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When I got home, I added Dylan to our football chat.

A few minutes afterwards, I got a snap from Jack.

Hey do you like disney movies

Huh? I snapped him back.

Wdym lmao

I got another notification from him pretty quickly.

Like the original animated ones. Since I'm not going to the party Friday I figured we could have a disney marathon like so I'm not lonely and so we can kinda make fun of Alan lowkey

I smiled.

Lol sure, I snapped back. You can come over after the game and spend the night. Sound good?

Yeah def!

Oh my god. Jack Jansen's spending the night at my house.

Well, I guess I should be glad that he asked for Disney movies instead of horror movies. I can watch horror movies, but only if I'm cuddling with a blanket or a pillow something warm. Movies like that freak me out.

***the gayest of time skips***

On Thursday morning, Jack and I got our Spanish project back.

"Nice!" Jack said, grinning down at our poster. "Google Translate got us a 93!"

"I didn't know Google Translate was that accurate," I admitted.

"Neither did I," Jack said, laughing.

Señora walked back to the front of the class once she had passed back all of the projects.

"Alright, class, today you'll be going down in groups to the nurse's office to get your annual height, weight, and eyesight check-in." She grabbed a stack of hall passes and began distributing them. "You'll report to the nurse's office at the time on your slip."

I squinted down at mine. 11:20- no, 11:30- just before lunch.

The rest of the day went fairly quickly. Alex, the wide receiver who was moving to California, pulled me aside and said that his going away party would Saturday night. I'm not into parties much, but this was different. I told him I'd be there. Besides, that meant Jack could spend all day at my house and then we could just head over to Alex's together.

At 11:30, I grabbed my backpack and hall pass and headed down to the nurse.

"Hello," the nurse said in a cool voice as I walked in. "Name?"

"Oliver Rivera."



She checked my name off the list.

"Alrighty, take off your shoes and step up to the measurement stick on the wall."

I did as she told me. I've been a solid 6'1" since the beginning of my sophomore year, so that wasn't any news.

Next, she weighed me. I was 189 pounds- most of it muscle.

Finally, she had me sit down to resd the eye charts. The nurse gave me a black plastic spoon to put over one eye, then the other. I covered my left eye.

"Can you read this line for me?" she asked, pointing to a line on the chart.

I looked at it carefully. For some reason, my eyes weren't focusing.

"Um..." I said, embarrassed. "Uh, Q, W, Y, H, Z?"

She looked at the chart, then back at me.

"Can you maybe read the line above that?" she asked.

"Uh...." It was the same struggle. "T, R, F, J, L, M?" I was basically making up letters at this point. I couldn't see any of them.

The nurse frowned.

"Cover your right eye, Oliver." She pointed to another line.

"I really have no clue," I admitted. "I couldn't see anything with my other eye, either."

"I can tell," the nurse said. She jotted down some notes on a piece of paper and gave the sheet to me.

"I wrote a letter to your father. You need to see an eye doctor as soon as possible," she said. I took the paper. "It seems like you just need reading glasses, but it's better to check."

I nodded. "Thank you," I said as I walked out.

Are you kidding me? Glasses? I can't have glasses! I better not need to wear them on the field.

"Hey, Ol!" Jack said, as I sat down next to him. Dylan smiled as he sat down on my other side. I started to say something to Dylan, but Jack snatched my paper out of my hand.

"What's this?" he said. He quickly read over it.

"Glasses?" he asked quietly. I nodded and put my head down.

"Ollie? You good?"

I looked up. The guys were staring at me with concern.

"I need glasses," I said.

The team looked at me for a second. Then they started smiling and telling me how great I would look.

"Ollie, don't be hard on yourself!" Dylan told me. "You're going to look great." He smiled. I blushed and was about to say thank you when Jack cut in.

"Yeah, Ol! I mean, if you thought you were a girl magnet BEFORE, think about how much of a girl magnet you'll be NOW!" Then it hit him. "Oh... right.... Well, I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there who will find you just as adorable in glasses as you are without them."

I laughed and bent my head down. "Thanks, guys."

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