🎁-Moving In

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Characters: Medz and Memey

Story Line: Memey helps with Medz move in to his new apartment while they get to know each other more, as they in fact start to become pretty close.

Reqaust: GoofyGoober098

Topic: Platonic 🎁

Non, except for a few timeskips



No Povs



Today Medz is moving to his new Apartment, though the problem is that he couldn't do it all on his own. so Medz decided to call a someone who works him him, that being Memey and asked if he could help with carrying the boxes into his new apartment and Memey immediately agreed to do so. as Memey decided to take this as an opportunity to get to know Medz more,

the two men were already moving a few boxes inside Medz's new apartment. Memey already had another box on his arms. the two men still had a lot to put in but Memey didn't mind as he didn't have anything else to do anyway

“man thank you for helping me, Memey.. I don't think I could've done all of this by myself" Medz says with a grin on his face. holding the big box onto his arms while walking g towards the hall with Memey

“Ahh anytime! I don't really have anything else to do anyway” Memey replied with a smile. slowly walking through the apartment door putting the box with the rest that are so far there.

Medz does the same as well. he stretches his arms out for a moment letting out a big sigh of relief

Memey looked at him and laughed “tired already?” Memey joked while he grinned widely. he could see that Medz had already ran out of energy from all that carrying

Medz laughed along putting his arms back down. looking back at Memey “you know it. that's why it's so good to have you helping me. I would be been drained by now especially by those heavy boxes” Medz says as he chuckled.

Memey shrugged “i mean it makes sense. you've also had a long day so it's the least I can do” Memey said with a smile walking out of the Apartment door along with Medz.

Memey then scoffed “you're such a lazy ass though... Not gonna kie” Memey joked, earning a bit on the arm from Medz

“Ow! Hey!” Memey laughed as he rubbed his arm wile looking at Medz, Medz laughing along at the blue shirted man

The two men talked while putting up and bringing boxes to Medz's apartment. Medz talked about how life was going for him so far while Memey listened, Memey also talked about his life as well. telling Medz all about what he had done with Socks and the crew. who Medz had never ever in his life met. Yet.

The two actually started to get along a little more, Medz even started to enjoy more of Memey's company. he even stared to see Memey as more than his working partner. a cool new friend, he never really had many friends bad then and all his friends are pretty much away, and some of his own friends would just grow tired of him, so it was good to bond with someone, especially someone like Memey.

Half an hour has passed and the sun started to slowly set, the skies slowly turning more into a purply-orange tent of colour, luckily the two men had already almost finished putting all the boxes in, they in fact were lucky that they are show getting the last two boxes inside,

As Memey picked up a box. which in fact wasn't so heavy at all and more easier to carry, he looked out seeing how the sun had settled. Putting his hand over his eyes so he could see, he started to give a side grin “the sun is slowly starting to set. seems like we better set up your place for the night” Memey commented as he looked towards Medz who was also looking at the sun set for a moment til he looked back at him

“yeaah.. I think we should, I wouldn't have no bed to sleep in for the night. that would've fucken sucked” he replied with a grin as he walked inside along with Memey who followed,


few long minutes which felt like hours has passed and the two had already so far made up half of the place. Medz was able to set up his bed and Memey had even helped Medz to set up his gaming place, the rest Medz had decided to leave for tomorrow as they both were so exhausted

Medz already sat down onto his now new and made up bed,letting out a sigh of exhaustion and relief, his body immediately relaxed the moment he had sat onto the mattress

“took a little longer than I thought” Medz muttered. which Memey had heard, he sat down on Medz's gaming chair and looked at him, he waved his hand out letting out a 'Psh' sound “it was worth it though, at least you won't have to sleep on the floor with all the rats around” Memey joked with a mischievous grin, making Medz roll his eyes at him

“Haaahaa, very funny Mr. Memegod” Medz sarcastically responded. a grin forming into his face.

Memey led out his usual giggles and laughs that he always he'd always give, Medz had to admit. they were pretty halirous so he couldn't help but to quietly laugh back at him

Memey started to grin wider in a proud manner “i know I know, I'm such a funny guy, I'm probably the funniest guy you've ever met” Memey says while crossing his arms. giving a confident look to Medz who just scoffed in response

“not even close” Medz Joked back, earning an offened gasp from Memey “man shut up! I am funny! you just don't want to admit it” Memey said as he looked away with an "offened grumpy" look

Medz smiled more while shooking his head, letting out a sigh “fiine, I guess you are a little funny”

His words caused one of Memey's eyes to open as the corner of his mouth curled up to a wide sided smile. he knew that Medz would've found him funny.

