Infinite's Grudge Match

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"Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything." C.S. Lewis

Infinite sat silently in his bed, staring at the ground beneath him. The first attack against those who took his loved ones was today. He wondered if this was good, if he should continue on with the onslaught planned in grief. He wondered if he should just go home, to pick up the broken pieces of his life with his should-be father-in-law and live out the rest of his likely short life with those that still remained... maybe he could fight Axel for Lilliya, so he could still have a friend that provided female presence... but it could never be more than her feminine presence. He was Amara's. Lilliya knew that.

But if he went home... the murder of his friends and fiancée would be forgotten and G.U.N. would get away with the persecution of his people that had endured for thousands of years. If he went home... he just couldn't think he could ever shake the feeling that he betrayed the love of his life. Suddenly, he wished he was a careless Mobian pup, curled up in the arms of his parents, blind to the world and its problems. He missed his mother with a passion, but he no longer had the ability to recognize her, even if he went off to find her.

Everyone he knew was either gone or out of reach.

He threw himself backwards until his back hit against the mattress, wringing his hands as he stared at the white ceiling and sighed. He was no longer a little pup, and he'd never be a naive Mobian. He was a grown man, a Bloodpooliean jackal. There was no more childish running, and he was genetically incapable of turning his head and pretending these horrors never occurred.

But... something inside him screamed out. Would attacking G.U.N. full-force erase or justify the murders of his Squad and father? Would something that seems so wrong become right as the Bloodpoolieans finally fought their oppressors? Could he just sit and do nothing? Could he?

He needed the opinion of the others, this he knew more than anything. Perhaps, on some half-conscious notion, Infinite turned his head to the right, looking for his beloved; forgetting she was gone. A small panic arose in him, as his painful desire hinged him. He'd expected to see Amara's soft, loving gaze, but there was nothing but air in the place he thought she was. "Amara?" He sat up and looked around. "Amara?!"

His realization set in, as well as embarrassment. She wasn't there, no one was. He looked over at a table, where several weapons, inspired by his past in Bloodpool. He looked at a knife that had been placed on the table. He wondered if he had been given several knives over other weapons because of his relationship with Amara. For an instant, he wondered if the Doctor was making fun of him. He picked one up and mentally compared it to Amara's favorite blade. It was eerily similar in style, even though it obviously wasn't hers. He grimaced in sorrow before testing the blade's tip on his palm. Although blood began to seep slowly onto the blade's edge, Infinite did not pull it back. He felt a void inside him as he looked at his blood spilling onto a blade similar to his bride's. He realized it would be so easy, one quick upward swipe of the blade in his paws and he would be back with Amara and their children, Genesis and Gabriel. He could see his dad again too.

But... if he ended himself, then who would stand up for the Bloodpooliean people?

The ones who were counting on him to avenge their Queen, Court and freedom?

"Infinite!" He heard the Doctor yell through his headset, snapping him from his thoughts. "Why aren't you ready?!"

"I dunno, maybe because I'm not a mind reader?" Infinite grumbled to himself before activating his headpiece. "I'm on my way."

He sighed once more, then dropped the knife, haphazardly and blade down. He knew Amara would be displeased at his doing so, even though she tended to do the same. Even though she was no longer here to get onto him, Infinite bent down, picked up the blade, and gently placed it back where he found it.


Infinite saw them coming. No, he saw him coming. Infinite knew that there was no other creature with such identifiable black and red than the devil himself. Not only had this demon-colored rodent had the nerve to murder his family and to join in the discrimination of his people, but now he was invading Infinite's new lands, just like he had in their first encounter. He was not in Infinite's presence yet... oh, not yet, but he saw a robot that could only be his ally: a traitor robot. He laughed with his disgust. He could only imagine how much destruction an actually heartless being could cause.

But this made it better. It made him better. It felt nothing, nothing like he did. He could destroy the traitor, conscience-free.

The gem in his chest activated with his anger, and Infinite took a step in surprise as he once again lifted from the ground. What?

"That ruby is now a part of you, Bloodpooliean. It feeds on your anger as you do. Use it to your advantage." Doctor Eggman told him, watching the rather-young jackal's face. "And don't forget to put your mask on!"

His face flashed with the surprise that comes with forgetting and grabbed his mask, handling it like a bumbling idiot, before slipping it on and snapping it to his shock collar.

Eggman smiled and pushed a button that disabled the collar, allowing the jackal's pent-up rage to finally be set free.

An explosion was heard outside; the little red robot shortly appeared. "I believe we are under attack, Boss!"

Perhaps it was because he was being used to being called 'Boss,' Infinite nodded his head.

"You really think so?!" The Doctor replied with much less grace before checking the monitor behind him. "What could that- Is that... Omega?! So he has the nerve to just waltz in here, does he?!"

