for every girl who thinks she's met her prince

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BAM! Something cold hit me at the back of my neck. I let out a loud scream.

A snowball; someone had thrown a snowball at me. I reached behind my

head and tried to scoop as much of the snow as I could out from the back of

my jacket. I cringed as some of it touched my skin. I frowned slightly and

whipped my head around.

I saw a boy that couldn't be much older than I, laughing and pointing at me.

I glowered at him, but his laughter continued.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. It was the day of my

eighth birthday and my parents let me go out and play in the front yard all

by myself.

I was NOT going to let some stupid boy ruin it. So I turned back around and

continued to work on my snowman. BAM!

I turned around again; this time, he was rolling in the snow, laughing so

hard that his pale face was turning slightly red.

"Well, since he seems to enjoy the snow so much, I should just help him out."

I picked up a large snowball intended for my snowman's head and walked in

his direction until I stood over him.

I waited until he stopped laughing hard enough to open his eyes and see

what I intended to do. They were bluish-grey, his eyes I remember this

because of how wide they got when they saw me with the snowball.

His wide eyes quickly turned to slits. "You can't do that!" he said to me.

"Why not?" I said back.

"Because you're a girl and girls can't--"

He couldn't finish his sentence, on account of the fact that it's pretty hard to

talk with a mouthful of snow.

It was my turn to laugh and point.

And that's what I did, at least until he got up wiped the snow of off his face.

He didn't look so happy.

I took a step back knowing that if I stayed, it wouldn't end well for me. But

then he took one forward, and another, another. We both froze for a

second, seeing this as my only chance of escape, I broke into a sprint but

didn't I get very far.

I let out a high pitched shriek as he tackled me to the ground.

"Stupid boots..." I muttered.

He tried to get me flat on the ground, but I wasn't about to let him beat me,

so I fought back. We wrestled for about a minute before I finally pinned

down. I looked down at him.

The messy mop of curly black hair he had on his head was even messier. A stray curl fell across his eye and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"I let you win you know."

I shrugged. It was probably true. But I didn't care. I had still won.

"Now get off me." He said.

"No." I simply replied.

"But you have to."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm ten and you're eight. I'm older by two whole years so you

have to do what I say."

"No." I said again.

He frowned for a second. But then smiled again. "How about this, if I get

you off of me in the next... fifteen seconds, I win, if I don't you win. Okay?"

I thought about it. He could get me off of him no doubt, but in the next fifteen seconds? I'm a girl but I'm not weak.

"Fine." I replied. "Fifteen seconds, that's it."

His smile grew even bigger. I frowned a little, slightly suspicious, but I

started counting anyway.


He didn't make a move.

"Two. Three..."

Still, nothing

"Four, five, six..."

He opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it again.

"Seven, eight, nine..."

His face began to turn red.

"Ten, eleven, twelve..."

Why was he blushing?


Then suddenly, lightning quick, he shot his had up, grabbed the back of my

neck, pulled my face down, and kissed me.

I lost count.

I could feel my face heating up as I stared at him, shocked. I expected him

to push me, pinch me, maybe even punch me. But kiss? Now that was unexpected.

"Rayne...?" he started.

I just stared.

This seemed to amuse him because that smug smile of his reappeared. But

then his face got very serious.

"Rayne," he continued "When we're older, were gonna get married you and

me. Okay? We have to."

I couldn't do anything, I just nodded.

He smiled in what seemed to be satisfaction and lifted me up enough so

that he could get out from under me.

He got up, waved down at me, and walked away.

I'm not exactly sure how long I was there for, sitting out in the snow. It had

to have been at least twenty minutes before my dad called me to come


It wasn't until I had actually gotten inside that I suddenly froze. My breathing increased slightly and my eyes widened in realization of something. I am sure I had never seen that boy before, but yet...

How did he know my name?

Ten Years Later

I shoot up from my bed, letting out a small gasp. I blink once, twice, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes.

I take a few deep breaths and then pause. What a weird dream. I hadn't thought about that day in ten years, and now to suddenly dream about it?

Kinda strange if you ask me.

I slowly lie back down in my bed and stare up at the ceiling.

I closed my eyes trying to remember more of the dream. But most of it was gone now. All I could remember was the snow and the boy, and the kiss.

"Was that even real?" I ask myself quietly.

I try even harder to remember, I sigh and give up, it doesn't matter anyway.

I turn my head slightly and look at my clock, 9:15am December 12th. The

day of my 18th birthday.

I can't help but smile, I'm 18 now! A full fledged adult!

I am free to do what I want now, so many new privileges. Like for

example, I could purchase a pack of cigarettes if I wanted to.

Not that I would ever. Smoking is a horrible habit.

After a couple of minutes of dreaming of adulthood I get out of bed and hop in the shower.

Once I get out, I get myself dressed, a plain red t-shirt and a black pair of jeans, and go stand in front of my vanity.

I take a deep breath and look hard into the mirror. I squint a little as I stare at myself.

I don't look any different. I tilt my head slowly to the side and look even harder.

Nope. No change at all. My nose, my lips, my deep red brown hair and my

dark green eyes. All exactly the same.

I frown at myself and shake my head slightly. Why was I expecting anything to change?

Just because I'm and adult now doesn't mean anything is really gonna change.

I look exactly like I did yesterday and that's the way it should be. There was no reason for anything to be different.

I leave my vanity and go to my cupboard to look my favourite pair of shoes. And there they are. Right were I left them.

"Nothing's changed Rayne," I mumble to my self as a shove my foot inside of my black converse. "Everything's exactly as it was."

I get up and I towards my bedroom door, and right before I leave my room I turn and look out the window.

I stare out of it for a moment, and then I smile.

"Something has changed..." I whisper to myself.

And I knew, right then, at that very moment I knew. Something was going to happen. Something big.

Something that would change everything.

"What if they don't like me?" I'm sitting in the limo with my mother. Were on

our way to Lyon Hall.

It's supposedly the meeting place for all of the Royals in this country.

I am wearing a gorgeous green dress with matching shoes and jewelry. I have to look nice and make a good impression on the princesses. Princess Tessanya Daven Port and Princess Jadealinne Beau Regard.

"Of course they'll like you! You're sweet, and funny, and kind, what's not to


"You have to say that 'cuz you're my mom." I mumble under my breath.

She laughs at that one.

"They were raised out of Argoneeva, right mom? Like me?"

"Yes, they were. And who knows? Maybe you'll have a couple of things in


The car slowly begins to come to a stop. "We're here already?!"

"Calm down Rayne, you'll be just fine."

Garret opens the door and helps me and my mother out.

"Thank you Garret," I say.

"Yes, Thank you." My mom adds.

Garret begins to blush. I raise one eyebrow, what's that all about? Wait...

does he like my-

"Queen Avangelana!" I look up and see a short stubby man bounding down the stairs.

He grabs my moms hand and brings it up to his mouth as if to kiss it

"How lovely to see you."

My mom quickly retracts her hand and places it on my back.

"Lord Huntington, how er, lovely too see you!" I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

"Have you met my daughter Rayne?"

Lord Huntington turns his gaze towards me with his beady rat looking eyes.

"Ah yes, the young Princess Rayanalise. How lovely to meet you."

I quickly clench my hands behind my back, and curtsy.

"How nice to meet you to Lord Huntington."

"Well," my mother interjects, "We must be off!"

She grabs me by the arm and pulls me off to into the hall.

"I absolutely despise the man, he's absolutely wretched. He thinks himself

God's gift to women somehow oblivious to the fact that he closely resembles

a rat. "

I laugh, "I could have figured that one out."

We enter a small foyer where I notice two girls.

"Princess Tessanya, Princess Jadealinne, this is my daughter, Rayanalise.

They both stand up and walk over. One is extremely pretty and has long

semi-curly brown hair with big deep hazel eyes she flashes a huge smile at


"Tessanya is my given name but you can call me Tess, everyone does. May I call you Rayne?"

I smile and nod at her.

The other girl has long light blonde hair with light steely blue eyes which

look me up and down. She doesn't say a word.

"Well." Mother says finally "I'll leave you all to get acquainted." And she

walks out of the room.

The moment my mother is gone Princess Jadealinne marches toward me

standing right in front of me.

"First of all, its Jadealinne not Jade or any clever little nicknames you can

come up with.

Secondly, please try your best not to talk to me in public, not unless you're

spoken to first of course,

And lastly, I don't know WHAT you think you're doing here, or WHO you think

you are? But the Prince is mine. It's best you learn that now."

Even if I did have an answer to that, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to

voice it because Jadealinne turned on her heel and stalked out of the room.

I stood there dumbfounded for a couple of seconds. I turn towards Tessanya.

"Did, did I do something wrong?"

She laughs walks over and loops her arm through mine.

Don't worry about the Ice Queen over there, I got the same lecture." she

says as we start to walk.

"She was raised by a rich couple in L.A so she

thinks she owns the place. ME on the other hand, I was raised on a farm in

Kansas. What about you?"

"I was raised in Jersey, middle class family I guess."

"Don't let her get to you." Tess says "She's way conceited. And the nerve of

her saying 'The Prince belongs to me!' that girl really bugs me."

"The Prince?" I question

"Yeah," she replies "The Prince!" I stare at her blankly.

"Prince Alekzander, you know? The only one left in all Argoneeva?"

My expression stays the same.

Her mouth drops.


I slowly shake my head.

"Prince Alekzander!! He's only like the hottest dark-haired gorgeous-eyed

angel to grace us with his existence! Gosh my knees are getting weak just

thinking about him!"

A tilt my head slightly. "Are you and him? I mean, Do you like, like him?

She pauses as if to think for a minute

"Well, I guess but I hardly know him. I just think he's hot." She smirks

We continue to walk in silence.

"I'm really surprised your mother didn't tell you about him, he's super

important to all three of us. You, Jadealinne and me."

"Really?" I ask "Why?"

She stops turns and faces me, "Because my new friend, by the end of

tomorrow, one of us will be picked to be the future wife of Alekzander Sin

Clair, Prince of Argoneeva.

I raise one of my eyebrows, "You're kidding right?"

"No!" she says as she loops her had through mine again. "It's true, one of

us will be chosen by the prince himself to be his future wife!"

"What? I mean, I don't understand...why?" I say a little staggered.

Tess shrugs " Well, were the princesses, and he's the prince and uh...Well I

don't know, it's just the way it is. And I don't mind, he is sooo hoooot!"

"Yeah I get! I interject But it's a little...strange!"

She shrugged again. "I just hope he doesn't pick the Ice Queen."

She continues walking.

"Wait!" I yell as I chase after her "I can't believe your being so nonchalant

about this! I mean it's practically an arranged marriage!"

"Yeah, to a hottie!"

I roll my eyes. "I would, I could NEVER!"

"If he picks you, you'll have too, you won't have a choice."

"I don't believe that."

"Well it's true. And I have a feeling he might pick you."

I look at her quizzically "Why do you say that?"

"Just a...feeling."

I shake my head at the whole "I won't. And that's it. Let's just forget about

this stupid prince thing for now."

"Whatever you say Rayne," She says.

We spend the rest of our time telling each other about ourselves. I don't

think I've ever met a cooler person than Tess. She's witty and bold and

outspoken and is completely crazy! But in a likeable sorta way. It isn't until

late at night that me and my mother finally get home. I'm on my way

upstairs when my mom calls me back down.

"Yes mom?" I ask as reverse down the stairs.