“knew it” he simply said. then an idea finally pops up to mind, making him immediately stand up from Medz's chair

“how about we get something to eat? I'm starving” Memey suggested, he was pretty hungry. and so was Medz. and he definitely couldn't say no to some snacks

“yeaaah, good idea. I'm pretty hungry to” Medz agreed as he stood up from his bed, taking his wallet and putting it in the pocket of his yellow hoodie

“well then let's go!” Memey cheered as he jogged his way out towards the door of Medz's apartment, Medz laughed a little as he immediately followed Memey out to the door, closing and locking it before he follow the blue shorter man who had was already on his way outside.


Memey was the one driving the car while Medz calmly rested onto his seat, his hands on the back of his head as he relaxed while looking forward towards the road. watching some trees pass by while their driving. the town they lived in had a lot of trees out there. they were all basically close to the forest almost

Well the both of them quietly watched the road, there was some music playing through he radio, this made Medz decided to turn up the volume a bit. immediately vibing to it. which Memey did too

He bobbed his head a little to every beat from the song, til a sudden question came to mind that he wanted to ask Medz for a bit. “hey Medz, I gotta ask. How come are you be moving into a new apartment? I thought you were living with that friend of yours” Memey brought up with a question, making Medz a little surprised by the question for a moment

Medz looked forward quietly for a moment til he led out an sigh “uhh... Well let's just say he... didn't really want me around anymore” Medz blasted out, his expression

This caused Memey to look at him with a puzzled look. “what? Why?” Memey questioned, he was a little surpised to hear that from Medz

Medz laid his head on his hand while his elbow rested on the open window of the car door. “well... appearently he doesn't want me around anymore for some reason, i have no clue what's up with him, I mean I've given him money every month! he seemed fine with me staying there. Til he just suddenly decided to not let me stay, he at least gave me a short time to found somewhere else to live... But still” Medz explained, his looks going more and more down, he was a little saddened. but also was a little angered, he himself still wondered why that had suddenly happened.

Memey didn't know what to say, he felt bad for Medz, he really did.
Memey looked forward at the road for a moment, til he side eyes Medz, putting a hand on his shoulder “hey don't worry.. that guy's a fucken idiot. don't let him get into your head”

Medz looked at Memey and smiled, feeling a little better from Memey's words. he then looked forward “..thanks” Memey smiled back, taking his hand off of Medz's shoulder

“..i bet that jerkhead is jealous of how cool you are,” he shrugs “he probably couldn't handle the fact that you're most likely cooler than that shithead” Memey stated

Memey's statement made Medz laugh, Memey joined along as he laughed as well with Medz,
the laugh lasted for a few seconds til both the men calmed down, Memey then looks at Medz “for real though, he's a idiot for just kicking you out for litarally no reason, you're a cool guy” Memey said as he tilts dhis head back forward, eyes on the road.

Medz let out a quiet sigh with a smile, Memey really made Medz feel better. Medz felt like he actually has got a good friend by his side. he never knew he'd get along with Memey more

“thanks man.. I really appreciate that, you're pretty cool yourself” Medz says looking forward, his words making Memey grin

The ride continued quietly as the two men joked around and continue chattering in the car road, Medz looked outside taking a moment to look at all the trees passing by quickly as the wind blew through his face and hair, He felt pretty comfortable in this car ride.

The best part is after the ride, he gets to have some quality time with his friend next to him



The End....



(Done! :)) )

Now this will be a pretty boring and lazy one but I did my best to make sure there was enough conversations and not make all of this crappy!! But I also wanted to finish this fast so y'all could have a new post! I also wanted to finish this why I still got writing motivation.

Also thank you to GoofyGoober098for requesting this! (I hope I got it correctly, I hope I got the right person) really appreciate it to them for requesting this! I'm sorry you had to wait so long! I hope this story is good enough! 🙏  And sorry for if there are spelling mistakes or Grammer mistakes!

I hope you guys enjoyed! :D bye bye!


P.S: Medz and Memey are definitely the funnest duo. Along with Memey and Nadwe being the funnest.

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