Chapter Six: Valentine's Day

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Chapter Six: Valentine's Day

"He gave you tickets to Deathstar Emperor?"

Rose had practically screamed the words down the phone and Rey had held her handset a foot from her ear in a vain attempt to preserve her hearing.

"Four, front row," she said once the pitch of Rose's squeal had descended from a level that only dogs could hear.

"FOUR?" Rey winced again. Tickets to the hottest band in the world right now were like gold dust and everyone in the office had been desperate to get their hands on them.

"Calm down. It means I can take three friends..."

"I had better be among them or we are over, Smith!"

"Rose, Rose," Rey managed amid her laughter. Rose had turned fierce but there was never any way she would have left her best friend at home. "You , me, Finn and Poe..."

"Or you, Secret Admirer, me and Hux," Rose suggested, suddenly serious. Rey sighed and chewed her fingernail.

"Depends whether he is a complete ass," she sighed and then her face fell. "I mean, if I hate him, do I have to give back the gifts?"

"Are you KIDDING?" Rose scolded her. "The only gift you ever hand back is an engagement ring when you break it off...and then not always..."


"His presents were given to you with no expectation," Rose reminded her. "So accept them in the same spirit. But remember-tomorrow is the big day. So you need to look your best and best prepared for anything!" Rey rolled her eyes.

"I'm still not expecting anything," she said warily. "That way you don't get disappointed."

"Or you could be pleasantly surprised," Rose teased her. "I'll send you pictures of my outfit for tomorrow night..." Rey sighed for she had an assignment to finish.

"I can't wait," she sighed but Rose wasn't fooled.

"I'll leave you to finish your assignment once I do," she promised. "But just remember-he could be the man of your dreams."


Somehow, despite feeling anxious and running on four hours sleep, Rey had submitted her assignment, showered and dressed in a sleek navy blue fitted dress with a contrasting brown leather belt, navy heels and pale green cardigan, her hair swept into a neat single asymmetrical bun and arrived early. In fact she was at work half an hour earlier than usual and none of her friends had made it in. Thankfully, the office was devoid of any hearts, cards or any other nauseatingly romantic symbols of the season. Hanging her coat up and stowing her salad in the fridge, she sat at her desk and sighed.

There was an envelope and a small gold-wrapped box with a red bow on top sitting on her desk. The familiar gold writing was on the pink envelope and she stared at it as if it was some sort of explosive. Quietly she logged onto her emails and then glanced at the envelope again before giving a huge groan and opening it. She knew that Rose would prise it open and check inside if she knew she had been ignoring it for more than ten seconds.

It was heavier than she expected so she opened the flap and slid out the thick card, then inspected it. It was classy, clearly expensive and tasteful containing a sweet poem about love. Below there was a message in golden pen:

Some people are going to reject you because you shine too bright for them and that's okay-keep shining.

Be my Valentine

Tonight 7.30pm at the New Republic- table is in your name

Her eyes widened and she felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Unconsciously, she covered her mouth. Then she reread the words and gave a small smile. Looking up and checking the office was still empty, she slid the card and envelope into her bag before turning her attentions to the box. This time, aware of the time, she ripped the paper off to find a dark blue jewellers box. She sighed and stared and then, very carefully, opened the box to reveal a silver and gold stylised sun on a fine double silver chain. Tiny crystals shimmered on the rays of the sun. Her lips parted in shocked and then she carefully removed it from the box, inspecting it on her hand and smiling.

She felt completely shocked though she had half-expected the invitation-but the gift was perfect. Not a heart because Rey felt hearts were over-used and cliched at this time of year but something more personal. So she grinned like an idiot as she fastened the little necklace around her neck, the sun gleaming at her throat. And then, as she heard the door opening, she pushed the paper and box into her drawer and pretended to be at work.

"REY!" Rose was trotting in, her face red from the cold and a huge grin lighting her features. "Anything?" Rey smiled and moved so the light caught her necklace. Immediately, her friend's eyes widened and she dumped her bag and coat on her desk to inspect the gift.

