" Maria exclaimed, pulling the doors open.

Opening the door, an irritated voice and the smell of cigars greeted them. Mary's face recoiled at the scent.

"Xander!" the voice was coming from a woman sitting at an office desk. "Didn't I tell you to—" the woman in the white uniform gasped, her eyes widened.

"Maria!" her look of shock soon devolved back into irritation. "So you finally decided to show yourself." she grinned, but this wasn't a kind grin. No, far from it.

Maria chuckled awkwardly, adjusting her glasses. "It's been awhile, Gwen."

"Awhile?" the woman— Chief Howell rose from her seat, a dark look loomed on her face. "If you consider four years awhile! Nothing from you for four years! Every time I sent a golem with Georges, it's signal would disappear in a week!"

Mary glanced at Georges who put a finger to his lips. He had a look on his face that screamed 'I'll explain later.'

"Even if the Great Generals gave you a special mission, that doesn't mean you have to avoid contact with our Branch! After all, the fact that your back tells me you could've contacted us at any time!" Chief Howell went on before eventually taking a deep breath and sitting down.

Maria took a quick glance back at Georges, but he merely gave her an 'I told you so' face and shook his head in disapproval.

Taking a drag from her cigar, Chief Howell sat with her legs crossed. She looked at Maria with a frown.

"Knowing you, I bet you traversed through the forest and up the cliff to use the main entrance instead of the underground waterway to get here." she said.

"There was another way to get here?" Mary blurted out.

"That's right, and it's a much easier route." Chief Howell replied.

Suddenly, something clicked in Mary's mind. She turned to Georges, and then to Maria.

Thinking back to Georges's struggle, she spoke. "If there was an easier route, why didn't we take it?"

"Since it's your first time here, I wanted you to take the route with the main entrance." Maria replied.

Mary narrowed her eyes and then looked at Georges. He patted her head.

"Don't worry Lady Mary; it wasn't pleasant, but it's not enough to kill me."

Mary sighed. "I don't get it, but okay." she shrugged.

The Chief hummed.

"So, you must be the girl I've heard about. Mary Magdalena, is it?" she asked, chin resting on her hands. "Do you have a surname?"

"Huh? Oh yeah,'s Krestchmann, unofficially." Mary replied.

At first, the Chief had a surprised look on her face, but then she smiled.

"I see!" she exclaimed. Chief Howell stood up and walked towards Mary. "My name is Gwendolyn Howell, but I'm sure you already know that. I'm the Chief of the European Branch of the Black Order. It's nice to meet you, Mary." she extended her hand and Mary shook it with her gloved one.

"So, your innocence is a parasitic type, yes? I haven't met a parasitic acomodador in quite some time." The Chief remarked.

"Really?" Mary tilted her head.

"Parasitic types are not as common as equipment types, but their synchronization rate tends to be higher. Oh! Speaking of which, we should go to Hevlaska to check your synchro rate."

Synchronization rate— the value of your bond with your Innocence. It was a term Mary had only heard Maria use a few times. She talked about how the higher the value, the better and the more likely chance that your Innocence would evolve...whatever that meant. Mary wasn't too sure.

"Who's Hevlaska?" Mary asked.

"She's one of our Exorcists, but she's a bit different. Not only is she the keeper of the Innocence we collect, but also the holder of The Cube— the object holding instructions written by the ones who created Innocence."

"Wow..." Hevlaska's description piqued Mary's interest. She could tell Hevlaska's role was important.

"She's been here for more than 50 years, but is a parasitic type like you. Although, unlike you, her form is forever changed. Don't be too shocked when you meet her."

The teen wasn't sure if anything could top the Gatekeeper in terms of shock level, but she nodded. Mary followed the Chief out of her office, with Maria and Georges tagging along.

"Hevlaska's chamber is down several levels, so we'll use the elevator." Chief Howell exclaimed.

"Ele...vator?" Mary furrowed her brows. What was that?

