A Perilous Night

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Luna: I'm finally back! Sorry for the long hiatus! ^^'

Hakuryuu: You shouldn't have returned.

Luna: *sticks her tongue out* But I just did.

Kishibe: And the crazy author is back again. *shakes his head*

Luna: Why are you all mean? T_T

Hakuryuu: Get used to it.

Luna: T_T

Enjoy minna-san! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you find it satisfying~

WARNING: There are violent scenes here. Please be warned. Read at your own risk.


"Thank you." The female smiled as the waitress, who was wearing a maid costume, placed down her order, a hot cappuccino in front of her. The rich coffee smell wheezed through her nose and she inhaled, muscles relaxing. The maid bowed down and smiled before leaving her at her own business. (F/n) watched her retreating form for a while, then she focused at her cappuccino. The coffee seems inviting. The foam forming above the surface is welcoming her and she wasted no more time grabbing the cup with both hands.

It was hot against her numbed hands, just the way she like it. Especially under this frigid weather right now.

She glanced outside the glass. Rain beads glistened against the smooth surface as the world cried bitter raindrops outside. Just a while ago, the sun was out for a mood to play but then came these devastated gray clouds and ruined it.

She took a small sip of coffee. The flavor bursted through her tongue, the pungent of the coffee making her crave even more. She then placed down the cup as she continued watching outside. At her line of sight, she can see a mother and a son (no doubt around 9 or 10 years old) having trouble trying to open their umbrella when it suddenly popped open out of nowhere which made them drop their groceries in shock. The son, snapping away from his stupefaction, quickly got them before they land on the ground.

'Nice reflexes, kid.' Sipping on her coffee once again, she watched them finally moved out — this time with an umbrella veiling them against the bitter tears of the weather. It went on like this, her spying on people outside the glass window with sheer boredom. She just finished her first cup and ordered another. But this time, she ordered a latte to change her flavor.

While sipping another, yet her second coffee, her eyes trailed over the bickering couple in an alleyway. The female jabbed her finger at her lover's chest, yelling which seemed to be her frustrated lines. Whatever made the male did to her, it probably seemed to tick his lover to no end for judging by the lineament of his face, he was practically pleading for her to stop. (F/n) find this amusing and continued watching on them like a hawk.

'I may look like a creeper, but this is just way too amusing.' She sipped her latte, 'And they seemed to be around Freshmen. I should've seen this coming, but they'll never last. They would never last.'

Okay, maybe she was being too bitter but it's the truth... for her that is since she hasn't experienced being in love before. Could it be this couple were in love in such an early age? They looked around 13, and they seemed to be tearing up already despite the murky weather camouflaging their form. But (f/n) knows, she knows that both of them are crying already.

'This is foolish.' She shook her head and took another sip of her latte. Taking one last look at the couple as they just stood there, drenched under the rain, she couldn't help but ponder.

If this love was affecting the lives of people, why bother falling in love anyway? She thought, as her eyes focused them as they began talking again – this time quiet and calm unlike a while ago. It only brought them pain and misery but why do they still continue fighting on? Is it worth it?

Another thought popped in her mind. But this time, it's an image. Braided white haired and crimson eyes appeared before her eyes. A flash of an image of her enemy, Hakuryuu.

Was it worth it?

She snapped from her trance and scowled. Angrily, she drank her latte in one minute, not noticing she just drank it broiled. Had it not the sharp burn occurred in her tongue and throat did she only realize how a buffoon she was to swig on her hot coffee but she held it in, not wanting to attract attention and just watched on the couple as they hugged.

'Wait what? What just happened? They were just arguing a while ago.' She just shook her head and stood up, upon noticing that the heavy rain finally dissipated but only to replace by a small drizzle. 'This is just weird. They just made up and... that's it? The rain just vanished too, even just a bit.' She muttered incoherent words under her breath and threw a few coins on the table for a small tip. Before taking her leave, she threw another glance at the couple just to see them kissing. In the alleyway. Drenched. Under the rain. A typical cliche scenario often seen in the movies.

