(Kick 11)

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Kick Eleven: Natsu is coming to his senses
Previously on FPG:

"What have I done?" Natsu grabbed his calendar from Zeref's hands, looking at all the days he spent on football and Lisanna. Then it clicked, he should have been spending time with Lucy. Lucy was right, he took her for granted.

Grandeeney watched as her son realized his mistake. She smiled. "You never truly know how much you have until it's gone," She whispered.

"Now Natsu," Wendy spoke up.

"As they say," Zeref added.

"Go get er' tiger!" Wendy cheered, grabbing her brother and shaking him.

Natsu ran to school the next day, calendar in hand. He needed to apologize to Lucy. His senses came back, hitting him in the head with every ounce of regret. Everything made sense now. He even realized why it bothered Lucy to be called 'Dragneel's girlfriend'. He wouldn't want to be called that either. Especially not after being treated like that. Who knew a measly little calendar could show him the way?

Natsu stopped in front of Fairy Tail. He was ready, wasn't he? So why was he hesitating? Would Lucy really want to talk to him? Especially after the hurt he caused her? No. He pushed the negative thoughts out of his head. The first step to making things right is noticing what you did wrong. The second step is to try your hardest, and if all else fails, get up and try again.

He sprinted into the building, bumping into people left and right, he needed to find Lucy. His warmth, his sunshine, his smile, his world, but most importantly his girlfriend. He needed her back. Natsu was on a rampage. Without his warmth a beast took over his very being. Every fiber was trapped in a cage, and he couldn't do anything about it. Why? His motivation ran away from him the night they had the fight, and he was wimpy enough to let her run away.

"What the hell have I done?" Was muttered as he ran into her classroom.

Natsu saw her. He saw her sitting there with a broken expression. His eyes wandered to Mira, who looked like she was going to pumble someone.

'I would hate to be that someone. Oh wait, I am that someone'

Natsu broke. His heart was torn. His beautiful little ray of sunshine looked broken, and he never wanted to see it again. He raced up to her.

"Luce, I am so sorry. I regret everything. I should've realized your pain sooner." He breathed, "I'll quit the football team. I'll do anything just to be with you again. I'm so sorry. I know you probably won't forgive me, trust me, I wouldn't either." Natsu was out of breath, and on his knees, hands on her desk.

His face looked like a reck. He didn't bother brushing his hair, and he was up all night, thinking about what he had done. It was his fault his sunshine ran away, and that was clear as day now. Lucy's eyes widened, her gaze shifting to him. Was it really her Natsu?

"Natsu?" Lucy whimpered.

"Luce. Oh my lord I love you so much, and I'm sorry." He cried.

A bunch of people gathered around them, watching as the football player desperately tried to get his girl back. Lucy had shock written everywhere. Mira was shocked as well. It was at that moment that Mira realized it truly was their Natsu. But one question arose in her mind. What if he does this to Lucy again? Mira's eyes softened.

'It'll be my job to keep him in check,'

Lucy sat there, gawking at Natsu. He was a mess. His eyes had dark circles under them, and his hair was messier than usual. One thing Lucy noticed caught her off guard. Natsu was crying.

"I'm so sorry," He sobbed.

"Natsu!" Lucy beamed, smiling. She got up walking around her desk and hugged him. She didn't care about anything but him right now.

"You're back, aren't you?" Lucy asked softly, wiping the remaining tears from his eyes.

"Yes Luce," Natsu's face found it's way into her neck. Her hand found it's way onto his head, patting down his messy hair.

"It's been awhile stranger," Lucy joked, hugging him.

"I missed you, Natsu." Lucy whispered, trying to comfort his shaking frame.

Natsu was well aware he had hurt his sunshine, and boy, he wasn't the slightest bit happy with himself. "I promise I won't ever take you for granted, never again." Natsu shook his head.

"Calm down Natsu. I'm not mad." Lucy grinned, "I'm just happy your back,"

Natsu's eyes widened, "Luce, please be mad at me."

"Why?" She gazed at him in confusion.

"Because, I deserve hatred, I did nothing but hurt you. A boyfriend is supposed to care for his girlfriend, not bash her." Lucy shook her head.

"You don't deserve hatred Natsu. You were simply lost in thoughts. I should've given you space," Natsu shook his head.

"Luce, never ever give me space again. I want you by my side. Always."

"Lucy, I think we need to keep a closer eye on him," Mira spoke up, "If we don't, there's a chance this can happen again."

Lucy nodded, "I agree Mira."

"I love you Lucy."

"I love you too,"

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