The Chief laughed heartily. "It's not surprising that you don't know what it is! It's state of the art technology that's quicker than the stairs."

Mary narrowed her eyes at the elevator. It had a cannon attached.

"Um, why is there a cannon on the elevator?" she asked.

"Oh that? It's top secret." Chief Howell replied.

The group stepped into the elevator, and Mary jumped in place when it began going down. There was an odd feeling in her stomach, but it wasn't painful, and definitely much quicker than taking the stairs.

While in the elevator, Maria took out a container from her Exorcist jacket. The case contained the Innocence the trio had retrieved from their time in Chocholow.

"Since we're going down to Hevlaska's chambers, I can give her the Innocence we obtained." The platinum-haired General said.

"Where does she keep all the Innocence?" Mary asked.

Maria smiled. "You'll see."


While the elevator was a direct route to Hevlaska's chamber, there was a tremendous amount of security and was tasking just to get into. But eventually, the group reached the inner chamber.

They stepped onto a platform as it began to extend upward. Mary's eyes widened met a very tall woman. She couldn't describe just how tall the woman was! Even with the elevated platform, it only reached her waist. The woman's body seemed to be made of tendrils that would form wisp-like hair strands. Mary couldn't see her eyes, but could se ever mouth, nose, and chin.

"Good evening Chief Howell," the woman spoke as she shifted her gaze to Maria. "and to you too, General has been a long time since you have returned to the Order."

Maria smiled. "Good evening to you, Hevlaska. I've come back with a new Exorcist and a new shard of Innocence."

Hevlaska turned to look at Mary. The girl in turn straightened her back.

"H-Hello!" she stammered.

"What is your name, young child?" Helvaska asked.

"It's Mary." she replied.

The tendrils at Hevlaska's sides formed into hands. She lifted Mary up and close to her face. Suddenly the crystal on Mary's abdomen lit up. She shielded her airs from the light, but it soon disappeared.

"A parasitic type Innocence...with a synchronization rate of 84%." Helvaska exclaimed.

"Is that good?" Mary asked.

"Yes. It's very stable." The woman replied. Hevlaska put her down back onto the platform before speaking again.

"There will come a day when you will be able to do something you never believed you could." Hevlaska said.

Mary raised a brow, but before she could ask Hevlaska about her cryptic words, Maria stepped forward and opened the container she was holding. The Innocence drifted towards Hevlaska and fell into one of the small slots on her body.

"There are 109 shards of Innocence in total, and most of them are still out there somewhere." Maria explained. "One of our main goals as Exorcists is to collect these shards."

Mary looked at Maria and then back at Hevlaska, but said nothing. She made a mental note to ask about Hevlaska's words later.

Chief Howell cleared her throat, speaking.

"Normally, I'd bring you to Collins to get you fitted for an Exorcist uniform, but she's up in the Main Hall, as are many of the people here."

"The Main Hall?" Mary questioned.

"The Main Hall, also the called the Holy Hall, is where they place the deceased before they are cremated." Maria said. "I was planning to go there after this anyway, both to pay my condolences and speak to General Mikkelsen."

"Well, looks like we'll part here then." Chief Howell began. "I still have work to do. Come back to my office when you want to get a room for yourself, Mary."

Mary nodded and then stared at Hevlaska as the platform slowly lowered.

"Until we meet again, young Exorcist."


The Main Hall didn't take too long to reach. Inside the large hall laid the coffins of the Exorcists and Finders that had passed during the unfortunate mission. At the end of the hall was a large golden altar. Mary spotted a black-haired man in a gold-embroidered Exorcist uniform crouching at the feet of one of the coffins. There were others in the hall— some crying, others comforting the criers.

The room was somber, just like the men she had seen beforehand.

Mary noticed a pink-haired girl standing near where she was. Mary could see the redness underneath her eyes. The girl attempted to swallow a sob, but failed.