Infinite's ears perked up as he peeked at the monitor from his place by the laboratory-esque canisters. Omega... Infinite whispered, absorbing the details of the enemy, whispering its name over and over in his mind, running over the cracks of the letters in his mind with the liquid energy of his hate. His paws seemed to feel those letters in his mind, something he had been taught as a child.

"Infinite!" Eggman called, the jackal's eyes grew wide in terror under his mask.

His breath caught in his lungs and he resisted the instinct to claw at his shock collar.

"Front and center!" The scientist called instead, the jackal sighed in relief, continuing to peek his head towards the monitor as he walked out from his shield. "It's time to see what your powers can really do!"

Infinite nodded, then let his mind go black before summoning all his hated memories of G.U.N. and the hedgehog to his mind. He heard his father's voice; his mother's cries of anguish at the murder of his father melt into his beloved's own wails over her dead babies before seeing her face and the Squad gather around her. He saw her eyes, poisoned by the world, glimmer with tears as he held her while Cor took their miscarried daughter away, then again when their son was murdered. He focused on the ancestors of his people, a jackal like him known as Vagabond, and her fellow exile Haidee who fought in the last stand of the Bloodpoolieans as their thousands were slaughtered and the few survivors ran for their lives into the Canyon, where their descendants still remained; persecuted by Mobius.

He hated G.U.N. They took his family, committed unspeakable horrors against his people and intentionally shot him in the shoulder as an innocent pup. They were the reason his mother abandoned him. They were the reason for every single Jackal Squad death.

He hated G.U.N. Their victory those thousands of years ago seemed to make them think that the Bloodpoolieans weren't living beings, that they didn't even deserve the little they were able to scrounge together.

He hated G.U.N. They were the ones who kept Mobius from remembering them. They were the ones who, time and time again, invaded their lands, murdered their people and destroyed the ones who wanted to help.

They were the reason.

He. Hated. Them. All.

The dark gem was pleased with his inner anguish; it released a swirling vortex around the jackal, elevating him and distorting his voice.

He chuckled, finally feeling empowered by the emotions that once held him down. "Don't worry, Doctor... I got this." He waved his paws towards the screen depicting his enemy and pulsed his right paw into a claw motion, the screen with Omega shattered and smoked. Infinite smiled.

It was time for G.U.N. to feel the wrath of Bloodpool Canyon.


Infinite flew through the passageway that led to where Omega had been spotted, sending out pulsing waves to attempt to hijack the robot's radio. After a few attempts, he heard the buzz of silent static in his ears. It didn't take much long for the radio to activate again, however, even though he could now hear the voice in the halls.

*E-123 Omega here. Extermination proceeding without incident*

Infinite paused. Oh, G.U.N. Oh, murderous, murderous G.U.N... Is killing people really your only purpose?

The Ruby within him strengthened allowing crisp clear audio with the robot's radio.

*Extermination?! This was supposed to be a recon mission! You can't go making a big scene!*

Infinite lowered in battle stance, ready to face the robot. He stared the robot down, ready to fight.

The robot scanned him, looking through its files.

*New enemy detected. Combat records not found.*

"Hmph. I'm no new enemy, I assure you." Infinite snarled to the robot.

*Mission Objective: Destroy Eggman. All other obstacles will be eliminated!*

Infinite chuckled. "You are spirited, I'll give you that. Very well, my new power will be the last thing you ever see!" He pulled his paws to his chest, preparing for the release of this dark energy inside him.

For the Squad... for my parents... for my son... for my daughter...

For Amara...

The memories of them all flashed through his mind as his arms shot away from him, his formerly paralyzed one trailing not far behind its pair, as he felt the Phantom energy shoot out of him, filling the void with this manifestation and hearing the robot breaking down and shutting off. The last thing he remembered hearing before blacking out was the robot's cry for support.

*Unknown hostile encountered! Rouge come in!*


Infinite was ready. The robotic hostile had been successfully neutralized with hardly an effort. He could feel tears running down his face, residue from releasing the emotions inside him to the Phantom Ruby, but that made no significant difference to how he felt.

His enemy was en route, but this time Infinite would rise victoriously. This time... Infinite would be playing the mind games. He'd practiced with this power since he gained it, preparing for what the hedgehog might try. The robots had tested him with knives, spears and debris of all shapes and sizes, all things that had spelled doom for one of his dearly departed. He showed an obsession with the spear. It was an ugly, painful obsession that he fed, fighting off the weapon that killed his queen just like he fought off the pain of losing her. It was only once his deflection of the spear caused damage to one of the robots did he feel prepared. He had not only proved himself better than the weapon, but he had shown the consequence of challenging him to the robots.

The enemy's footsteps became noticeable down the hall; Infinite focused on his victory to keep himself from letting the "Incident" devour him.

