Suicide is not the Solution-💔💌

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Tbh x Socks


Storyline: Tbh is Suicidal, his goal was to kill himself to get away from the cruel world he suffered from. til a curtain friend comes to the Rescue and changes his life

Topic: Angst💔 Romance💌

Mentions of Suicide, and some Romance (it's fluff to Romance mostly... It'll be slightly steamy I guess?)


This might suck but..

No POV......


Tbh stood quietly on the wooden bridge where he would always go to whenever he wanted to be alone at peace, he looked down at the rocky ground underneath the bridge that he stands on. his face showing nothing but exhaustion while his eye lids were lowered. his eyes red and puffy while his nose was red too, him having a sickening overwhelming feeling in his stomach. it was a discomforting feeling,

Tbh's life was rough. he never had a easy going childhood. his childhood wasn't great at all. he had gone through some rough times in life that no one else deserved to go through, and with his parents being overall abusive it only made things worse. he was always seen as a mistake, they saw him as pathetic and weak even though Tbh tried his best to be the Opposite. he still failed himself to do so, he had been hurt many times by so many people. had his heart broken and his body bruised many times, and he was on his own for a very long time.

it was something Tbh couldn't really handle well but had to suck it up

He was lucky to have friends of his own. even Socks, but Tbh was afraid that he'd lose them by make just a simple mistake. it had always been his worst fear. like they'd hate him for something so small. he was more afraid to lose Socks. someone who he loves so much

Tbh had been hurt so much that he was afraid if he one day told Socks how he felt he'd be disgusted and leave him behind like nothing. like everyone else would.

Tbh couldn't take the pain and the thought anymore as he wanted to put himself out of his own misery. He wanted all of this to end, he wanted to end himself

Tbh looked around to make sure that no one was around to see what he was doing. as he saw no one, nothing but nature itself and the far ahead city lights glowing beautifully in the light evening.

He took a moment of silence to look at the beautiful city ahead as he was in his own world, he wondered, how would Socks react if Tbh was gone? would he care? would he be saddened? Or would he just not care at all? These thoughts stuck around his mind for a while, he slowly back down at the far rocky ground. he looked down for a moment as he hoped that this wouldn't be painful, that it would be quick, that'd it would end him quickly.

Tbh let out a soft sigh as he slowly closed his eyes. as he slowly lowered his body forward as he was about to let his body fall down to the ground, this was it. He was finally going to end himself like he always wished,

Or so he thought.

that was until Tbh suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest as it pulled him back before he could even reach off the bridge. Tbh's eyes opened widely. being right on the edge. his breathing shakened as he stared down at the ground. feeling his heart pumping fast. he looked at the arms wrapped around him in confusion then he immediately look over his shoulder to see who it was. and to the boy's surprise

It was Socks

With a worried and frightened look on his face as he held Tbh closely and tightly making sure that he wouldn't fall. Tbh's brows rouse as he didn't except Socks to come after him and stop him. Or know about what he was about to do...

“Socks..?” Tbh managed to say while he continued to stare at Socks.

“Tbh, what are you doing?!” Socks spoke in a worried tone, his brows wrinkled as his face softened to a sadden but worried look.

Tbh saw his expression and it surprised Tbh that Socks would care. but came to a realisation that he has most likely now made Socks very worried

Socks pulled Tbh away from the edge of the bridge gently. Tbh having his other foot stand on ground

He looked back at the edge before turning his body fully to face Socks. who has a softened concerned look on his face

“Socks I.. I can explain” Tbh stuttered. Tbh knew on the inside there was nothing to explain. Tbh couldn't think of any other excuse of what he was doing or why he was doing it

“Why? Why were you trying to jump off this bridge? what were you thinking?!” Socks questioned worryingly as his voice got higher to the point he raised his voice while his hands held Tbh's shoulders

Tbh's looks softened. his eyelids lowering as he stood there quietly. his eyes darted aside afraid to look at Socks, Tbh didn't know what to say or do. he never knew it'd be such a big deal to Socks

Socks' grip on Tbh's shoulders had gotten softer as he looked at Tbh "Tbh look at me.." Socks said quietly while looking directly at Tbh. Tbh looked back at Socks as his eyes looked into Socks’ warm brown eyes. staring quietly at them

“Tbh, talk to me please.. why would you do this?” Socks asked one last time. his tone more gentle this time, the green eyed man stared at him for a moment. Tbh couldn't take it anymore. his lips started to tremble while tears started to form in his eyes.