"Hey, Georges," she nudged the Finder next to her. "do you have a handkerchief?"

The brown-haired man nodded and handed her a handkerchief from his coat pocket. Mary walked over to the girl.

"Here," Mary said, extending the handkerchief to the girl. "this is for you."

The pink-haired girl took her hands away from her face at the sound of Mary's voice. She looked at the teen and smiled, taking the handkerchief and wiping away her tears.

"Thanks." she said. "You must be new here, judging from your outfit."

Mary nodded. "I just got here actually. Just got my synchronization rate from Hevlaska."

The girl sniffled. "Then you're in need of a uniform, right? Sorry, making uniforms is my job, but..."

"It's okay." Mary replied. She looked down at the coffin in next to them. "This was someone dear to you, right?"

"Yeah," The girl nodded. "Eloise Bernard. She was one of the nicest and brightest Exorcists I've ever met. Killed alongside the other Exorcists in the Mikkelsen Unit."

The girl took a deep breath and slapped both of her cheeks, causing Mary to raise her eyebrows.

"I know Elly would scold me and tell me to wipe my tears and keep my head high," the girl said, chucking to herself. "I want to stay strong, for her sake." she put her hand on the rose cross banner lying on the coffin.

Mary understood what it was like to lose people you love— the sorrow, the pain. She admired the older girl for her resolve.

"Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate it. Oh! But I never did tell you my name, did I?" The pink-haired girl extended her hand. "The name's Katherine Collins, but people around here call me Kitty. I'm part of the Science Division, but am also the one who sews all the Exorcist uniforms."

Mary shook her hand, noticing how tight Kitty's grip was. "My names Mary Magdalena...Krestchmann. Just call me Mary."

"Krestchmann, like General Maria Krestchmann?" Kitty asked, leaning closer.

"Huh? Oh yeah, she's my master." Mary explained.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when General Krestchmann would take a pupil!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Since I've been here, I've been hearin' about how Maria's never had anyone else in her unit, is that true?"

"Yep! It's just been her and that Finder, Georges L'Belle." Kitty replied. "It was kinda odd actually. Most people chalked it up to that mission the Great Generals gave her though. Whatever that may be. Although, you don't happen to know what it is, do you?"

Mary shook her head. "No, I only recently even heard of the existence of it."

The teen looked back to Maria who was talking to the black-haired man.

"Is that guy General Mikkelsen?" Mary asked.

"Mhm. General Hallelujah Mikkelsen." Kitty replied. She looked at him with a long face. "I can't fathom the pain he must be feeling. I only knew Elly well, but he knew all the others that died. I'm sure he blames himself for their death. At least, I would if I was in his shoes."

Mary wondered what the two were discussing. She guessed it was something serious, judging by their faces.

"Well," Kitty began, grabbing Mary's wrist. "Let's get you fitted!"

"Are you sure?" Mary questioned, her voice laced with concern. "I don't want to rush you..."

Kitty smiled. "I'll be alright! Besides, I think this'll keep my mind off of things."

Mary narrowed her eyes. "If you say so— woah!"

Pulling her by the wrist, the two left the Main Hall. As they departed, Mary glanced back at Georges, who gave her a smile and a look of acknowledgment.


Mary's first day at the European Branch was far from what she expected. She saw just how high of a risk it was to be an Exorcist, and just being part of the Black Order in general.

But, she wasn't deterred. No, if anything, it motivated her to become stronger— and not just to save herself from being consumed by Therion.

But to atone for her inability to save the other orphans and nuns from the Akuma and the fire.


A/N: Chapter 29 is finally done! 😭 This is officially the longest chapter to date at 3900+ words. I'm so happy I finally finished it!!! I tried to keep this chapter as light as I could with the subject matter, but buckle your seatbelts for Chapter 30. That one's going to be very emotional, being the end of the 'arc' and all. ;)

Thank you for reading! Votes and comments are always appreciated!

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