"Oh my god that is so beautiful," she gushed. "That looks...amazing." Then she looked into Rey's eyes. "Did he ask you?" she demanded in a fierce voice-and then Rey grinned and nodded.

"New Republic, 7.30pm!" she revealed, her eyes sparkling.


"Nope. Personal," she said smugly. "How about you?" Rose glanced at Hux's door and winked then hung her coat up. Jannah had arrived and Finn and Poe were at the door when the door opened and Hux emerged, looking intensely flustered. Rey watched as Rose swung round to see him holding a pink envelope, a heart-shaped box of candies and an expensive bunch of red roses. He stopped by her desk and took a breath.

"Miss Tico...Rose..." he said, his voice an octave higher than usual. "I was very much wondering if you would do me the inestimable honour of being my Valentine?" Rose squealed and bounced to her feet, flinging herself at him and wrapping him in huge hug.

"Armie-of course I will!" she said and he hastily dropped his gifts on the desk to return the hug. His grin was goofy as he stared into her face.

"Thank you," he murmured. "I-I hope the flowers are okay..."

"They're absolutely beautiful!" Rose gushed and ripped open the card. A movement caught Rey's eye and she glanced over at Ren's office, seeing him standing in the doorway, watching with a slight smile on his lips. He glanced over and saw her inspecting him and almost looked...guilty... Before she could consider this further, he offered her a slight nod and then withdrew back, closing the door silently. A pang of something akin to sympathy ran through her chest: in that moment he looked lonely and she wondered if he had any plans for Valentine's. Then she shook herself: it wasn't as if she could easily ask him. She cast one last glance and hoped that perhaps, he would have a date for the evening: it would probably do him the world of good. So she turned back to Rose's successful attempts at embarrassing Hux...


"Good work."

Hux cast Kylo the most vicious look he could muster-which was pretty unpleasant, all things considered.

"How can you make two words sound so insulting?" he snapped.

"Practice," Kylo shot back. He was sitting back in his seat drinking a mug of coffee that Rey had insisted on making him, intimating that he wasn't safe to let loose with the kettle unsupervised. Her tart concern had almost had him smiling and it had taken a lot of effort to control his face.

"Some of us may not live in the lonely damp cave you call your life, Ren, and are actually looking forward to this evening!" Hux shot back.

"I enjoyed watching you make a complete ass of yourself with Rose Tico," he replied, smirking slightly. "If there was a prize for the most awkward Valentine's gift, you are the winner!" Hux scowled and then shook his head.

"I...Rose means a lot to me..." he mumbled. "And I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to be there as soon as she arrived to give her Valentine's gifts..."

"Are you blushing?"

"Shut up, Ren!" Hux snapped. "I know your chest may be devoid of any semblance of a heart but some of us actually want a chance at happiness. And to see Rose smile..."

"If it's of any interest, she was smiling," Kylo told her. "All morning. I think you broke her."

"Scoff away-but I don't see you actually daring to stand forward and offering your gifts to Rey yourself," Hux retaliated.

"What part of secret implies revealing myself until the last moment?" Kylo snapped back and then he closed his eyes, his tone growing weary. "Let her imagine for a little longer that someone worthwhile actually wants to go out with her. Let her enjoy the joy the gifts have given her. But when she arrives at the restaurant, when she sees me, I'll have ruined it for her and she will never forgive me."

"And that bothers you," Hux murmured, leaning forward. So swiftly, the boot had moved to the other foot. Reluctantly, Kylo nodded.

"I did as you suggested and watched her," he admitted quietly. "And you were right."

"I usually am," Hux told him smugly.

"But not in one thing," Kylo said pensively. "Rey isn't a person to be played like a game. She's real and she feels and she has never had a Valentine. And when...she finds out this was a wager, she will be hurt beyond words."

"You've said before," Hux told him.

