Enemies to Lovers- 🌈

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Request By- batrielle !! Thank you for the request. I hope you enjoy!

Ship(s): Memefor1


Memey POV

Socks and i have been fighting for 4 months.. which is something I don't enjoy at all. it's not cause of the smallest or anything like that,
It's actually cause of me.

i always start the fight between us. see.. I've had a crush on Socks for about a year now.. ever since we became close. I developed a crush on him, he's just always been such a kind and sweet guy, cute as well, Not to mention quite Attractive. he's always so nice towards other and that's what I liked so much about him. every time he'd always give me that sweet smile of his, I always feel like I'm about to explode, i'd always think about him. he always gets me with his kindness, and that was the problem. I'm scared that it would be too obvious that i am in love with him, I'm worried that if he founds out that I like him. then he would leave me, so that's why I always put up arguments with him so it wouldn't be so obvious. i hate doing it but I'm just not ready to tell him yet, I hate us being enemies...

Anyways. me and Blaza are just chilling in the living room, waiting for Socks to finish editing the video we just did. i took a look at Blaza. Blaza looked bored as hell. the room was full of silence until Blaza spoke up
“Hey man, do you wanna be some take outs? I'm hungry as fuck..” I thought for a moment before agreeing "Yeah. sure" I responded “Great. Go Get Socks, He's probably hungry as well” he said as he went outside. Taking his phone as well “alright I guess I'll go get Socks...” I said to myself, getting up going upstairs to his room

Socks POV

I'm editing a few videos of mine that i've still gotta finish, Today me, Blaza and.. Memey. Had recorded another video that we've been playing for about 3 hours now. we finally got to Finish it, even tho it wouldn't had taken so long if Memey wasn’t so stupid... But anyways! I am actually almost done with the video than i'll finally post. shouldn't take too long now at least, I can't keep the fans waiting now can i?

I lean back on my arm chair resting a bit. I am very exhausted from all those hours of game play and editing. even tho I was only half way finished. it is still exhausting, i could feel my eyes getting heavy.. My eyes slowly started closing until I heard a knock on the door of my room. my eyes shot open immediately as I turned my arm chair. facing the door “Come in!” I said. raising my voice a bit, The door finally opened to reveal one of the worst people I know.. Memegod, “Hey man. are you finished yet?” he ask. Clearly irritated. "No I'm not finish yet, Memey. i've literally only edited half of the video.” I replied, a little annoyed by this man... “well get finished bro or just leave it. me and Blaza are about to go get take outs, and we're going without you if you don't come" He said before shutting the door Close, leaving me here to either finish the video. or get ready, I looked at my computer for a moment. I let out a sigh before getting up from my arm chair tiredly “maybe I'll finish it later” I quietly said to myself. going to my closet to choose what to wear...
I Thought about Me and Memey.. we've fought for like.. About 4 Months now.. i don't know what his problem was, he first avoids me for a while... now he's just.. so mean to me all the time. i don't know why. what did I even do? i wish he could've just tell me. and not just argue with me. i honestly miss him, but now here we are.. Friends to Enemies....

Time skip.....

Blaza POV

Me, Socks and Memey are out getting some takes outs. which is great cause I've been starving from all the gaming and stuff which felt like 24 hours. except it wasn't.

I'm not even tired but I did want to rest from the games and all. though I can tell Socks was definitely tired from all of it. even if he acts like he's never tired. I know well that he's definitely tired. he just never gets any rest which isn't good for his health at all, i am very concerned for him. for Memey... he doesn't seem to care.. but I know that Memey never sees it since he's too busy being an fucking jerk, they've literally been friends for like 2 years and now they just decided to become enemies, i wonder why though... I thought they were like good friends and now they suddenly just hate each other. its confusing, but stupid honestly. I hope they can get along again.. it can't continue forever, I looked at Memey at the back of the car seat on his phone. he didn't look so focused on his phone. he looked.. Lost in thought, probably bored as hell. I than look back at Socks. who seems out so of energy. “Hey man.. You good?” I asked getting his attention “Oh yeah.. yeah. i'm good” he replied tiredly with a smile. Looking back at the road, I just sat back. seeing that we're slowly arriving at our destination

Memey POV

I was thinking about me and socks for a bit. Wondering if I should talk to him maybe...
til i felt the car slowly stop. I looked up seeing that we've finally arrived. “Thank god.. we're here” I quietly said to myself. getting out of the car along with the others. I looked at Socks, he didn't seem well.. I shook my head leaving it, he's probably fine.

I put my phone in the pocket of my jeans as I followed the two to the place. "Socks are you sure you're okay? you look like a Zombie" Blaza spoke up. looking at Socks with concern. I looked at him as well. I mean Blaza was not wrong. though he looked cute as well.. What?! no no no! don't think that now! Ugh “Yes Blaza i'm fine. i'm just.. a little hungry" Socks replied clearly lying “Uhh.. are you sure?” I asked. a little bit worried “since when did you care?” He asked, quite harshly... I stayed quiet and just continued to walk, with my hands in my pockets.
I am kind of worried for Socks..