She clears her throat. "I'm sure, by now you've heard of Prince Alekzander."

I nod.

"And you know what's expected of you?"

I pause. "You cant be serious. You honestly expect me to MARRY a boy I've

never MET?"

"If he chooses you, yes I do. It is the way things are done in Argoneeva."

"Well I won't. I just won't"

"Rayne, dear heart, it is the way things are done."

"No I won't." I say as calmly as I can "And you can not make me." I sprint up

the stairs and into my room slam the door and lay on the bed. I sit there

steaming with anger but then feel a twinge of guilt.

I can't believe I just spoke to my mother like that. But how could she do this to me an arranged marriage's...its just bad! A stinking bloody arranged marriage!

And he just gets to pick?!? Like we're just some objects to be chosen.

I start to get angry all over again, but then I stop. Why am I getting so angry?

I feel a smile break out on my face He won't pick me! I laugh out loud. He

just wont! He has the extremely unbelievably beautiful, witty, smart, funny

Tess and The Drop Dead Gorgeous, Ice Queen, Not-Jade-But-Jadealinne.

I would be his last choice! I smile a satisfied smile and get up out of bed. I

change into an oversized t-shirt and crawl back into bed. Tomorrow, I will

wake up get dressed, go to Lyon Hall, watch Prince Alekzander pick

someone who is not me, and all will be good in the world. I fall asleep with a

smile on my face.

"He won't pick me." I whisper.

Shows how much I know

The next morning I'm awoken by a sharp ray on sunlight.

"Wake up, Wake up!" It's Luciana's voice that I'm hearing. I get up a little

groggily and look at the huge grandfather clock at the corner of my room.

"Six forty-five?!?" I groan loudly and cover my head with the covers once

more. Maybe if I hide under here she'll go away, or maybe fade into oblivion.

Which ever comes first. I smile at the thought.

"Oh no princess, up now! We have so much to do. First you have to take a

shower. Then there's your hair and make-up and we still have to find a

dress with jewelry and shoes to match. We can not afford to waste a


I groan inwardly and tell my self, just go to this stupid thing, it'll all be over

very soon. I force myself out of bed and stumble my way into the shower.

Once I get, out I dry myself off and put on a robe and step out of the

bathroom. I am rushed right away. Luciana pushes me into a chair and

immediately starts working.

I tell you it was an assault to remember.

Some eye shadow, blush, eyeliner, lip gloss, mascara, a curling iron and a whole lot of hair spray later. Luciana takes a few steps back to look at me fully. Her eyes have a little shimmer in them and she is smiling as if she's unbelievably happy with herself.

"Princess Rayanalise, you look...I mean...sigh"

I roll my eyes how good could I possibly look, I get up and start to walk over

to the mirror, I mean no amount of makeup can change plain old-Holy Mother of Crap. Who's that girl staring at me from the mirror?? 'Cuz it sure

as hell ain't me.

"Whoa..." I whisper.

My eyes, they stand out, they've never looked so green. And my hair! She's

curled it slightly and given me side bangs and it just looks...I mean...WOW.

I turn and look at Luciana with my eyes wide.

"Well...?" She asks.

I couldn't contain myself. I run right over there and throw my arms around


"I love it!!!!"

She laughs and hugs me back "I knew you would. And now for your dress."

Luciana goes into the closet and brings out the loveliest green dress I have

ever seen. She places it on the bed and I run over to it.

"Oh my! It is so beautiful!" I touch right under my left eye. "It's the same

colour as my eyes!"

She smiles and nods "Now quick! We don't have much time, put it on!"

I nod and quickly run into the bathroom. Once the dress is one I run back

into the room to show Luciana but she's already gone. She's left matching

shoes and jewelry though.

I put everything on and go to stand in front of the mirror once more. I see

myself and the first thought that pops into my head is

"I wonder what the Prince will think of me."

I stop and shake my head, it shouldn't matter because I don't care. I look at

myself once more before heading downstairs.

"I'm just going to get this over with."

Easier said than done.


My mother and I had just stepped into Lyon Hall and my stomach was doing

flip flops. Why was I so bloody nervous?

There are a whole lot of people around, Dukes, duchesses, lords, ladies the whole shebang.

They all looked completely comfortable like they all knew exactly what they were doing. I on the other had, was completely lost.

My mom turns to me "I have to go greet the King, Rayanalise, I will see you later."

"No!" I yell "I don't know what to do, I don't know anybody here!"

My mom grabs both my hands and says "I really have to go sweetie, don't

worry, you'll be fine."

Then she turns and walks away. I cannot believe my mother just abandoned

me! I look around trying to be all sophisticated and cool, but then I realize

that I'm probably making myself look even more stupid, so I stand there.

For a good fifteen minutes doing absolutely nothing, then I notice people are

beginning to stare at me, point and whisper. I am sooo out of here. I pick up

my dress and start to run, out of the hall and into the courtyard.

I look to both sides and decide on left I keep running until I see a gate that seems to lead behind the hall. I go through it

I pause for a second and catch my breath. I'm glad to be alone.

After a couple of seconds, I look up, and there surrounded by tall trees, is

the largest fountain I have ever seen, it is beautiful!

As I walk closer I see there are white chrysanthemums floating in the water, they are my favourite flower! I gasp and run to the edge of the fountain, I know I have to get one.

Without really thinking about it. I slowly and cautiously begin to lean over

the edge of the fountain. There one particularly pretty one floating right

beyond my reach.

"Just a little further..."

Then all of a sudden I feel my self loose my balance.

I take a sharp breath as I see the water getting closer and closer to my

face, I close my eyes and brace myself for contact but instead of feeling cold

fountain water splashed on my face, I feel something go around my waist

and yank me back.

I gasp as I feel myself crash against someone's chest.

For a second I freeze, I can hear nothing but my heart racing in my chest.

"Are you alright?" my savior asks.

I turn around and begin to reply "Yeah, I'm fine thank..."

I stop mid-sentence.

Holy Mother of Crap he's gorgeous. My already frantic heart begins to beat

even faster. My eyes grow wide as I stare at him. He has black somewhat

curly hair, which go perfectly with his pale skin and his blue, or are they

grey? Eyes.

Soon this weird expression lands on his practically perfect face, that's when

I finally realize just how hard I'm staring. I quickly avert my eyes.

"Y-yeah." I stammer "I'm f-fine... thank y-you"

"Good." He says.

I should probably look up now, but I can't bring myself to. What's wrong

with me? He can't be so good looking that I can't even look at him. I look

back up.

I loose all feeling in my knees.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yes." I reply. I want to look away but I just...can't.

Oh wow. He's beautiful.

For some reason he laughs.

"What's your name?" he asks.

My name, oh crap what's my name!?! Think, think, think...

"Rayne!" I practically yell out.

Immediately I say my name his expression visibly changes. His perfect eyes

get all wide and his mouth slowly starts to open....

"Rayne? Oh my-"

Whatever he was going to say, was interrupted by a loud sound and a

booming voice coming from inside the hall.

"Attention all! The ceremony is about to begin!"

"Oh no!" we both say simultaneously.

We look at each other for a split second.

"C'mon!" he says and grabs my hand. I dont even really notice how cold his is becasue for a moment I'm dazed. I stare at our joined hands as he pulls me towards the entrance of the hall.

He's holding my hand.

He looks back at me and smiles a weird yet so adorable crooked smile.

He opens the door but I'm preoccupied with the fact that he's still touching

me to realize that everyone in the hall is staring at us. It's not until he

releases my hand and begins to walk into the hall that I regain my


I look around the hall. There is an audience filled with all of the nobles, a

platform with three chairs, two of which are occupied by Tess and

Jadealinne, and an even higher platform. I quickly walk towards the chair

beside Tess which I am sure is intended for me.

She's looking at me wide eyed and open mouthed.

"I know I'm late, but you don't have to look at me like that." I whisper to

her. I take another quick look around the hall and notice something.

"Why is everybody looking at me like that?"

My eyes finally land on the higher platform with two chairs on it, both

occupied. One by an incredibly beautiful older woman, which I suppose is

the Queen. She has black hair, pale skin and blue eyes. I squint.

Why does she look so much like the guy I just--

My jaw begins to drop as my gaze shifts it the second chair which is taken by...

Holy Mother of Crap.

I feel Tess' arm brush against mine. "We're all looking at you like this

because Rayne, you my dear, just walked in with the one, the only Prince

Alekzander himself."

It's been about an hour since the ceremony started.

We've all been sitting here fairly quietly as Queen Vienna makes her speech.

But honestly I'm not even listening to a word she's saying.

My eyes have been planted to the ground for the most part;

I'm way too scared to look up.

I can't believe I was so stupid!

The first time I meet the prince and I embarrassed myself!

I feel myself growing red for the umpteenth time since the ceremony started.

He probably thinks I'm a doofus, he probably thinks I'm a complete idiot.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight and remind myself that I shouldn't care.

He was never going to pick me anyways.

Why would he ever?

I feel a pang of sadness and then force myself to get over it.

What is wrong with me? I'm not supposed to care! I don't even want the prince.

I take a deep breath and boldly look up. I gasp and shoot my eyes down.

Oh my God he was looking at me. At me!

What does that mean? It shouldn't matter! Does he like me?

I'm not supposed to care!

I can still feel his eyes on me. I wonder what he's thinking.

All of a sudden everyone starts to clap.

I look up slightly confused but then

I realize the Queen has finished her speech.

Tess and Jadealinne stand up, and I quickly follow. What's going on?

Then Prince Alekzander stands up.

My heart starts pounding. Oh please, oh please not now not yet!

He walks down off of his platform and onto ours.

It's just skipped a beat now. He's not going to pick you.

But you wish he was.

No you don't! Oh yes you do.

I'm so nervous I can't even think straight.

He walks in front of Jadealinne and stops. For a moment he looks at her and

smiles. My heart falls. He's picking her, I knew he would. I feel a twinge of

something that sure as hell ain't relief. Rage or maybe even jealousy. I make

myself calm down and force a smile to my face. You don't care Rayne, you

don't care.

But then he does something totally unexpected. He walks right past her. My

heart resumes its frantic beat. Does this mean...

Then he stops in front of Tess. He smiles and nods at her, she smiles and

nods back.




The rage is gone, but the jealousy is still there. I guess I should be happy for her.

This is stupid I should be happy for her.

But then again, he's just walked right past her.

I think my hearts just stopped beating.

He stops in front of me.

The hall is dead silent as the prince leans close enough to say something

only I can hear.

At that moment, a stray curl chooses fall across his eye and a smug smile

appears on his face.

"Hello Rayne, remember me?"

What happened next can only be described as a whirlwind. There were hugs and kisses and congratulations and more hugs and I'm pretty sure I heard some crying as well.

"Congratulations Princess Rayanalise!" Some random lady grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "You are engaged to our Prince!"

"Huh...?" I say a little stricken "Whaa...?"

More and more people begin to crowd around and I find it getting a little hard to breath. When suddenly, someone grabs my arm. It's Tess.

"C'mon!" She yells. She pulls me along until we reach a door. She opens it takes us inside

and then slams the door shut behind her. We're what seems to be a small living room.

"Thank you so much! I was sure they were all going to suffocate me!" I tell her.

She laughs "No problem."

Then all of a sudden she screams and hugs me.

"Oh My GOSH! He chose you! I knew he would! You're so damn pretty he would be stupid not to have!!!"