"But this is real," Kylo told him and there was a modicum of despair in his eyes. "I have asked her out. She is wearing the necklace I gave her. She looked...happy. But she thinks I'm an asshole and doesn't consider I could possibly be an option for her secret admirer."

"Ah. That could be tricky," Hux told him. Kylo pressed his lips together and nodded. Then he squared his shoulders.

"Whatever happens, I want her to be happy," he said. Hux rose and headed for the door.

"Then you need to work out what you're going to say to her," he advised the taller man. "Because you can't spend the date in silence-and women like being complimented."

"Even if it's a lie?"

"Sincerity and honesty are vital," Hux admitted. Kylo buried his face on the desk.

"I really am doomed."


Work ended at five as usual and the staff all stampeded out at top speed. Finn and Poe had been flirting nauseatingly all day and Rey had made Finn promise to text her when the proposal was made. Rose had already promised to update her on her date with Hux while Jannah and Zorii had left early. Rey had promised to fill everyone in on who her secret admirer was.

She glanced at the last occupied office and paused. Hux had left with the rest and she was only last because she wanted to finish a letter. Then she paused and walked to Ren's office, rapping on the door. He murmured for her to enter, authorising the letter.

"Are you going to be long, Mister Ren?" she asked him as he looked up. He shook his head.

"I have an...engagement this evening so I will be leaving shortly," he admitted. "You have a date, I trust?" She nodded.

"A blind date," she admitted, chewing her lip. "I-I've never done this before so I have no clue how it works...I-I just hope he doesn't regret it. Or that he turns up at all."

"Why shouldn't he?" he asked quietly, reading the uncertainty in her eyes. "He has pursued you this week. He asked you out. You are a very attractive woman. yourself, Rey. That's what your admirer was attracted to in the first place. Be yourself-it's the best you can be."

"But what if he hates what he realises I am?" she asked him and he rose, walking toward her.

"Rey..." he began and then she shook her head.

"I'm so sorry," she gabbled quickly. "Have a Happy Valentine's Day, Mister Ren."

"And you!" he called after her as she almost ran from his office. He sighed and closed his eyes. This had disaster written all over it.


Rey was still unbalanced and embarrassed as she arrived home and moved into the shower. She just had time for a quick shower and to dry her hair in soft waves before she changed into a simple little black dress, sheer tights and elegant black patent heels. A light brush of powder and eyeshadow and a soft pink lipstick completed the look. Making sure she had small crystal earrings that matched her sunburst necklace, she pulled her coat on, grabbed her purse and sped for the restaurant.

The streets were cold but crowded with couples ambling along, arm in arm to various venues for the evening. There were the usual crowds of Friday revellers, rowdy and well-oiled already and a few late commuters making their ways home as she walked along the street. The New Republic was an elegant restaurant that specialised in European cuisine and was almost impossible to get a reservation in. That of course never stopped people hanging around outside, hoping to maybe catch a break if someone was a no-show or walk out. And it was with a very strange sensation that she walked past them and onto the small carpet outside, under the canopy and into the small lobby.

There were pictures on the walls there, of old senators and famous previous diners that had a twinge of panic running through her. What was she, a nameless foundling, doing here? She was just a secretary and she could see the picture of a former President, for kriff's sake!

"Can I take your name, Madame?"

The Maitre d' gave a small smile and she snapped back to the present. Forcing a smile onto her lips, she took a step forward.

"Rey Smith," she explained. "I-I have a reservation at 7.30..." The man nodded and grasped a menu.

"I am delighted to welcome you, Mademoiselle Smith," he said smoothly, his tuxedo immaculate. "Your guest is already waiting." Rey gulped and forced herself to smile again. This was it. The moment she had been dying for/waiting for/dreaming of/dreading. She forced herself to follow him to a discreet booth to one side, glancing at elegant couples and the high number of waiters, almost one per table, with glasses of champagne on every table.

"Your table," the Maitre d' said, standing back as she walked forward. And then she froze as she saw, dressed immaculately in a formal black tuxedo, white shirt and black bow tie, the unmistakable shape of Kylo Ren.

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