Through His Eyes

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She stood out like a sore thumb in this overcrowded nightclub. Unlike the others who were dancing and drinking she opted to sit at a small table. At first I didn't really care until I noticed that her drink was always full. 

"Why order one if you aren't going to drink it?" I thought to myself and somehow I find myself glancing at her now and then. 

It was interesting how she would politely smile as she turned down many advances. 

"If not to hook up, then why is she here? Where are her friends?"

The way her eyes would stare at people enjoying themselves made him feel like she was admiring them. With her golden eyes flickering every time the dance light hit them was truly captivating. 

"What does she see that I don't see?"

Her eyes widen in wonder at the scene that was too familiar to him. 

"Was this her first time?"

If it was then that is truly a rare thing to see. She is clearly a young and very beautiful woman to not have experience this type of night life. The way she dress didn't give off a home body but rather someone hesitating to get out of her shell. 

"Ah...she's noticed me finally."

For 3 seconds she allowed me to lock eyes with her before she looked away. Her fingers started to grip her now watered down drink as I slowly made my way towards her. 

Her eyes were shimmering in the dark as I stood before her and without an introduction I held out my hand to show her my world.

"Follow Me."

**Just wanted to let you guys know this is not really a story but rather a glimpse of a couple who are from different worlds. This is like my little space where I can free type short moments.**

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