When she finally lets go of me her face is all red from all of the excitement.

We stare at each other for a while then her expression begins to change.

"Aren't you...excited? I mean you're engaged to the prince...!"

"Oh boy." I whisper to myself. "I need to sit down."

I walked over to a chair and sat in it. I lower my head into my hands and think for a second.

"Rayne...?" Tess says the worry evident in her voice.

I look up at her "He really chose me didn't he..."

Her smile reapers and she quickly walks over to sit beside me. "Yes hun, he did."

"I am so conflicted right now. I have no idea how to...feel about this."

I turn to Tess. "Why are you so happy? I thought you wanted the prince."

"Well, yeah I did, but that was before I met saw the way he looks at you! I mean--"

SLAM! The door flies open and in walks Jadealinne. She walks up to me and gives me this look and I swear every single hair on my neck stood up straight.

Then she turns walks out.

We're silent for a moment.

"She really, really scares me." Tess whispers to me and I can't help but laugh.

"Yeah me too."

The door starts to open again. Oh God please don't let it be Jadealinne again...

No it's not. It's my mom.

She walks into the room and looks at me.

"Tessanya? May have a few moments with my daughter."

She says this to Tess without looking at her.

"Sure Queen Avangelana." She gets up and strolls out of the room.

"Rayne--" she starts

"Mom I-"I interrupt

"Wait!" She interrupts my interruption. "Rayne, I know this all seems so

crazy to you and I know you don't want to but sweetheart you must.

This the only thing I will ever ask of you, please, PLEASE do this one thing for me?

The Prince is a wonderful young man and I'll know you'll grow to like him,

maybe even love him.

"Mom I-"

"But you don't have to do it. I guess I understand."

It's silent for a minute.

"I'll do it." I whisper. What the hell am I doing?

"Oh Rayne, PLEASE, PLEASE do this for-"She stops. "I'm sorry what?"

"I said, I'll do it." Why won't my bloody mouth stop moving?

"You will sweetheart?" She says with tears filling up in her eyes.

"If it means that much to you." I reply "Then yeah, of course."

She throws her arms around me and pulls me close. "You're wonderful Rayne.

I'm so lucky to have you. I promise you won't regret it! Prince Alekzander is


We get up and go back into the hall to see that almost everyone is gone.

"Well I guess it's time for me to go." My mother says. She walks towards the exit of the hall. I follow her puzzled.

Were outside and I ask my mom. "Don't you mean its time for us to go."

She turns and looks at me nervously. "Uh, no. No I don't. I mean just me."

"Mom...What do you mean by just you."

"''re staying here."

My eyes get wide. "What?!?"

"Luciana packed your stuff this morning and it arrived earlier today.

It's probably all unpacked in one of the rooms here."

"But...but why? Why am I staying here! I mean everyone's leaving! I am NOT

staying here by myself!"

"Don't be silly!" She laughs. "You won't be here alone! There are servants and Luciana."

My mom clears her throat

"And the prince, WELL I guess I will see you later sweetie."

She begins to enter the car.


She stops and turns to look at me.



"Lower your voice Rayne."

"I'm sorry but I mean I already agreed to be engaged to him now you want me to LIVE with him?!?"

"Uh, yes."

"I can't mom..."

"Yes you can!" She grasps both my hands in hers.

"But honey, just be...careful around Prince Alekzander, okay?"

"What do you mean...?" I ask slowly.

"I mean just be careful okay?"

"Mom I am so confused nothing makes sense anymore I want to leave..."

I'm interrupted by a voice

"Queen Avangelana! Is that you?" it's Lord Huntington.

"Well that's my cue to leave!" She slips into the car and tells Garret to take her back to the palace.

"Mom! Please don't go!"

"Just take care sweetheart! I'll see you soon!"

I can't believe my own mother just abandoned me...Again!

I stand there completely dumbfounded. And that's all I really want to do, stand there.

But it's really cold so I need to get back inside. I turn back to Lyon Hall, take a deep breath and march right on up in there.

I'm once again standing in the main hall. I sigh and look around.

What in the world am I going to do? It's amazing just how much my life has changed in the last couple of days.

I stand there with my eyes closed, thinking of back home I'm so engulfed in my memories that I don't even notice someone walk in. I'm thinking of my parents now, I wonder what they are doing right now...I gasp.

My thoughts are interrupted when something extremely cold touches my cheek.

I slowly open my eyes to find a pair staring back at me. They are bluish-grey and completely wonderful.

Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. Those are the only words that are running through my head.

The prince is touching me. And this time it's not to save my life.

The Prince's cold finger runs down my cheek.


"Rayne." The way he says my name makes every part of my body shiver.

For a minute he stares deep into my eyes as if looking for something.

All I'm thinkin' is; Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh. My. GOD.

Suddenly the door of the Hall opens and the Prince swiftly takes a step back from me.

A short man with white hair enters.

"Oh, your majesties." He bows his head. "I'm sorry for er...Interrupting..."

"It's not problem." The prince replies "What is it?"

"Um, I was sent to show the young Princess to her room."

The prince pauses for a moment. "No worries, I will do it,"

He turns and faces me.

"Her room is right next to mine anyways."


"As you wish Prince Alekzander."

The white-haired man bows once again and exits the hall.

"Shall we go?"

The Prince leads me to a staircase and we walk up in silence.

When we finally reach my room. I mutter a thank you and try and hurry inside.

"Rayne?" He asks.

I freeze and turn around slowly.

He doesn't say anything he just lifts up his hand and touches my cheek like he did when we were downstairs.

His fingers are so cold.

"Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight." I reply in such a low whisper I can barely hear myself. I quickly run into my room close and close the door.

I didn't sleep at all.

I wake up with a yawn,

I'm still a little tired but I know I have to get up. I look at the clock, it's a little after one.

I never ever sleep past noon but I'm so tired.

I couldn't get much sleep last night on account of the fact that the Prince is in the room right next to mine.

I honestly can't believe that I lost sleep over a guy. He also made my heart beat so fast and made me loose all feeling in my knees.

I shoot up quickly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask myself. I remember how I acted yesterday and I shudder.

"He probably thinks you're some love struck fool." I furrow my brow as I think about it.

"Well no more." I say as I get out of bed and stand in front of the mirror.

I point at myself. "You are through acting like some sick love struck teenage girl. He's just a guy. And guys have never had this affect on you before. Next time you see the Prince you're gonna look him in the eye and make him understand that you don't think anything of him."

I smile at myself and nod.

I get in and out of the shower and get myself dressed. I stroll downstairs and begin to wander around.

I am extremely hungry I realize. I look and look until finally I locate the kitchen, and it of course is also enormous.

There's no one in there so I decide I'm just gonna have to make myself something. I find some eggs and bacon and I begin to


I look around the kitchen and see a radio. I run over and put it on.

"Oh!" I yell out they're playing one of my favourite songs, Paralyzer by Finger Eleven.

I go back to the stove and start to sing and dance along to the song. I finish cooking and Iput my food on a plate.

I clean up and dance over to the fridge to get some orange juice. I'm having so much fun that I cant help but to start laughing too.

Once I have everything I need a start to turn to head into the dining room.

But what I head into instead is someone's chest.

I slowly look up to see who it belongs to.

There they are again, those blue-grey eyes.

"I like your laugh." He says with a smile

I freeze. My heart begins to beat super fast.

Not again. I tell myself.

I take in a deep breath, look him right in the eye and say;

"Good morning Prince Alekzander."

He looks at me funny. As if he wasn't expecting that.

"You can call me Alek, you know."

I look at him for a second. "Alek." I repeat.

He smiles as if he likes me saying it.

"You're not a bad dancer."

I look at him puzzled for a second.

Then suddenly it hits me.

Oh my god. He's probably been standing there for a while.

I can feel my face turning sixteen shades of red.

"Er...thanks." I mutter.

I quickly walk past him and into the dining room, and I pray that he doesn't follow me.

No such luck.

He sat across from me as I eat. Neither of us say a word. After a couple of minutes, I build up the courage to look up and ask

"Is there anything wrong?"

He smiles and slowly shakes his head.

It's silent again.

After couple of minutes I look up again.

"Are you sure there nothing I can do for you? Would you like me to make you something also?"

This seemed to amuse him because he laughed and shook his head again.

Another long silence.

"Are you sure? It must be boring for you to just sit there and watch me eat."

"No not really." He replies "I enjoy watching you."

"Oh." I say.

He sits and watches me until I'm done eating. I have never felt so self-conscious in my life.

I get up with my plate and take it to the kitchen. I put it in the sink and start to wash it.

"You don't have to do that you know, there are people who can do that for you."

My hands pause at his remark, but I finish washing anyway. "I'm not used to having people do things for me."

I turn to see that he's smiling.

He opens his mouth to say something but he's interrupted by the same guy from yesterday.

"Sorry once again to interrupt, but Prince Alekzander? You're mother requests you're presence in the parlor."

The prince nods and heads to the kitchen door. He reaches for the handle at the exact same moment as the servant does.

Their hands would have bumped if not for the fact that the servant snapped his hand back as if it had just been burnt.

My eyes widened. Why did he do that? Alek continued on as if nothing had happened but you could tell that the servant was embarrassed by his actions. He becomes all flushed and quickly strolls out of the kitchen.

"That was strange." I say out loud. But I don't dwell on it.

I begin to wander around the place. Very soon I find myself completely lost.

"Crap. Where the heck am I?"

I continue to wander and get my self even more lost. I walk up and down numerous hallways until I finally up at a dead end, but then I notice something.

"Oh, It's a door." I say out loud.

I walk through it and gasp.

"Holy Mother of Crap."


Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of books.

From wall to wall nothing but books.

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a big reader.

I walk up and down the aisle and run my fingers over the book spines. When I feel like I should stop, I do. And I pick out a book.

I make my way to one of the chairs in the room, sit down and start reading. I have no clue how long I was reading, but I didn't stop until I had finished the book. I sighed with a smile as I shut the book.

"I take it you enjoyed it?"

I jet out of my chair and turn to face Alek. He looks like he's been watching me for a while. I don't understand how he is always so quiet.

I refuse to let him know he startled me.

"Yes, very much." I reply as coolly as I can.

He starts to walk closer but then suddenly stops. A weird some how agitated expression lands on his face.

"What's wrong...?" I ask worried I did something to upset him.

"You've cut yourself." He whispers staring down at my hands.

I look at him weird, then down at my hands. I see the blood at the tip of one of my fingers.

"Oh yeah, I guess I have. Probably a paper cut."

I look back up at him to see that he probably didn't hear what I just said. He was staring so intently at my hands.

"Are you okay Alek?"

His gaze snaps up from my hand to my face.

"Yes...yes I'm just fine. It's just that blood...Well it makes me a little uncomfortable."

"Oh..." I say knowingly "It makes you feel sick?"

He laughs like I've just said something funny.

"Sick isn't exactly the word I would use for it."

I was about to ask him what he meant but he changes the subject.

"Rayne, I've been meaning to talk to you about something." He pauses and I nod. So he continues.

"I know the situation you're in. You would rather not be involved in the engagement. I understand that."

My mouth opens in shock. "No!" I begin to protest "That's not it, it's just that..."

"It's okay Rayne I understand. You wouldn't be the first Princess in Argoneeva to want just a platonic relationship with their husbands. There's no issue."

I think about this for a moment. A platonic relationship, with the person I am going to marry. How would that ever work? I mean sooner or later one of is going to want to...I mean were humans after all were going to have to...I begin to get flushed.