"Heh, the world's 'most powerful robot' was no more a challenge than a child's inanimate toy. As suspected, this power, before even close to reaching its perfection, is the ultimate weapon!" He lowered himself down behind a few metallic structures to start his grudge match with the upper hand. Through the corner of his vision, he saw Shadow enter the room. He dramatically raised himself to the top of the structure then sat down on it, staring down Shadow. "Ah, and even more wonderful, a not-so-tall, dark and brooding guest has arrived." He created red stairs out of nothing and stepped down, furthering his entrance by mimicking his assassin bride. "I've been waiting for you... Shadow."

The hedgehog glared at him, not wanting to waste time. "Tell me what you did to Omega."

Infinite flicked his tail warningly, ready to strike. Of course... when one of your own fall, even an emotionless being, it's Priority Number One... but when one of us fall... burn the incident report and hide the murder records... "Weaklings like your robot are of no consequence. Come now, Shadow, our long-awaited reunion and still you spout this utter nonsense."

"I don't know you." The hedgehog growled as his eyes blackened. "And the only thing of no consequence around here is that big mouth of yours."

Infinite felt stabbed in the chest, much like his bride, but still swished his tail in an attempt to win with just confrontation. "Of course you would think so." He snarled, preemptively charging the Ruby with his old memories of Shadow. As he felt the Ruby power up inside him, he began chuckling coldly, evolving into a near maniacal laughter. The laughter made him feel a little better, but also opened up a void inside. Much like Amara had done when she first met her father, he also planned to intimidate Shadow with the past. "I am Infinite." He began, walking closer to Shadow, using his clawed gloves to grip Shadow's face and tilt it up towards his. He felt quite empowered to do so; he knew he was tall but he didn't know that he was taller than some Mobians. Infinite glared into Shadow's eyes. "You say you do not know me, and yet I remember you so well... To you, it was just another in a very long list of Eggman bases you tore down without a single thought." With his words, Infinite was beginning to construct his world within the Mobian hell: Shadow was a heartless being with only a checklist in mind, no cares about who he might hurt or kill in the process. His mind games were only beginning, guilt-trips and court-style speeches were only the teaser to what he had in mind for that rodent. He would twist and turn every single lie that G.U.N. had turned to the Mobian truth... until nothing remained of the fragmented lies... and that was all they were: lies.

Shadow continued to stare without a single glimmer of light in his soul, only justifying Infinite's internal rage.

"I lost everything to you, to that blasted organization you call glory. I've only become what I am because of you, yet you don't remember. I suppose that's the way it goes."

This made Shadow twist his face in confusion before he realized his expression and rehardened his face.

"Just as suspected. You don't care about others, just yourself."

"Now just hold your mouth before you go throwing labels on people."

"Oh? And you would know this, Shadow? Aqua Road, a little over a month ago... but no, you don't... and if you do for some reason then you are nothing but asinine. Now, because of what you've done, you are nothing more than an insect, waiting to be crushed underfoot." Infinite snarled a little louder, he could feel the flaps of his flesh curl back and ripple as he bared his teeth. "You see, this is my turf now. And unlike last time, this you cannot take away." Infinite raised his paws once again to release the Ruby's power. This time, to focus specifically on taking Shadow down, Infinite focused only on what Shadow had done: the murders of the Jackal Squad. He released the Ruby without opening his eyes. Within this darkness, Infinite directed Shadow's unknown nightmare. He simulated Green Hill, then the two voices that had been heard through Shadow's headpiece, the robot and a woman who could only work for G.U.N. Once the situation was perfected, Infinite removed himself from that reality.

The hedgehog's voice was heard as he conversed with the two in the fake landscape. He referred to Infinite first as "That guy," which made Infinite upset.

Not only was Shadow going to murder his friends and family only to "forget" they existed, he neglected to even refer to him by name? He changed a few aspects of the world in retaliation, changed the tone of the people talking to him. He even made the mysterious woman on the other side tell him to get it together. Once he finished perfecting the realm, he took a step back to watch the hedgehog stumble over the reality in his mind, Infinite's pain landscaped. When it was all over, he called out to the disoriented hedgehog. "Welcome back, Shadow."

"What? Huh? I'm... here? Is this... an illusion?"

Infinite chuckled and shook his head. "No, Shadow, this is reality, the reality you created. To be honest, I didn't expect to see you back here alive, but it was a truly wonderful show, wasn't it?" He looked down at the ruby in his chest admirably. "Oh, this power, before even tuning it, it is without rival!" He boasted, feeling validated. "Not G.U.N. nor even the hedgehog Sonic will be able to stand against me now!" He boiled over into a young girl's giggling before erupting once again in maniacal laughter.

"Sonic?! G.U.N?! What are you plotting?!"

An explosion was heard nearby, Infinite cocked his head proudly and gestured to it with his muzzle. He then darted off from the structure and away from Shadow, feeling victorious. He sent one final burst of Phantom energy into the room before disappearing from Shadow's view.

"Stop! Where do you think you're going, Infinite?!"

Infinite yelled back through Shadow's radio before releasing his hold on the device. "Remember this time, Shadow, for we will meet again." 

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