No ones POV

“Socks, don't lie to me man. i know that you're exhausted..” Blaza said to his friend. "I'm always tired Blaza." He replied “that's cause you don't sleep at all you Dumbass! you can't keep doing this to yourself, you barely Get any sleep. It’s not good for you. its not good for your health!" Blaza said worryingly “Stop worrying about me! i am fine!” he Argued, making Blaza let out sighed. “i'll always worry socks..” Blaza said as he carried on walking to where Memey went. Socks followed. Not saying a word to the tall man in front of him.

Blaza was right. staying up all night wasn't good for Socks's Health. it wasn't good at all, Socks knew Blaza was right. but Socks didn't want to disappoint his fans. even if it meant he had to stay up all night just to finish his videos and burn himself out, Blaza couldn't stand seeing his own friend like this. he knew Socks won't listen to him.
Blaza just hopes that he will at least listen to someone.

Time skip to Home...

The three had finally made it back home after getting some take outs together. Blaza already went to his room. leaving Memey and Socks alone with each Other. Socks looked at Memey for a second before walking upstairs to his room.

leaving Memey alone. Watching the tired Brunette walk to his room, Memey thought for a moment then decided that he's finally gonna go talk to Socks. And make things right with him.. he walked up the stairs going to Socks's room. he stood there for a moment til he softly knocked on the door waiting for a response "Come in" he heard.

he finally opened the door to his room quietly going in. Seeing Socks on sitting at the end of his bed. He look exhausted. He felt sorry.. But also Concerned. Memey slowly walked up to him and sat next to him, he Finally looked and saw it was Memey. He had an annoyed look on his face. But clearly tired as well.
“What the hell do you want?” He sat there quiet for a second then spoke up “I want to talk” He looked confused for a second but than Nodded, Gesturing Him to go on “I... Know we've been fighting for about like.. 4 Months now and-” Memey spoke but then got cut off by Socks “Yeah no shit, Memey. Every time i want to. oh I don't know- say hello to you. you just get annoyed for no reason!” the more he said the more he raised his voice at Memey. Memey had a sad look on his face. he could obviously see Socks was upset “yeah I know.. that's what I want to talk about.. you see, the reason why I was always mad at you was cause.. ”

he spoke but stopped. Memey didn't know if he should tell the truth or make up another reason. “..cause of what?” Socks ask confusingly “I..i...” “cause of what? we've fought for what felt so long! what could possibly be the reason that you'd argue with m-” “I'm in love with you!!” Memey slightly yelled but then immediately realised what he said, covering his mouth with the palm of his hand. looking nervously at Socks.

Socks sat there in shock, he could feel his cheeks getting warmer. So could the smaller guy. they both sat there in silence til Socks spoke up “why didn't you tell me?” Socks asked with a soft look. Memey let out a sigh look down on the ground “because I was worried that.. you'd leave me.. and that we'd never be friends anymore after I'd told you.. I know I already ruin our friendship anyway and I am sorry. I just didn't want you to hate me..” Memey Replied. his voice going softer as he goes on, Socks felt empathy after hearing those words come out of his mouth, he sat there silently for a moment til he reached out his hand to Memey's cheek. making him look at Socks into his eyes. Socks starts slowly forming a smile onto his face. finally breaking the silence

“why would I hate you. If i like you too?” Memey's brow raised up high. surprised at what Socks just said. “You..you like me?” Memey ask. making Socks smile wider “Yeah, I've like you for a while Memey” Socks answered. Memey couldn't describe the happiness he felt on the inside. his smile growing widely, immediately hugging Socks closely. having his face into his neck. he could hear Socks lightly Chucking. him immediately returning the hug happily.

The two men sat there in comfortable silence as they held each other. “I love you Socks.. Like you have no idea” Memey quietly spoke. Socks sweetly smiled “I love you too Memey I'm glad we're at least not fighting anymore” Socks replied. softly rubbing Memey's back. holding him close “soo.. Do you want to be my boyfriend..?” Memey asked. Looking at Socks directly at him. Socks Nodded “of course I do” he replied with a big smile. Memey smiled as well. “can.. I kiss you?” Memey ask. feeling his cheeks go red. “Yes.” Socks replied without hesitation, Memey Smiled widely before leaning in to kiss Socks. Socks happily returning the kiss.

The two men sitting there for a moment til they finally parted. Staring at each others eyes. til Memey finally hugged him again closely. Socks of course returning my the hug. while they sit there enjoying each other....

While Blaza stood there outside the door quietly with a wide smirk on his face

( words total: 2055 )

Wooooo!! First One-shot let's mother fricken gooooo!!!!
Thank you Batrielle for the request!! I hope this is alright for you! :)) Hope the rest of y'all enjoy!! My writing isn't good but hopefully it will be better as time Goes on! make sure to leave requests while its still opened!

Bye byeeeeee 👹💅✨
Stay safe! stay awesome! :) drink water! and go to fricken sleep when it’s night time for u 👺👺

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