"Tell me what you're thinking." He asks me.

I look at him, and begin to blush even more.

"I mean, I was just thinking that. I mean what happens when one of us wants...I,...more?"

He looks puzzled for a moment. But then his face changes with understanding.

"Ah, I see. Don't let that worry you. Matters like that can be easily taken care of."

"How?" I ask slightly confused.

"Don't worry about it, Rayne. Very easily taken care of." He says with a smile.

It takes some energy to keep from scowling. What does he mean by that? Does he mean there are other girls? I feel myself getting a little bit angry. Well, two can play at that game.

"What about me?" I ask smugly. "What if I end up wanting...more?"

I cross my arms across my chest

And then I see it, well at least I think I did. A flash of surprise and aggravation that disappeared so quickly I'm not even sure it was there. He looks like he's never thought of the possibility.

"I didn't think that..." He stops himself. "I trust your judgment Rayanalise." He says in a stiff voice the he turns and beings to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" I yell out, I can not believe I'm about to say this.

"What if I grow to want children?" I blurt out

He turns around with an expression than can only be described as domineering. He doesn't say a word though; he just stares at me with that smile of his.


feel myself growing embarrassed. Why did I say that? I wish I could just take it back

"I uh mean, I'm a girl aren't I? This is uh...the kind of stuff we want."

Alek turns around fully and walks towards me until he's standing directly in front of me.

We're so close and I'm finding it very hard to breath. He slowly leans his face down until its right in front of mine. Okay now, I've really stopped breathing.

"When that time comes Rayne."

He says in a voice low that makes me a little dizzy.

"All you have to do us tell me."

Then he does it again. He lifts up his cold finger and runs it down my cheek before turning around and leaving the room.

I collapse back into my chair and try to catch my breath.

I hate him for doing this to me.

And what in the world had meant by his last remark? 'When that time comes Rayne, all you have to do is tell me.' I didn't possibly mean to think that we would...?

I shake my head. I misunderstood.

I try to forget about it. But I can't. I spend the rest of the afternoon thinking about it.

And now that its nighttime and I'm lying in my bed, and I remember his room is right next to mine it's even worse.

"Think about something else Rayne." And I do. I think about back home, and how everyone is doing. I fall asleep thinking about my parents.

But I dream about Alek.

Chapter 9

I jerk up from my bed. I was having a dream about...I cant even remember most of it now.

I look out my window. It's still dark outside. I look at my clock.

Three-fifteen am. I groan and lie back in my bed and try to put myself to sleep again.

After fifteen minutes of trying, I sigh and roll out of my bed. I have only been asleep for a couple of hours but yet I seem to be wide awake.

I walk to my window and look up.

"Oh my Gosh." I whisper

I quickly tiptoe down the stairs and go outside.

I look up at the sky.

"It's so beautiful." I whisper. There are more stars than I have ever seen and the moon is so big and looked so close.

I'm completely mesmerized. I've always been a dreamer. Things like stars always fascinated me.

I begin to wander around the court yard, but I am so engrossed the sky that I hardly noticed where I'm walking.

It isn't until the branches from the trees began to disrupt my view did I realize that I had walked into straight the forest beside Lyon Hall.

"Smooth move Rayne." I whisper to myself. I begin turn around and start walking out the way I came.

I think.

Uh oh.

I have no idea where I am.

I can not believe I have gotten myself lost in the woods, I mean honestly Rayne how immature and completely stupid of you.

You better find you're way back to Lyon hall 'cuz there isn't any way in hell you're sleeping in...

I have to clasp my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.

Fear grips me as I witness something I think I wasn't supposed to see.

There are two figures and they are standing over something. At least what's left of it.

They're eating it. I realize. They are growling and ripping at it like animals. Except they look like humans.

I know I have to get out of there.

They do not look like the friendly type.

I take a step back. But before I can even take another step, I find myself pinned to one of the trees and a hand covering my mouth that isn't mine.

"Well look what we have here Trager. I've caught myself a human girl."

It's the one that has me pinned that's talking. He has short black hair and black eyes to match.

"Yes you have Kyson!"

The second one has long brown hair, but the same black eyes.

"And she's a real pretty one too. I say we have a little fun with her before we kill her. What do you say?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Trager"

His hand begins to slip up my shirt.

I quickly open my mouth and clamp down on his hand as hard as I can.

For a second he stops, and then he begins to laugh. Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

"What's so funny Kyson?"

"The little b*tch just tried to bite me!"

The second one starts to laugh as well.

"Oh now that is funny."

"I think I should slap her for trying something so stupid Trager!"

"I think you should too, Kyson."

He reeled his hand back. I squeezed my eyes shut and brace myself for the pain.

But instead I feel him release me and I topple to the ground in front of the tree. I open my eyes to see what had happened.

I gasp.

There standing in the moonlight, holding my two attackers up in the air by the neck, is Alek. The expression on his face is one that I've never seen before. It filled with so much rage, it scares me.

"The only reason the two of you are still alive, is because I know it would only scare her to see me kill you."

His voice is filled with such venom and hate. And his eyes, they are no longer their normal blue-grey colour. They are now steely, almost sliver and seem to be burning right through the two men.

"I'll have you know, I take care of what is mine. And that girl over there? She's mine. And I swear to God if you ever touch her again, I will kill you both slowly and painfully.

But first I'll rip your throats out.

So you can't even scream."

He releases them and they waste no time running. Alek brings his hands down to his sides.

He clenches them into fists and starts breathing heavily. I can tell that he's trying to calm himself down. He opens his palms and turns to face me. His eyes are back to the way they normally are.

"Rayne." He whispers and takes a step towards me.

I instinctively slide myself back from him. He stops his step and I see the pained expression on his face.

"Please don't be afraid of me..." he whispers.

I feel a little piece of my heart rip away when I hear the pain in his voice. I get up off the ground and he takes another step towards me.

"Stop." I say. And he does.

"I...I don't understand."

"I know its okay now. Just let me hold you." He takes another step towards me.

"Stop!" I yell this time. "I want you to explain to me."

"I will Rayne, I will. But right now I really need to hold you."

He starts taking slow steps towards me but this time I don't tell him to stop. He's close now; his hand is on my cheek.

I'm so tired now. I really want him to hold me.

"So let me." He whispers.

He pulls me into his arms and I don't protest. I bury my face in his chest and relax myself completely against him.

He buries his face in my hair and inhales.

"It feels so good to hold you Rayne. You don't even know..."

He picks me up and starts walking. I keep myself buried against him. I think back to the men in the forest.

They could have...If Alek hadn't have come...

"But I did, and you're safe now." He whispers.

I want to ask him how he did that. How he knew what I was thinking. But I'm too tired to really care.

We soon reach the hall and he takes me up the stairs. I expect him to put me down, on account of the fact that we're reached my room.

But he doesn't. He walks right past it. And into his.

I look up at him.

"What are you doing?" I ask

He looks down at me.

"You're staying with me tonight." He replies. "And every other night from now on."

I open my mouth to protest, as he places me on his bed. But then I realize how stupid that would be.

I want to stay here with him.

I watch him as he take off his shirt and pants. He has short black boxers underneath. I feel the weight of his body as he falls on the bed.

"Don't worry." I say with a yawn "I'll stay on my side of the bed."

He laughs, reaches his arm out, wraps it around my waist, and pulls me into his wonderfully cool chest.

"You'll stay on my side." He whispers in my hair.

I begin fall asleep blissfully in his arms.

"Alek?" I ask "Don't leave okay?"

I wasn't really expecting an answer. But I think I got one.

Maybe I was just dreaming, but I swear I just heard him whisper,


*I really want to thank you for all of the commentary on the last chapter! It really was my favourte one.

"Wake up." I hear a whisper beside my ear. My eyes open very slowly.

"Hello." He says with a smile.

"Hello." I say and smile back.

We stare at each other for a while, and I can't help but reach my hand up and run his dark curls.

My hands move over his cheek and his eyes flutter shut. My hands shift over his eyelids, his nose. His lips.

"How are you so perfect?" I ask.

He opens his eyes. "Rayne...I'm leaving."

A sharp wave of panic shoots through me.

"Where are you going!?" I ask him my voice filled with alarm.

He gets up and stands in front of the bed.

"I have to go somewhere for just today...I'll be back soon. Okay?"

I don't want him to go but I nod. He starts to walk towards the bedroom door.

"Wait! You're going right now!?"

He nods at me. "But I'll be back soon."

I frown at him. "You said you were going to explain Alek."

"And I will Rayne, as soon as I come back." He continues towards the door.

"You said you wouldn't leave either." I whisper.

He turns and looks at me, only just realizing how much I don't want him to go.

He walks back to the bed grabs my chin, I shut my eyes as he brings my head up and kisses my forehead.

His lips move down to my nose.

"Rayne." He whispers my name.

His lips move even lower.

"Rayne." His mouth brushes over mine, and he pauses. As if waiting for my permission.

I smile and nod.

He takes a deep breath.

And then he kisses me.

I feel as if every part of my body is on fire. When he finally moves away from me, I'm red and extremely flushed.

"That was my first real kiss."

He smiles, leans in and kisses me again. "And that was your second."

I want him to kiss me a third time but instead he gets up.

"I'll come back Rayne. I promise." He strolls out of the room, but doesn't leave until turning back and smiling one more time.

My lips are still tingling.

"Well you better." I sigh.


"What the hell is wrong with you? You've hardly spoken all day! Have you even been listening to anything that I've been saying?"

I snap out of my head and back to reality as Tess says this. She's right I wasn't really listening.

"Uh..." I think about lying but I decide against it. "No, Tess. I'm sorry! It's just...a lot happened last night."

Tess suddenly lights up and a mischievous expression forms on her face.

"Last night huh?" She says with a grin. "I leave you alone with this boy for a day and already you guys have-"

"NO!" I yell, and start to blush. "It''s not that."

"Oh." Tess replies as her shoulders slump. "Then what is it?"

I take a deep breath I'm afraid to tell her what happened. She'll probably think I'm crazy. But I know

I have to anyway.

"Tess last night, I got lost in the forest, and I saw these two men. They were standing over what I think was a dead animal...and they were eating it. I know I'm going to sound crazy, and I know this is completely insane, but Tess...I think...I mean it looked like they were..."

"Vampires?" Tess interjects.

"YES!" I yell out "That's exactly it! Vampires!"

She looks at me for a second. Were both silent.

"Well?" she asks. "Is that all?"

My jaw drops "Is that all?!? Tess! They were vampires!"


I look at her in complete awe.

Then slowly I see her expression change from docile to shock.

"Oh my God you don't know do you...?" she whispers to me.

"What?" I ask "I don't know what?"

"I can't believe he didn't tell you yet..."

Right now I am super scared because of the look on Tess' face.

"Tess...What do you mean."

"Rayne, yes they were vampires that you last night." She pauses. "You said there were two right?"

I nod slowly.

"That means right now Rayne, you have officially met three different vampires."

"Three?" I ask suddenly filled panic. I'm almost afraid to ask. "Who's the third?"

Tess pauses as if gathering courage; she looks me right in the eye.


'Kay I need you're help here...I've been having thoughts of making Alek only part vampire. I dont know exactly how I'll do it but I'll figure it out.

"What are you saying Tess, Alek a vampire?!"

"Well," She replies "Yeah...Kind of."