Tbh leaned his forehead onto Sock's Shoulder while he started to quietly sob. letting out a few quiet hicks

this worried Socks more.
his facial expression started to soften. he wrapped his arms around Tbh while putting a hand on Tbh's back

Tbh started sobbing more while the tears started to fall down his rosy cheeks. he couldn't contain himself anymore. it felt like he was keeping in those cries for a very long time,

Socks held the shorter boy as closely as he could. rubbing the raven haired man's back while he cried into his arms. this broke Socks’ heart deeply. it really did, it hurts Socks to see his own best friend in tears and pain right in front of him in his arms, crying his heart out in front of him, this upset Socks deeply. he really wonders what made Tbh this upset, or worse. what made him wanna jump off a bridge.

Socks didn't know what to do except to try his best to comfort his best friend as much as he could. He made sure to still be gentle with Tbh while holding him closely as he rubs his back comfortingly in circles.

“Shhh.. it's okay, Shhh..” Socks whispered in a soothing calming voice. trying his best to calm down the shorter boy from the sobs.

Tbh continued to cry. though this time calming down a little, sobbing quietly. he wrapped his arms around Socks as well hugging Socks closely like he never wanted to let go, the side of his head rests upon Sock's shoulder while he let the tears fall down his cheeks. the tears dripping onto Sock's shirt. which Socks didn't care about his mind was only focused on Tbh and Tbh only

the two men stood there for a few minutes. hugging each other closely while Socks made sure to keep Tbh close into his arms.

The raven hair boy started to slowly calm and his tears stopped forming in his eyes. he slowly looked up at Socks with red glassy eyes and wet cheeks, Socks looked down at Tbh as well making eye contact with him. Socks had a sadden look on his face as he saw Tbh's face it broke Sock's heart to see this. Socks felt bad he wanted to help Tbh and found out why he wanted to do all of this. but for now he decided to not push him to talk

Socks laid his hand softly onto Tbh's cheek. his thumb brushing against the soft cheek bone of Tbh's face gently while he kept his eyes locked Tbh's

Tbh was a bit surprised by the gesture as he didn't expect that from Socks. he stared back into Sock's eyes, Tbh would sometimes almost forget how beautiful his amber eyes were

They stood there quietly together staring into each other's eyes. they didn't say anything none of them looked away or moved the both of them just stood there in silence

Tbh is the first to look away as he realizes that he had been staring at Socks for a while. and he feels quite embarrassed while Sock's expression softened and kept looking at him. while Socks wondered what he is going to do with Tbh,

(Time Skip)

Socks and Tbh made it to Sock's house and right now their both sitting on the couch quietly while Tbh had the side of his head lay onto the arm of the couch. Socks didn't say anything while he looked at the tired boy.

Socks couldn't get the Memory of Tbh about to fall off a Bridge off his mind. he was worried. he was deeply worried that it would happen again anytime soon and probably this time without Socks or the gang being aware, Socks wanted to help. he wanted answers from Tbh

Socks decided that enough is enough. he stood up from the couch and went in front of Tbh. kneeling down onto his knee to Tbh, making them face to face

“Tbh.. why were you going to jump off that bridge?” Socks questioned in a firm but soft tone. his facial expression was calm and yet there showed so much worry in his eyes.

Tbh's eyes slid towards Socks. Tbh didn't say anything he stared at him silently. Tbh didn't know how he was going to tell all of this to Socks. About all of his pain and reasons to die

“Tbh please.. I need to know, I wanna help in someway. i want to know why you'd do this to yourself” Socks says his voice still soft but now full of worry

Tbh looked at him for a moment before he sighed. he knew that he couldn't escape this as Socks would keep asking til Tbh tells him

Tbh sat up more as he looked down at the brunette who was still kneeling down. finally giving in

“..because I couldn't take it anymore, the pain, the suffering, the lies, and everything I've, I just wanted to get away. I just wanted to end my misery...” Tbh whispered as tears starts to form in his eyes, he cleared his throat a little, he continued to speak.

“i just wanted all of this to end, cause the truth is.. my life sucks. it's nothing but hell for me in this world. everyone in my life had always made it hell, especially my parents, i've been hurt so many times to the point I was so close to breaking. I just couldn't take this anymore, I just couldn't, i just wanted it to end...” Tbh said while the tears fell down his cheek. his lips held tight together trying to contain himself and his tears, but obviously failed to do so

Socks’ eyes were round. he'd never knew Tbh went through so much. Tbh never told him about how much he was suffering and this broke Socks. this was the moment of realization.