'Way too weird.' Were the only thoughts she left for the couple as she strode outside the warm cafe.

Once she exited, the first she stepped outside, frigid wind came and bit her skin as her hands flew on her arms and rubbed them for heat. She clenched her teeth and raised her head upwards the sky. The rain was gone alright, but the light drizzle was still on-going. Worst, she didn't bring a coat or a jacket to protect her body from the weather. She was left with nothing but her casual clothes on: a short-sleeved shirt and some jeans.

Wasting no more time, she scurried on over the streets which will take her to her house. Fortunately for her, her parents are not in the city. They were visiting a town where her grandparents are. So she's free out of trouble.

But then again, who says the universe is fair?

Before she knew it, she was flocked by a group of boys who are the same ages as her. They cornered her in an alleyway where she watched the couples bickered and made up later on.

'Great. This is just great. Sweet talk of those couple just occurred here and here I am, going to be harassed by these group of boys. Just my lucky day.' She said in her mind, sardonic. Her mind drifted off her trance when the leader of the group laid his hand just beside her head, giving her a crook smile. 'Well isn't he a charmer?' She rolled her eyes and glowered at them.

"What are your business with me?" She spat venomously, eyes searing their form as she glared at them. Outside, she may be fuming and brave but inside, she's dead terrified. This is actually the first she got herself in this dire situation.

"Feisty. Just what I want." He purred and twirled her semi-wet strand that was sticking on her face. His group of friends laughter resonated the walls and (f/n), out of annoyance, shoved the boy in front of her and socked his face.

The boy, not seeing that coming, fell on the puddle heap on the ground. (F/n) froze in her spot upon noticing what she did, but she forced a smirk on her face to appear brave.

Fuming, the boy stood up and shoved her on the wall which made her elicit a gasp. Keeping his arm in her neck, he growled.

"I prefer you being feisty but," He laid his hand out from his group. One of them gave him something which glimmered in the lamppost. A knife. A sweat trickled down her neck in fear. The boy smirked and lightly brushed the sharp tip on her cheek, not too hard to wound her. "You need to be taught."

The female gulped at this which made the boy in front chuckle darkly. When he placed the tip on the side of her neck, (f/n) shut her eyes close expecting for the incoming pain.

This is it. She's going to be aired as the "girl who got killed in the alleyway." She bit her lips to hold in her whimpers.


She didn't know why but she felt the urge to utter his name one last time before she meets her doom. She wonders, what is he doing right now? Was he in his house, wrapped up in a warm blanket with a hot chocolate to warm his body and mind? Would he care if he learned the news of her sudden death. She doesn't know, but she hopes he will.

She pressed her back further on the wall, clenching her hands into fist, silently begging for the guy to end her life right here and now. Her eyes snapped open when she heard a grunt of pain from her attacker. She watched him scrambled away from the alleyway with his friends as they ran away. She swallowed the lump forming her throat, her legs quivering from too much fear as she slid down from the wall. Does she have another attacker this time?


Upon hearing another voice rang out, she finally let out the whimpers that were trapped within her. She curled herself into a ball as the heavy rain came back once more, drenching her to the bones but she doesn't care. She almost had her life slit, she doesn't know know what to feel anymore.

Tears sprung from her eyes but she didn't bother to wipe them away. The voice, which she predicted that was belong to her savior, sighed. The next thing she knew, she felt something warm draped around her. A bit hesitant, she raised her head. (E/c) orbs meet crimson eyes. Only one name shoot off her lips.


Her enemy nodded, eyes surprisingly warm. He spoke, voice soft and laced with concern.

"You're alright now. You're safe."


Luna: I really enjoyed writing this. *^*

Hakuryuu: Tsk. *crosses his arms*

Luna: Don't mind our favorite tsundere of a captain of Resistance Japan. He's just flattered. ^~^

Hakuryuu: *glares at her* I'll hit you with a soccer ball after this.

Luna: Hahaha.. *backs away*

Until the next time!! ^^

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