(Kick 45)

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Kick Forty Five: Family Reunions
Previously on FPG:
Natsu's hand's cupped her face, his thumbs wiping away her tears, "Don't worry love, I'm here to stay."

He smiled gently, kissing her shaking frame. Lucy whimpered, the thought of him leaving her again...it was a nightmare.

And lucky for her, the war had been won the next day.
Natsu had recently been discharged from the hospital, seeing as Lucy's determination to get him out was stronger than iron. But, he wasn't complaining. He had stayed with his family since then, Lucy staying over at times, and running errands for him.

But that's the way she liked it, for right now at least. She knew it would take awhile for him to regain his strength and such, so in the meantime, she would do everything she could to help.

Grandeeney on the other hand was struggling. Her head pounded with a single question. Is that coma really possible? Her eyes scanned over her various book in her library, looking for all the medical books it could muster.

Igneel yawned, his eyes watering. His callused hands lifted the numerous papers he's  been working on, throwing em to the left side of his unkept desk. He took his glasses off, sighing.

Zeref and Wendy sat next to their mom, flipping through pages.

"Mom, I don't see how this could be possible, it just doesn't make sense." Wendy sighed.

Zeref pondered, his head rested  upon his hand, then he got an idea, a rather scary one at that. "What if... What if Natsu isn't our Natsu?"

Grandeeney and Wendy stopped. The room stayed silent.

Grandeeney coughed, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if someone has Natsu captured, and someone else is posing as Natsu?" Zeref  explained.

"How and why would they do that?" Wendy asked.

"To get information, it may be that they have him tied up somewhere."

"Then we need to find out for ourselves." Grandeeney stood, "Zeref. Wendy. Find out if our Natsu isn't our Natsu. I'm going to find out where they would keep prisoners."

His eyes were dry, his mouth was dry, and every sliver of hope he had left was almost gone. His head was pounding and his stomach was absolutely empty. Yet the only thing he could think of was his beautiful little sunshine.

Natsu's hands were tied, his wrists turning red as he tried to escape them. He eyed everything, trying to escape.

"Oh, you aren't leaving. Lucy already thinks it's you, we've staged everything. Now, tell me, is she really that smart of a girl? Hm? Lucy Heartfilia. Let's mess around with her a little bit, shall we?"


"Oh, we aren't going to do anything but maybe rape her."

Natsu's hands trembled, a tear escaping his eye. "Do as you wish to me, as it may never disturb her."

The man chuckled, clicking his tongue in arrogance. "Natsu, my boy, whatever could I do to you, that would make what I'm going to do to Lucy better?"

Natsu cringed, "I will do as you ask, but if you hurt my sunshine, I will burn you to a pile of ashes."

"And how are you gonna do that?" He smiled, lighting a cigar in his mouth. "You're locked up in chains and still trying to fight. Pathetic!"

He chuckled, his eyes widening sadistically. He was proud of his work, knocking out the Dragneel boy, and sending a demon in his place. Marvelous. After all, he was the king. The King of Tartarus.

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