“oh Tbh I..-” “it's not like any of you guys would've cared anyway.” Tbh muttered. loud enough to cut him out and for Socks to hear

Sock's expression turned to a shocked one when he had said that. he couldn't believe what Tbh had just said.

“what? no! Of course we would care. we all would” Socks stood up. Sitting down next to Tbh. placing a hand onto his shoulder

“i would care, Tbh.. you're my best friend! our group wouldn't be the same without you. you're an amazing person, more amazing than you think, if you're suffering then you come to us. maybe we could help you we would our best to comfort you and support you in any way, Tbh” his tone gotte softer and softer as he spoke those words to Tbh
this made Tbh's looks softened
“Tbh.. you should never think we'd never care.. We will always care about you. I will always care about you” Socks says having his hand still on Tbh's shoulder. having the softest look he's ever given

The green eyed boy's eyes started to water more while his lips tightened together. he lean forward into Sock's arms. wrapping his arms would Socks tightly and closely having his face hurried into his shoulder.

Socks was surprised by the gesture for a moment. but he immediately then wrapped his arms around Tbh as well embracing him closely

Socks smiled while he started rubbing circles around Tbh's back. Tbh stayed there in Socks’ arms enjoying the embrace. feeling safe in his arms.

the two men sat there in each others arms for a good few minutes
Tbh had his eyes closed and so did Socks. Tbh felt like no one could do any harm to him, he felt warm and safe in Sock's arms. he didn't wanna let go he didn't want to ever let go of Socks

Socks let out a quiet sigh then finally spoke with his soothing voice to Tbh “suicide isn't going to help, Tbh.. remember that”

Tbh nodded “yeah.. I guess you're right” Tbh said. he took a moment to think about that, He knew that Socks was probably right


It's been a few months after the night Tbh almost Committed suicide and life started becoming better for Tbh, he'd been to therapy a few times and he had talked to his friends more about how he feels and what he seen through. And he stared to actually feel better. Especially about himself, he became less insecure and less suicidal. he was starting to become happier. thanks to his best friend, Socks

but Tbh still had one problem, and that was if he should tell Socks about his feelings towards him,

this was a struggle Tbh had been through before and still is. he's wanted to tell Socks how he felt for years now. but he never got to achieve his goal yet.
Tbh wondered for a while if he should sooner or later tell Socks about how he feels, it's quite risky for Tbh, but he really wanted to tell him.

so Tbh decided that today was the day to finally confess to Socks his feelings, Tbh just hoped that it would go well and that he wouldn't screw up

Tbh walk up to Socks' house which wasn't too far ahead and he made it to the entrance of Socks' home. pressing the door bell twice and waited til he heard someone come up the door, Tbh felt pretty nervous, he thought to himself.. 'Am I making a mistake? will I screw up? will he even like me back?'

all those thoughts that roamed around Tbh's mind were interrupted by someone opening the door, that being Socks

Tbh's head immediately shot up at the taller brunette who was surprised to see Tbh here "Oh- Tbh! I didn't know you were coming by" he spoke with a smile while holding the door open. Socks couldn't lie, he was actually happy to see Tbh right here right now.

Tbh blushed and immediately returned the smile "Hey Socks, I just wanted to come by and say hi, I guess maybe hang out with you since I have nothing else to do" he chuckles, putting a hand behind his neck.

Socks' smile immediately brightens up when Tbh says that “well, i am glad you actually came. Come on in!” He moves aside for Tbh to come in while keeping the door opened, Tbh gladly entered Socks' home.

Tbh looked around a bit. even if he's been here multiple times he still founds the place amazing, it wasn't too fancy but it was a big home.