I blink once. Twice. And then start to laugh. Its not really funny, but I laugh and laugh until my sides hurt.

"That's funny Tess." I say between gasps for air.

"Vampires don't exist." I finish as I finally stops laughing.

But Tess, I've never seen her look so serious.

"I'm serious Rayne." She says in a stern voice.

"You were attacked by two men yesterday. You survived? How?"

"Well..." I start. "Alek saved me."

"And how did he do that?"

I think back to last night. How Alek had both men up in the air. That shouldn't have been possible. And the way his eyes looked. I begin to breathe hard and I don't even bother to answer Tess.

Suddenly she grabs hold of my hand and brings it up to her face.

"You cut yourself?"

I nod.

"How did this happen...?

"Paper cut." I reply quietly.

"Was Alek there when it happened?"

I remember how he acted in the library when he saw that I had cut myself. I had thought it had just made him a little sick. He had laughed and said 'Sick isn't the word I would use for it.'

I begin to back away from Tess.

"Haven't you noticed?" she asks quietly.

I look up to see what she means.

"How whenever he's close to you..." she continues. "He always seems to know what you're thinking."

I collapse into one of the chairs and put my head in my hands.

"Oh my God..." I whisper. "He's..." I don't finish my sentence

I look up. "How could you know about this and not tell me?"

Her eyes get all wide "I though you knew!"

I clutch my stomach, I suddenly feel very sick.

"Are you okay?" Tess asks me

"I don't know..." I answer in a whisper. "I...I just wish he had told me..."

"If it makes you feel any better...He's not exactly a full vampire..."

I snap up. "What do you mean...? I ask quickly.

Tess takes a deep breath. "It's kind of a long story."

I look at her and bite my lip "I've got time."

Alek's P.O.V (That's right guys!)

I've been driving for almost six hours now, but I'm almost there.

"It would have been faster if I had run..." I mumble to myself.

I am close now, and I feel my grip tighten around the steering wheel. I take deep breaths and force myself to loosen my grip, any harder and I will snap it in half.

I keep thinking of what happened to Rayne the night before.

Someone is going to have to die for that.

I slow the car down as reach the border. I know once I cross over, I'm on their territory.

I get out of the car and walk right in front of the border.

And then I take a step over it, and wait.


I raise one of my eyebrows suspiciously and begin to take another step.

Maybe this time they won't-


I'm grabbed by the neck and thrown on the ground.

I groan. "I have no time for this Striker."

He lowers his face down to mine. "What are you doing here half-breed? Shouldn't you be off at your palace doing something important?"

I sigh impatiently. "Let me up Striker."

"How 'bout I just kill you instead?"

Striker was a big guy, completely muscle from head to toe. No doubt able to crush a human skull without much of an effort.

But I swear to God if he doesn't let me up, he'll be dead within the next four seconds.

"Let him up Striker." I hear a voice coming from behind.

He doesn't move from over me though, he just growls.

"Striker." The voice repeats "Let. Him. Up. Now."

"Didn't you hear him?" I said with a mock smile. "Let me up."

He releases my neck and allows me to stand up.

"You're lucky half-breed." He says as he walks away.

I turn to the man who had ordered Striker off of me and I am filled with nothing but hatred.

"Kaden." I say

"Alek," He replies "How good to see you again. I'm sure you feel the same?"

I don't say anything.

"Or...maybe not." He says with a smile "So to what do I owe this visit?"

I walk in front of him.

"Two of your men crossed the boarder yesterday. They attacked someone." I tell him.

"Ah, yes. Kyson and Trager. You gave them quite a fright yesterday. Don't worry; they will be punished for their actions."

"Just don't let it happen again." I turn and begin to walk away.

"Wait. You're telling me that you drove all this way just to tell me that."

I turn and look at him.

"I was thinking of killing these men 'Kyson and Trager', but I need to get back." Once again I begin to walk away.

"To you're fiancé?"

I stop.

"Well Alek?"

"How do you know about her?" I demand.

"Oh Alek, you should know by now." He replies with a smile "I know everything."

"She's a pretty one. Rayne, isn't it? Long red brown hair and big green eyes. I can definitely see why you want to get back to her."

"But tell me Alek," he says and then pauses. "Does she know what you are?"


I pin him against a tree.

"Don't you ever, talk about her again." I am shaking with anger. I want so badly to kill


"But you can't can you?" He says with a smile "You wouldn't. My, how you look like your father."

I release him and quickly take steps back.

"Just keep your men away from her."

I turn and walk away.

"Has she seen the scar yet Alek?" he yells "She'll want to know!"

I keep walking, I don't look back

"You can't fight it forever!" He yells after me. "Sooner or later, Alek, sooner or later."


Still Alek's P.O.V

When I get back to Lyon Hall, it's already past midnight.

I walk in and up the stairs. Once I get into my room I notice that Rayne isn't alone in the bed.

"Tess" I whisper. I smile. I've always liked that girl, and she takes care of Rayne. I move quietly across the room and tap Tess on the shoulder. She snaps awake.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Alek." She whispers. "She didn't want to be alone."

I nod. "Thank you. For looking after her."

She smiles even bigger and crawls out of the bed.

"I'll go sleep in the other room. Goodnight Alek."

"Goodnight Tess."

As Tess begins to leave the room I look down at Rayne.

Tess is almost out the door, but then she pauses.


"Hm?" I reply slightly distracted

"I told her."

"What?!?" I yell-whisper

"She had a right to know Alek. She was confused."

I look down at Rayne again.

"How did she..." I start to ask

"I don't know. She wouldn't talk to me." She whispers to me. "I think she just wanted you."

Tess leaves the room.

I get undressed and into bed and pull Rayne into me.

I'm not tired; I never sleep for more than two hours a day. So I just hold her and think.

It's been a couple of hours, I feel Rayne move against me.

She turns and I see that she's awake. She looks at me and I feel bolts through my body.

Her green eyes are cloudy from sleep and she looks dazed and adorable.

I want to kiss her, badly but I don't.

I wait to see what she does.

She knows now.

We stare at each other for the longest time. Then finally, she lifts up her hand, places it on my chest, and spreads her fingers out. She moves her eyes off of my chest and

back to my eyes.

For a second were both frozen, both waiting. Then,

Well, she thinks.

Aren't you going to kiss me?

I groan in relief and lower my lips onto hers.

I don't hold my self back; I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me as I mesh my lips against hers.

They're almost unbelievably soft; I'm reminded of just how fragile she is. I force myself to stop, knowing if I keep going I'll lose control and hurt her.

I still hold her close and I tell her to go back to sleep.

She runs her hand through my hair and down my back, and then I feel her fingers stop over it.

The scar. Her fingers run over the long jagged marking.

I feel her take in a long slow breath.

"Alek," she whispers "I'm with you now. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

I smile, she thinks to protect me.

And I hope I can do the same.

"Oh my gosh, you are so falling for him."

I am with Tess at Rhone Palace, where she and her mother live.

This place is gorgeous and is surrounded by flowers. Tess and I are sitting out in the garden talking.

I'm having fun, but to be honest, I'd much rather be at home with Alek.

We had spent most of the morning lying with each other.

It wasn't until Tess woke up, started banging on the door demanding that

I get up because I promised to go over to her place, that me and Alek were forced to separate.

He kissed me last night.

And I can't stop thinking about it.

I look at Tess just realizing what she had just said.

"What? What makes you say that?"

"Are you kidding me?" She replies.

"You've been here for about an hour and a half. And for about 1 hour and 20 minutes of that time, you've totally been fantasizing about Alek."

My eyes grow wide. "Have not! Yes I've had the occasional thought about him, but that's it."

Tess gives me a look that lets me know that she doesn't believe me.

"Whatever you say Rayne."

I spend the rest of the day at Tess',

I also meet her mom Queen Kylieann. She's exactly like Tess in every way.

Beautiful and crazy.

I'm in the limo in front of Lyon Hall and anxious to get inside. I run up the stairs and into the main hall I look around but don't see him, so I turn and run into the small living room.

I stop dead,

There sitting on the couch in Alek's lap, is Jadealinne. She has her arms around his neck and is smiling at him.

Suddenly she sees me. She guiltily jumps out of his lap.

"Rayanalise...It's not what it looks like..."

I don't wait; I turn and run out of the room.

"Rayne!" I hear Alek's voice but I don't stop running.

Of course I don't get anywhere. He has me pressed up against the wall in three seconds flat.

I struggle and try to get out of his grasp. He doesn't even budge.

"Let me go! You...You stupid vampire!"

He doesn't release me.

"What's wrong with you?!" he asks me.

I immediately stop squirming and look up at him to see if he's serious.

"What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with me?!? Why don't you head back in there and ask Jadalinne whats wrong with me!?!"

He smirks at me like he's just understanding.

"You're jealous." He says it like he likes it.

I suddenly realize how I'm acting.

"Me? Jealous?" I scoff at him "I never get jealous."

"Oh really?" he asks "So the thoughts of you ripping Jadealinne's head off have absolutely nothing to do with jealousy."

Crap, I totally forgot about that whole mind reading thing.

"Well...I...I uh..."

"You what?" he asks

"Stupid vampire." I repeat.

He laughs. He moves in towards me.

"Don't feel bad." He says close to my mouth "I get jealous too."

I look up at him. "You do?"

He sighs. "Naïve little Rayne. You have no idea how incredibly...appealing you are."

"What do you mean?" I ask

"They stare at you...The servants. Especially the men. It makes me..."

"Angry?" I offer.

"Yes." He whispers against my lips. "Angry."

His mouth is right over mine, I want him to kiss me but first I need to know something, so I put my hand between our lips.

"Why was she here Alek."

He catches my hand and kisses my palm. I falter, but then quickly snatch it away. I refuse to let him distract me.

"Alek, why was she here." He kisses my wrist.

I bite my lip and force myself to stay in control. "Alek..."

He sighs and takes step back.

"She came here to convince me that I should leave you and be with her. She said that you were not 'fit' for me like she is. She said I deserved better. I swear to you Rayne, I was about ready to kill her when you came in."

We're silent and I stare at him.

"Rayne...?" he asks cautiously.

"You didn't kiss her?" I ask.

"No." he replies forcefully "I would never." He pauses.

"You're the one I want."

I smile at his words but then start to walk past him.

"Wait!" He calls after me "Where are you going?"

I turn to look at him and smile sweetly

"To kill that little home-wrecking whore."

I continue to walk, but Alek laughs and pulls me back to him.

"Don't worry about her. She's probably gone by now. And besides, you have been gone all day and..." He pauses, and then he leans in to whisper in my ear.

"I want to be alone with you."

He picks me up with ease, carries me up the stairs and into his room.

I don't deny him anything.

I want to be alone with him too.

Next thing I know, I'm on the bed, he's on top of me, and we're kissing.

I feel us sinking into the bed, he's crushing me.

But I like it.

"You're beautiful," he murmurs as he slips his hand through my hair. "So beautiful."

I clutching on to his back and my heart is pounding so hard I'm sure he can feel it.

"You smell so good..."

We're moving to fast, He needs to slow down.

I open my mouth to tell him this, but then I feel his tongue slip in my mouth.

I forget all about telling him to slow down.

I sigh and arch up against him.

He groans and deepens the kiss.

I wrap my arms tight around his neck.

I'm going crazy my head is spinning and then...

Well, and then he bit me.

"Ow!" I yell. He's off of me in a flash. I quickly bring my hand up to my lip. I can feel the blood.

