(Kick 20)

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Kick Twenty: Who saw her last
Previously on FPG:

Levy sat there, her expression becoming even more worried.

"Her phone doesn't have a signal..."


Mira sat next to Levy, a laptop on both of their laps as they kept clicking on thing.





Nothing. They sat there, eyes glued to the refresh button. Erza sat next to Mira, her eyes glued to the words 'This phone cannot be reached refresh and try again'. Juvia's phone was up to her ear, once in while she tapped the phone twice. Now, what were they doing you ask? Well, they are tracking their missing blondie.

"Where," Levy started.

"Is," Erza added.

"She?" Juvia ended.

Mira didn't look up from her laptop at all. All she was focused on was the laptop and finding her best friend. Her head started spinning, thinking of possibilities. 'Where's Lisanna?' 'Where's Dan?'. When she heard the buzzer signaling Natsu, Laxus, and the rest of the boys game was over, she shut the laptop, standing up.

"We need to find her now. Erza, get the boys please. Levy, make sure you have Lucy's phone in every tracking device you have. Juvia, please put the laptops in the bag."

"Where are you going Mira?" Levy asked suddenly, making all eyes turn to her.

"I'm going to have a little chat."

"With who?"

"My sister." Mira's heels clacked against the bleachers, making all the remaining students watch her.

Mira's pose was stiff, annoyed, and she was giving off a fuming rage. Mira spotted the one white head in the stand, walking up to it. "I'm only going to ask you once. If I don't get an answer, I'll tell mom."

"So what?" Her sister sassed, standing from her spot.

"Where is Lucy?" Mira hissed, her eyes burning into Lisanna's soul.

"Somewhere you'll never find her." Lisanna glared at her sister, "Excuse me sis, I have somewhere to be."

Mira stood there, not bothering to watch Lisanna leave. Instead, Mira was going to follow her, and it was going to be with, or without her friends. Mira followed behind Lisanna sneakily, not wanting to be caught.

Eventually, Mira got to her car, jumping in her car, only to be scared that her friends were already seated. "What're you waiting for Mira, drive." Laxus huffed.

Mira rolled down the windows, fixing her mirror to be looking at Natsu. She started the car silently, occasionally asking Levy questions.

The whole car was silent; no one dared to speak. All anyone did was cuddle, sleep, and listen to the small conversation of Levy and Mira.

Natsu looked out the window, internally screaming. His sunshine; the one he finally got back, was now taken away again. Why? He shook his head, she had to be okay, right?

"Mira, look out!"

Mira swerved the car out of the way, causing everyone a small amount of relief.

"Mira, we're here."

"Everyone stay here. I'll go in first."

No one dared to question or go against Mira's judgement, sensing the rage floating off of her.

"I'm going in....alone."

"Mira!" But before anyone could get the word out, Mira...was gone.

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