“Man i wish i could just have a place like this bro” he looks at him with a grin “i'm still so jealous of you!” Tbh joked, he did really like the place though. it is quite a beautiful home

Socks' lips formed to a wide grin as he chuckled while Shooking his head at Tbh, he knew well Tbh loved his home “Awh come on, it's not that great” he said while walking in with Tbh, him glancing at him calmly while Tbh looked back at him,
Tbh just rolled his eyes turning his back towards Socks “dont say that, it's beautiful” he compliments, he along with Socks started walking towards the living room

Tbh immediately flopped onto the comfortable white couch as he led out a big sigh of relaxation, making the taller brunette chuckle at the shorter curly haired boy, “hey, move up I wanna sit down too” Socks says as he grinned, Tbh smiled playfully. then moved his legs curled up for Socks to sit down. finally Socks sat down next to Tbh, looking at him with a big smile. Tbh looked back at him, he couldn't help but to smile back when he saw Socks’ smile, Socks’ smile was really special to Tbh. it was something that always made Tbh felt warm and fuzzy on the inside, it was type of a smile that Tbh just couldn't resist,

“.hey Socks?” Tbh suddenly spoke out, making Socks’ attention turn back to him as he gave a calming smile “yeah?” he answered

Tbh slowly started to sit himself up onto the couch crossing his legs, Tbh's eyes away from Socks' as Tbh didn't know how to out this, he didn't even know if he should do this right now. he felt so unsure about this

But he decided to suck it up and go for it,

He looked back at Socks with a nervous look in his green eyes as he looked at Socks’ amber eyes "there's... Something I want to tell you” Tbh said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck while looking aside away from Socks

This made Socks very curious about what Tbh wanted to ell him, he noticed Tbh's behaviour and gave a comforting smile “okay, well, don't be nervous to tell me, Tbh. you can tell me anything” Socks said as his gentle smile softens, he didn't want Tbh to feel like he couldn't tell him anything, he wanted Tbh to feel safe and comfortable with him like Tbh could tell or share anything.

Tbh's eyes slide back to Socks who was looking at him with a such comforting smile, Socks’ words made Tbh ease down a bit making his body relax a bit while his hand was put down to his lap.

Tbh softly bit his lip a little while fidgeting his fingers nervously. “uhm... for a while I.. I...." Tbh stopped his talking for a moment as he looked at Socks, he closed his eyes as he inhaled and led out a soft sigh t calm himself

“what i wanna say is that, I like you, Socks.." he confessed, he closed his eyes tightly as he turned his face away from Socks, almost trying to hide himself away from Socks

“I've liked you for a long time now.. i- I know it's weird and so sudden of me to say this but.. I really really like you Socks.” he opens his eyes to look at Socks “more than I've liked anyone else..” Tbh finally finished, fully turning his gaze towards Socks, who had a pretty surpised look on his face

Socks stared at Tbh for a bit, as his cheeks started to slowly turn pink from Tbh's confession, he'd be lying if he said that he didn't feel happiness growing inside him from the confession

“Tbh I...-” Socks spoke out- stopping himself for a moment, and as he was gonna speak again, Tbh already spoken

“it’s okay if you don't feel the same way, it really is, I wouldn't mind us being just friends. I just wanted to get that out of my chest...” Tbh immediately said, Tbh gave a small bitter smile while looking down a little away from Socks, trying to hide a bit of his sadness away from him, all he was hoping for is that he wouldn't lose his best friend, he didn't care if Socks' didn't feel the same way, he just didn't wanna loose him.

Socks stared at Tbh for a moment til he slowly reaches this hand out and laid it gently against Tbh's hand that was on his lap, making Tbh turn his attention back to Socks directly in confusion, only to see Socks giving him a smile

Socks' thumb started to caress gently against the knuckles of Tbh's hand “i.. like you too, Tbh, I feel the same way as you do” Socks confessed with a warm smile as he saw Tbh's face turn to a surprising look

Tbh didn't expect Socks to say that he liked him back, and yet he just did, this caused Tbh's cheeks to slowly turn to a faint tent of red. looking aside a little while his shoulders raised a little

“you do?” Tbh questioned quietly. his green eyes looking back at Socks who was still smiling so warmly at him, Tbh's question caused Socks to smile more to the point he grinned brightly at the curly haired boy “yes, Tbh. I do, I really really do” Socks confirmed as his fingers started to slowly intertwine with Tbh's fingers “and.. I'd like to be more than friends with you, Tb” Socks shyly admitted as he gave Tbh a small grin
Socks' actions caused Tbh to blush a little more, Tbh's lip slowly formed into smile as he held Socks' hand back gently. the both of them having soft grips onto each other's hand, Tbh would be lying if he said that he wasn't so happy, cause it's definitely the complete opposite of that.

“me too, Socks... me too” he said as his smile became wider as he stared into the brunette's beautiful amber eyes while his hand still held Socks'

Socks' face started to flush a little more as well, both of the men's cheeks heated up.