At first the pain is mild, but then the burn only gets worse and worse. My head start pulsating and the pain grows unbearable, I can't breathe anymore. I can hear Alek's voice, but it seems so far away.

"Alek?" I groan.

That was the last thing I said for a long time.

"Rayne? Come on sweetie open your eyes..."

It's a struggle but I manage to do what I'm told. I open my eyes to find myself surrounded by people. There's Tess, her mom, my mom, Queen Vienna, and a white haired man I had never seen before. But no Alek.

"She's going to make a full recovery." The man said. "All of the venom was successfully removed."

"Oh thank God." My mother said. She bends down and wraps her arms around me "Rayne, are you feeling better? Does it hurt anywhere?"

It did actually. Hurt. Practically everywhere. But all I could focus on was...

"W-where's Alek?"

A grim expression forms on her face. "We don't know where he is."

I snap up. "What!?"

My mom quickly reaches forwards and forces me back down on the bed.

"After he brought you to us and told us what happened he...just left."

"We have to find him." I try again to get up but my mother forces me back down.

"We will, but you just have to rest. Okay?"

I don't answer her question because I feel pang of sadness.

"Why would he leave..."I whisper

My mom sighs and begins to play with my hair. "You have to understand, it's extremely hard for him. He is constantly plagued with cravings and he prides himself on his self control...He's angry with himself."

"He shouldn't be." I reply

My mom sighs again "Just get some rest Rayne. We'll find him, I promise."

I groan as my mom exits the room. How could she possibly expect me to get some sleep when I don't know where Alek is, it's impossible and irrational I mean...

I woke up about four hours later.

It was a sound that caused me to rise from my bed. I was still in a lot of pain, but I had to see where it was coming from. I tip toe down the stairs and into the parlor.

I sigh out of relief when I see him. Alek. He's sitting in a chair with his head down in his hands. He's mumbling things I can't quite make out. He turns to look at me. I smile and begin to walk towards him.

"Don't." he says in a hard voice that surprises me. He stands up and distances himself from me.

"Alek?" He flinches when I say his name. As if it hurts him. "I'm fine okay?" I take a step closer. "I know you didn't mean to..."

"Rayne..." he says in a voice warning me to stop.

I blink confused. "Alek, I'm fine...what's wrong?"

For a while there's nothing but scilence between us.

"I..." he starts "I take...chances with you." He whispers. "Chances I shouldn't be taking."

I move even closer. "It's okay..."

"Rayne!" he yells this time. We stand silent as his voice echoes through the hall.

"This." He stops "This can not continue."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I'm almost afraid to ask.

He turns his back and I can no longer see his face.

"I don't want you anymore." His words cut through me.

My eyes start to burn as I force the tears back. "W-what ...?"

"I. Don't. Want. You."

I stand there in complete shock. He doesn't mean it. He can't. Silent tears roll down my cheeks.

"This was not meant to me anything more than a marriage of convenience. You understand."

He still doesn't look at me.

"We will still be married, but we...we will see less of each other."

I want to yell and scream. But I just stand there.

"I'm leaving. And I will not be back until the wedding. Until then, goodbye Rayne."

He turns quickly and walks past me, for a moment our shoulders touch. It was enough to send me crashing to the floor, but I made sure he did not see me do it. I never let anyone see me cry.

I lay there, and I cried.

I cried because it hurt. I cried because I didn't understand. I cried because he left. I cried because I had fallen for him. I cried because I wanted him

I cried because he didn't want me.

Alek's P.O.V

I run.

Like I always do when I'm angry.

I run. And don't stop.

Moving so fast, no time to think.

The wind whistles in my ears as I speed through the forest.

Don't think. Just move.


The name sounds in my head, and continues to do so. Like an echo that won't leave.

I speed up, trying to make it go away.

Rayne. It repeats itself. I move faster and faster.

Rayne. You need her.

I stop.

It's not working. I can't stop thinking about her.

I can't stop.

I need her.

I shake my head hard. This isn't about what I need. It's about her. It's about keeping her safe. And she's not when she's with me.

I think about what I had said to her back at the Hall.

I said I didn't want her.

And the crazy part is...

She believed me.

I saw the thoughts going through her head when I had walked past her. She actually thought that I didn't want to be with her. She actually thought that it didn't hurt more than a thousand needles puncturing me when I walked away from her. She actually thought I hadn't fallen for her.

Naïve little Rayne.

I hurt her, I hurt her badly. But if I stayed, I know it would be much worse.

She deserves better, she deserves normal.

She deserves a man who would not need to protect her from himself.

"ARRGHH!" I yell in anger as I punch my fist through a tree.

The thought of her with any other man makes me angrier than I ever been.

I breathe heavily in a feeble attempt to calm myself.

I fall to my knees, knowing there's only one place I can go. I despise the thought of it, but it's my last option. The only place that I won't risk running into her. Soon she'll forget about me, we'll be married. Then she'll forget me again. I get up off of the forest floor. I have to stay away from her.

If I hurry I can be there in under a minute, the border is only seven miles from here.

2 weeks 4 days and 3 hours.

That's how long it's been since he left. Not that I'm counting or anything...

I've spent the last two weeks and a bit isolated in my room. I don't let anyone in.

Except Tess.

She always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better. I laugh as I remember what she had said the day before.

"That stupid arrogant ass! Who the hell does he think he is? Just because he's a prince and a vampire he thinks he can do whatever he likes?? Pshhht. The jerk. Yeah, he BETTER stay away or I'll kick his ass. Vampire or not."

She stopped by again today, but I really didn't feel like talking to anybody. She understood.

I'm sitting on my bed, reading a book from the humongous library.

It's actually really good.

It's a book about a girl who falls in love with a boy and vice versa. But it's complicated for them, because the boy is different. Plus there's some psycho trying to kill her. There's a whole lot of drama, but in the end, the guys saves the girl, and they go to a dance together and probably live happily ever after.

I groan as I close the book.

I can't help but feel a pang of jealously, for the girl. She got who she wanted.

I fling the book across the room. Then immediately feel guilty. I shouldn't be taking my anger out on the book.

I pause and wonder if love like that really exists.

And if it does, maybe Alek and I could've...

I don't let myself continue. Suddenly the room feels really small and stifling. I get up and walk out of my room. I need some fresh air. I'm outside, and against my better judgment, I walk into the forest. Yes that's right; I walked right back into the place that almost got me killed. I keep walking and I don't allow myself to stop. I start to think about the last time I was in here.

And how he saved me.

I quickly snap my head to the right. I heard something. I'm breathing hard, but trying my best to keep quiet.

Calm down Rayne, was probably only your overactive imagination...

I heard it again. That was NOT my imagination. But now I'm able to make out the sound...It sorta sounds like...


I break off in a sprint and I keep running. The sound gets louder, until...

"Oh My God..."

There, lying in the middle of the forest is, a little boy. No more than two or three. He has sandy blond hair and big bright hazel eyes.

Immediately he was me he stopped crying and stood up.

"A-are you g-going to h-hit me too?"

My eyes grow wide at his question.

"No! Oh no, no, no sweetie. Where in the world did you get that..." I trail of because I only just began to notice the scars on his arms.

"Oh my..." I whisper. I go down on my knees so I'm eye level to the young boy.

"I promise you, that I will never EVER hurt you...And I will never let anyone hurt you again...Okay?"

The boy looked at me like he was unsure.

But then suddenly, he throws himself into me and buries his face in my shoulder. I smiled at him as he stuck his thumb in his mouth.

"What's your name, sweetie?" I asked.

He slips his thumb out of his mouth to answer,

"I don't have one." Before slipping it right back.

My mouth opens slightly with shock.

"You don't have one?"

He shakes his tiny head.

"Are...are you sure? Isn't there anything you?"

He scrunches up his face in the cutest little puzzled expression.

Then he nods fiercely. Once again, he removes his thumb from his mouth, and lists a large number of obscenities that I have to remind myself to tell him to never say again.

With my jaw hanging open, I blink once. Twice.

"We'll have to think of some better names for you." I whisper.

He shrugs and places his head back on my shoulder. As he does this, his forehead brushes against my neck which causes me to jump. He's cold.

As I start to walk towards the palace I look down at the boy and say,

"Let's think of a name for you now."

I feel him nod against me.


He quickly shakes his head against me.


He shakes his head again.

"How about...Edward...or maybe Jacob?"

He seems to deliberate for a short second, but then shakes his head once more.


I feel him scrunch up his face against me.

"That's a girl name!" he cries.

I laugh, "I guess it is..."

Then an idea hits me.

"What about...Peter Parker?"

He immediately looks up at me with his large round eyes looking completely awestruck.

"You mean like Spider-Man?!"

I nod. "Uh huh, just like Spider-Man. Unless you'd rather be Bruce Wayne like Batman or Clark Kent like Superman."

"Waaaiiit!! How do you know all this?" He asks. "Girls aren't supposed to know about superheroes!"

The way he said that reminds me of something...someone?

"Well, you see when I was younger I wasn't like all of the other girls in my class. All the other little girls wanted to be Fairies and Ballerinas; I wanted to be a Superhero."

He breaks out into a huge smile almost too big for his face. My answer seemed to satisfy him.

"Uhmmm...I...uhm...I think I'll be Spider-Man. At least just for today."

I smile, "Okay Peter Parker. Let's go home."

"Home?" he asks hopefully.

"Home." I whisper back.

Alek's P.O.V

I roll in the bed and reach my arm out to grab her, but all I feel is empty space. For a second I'm panicked. Then I remember.

I no longer get to wake up with her. I sigh as I pull my arm back to my chest.

Then I lay there with my eyes closed. I'm trying to imagine what it would feel like if she was laying here with me.

When I finally open my eyes, I scowl.

I hate this place. I throw back the covers and stand up.

I want to be back home. I want...

I want her.

I walk down the stairs of the small house and into the living room. I sit on a chair and put on a small telvevision. I look out the window; it looks to be about noon.

A few moments later, the door opens, and Kaden walks in. He has blood smears over his mouth, he'd been hunting.

He smiles at me, and I look away in disgust.

"Good Morning, Alek." He says to me, but I don't reply. I never reply.

"I said, Good Morning." My eyes stay glued to the television.

He growls, "You know, you need to learn a little respect." He starts.

It took all my strength not to get up and punch his face in.

"Now if you we're my kid, or my brother hadn't ran off and abandoned his own kind for that human Queen b*tch then maybe-ARRGHH!!"

He lets out a cry of pain. I had hurled a small vase from the table at his head. Shattered glass falls to the floor.


"That's my mother you're talking about." I snarl.

I get up and start to walk out of the room. Not before I hear him yell.

"You little sh*t! If you weren't my brother's son, I would have killed you by now!"

I sneer, like he could touch me.


Kaden's P.O.V

That kid doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

He doesn't know what he's dealing with. He's gonna be the first one I kill. He'd be dead now, but I need him...For bigger things.

After I'm done with him I'll kill him.

No not him... The girl first.

I hope he loves her. So when he watches me rip her to shreds, it will kill him a little inside.

Before I do.

"I finally got the little monster asleep." Tess whispered to me as she patted, Peter Parker...No excuse me, Bruce Wayne today, affectionately.

I laugh and nod, little monster was right. The boy had only been here for day and has wreaked more havoc all over the castle than should be humanly possible.

"I would stay, but I have to go home now." Tess tells me as we exit his room. "I promised my mom that I would pick out a dress before the end of today."

