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In what seemed like a heartbeat, all the cats that were in the camp, whether they were inside the mouth of a den or roaming about in the sun, started toward the front of the Highledge. Both Nightburr and Webpaw went somewhere near the back of the crowd of cats and landed onto their haunches. After everyone was silent, Lakestar stared down at all of the cats beneath him until he finally began to spoke.

"Cats of BarkClan," he began, "it has been brought to my attention, from Flintpelt and Piketail, that NeedleClan is up to something." The cats under the Highledge glanced at each other but didn't say a word. This information was fairly known already, so why did Lakestar call a Clan meeting?

"First, Berrywing's whole litter was stolen and killed at the paws of NeedleClan, as said at the latest Gathering," Lakestar continued, "and earlier today, both Nightburr and Honeyspots were injured because of a NeedleClan she-cat. If we let this type of behavior continue on any longer, it's only going to get worse and worse, and more cats of our Clan will be hurt.

"Anyway, Piketail and a few other senior warriors suspect that prey is being stolen from our territory. It has been said that the scent of NeedleClan cats was especially noticable today. Because of this, we need to investigate."

Once Lakestar said this, that was when everyone started talking. What was Lakestar proposing? What type of investigation was there going to be? Nightburr could feel the fur on his back standing up as if it had a mind of its own.

"Silence," Lakestar hissed, bluntly but sharply. He paused for a bit to make himself look intimidating. "Anyway, we will be having two separate spy patrols to check the borders. If need be, go beyond the border to investigate further."

Briarleap's meow could be heard amongst all the cats. "Lakestar," he said, "isn't that breaking the Warrior Code?"

Lakestar's eyes slanted and he learned forward, his ears pricked up. "Nonsense. If NeedleClan has the right to control the majority of the forest's territory just because they are a bigger and well-organized Clan, then abiding the Warrior Code even though they're stealing our lives and food is completely nonsensical."

"There's no proof that NeedleClan was stealing prey from our territory, though." Briarleap felt the need to talk back to everyone--that was the kind of cat he was.

"Explain the sudden shortage of prey in our territory in the last quarter-moon, then."

There was a moment of silence. "I can't," Briarleap admitted.

"Exactly," said Lakestar. "Now, unless you have any other theory as to why the prey in our territory has suddenly disappeared, keep your mouth shut."

Briarleap looked down at his paws. Berrywing looked utterly embarrassed.

"Furthermore," said Lakestar, "Piketail will be in charge of one of the spy patrols. The cat who will lead the other patrol is one who I can put the most trust into." He got off his haunches and stepped forward a bit, eyeing Oaknose. "Oaknose, you will lead one of the patrols." Nightburr could see Oaknose nodding respectfully. 

"Well, who will be in the patrols?" asked Crookedsong.

"I haven't decided what senior warriors will be included in the patrols yet, but I may have ideas..." Lakestar looked among the crowd before speaking again. "Crookedsong, Berrywing and Thistlefrost will be in Piketail's patrol. Briarleap, Rippledust, and Honeyspots--once she regains consciousness--will be in Oaknose's patro--"

"No!" The words came out of Nightburr's mouth quicker than a heartbeat. He caught himself in the act and quickly tried to compose himself. "Please, no... Anyone but Honeyspots." He could see Webpaw shaking his head furiously at him out of the corner of his eye.

"You don't talk back to me, Nightburr," Lakestar spat. He leaned in even closer, his gaze fixated right on Nightburr as if he were a piece of prey. Nightburr knew he would get himself into serious trouble, but he couldn't bear the thought of Honeyspots going out there--after what was already done to her.

"What if Honeyspots gets hurt again?" he protested frantically. "She almost died earlier. I can't let that happen again. Please, replace her with me."

Cats started chatting among themselves in awe. Lakestar hissed from the Highledge ferociously. He leaned in so closely that it looked like he was about to slip off. He had never acted this way before. "Honeyspots has more experience as a warrior, unlike you," he said. "She will have a lesser chance of getting hurt."

"Nightburr, just let it go," Webpaw begged. "You have no business arguing with Lakestar."

But Nightburr had enough. He got off his haunches and bared his teeth, all of his hesitation exiting his body. "Let me be part of Oaknose's patrol for your own good!" he demanded. "You don't even like me!" Every cat silenced themselves. Webpaw slowly backed away from Nightburr, his eyes full of fear. There was a good deal of noiselessness until Nightburr continued to speak.  

"It's not fair. Ever since my littermates and Berrywing's kits died, I've been the youngest one in the Clan, even mentally. Webpaw knows how to be a good medicine cat apprentice and all. I've just been appointed to a warrior. Even before then, you still looked down on me. Something in your mind made you think I wasn't worthy enough as the other cats. You told my stepmother, Darkleg, that I had to wait to be mentored, even though I was six moons old. So I'll be part of Oaknose's patrol to protect my Clan. Even if I end up dying, it will do you well. It seems that if I'm not in the Clan anymore, it will benefit much more."

Suddenly, all of the angry thoughts and feelings inside of Nightburr escaped. Lakestar slowly stepped back in amazement. His whole body froze. No cat talked. No cat glanced around at others. They just kept staring at Nightburr with wide eyes. The silence continued to fill the air until meowed loudly to make himself known.

"Nightburr is now the leader of the second patrol!"

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