The two stared off at each other's eyes which felt like such a long time, it felt like hours, their eyes locked with each others. non of them turning away from each other. though after a while of staring. the taller brunette started to lean in closer to the shorter man.

Soon as the two men leaned in, their lips finally connected, and Tbh almost immediately melted into the kiss. the feeling of Socks' lips against his own gave him butterflies, he felt like he was in heaven. he never knew that Socks' lips would've felt so good against his own.

And Socks felt the same way, he loved how soft Tbh's lips felt. it felt so irresistible. Socks could feel his heart flatter from this moment. he definitely doesn't want this moment to ever end. he wanted this to last as long as possible with Tbh. and Tbh definitely felt the same way, h wouldn't want this moment to end so quickly.

Tbh started to slowly lean in closer to Socks, he wanted to be as close to him as possible. his hands started to slowly make their way to Socks' chest. placing his hand gently onto them. which one of his hands could slightly feel the vibration of Socks' heartbeat against the palm of his hand, and when Socks felt Tbh's hands be placed on his chest, he couldn't help but to blush a little at Tbh's touch. but he quite liked it too.

he started to lean in more closer as well, his hands took a hold on Tbh's shoulders gently so they both can be close, deepening in this sweet heavingly kiss.

soon the kiss had come to an end as the two men parted their lips from each other. both letting a quiet sound out of their lips, Tbh was the first to open his eyes and look at the man in front of him, Socks opened his eyes as well to look back at Tbh.

Socks' lips curled up to a slight smile “was it.. okay?” Socks questioned with a caring look in his eyes, which his question only made Tbh smile brightly in response, probably the brightest he's ever smiled “it was great..” Tbh said as one of his hands went up, placing it so gently against Socks' bearded jaw. his thumb brushing gently against Socks' cheekbone.

Socks started to smile more at his words. he leaned in gently onto Tbh's hand. closing his eyes for a moment before opening them up again to look back at the curly haired boy in front of him.

Tbh couldn't help but to stare into Socks' eyes, his eyes were lock the taler brunette's eyes, it felt as if he was getting lost in them and that he'd never be able to look away.

Slowly Tbh's eyes finally moved down looking at Socks' rosy pink lips, he felt an sudden urge to lean in and capture those lips against his own. he wanted that sweet feeling of Socks' lips on his own again.

“Socks..” his eyes slowly looked into Socks' “can I kiss you again?” he questioned in a quiet yet soothing tone.

Socks smiled at him and gently nodded against Tbh's hand “yes” he calmly replied. Socks definitely couldn't say no to a kiss.

Socks' answer made Tbh nod in response. Tbh leaned in and captured Socks' pare of lips against his own, Socks closed his eyes and immediately melt into the kiss. and so did Tbh.

Tbh's hand that was placed on Socks' jaw started to slowly go to the back of his head. pulling Socks deeper into the kiss which caused Socks to blush, but accepted it anyway.

Tbh's other hand started to softly grip onto the taller man's orange shirt. holding the fabric tightly into his fingers, which Socks could feel.

Soon the kiss slowly turned a sweet but passionate kiss as Tbh's lips rubbed against Socks' lips, his head tilting side to side, Socks' felt how the kiss became a passionate one and he could feel his own heart flatter from that. soon his hand slowly went to the back of Tbh's head as he held Tbh closely. wanting more of the kiss, which Tbh could tell, he started to smirk a little into the kiss.

Tbh slowly started to get closer onto Socks. to the point he started to climb onto Socks' lap, wanting to be even closer onto Socks.

this surprised Socks to the point his face started to heat up. though he didn't mind this. His free arm started wrap around Tbh's waist placing his hand on his back. Tbh softly hummed in response, amused,

Soon Tbh start to soft nibble onto Socks' bottom lip teasingly, causing the taller brunette to grown quietly in response. making The slightly smirk proudly in amusement. til he did it again but this time on Socks' upper lip, Socks' started to gently grip onto the thin fabric of Tbh's shirt. he's never experienced this and yet he comes to like this.

not long after Tbh's tongue slipped out brushing against Socks' lips, asking for permission for his tongue to enter

Socks for a moment was shocked by this. but the brunette leaned in and opened his mouth for entry, which Tbh immediately took and slid his tongue in. making sure to be slow with this a she knows that Also and himself has never kissed anyone before, not even like this. Tbh didn't want to make Socks uncomfortable or rush things with him. though he wanted to make sure that this kiss would be a enjoyable one.