I tilt my head slightly. "A dress for what?"

"You're kidding." she replies.

I pause.

"The engagement party..."

I stay silent

"No? Doesn't ring a bell?"

I shake my head.

All she does is stare at me.

"Ughh!" I let out a frustrated groan. "Why am I always the last person to know EVERYTHING?"

Tess lets out a laugh. "Your engagement party Rayne. Yours."


She sighs. "Whenever a royal couple in Argoneeva announces their engagement, there is a ball to celebrate it."

Another pause.

"And when exactly is this 'celebration ball'?"

"Uh..." She starts "Day after tomorrow...?"

I don't bother yelling out another 'What?!?'

"But...but..." I stammer. "It's so soon, I mean..."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. You just put on a pretty dress and say 'Thank you' whenever someone congratulates you on the engagement."

"That's not what I meant...I'm not nervous about that..." I tell her.

She looks at me puzzled. "Then what is?"

I avert my eyes to the ground.

"He's gonna be there isn't he." I reply in a tiny voice.

Tess sighs and puts her arm around me. "Yeah, he will. But you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to! And if you want me to go right over there a punch his lights out I'll be gla-"

I laugh, "No I don't want you to hurt him...Its just going to be...hard."

"Yeah, I know."

A little later, Tess leaves, and I decide to go talk to my mother about this whole ball thing. When I find her, I walk in to see that she's already talking to somebody else.

She turns and smiles at me. "Rayne! Just the person I was looking for! I would like to introduce you to someone." She gets up and walks towards me. "This is Raphael, Lord Huntington's nephew."

My mother moves out of the way to reveal a young boy, who let me tell you looked absolutely nothing like his uncle.

He was extremely tall and had long brownish blonde hair which seemed to make his dark brown eyes stand out. He smiles at me, and I can't help it. I smile back.

He takes a few steps until he's right in front of me.

"My uncle told me you were pretty but..." He grabbed my hand and brings it up to his lips. He keeps it there for a second longer than he needs too.

"That word does not even come close to what you are."

Before I can calm myself I am turning a deep shade of red. I retract my hand.


"Rayanalise, Raphael is about your age...Right?" My mom asks turning to him.

He nods. "I'll be nineteen next month Your Highness."

"Yes." She continues. "Lord Huntington and I thought it would be a good idea if both of you to get to know each other! It would be wonderful of the two of you became friends!"

My mother pats Raphael on the back, and kisses me on the cheek then walks out of the room.

So then it's just me, and Raphael.

"So..."I start. "Raphael-"

"Raph." He says. "Call me Raph"

I nod "Okay, Raph."

Suddenly he reaches out and threads his fingers through mine.

"C'mon." he says

He starts dragging me along. "What? Where are we going?"

He stops and yanks me into him. We're dangerously close now.

"To have some fun Princess...Or would you rather stay here and mope about your Prince Alek."

I pull away from him quickly with a shocked.

"Don't look so surprised Rayne." He says with a smirk "Everybody knows.

He moves himself close again.

"He's pretty stupid if you ask me..." He says in a low voice. "Pretty thing like you."

He lifts his hand up and starts to play with my hair. A part of me wanted to slap it away, and then slap HIM.

But the other part of me knew he was right. I had been moping about Alek for the past two weeks. I needed to move, I needed to breathe. I needed to stop thinking about him. He didn't want me anymore.

I looked up until I was staring right in those dark brown eyes of his.

"Where to pretty boy?"

"Who...was THAT?"

It was a few hours later and I'm back home. I collapse on my bed to see Tess is back.

She's spent the last couple of hours playing Bruce waiting for me to get back.

I shrug "Oh...that's Raph, he's Lord Huntington's nephew." "

"Lord Huntington?" She asks. "The rat?"

I laugh hard, "Yeah My mom and him though it would be a good idea if me and Raph became friends I guess."

"Friends huh?" she asks as she walks over to my bedroom window to watch Raph leave.

"Whoa...He's a cutie." Tess says looking back at me.

I shrug "He's alright I guess."

Tess gives me a skeptical look "Alright?!?"

Just at that moment Bruce runs in.

"Hey Brucey!" I say with a smile.

He stops to shake his head "No. Peter Parker."

I sigh as I lift him up and into my lap.

"You can't keep switching you know."

He merely shrugs and puts his thumb in his mouth.

"So..." Tess urges. "What did you guys do?"

"Nothing really," I answer. "We went for a walk, and then had dinner..."

"Wait..." Tess interrupts "Dinner!?! Like, dinner dinner?"

I roll my eyes. "Not that big of a deal Tess."

"I disagree, big deal, VERY big deal."

"I'm..." I begin "I'm...I'm engaged."

"Pshht..." she mutters "I beg to differ."

"Tess..." I start.

"Fine!" she says with a smirk. "Forget about it. If you don't want him...I'll be glad to step in."

She started to laugh, but I could tell she was frustrated. Tess being trying hard for the past two weeks to make me feel better. I guess she sees Donny and my way of forgetting Alek. Raph is great, and he's funny and really cute but...

He just isn't Alek.


"Crap-crap-crap-crapitty-crap." I whisper

"You'll do fine." My mom whispers in my ear.

It's the night of the ball and I am having a panic attack.

"Calm down Rayanalise..."

But I can't. I am not prepared for this. I'm so nervous I can barely--

"It's going to be fine! I'm going down now," My mom interrupts my thoughts. "I'll expect to see you in a few minutes."

I nod nervously as she leaves to room. I play with my hair as I walk back and forth across the room.

For the gazillionth time, I go stand in front of the mirror. I straighten my dark green dress and play with my hair. Alek. That word is all I've been thinking about since I woke up this morning.

I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself. At that moment Peter Parker walks in.

I gasp. "Why aren't you dressed?!?" I ask.

He looks at me with his large eyes. Confused.

"I get to go to the party?"

I go on my knees so were eye level.

"Of course you get to come! Why wouldn't you?"

He shrugs and sits down right on the floor.

" 'Cuz. I never get to go anywhere. I'm a half-breed, worthless and a mistake, I'm lucky I'm even left alive. I'm stupid to think that I would ever be allowed anywhere 'specially a party."

I stare at him in disbelief of his words for a second, I grab his two shoulders. "Who told you that?"

He shrugs again. "Everyone does."

I pick him up. "You're a wonderful, amazing and beautiful little boy. Don't ever, EVER, let anyone think that you're not worth anything. You're one of the best things that have ever happened to me. And I'm lucky to have you. Okay?"

He looks at me a little bit strangely. Like he doesn't understand. But then he smiles at me and nods.

I put him down. "Now go get changed, we have a party to go to."

He quickly runs out of the room.

I feel sick whenever I try to imagine Peter Parkers life before he came here. He doesn't understandhow special he is.

"They are ready for you, Princess." I look up at the man holding the door open.

I nod and walk through it. I descend down the stairs and suddenly hit with bright lights. When my eyes finally adjust, I see that I'm standing in front of a whole lot of people. And their all looking at me.

I struck completely silent. I have no idea what to do. I can feel my breathing rapidly increasing.

Aw, Christ.

I'm going to run. I have to.

I pick up my dress and start to turn. When I hear laughter coming from behind me.

Little Peter Parker comes bounding down the stairs in a little tuxedo. He has the most adorable grin in his face. At first all I want to do is run over there and scoop the little boy up and put him in my arms. But then his expression changes, almost drastically when he sees the crowd of people. He runs so fast and hides himself behind my dress.

I ripple of shock goes through the crowd. I hear mummers of the words; Vampire and half-breed. Everyone looks so shocked, some disgusted.

I wave of protectiveness washes over me. I instinctively reach down and pull Peter Parker around so he's in front of me. I can practically feel the little boy shaking.

"Everybody." I yell out, loud enough so they can all hear me. "Everybody, this...this..." I pause.

"This is my son."

The silence is almost instant. Peter Parker looks up at me, his small mouth hanging open.

"Does anyone have a problem with this?" I ask, waiting, no DARING anyone to say anything.


"D-do you mean it?" he whispers

I look down at the boy's hopeful brown eyes and nod, "I mean it."

"What's the young boy's name?" I hear someone from the crowd yell out.

I look up. "It's Peter-"

"No!" says tugging on my dress. "It's Clark Kent today, momma."

My heart almost stopped when he called me that. I bite my lip and nod.

"It's Clark Kent today." I say to the crowd.

This causes them all to laugh.

Instantly the party resumes and all eyes our off of me and Clark Kent.

I feel my mom put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispers.

I just smile.

"But, I warn you. Being a parent isn't all that easy."

I turn to give her a skeptical look.

"Just how hard can it be, he's just a little boy."

My mom raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh yeah? And just where is this little boy you speak of?"

I look down to see that Clark Kent is no longer at my side. For a second I panic, but then I see him playing with a bunch of other boys that look to be about his age.

I smile and turn my gaze back to my mother, but she's gone.

I watch Clark Kent for a few minutes. He looks to be having fun, and the other boys are treating him well.

I feel another hand on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes. "I told you I can do this moth-"

But it's not my mom, its Raph.

He grins at me, "Princess Rayanalise." He picks up my hand, puts it up to his lips and once again, he keeps it there for longer than he needs to.

"It's nice to see you again." He says to me.

I sigh and smile. "It's nice to see you to Raph."


Alek's P.O.V

She hasn't seen me yet. I have made sure of that. Even though every single part of me wants to go over there, kiss her and make her forgive me, I know I can't.

The little boy. She had called him her son. And the way she defended him, she obviously knows that he's different.

I was still trying to make sense of it.

She's with a young man now. Their laughing and smiling I had seen him a couple of times before. He was Lord Huntington's older sisters' son.

I feel a growl erupt from the back of my throat.

He had touched her. He had kissed her.

Nobody touches what is mine.

I am filled with an overwhelming urge to... Well to kill him. I am being unfair, but I can not help it.

I had left her.

But I still want her.

This emotion was one that I knew very well. But it was different now,

It was jealousy.

It was rage

(- How awesome am I? It's been a hectic week and I still managed to write somthing for you all. Blame the delay on Kent, Douglas and Evan who all decided they wanted to be born within the same seven days...=] -)

Alek's P.O.V

Two hours.

That's how long I have been here. How long I have had to watch her with that guy.

She's seen me, I know that. She's looked over a few times, but never long enough for me to hold her gaze.

She hates me. I don't blame her.

She places her hand on his arm.

I finch.

Suddenly I feel a tugging on my pant leg. I look down to see a little boy, with sandy blonde hair and big brown eyes.

I recognize him instantly as the boy Rayne had introduced as her son.

He lifts both his hands up. At first I'm not sure what to do, but then I realize he wants me to pick him up.

I reach down and awkwardly pick the little boy up. I have never handled a child before.

"Hello." I say.

"Hello." He replies.

"Your Clark Kent?" I ask.

He smiles and nods. "Sometimes Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne. When I feel like it."

"What's your name?" He asks me

I smile at him. "Alek."

"Oh." He says before sticking his thumb in his mouth. He leans his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes.

For a minute I'm stunned. I can sense that this boy trusts me.

I hope he's not going to fall asleep. There's something I need to know.

I think for a second, and then I ask.

"Clark Kent, point to your momma for me please?"

He immediately lifts his head from my shoulder and points towards Rayne. She's talking to

Tess and doesn't notice I'm with him.

"The pretty girl in the green dress?" I ask.

He looks at me and nods happily. He replaces his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes again.