Socks couldn't help but to moan against Tbh's lips, he could feel butterflies roaming into his stomach intensely. this was a feeling he wasn't use to, but is something he'll slowly but quickly get use to later on

Tbh's tongue continued to explore Socks' mouth as he frowned back into the kiss, this caused Socks to gently grip onto Tbh's hair and pull him deeper, this made Tbh moan but also smirk in response, as he could tell Socks wanted more and doesn't want this to end

Tbh made sure to hold Socks even closer as their chest collided together. feeling each other's soft vibrations of their hearts beating. this was an amazing and pleasuring moment for the two, the two men never wanted it to stop, not just yet,

Socks slowly started to motion his tongue the same way as Tbh did, as their tongue swirled together into a dance. both the men moaned at each other in enjoyment and pleasure as they both enjoyed this tongue to tongue kiss so much. Tbh liked that Socks started to do the same, it had even caused him to blush. yet he craved for more of this. both of them did even if the other didn't want to admit it.

Soon their passionate kiss had slowly started to come to an end as they both pulled away for some air, their pants and breaths filling the air as that's all they could hear.

Socks leaned his head gently against Tbh's, which Tbh did the same. both quietly panting together from their make-out session they just had

the corner of Socks' mouth started to lift up into a smile “Wow..” Socks breathed out. that's all he could at this moment say, he couldn't believe they just had a make-out session and yet they just did, Socks knew that he'd never forget this moment. especially their first kiss,

While the sides of Tbh's lips slowly started to grow into a smile as well from what Socks had said. “heh.. i never knew you'd be a good kisser” Tbh teased, causing Socks to blush at his words. Socks' lips slowly formed to a flustered grin, “i could say the same for you” Socks replied as his hand on the back of Tbh's head slowly was placed to the side of the curly haired boy's head. his thumb gently brushing against the curls of Tbh's hair

Tbh smiled more. “would it be weird if i told you right now that I love you?” Tbh questioned shyly and yet unsurely.

This made Socks a little surprised, but he couldn't help but to grin brightly. slowly he leaned his head back to look at Tbh “would it be weirder if i said that I love you too?” Socks questioned back.

This started to make Tbh smile widely at Socks' response. it made his heart melt at those words. it made him feel happier and warm on the inside.

Tbh leaned in and wrapped his arms around Socks' chest. pulling him into a close hug, a hug that he'd never want to pull away from, of course Socks happily returned the gesture and wrapped his arms closely around Tbh as well, holding him closely in a almost protective way. like as if Tbh was going to disappear at any point

Tbh close this eyes and quietly hummed happily as his smile never left his face, he felt safe and warm in this hug, Tbh feels like the luckiest man alive to ever finally have someone like Socks to be more than his best friend. this was a moment that he hopes that would more often happen between them. which Socks hoped for as well, he definitely would want to have more moments like this with his now new boyfriend.

Tbh then quietly spoke “i love you, Socks.”

This made Socks smile more, as his arms started to hug Tbh a little tighter as he closed his eyes as well “I love to too, Tbh” he calmly replied in a soothing tone.

the two boys sat there for a while hugging each other. Tbh not wanting to ever let go, and it was something Socks was gonna have to go with for now




(The End.....)

hey guuyys!!! Holy I finally posted! I am SO so sorry I didn't post anything for a while! 😭 I really had no motivation to write. the only thing that could motivate me was inspiration, ]

Not only that, he reason why I took long was cause I wanted to actually try and write something good! I wanted this to not be so crappy or anything, I wanted it to be written good but also for it to not have a crap or cringe storyline! I was also lazy to write this so I'm not gonna try to argue on why I was gone for so long.

I really hope y'all enjoy! I put a little force and energy to finish this for you today/tonight! :).
I just suddenly felt like finishing this today lol. I hope I will be worth it for you! Plus I think this is the longest one shot I've even written lol. So that's a bonus for you guys I hope.

Well bye now! I guess expect more storys for me as I'll try and finish some request that I still gotta do! Hopefully I'll get enough inspiration to motivate me to write! :'D if there are at mistakes in this one shot I'll Edit them prolly later! otherwise as always, please let me know! I know my Grammer and other stuff still sucks, but I am trying



P.S: ust Plz don't expect me to post quicker- even if that were to happen one day just don't think I'll do it again!
P.S 2: I guess also expect some good stories/writings!

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