Another pause. "Clark Kent? What about your father?"

He looks at me once more, and then his face gets all scrunched up.

"I don't have a daddy." He answers.

I am hit with a wave of disappointment. I guess I was hoping that Rayne had-

"But maybe I do." He suddenly says.

I look at him. "What do you mean?"

"Welllll..." he starts. "Momma and Aunt Tess always talk about this booyy." He makes a face.

"What boy?" I ask

He shrugs. "Just some boy. Aunt Tess doesn't like him a lot, but I can tell momma does. They talk about him almost evverrryy day. They don't think I listen. But I do." He grins. "I'm very smart for my age. I'll be four soon."

He looks extremely proud of himself.

"And do you know what's really cool?" He continues "If he's my daddy? He's different. Like me."

I open my mouth to press the boy for more answers, but then I hear loud gasps.

I turn to see what all the commotion is about. And there, walking through the doorway of the hall is a group of men.

"Tsk tsk tsk." One of them says. "A party and no one invited me?"

"You think someone would you know, my being the uncle of the Prince and all."


Holy Mother of Crap.

Everybody in the hall is completely silent. I'm not sure if it is out of shock...or fear.

I want to find Clark Kent. Make sure he's safe. But I don't dare take my eyes off of the men that just walked in.

"What?" The man who appears to be the leader says. "Don't stop the party on our account! Go on!"

He scans the room and his eyes land on me.

A slow grin spreads across his face. He begins to walk towards me.

"Ah. You must be the Princess."

I stand frozen, not sure exactly what to do.

"The one my nephews crazy about." He whispers.

"Another human girl." He continues. "Must take after his father."

He reaches out to touch my face. But I feel myself suddenly pulled back.

At first I want to yell, but immediately my back makes contact with his chest, I know that I'm safe.

I look up at him.

"Alek." I sigh.

"Hush." He replies harshly, not even looking at me, but keeping his gaze straight ahead.

"What...Do you want Kaden."

He gasps in mocked surprise. "Me? Want, anything? Apart from wanting to wish my nephew and his beautiful fiancé good luck in the future...Nothing. Nothing at all. "

Alek is silent for a moment. "You've said your congratulations. Now get out."

"Alek..." The man starts. "Is this anyway to treat your dear uncle...The man that let you stay in his

house when you left this pretty young lady here. All alone?"

I feel Alek stop breathing. He soon begins to shake in anger. I try to pull away from him, in case he needs space, but he just holds me even closer.

"Get. Out." You can actually hear the violence in his voice.

"Alek..." Kaden starts.

"NOW!" he roars.

"Okay, okay, we're leaving. C'mon boys. I know when I'm not wanted." He begins to walk away.

"I'm your uncle, family Alek. And sooner or later you're going to have to stop hating me."

"Why?" Alek spat. "You killed my father, YOUR brother!"

"I didn't kill him!" Kaden yelled in reply.

"But you didn't save him either."

Kaden has no response to that.

He sighs and continues to walk, but then stops to turns and looks at me. He winks.

"I'll be back, Alek. Whether you want it or not. "

I violent shiver runs through my body.

The men finally leave and much to my dismay, Alek releases his hold on me.

Clark Kent comes running and throws himself at me. I pick him up and start to re assure him that everything is alright. I turn for Alek, but he's no longer behind me.

I feel a hand on my back. Its Raph again.

"Princess, are you okay?" he asks urgently.

I nod at him, but I'm distracted. I try to look over Raph's head.

It's too late though. He's already gone.

Kaden's P.O.V

I let out a frustrated cry as I punch into the ground. We're far enough from the Hall that no one there would notice.

I need to get that boy to trust me.

I need him dead.

"Uh, Kaden?" Striker calls.

"What!?" I snap at him.

He visibly jumps but soon after calms himself. "Nothing, I was just wondering. About the girl? The princess?"

"Uhm...Do we have to kill her? I was hoping that maybe, after we take over, I could maybe keep her and..."

I had him by the neck before he finished his sentence.

"The girl dies. The prince dies. And if you say another word suggesting otherwise.

So will you."


The rest of the evening went off pretty much smoothly.

I didn't see Alek again though...

And Raph was acting strangely. I know I have only known him for about two days but we've grown to really like each other. After Alek's uncle left, he wouldn't look me in the eye the entire night though, and some reason he kept his distance.

What was wrong?

I fell backwards onto a chair and let out a huge sigh.

Just then my mother came in carrying Clark Kent. He was fast asleep.

"I'm going to take him up to his room," She whispers. "He's completely exhausted. I don't blame him; it's been a tiring day."

I nod and she continues to walk up stairs.

As soon as she leaves, Raph enters the room. I jump up in surprise.

"Raph! What are you doing here still? You should be home by now!" I smile though. I'm happy he still wants to talk to me.

For a moment he stares at me, as if making a decision.

Suddenly he smiles and starts taking slow steps towards. "I know." He replies.

I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sure your parents are worried about you..."

He continues to move closer. "I know."

I'm a little bit nervous now.

"They're probably all like 'Where Raph and-"

"Rayne." He interrupts me. He's right infront of me. I can feel his breath on my face.

"R-Raph..." I stammer. "You're awfully close."

He leans his face close to mine and whispers.

"I know..."

The sound of someone clearing their throat caused Raph to jump back.

It was my mother, she rose an eyebrow and gave me a quizzical look.

"Raph..." she says slowly. "I think its time for you to go home now."

He nods quickly, "Yes Queen Avangelana." Then turns and hurriedly strides out of the room.

My mom stares at me. "Rayne...What's going on with that boy?"

"Honestly mother," I sigh. "I have no idea..."


"Well, goodbye Rayne. I'll see you later?"

I nod, "Yeah, Raph. Soon."

I close the door, lean against it and let out a sigh.

It had been three days since the ball. Since our almost kiss.

We've spent everyday together since then, but whenever were around each other there's this...tension.

He still wants to.

Kiss me, I mean. I can tell. And a part of me wants him to just grab me and do it.

But the other part knows that at the back of my head, there will be that nagging voice telling me that this isn't what I want.

He's not who I want.

I run my fingers through my hair. A familiar feeling of pain moves through me, it's the same one I always feel when I think about him.

It's almost scary, how he made me feel so much so quickly. Alek.

Peter Parker was quite taken with him, he's talked non stop about the man he met at the ball. He doesn't like Raph at all though; he says he doesn't know why.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear shouting; my mom comes running down the stairs. She's sobbing almost uncontrollably.

"Rayne!" She cries "Oh Thank God you're home!"

I grab her shoulders, "Mom!? What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!"

She begins to speak but she's is crying too much for me to understand what she's saying.

"Mom! I can't understand you!"

She takes a few deep breaths to calm her self down.

"I-its Peter Parker...I-I have no idea where he is... He's...he's just gone..."

I stare at her for a moment.

"Mom..." I start slowly. "What do you mean he's just gone?"

"He was here! we don't know where he is...Nobody has seen him for hours..."

Silence. She couldn't be serious.

I walked past her a franticly began yelling his name or, names.

"Peter!? Peter!? Bruce?! CLARK?!"

I practically tear the whole hall apart. My heart is at a frantic rate...God please let him be alright.

Tess and her mother come over, we're all complete messes and crying. There are servants out in the forest looking for him, but there's no sign of him yet.

"I don't know how this happened." My mom keeps rambling over and over. "I had him; he said he was just going to play for a while, to find something..."

I'm not really listening; I'm really just trying to keep myself from passing out. I've had a kid for about a week and I've already lost him...

I get up, and then I sit back down. I'm on my feet again, but I fall into the chair.

"What are you doing...?" Tess asked me, her eyes red from tears.

"I-I don't know...I just don't want to SIT here...I need to go find my son."

All of a sudden, Tess' mom lets out a high pitched scream, we all turn around to see Peter Parker

walking through the door.

I could barely contain myself.

"PETER!" I yell out.

I run over and pick him up and squeeze him until I'm sure he's stopped breathing.

"Where have you been!? Do you have any idea what I've been through these last couple of hours!? Huh? We have been worried sick?! We had no idea what could have happened to you! Don't ever scare me like that again! Do you understand me?!"

Before he can answer I pull him back into a tight hug.

"Aw, momma..." he mutters. "And it's not Peter Parker."

I release him. "Okay, Bruce Wayne."

He shakes his head.

"Clark Kent?"


I puzzled. "It's not Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent?"


"Then what is it?"

It's Donavon."

"Donavon?" I repeat "What? Where did that name come form?"

My mother lets out a quiet gasp.

"That's..." she whispers. "That's Alek's father's name."

I stare at her wide eyed for a minute, before I turn my gaze back to the small boy.

"Where have you been?"

"Well..." he begins. "I hear you cry sometimes, in your room momma, when you think I'm asleep. I know it's because I don't have a daddy. So I went to go find one!"

My mouth drops open.

He starts to grin. "Aren't you proud of me momma? I'm very smart aren't I? Cuz I'll be four soon!"

"P-Peter..." I stutter.

"Donavon." He interrupts.

"Donavon," I say. "Where exactly did you find this...father?"

I hear footsteps,

Holy Mother Crap.

He hasn't walked through the door yet, but I already know.

Its Alek isn't it?

My mother, Queen Kylieann and Tess looked back and forth between Alek and I.

Were all awestruck,

Donavon on the other hand, is grinning like an adorable fool.

"Pet- I mean Donavon," Queen Kylieann finally says. "Come over here, I think its time for us to leave."

Donavon begins to pout, "But why? I wanna see what happ-"

"Donavon." My mom interrupts in a stern voice. "Let's go."

He lets out a huffy breath and follows my mother out of the room.

Oh, crap. We're alone.

Neither of us say anything for the longest time. We just...

Stand there.

"Uhm..." Alek says finally breaking the silence. "I found him. Wondering in the woods."

"I picked him up and brought him over here straight away...But we talked."

"He said he was looking for me...Because uhm, You were hurting. And that you needed me."

He did not.

Oh, that kid is in so much trouble.

"Uh, well...I..." What exactly can I say to that?

"So you gave him a name!" I say quickly changing the subject.

He nods. "Yes, well actually, he just decided that he would take the name of my father. I told him about him."

I nod, "Well that's good."

Were both silent.

And then I feel it. An invisible force, pulling me, making me to want to move closer.

I think he can feel it too.

And before I can stop myself, before I LET myself stop,

I take a deep breath, throw myself into him, pull his head down, and place my lips on his.

His arms instantly wrap themselves around my waist as he pulls me tight against him.

For a moment were lost. And I can feel it all on his lips. The desperation, the urgency...the hunger. His mouth is hard and demanding. I can tell he wants this like I do.

I press myself on him, trying to be as close to him as possible, but he yanks himself back.

"I'm sorry...I can't...Rayne. I'm cant."

I feel it build up inside me. Anger and frustration.

"What!?" I yell at him. "What is it!?"

"I don't understand why you don't want to be with me!"

He averts his eyes and stares to his left. He doesnt respond.

"Alek," I cry "I just need to understand why you don't want me."

I pained expression flashes across his face, but he still won't answer me.


"I hurt you!" he yells at me.

I don't say anything. I stare at him in shock.

"I-I hurt you Rayne, you could have died." He continues. "It happened once, And I can't live with myself if it ever happened again."

He begins to walk back and forth.

"It killed me," he whispers "Seeing you like that, seeing what I had done. Your so fragile and small and--"

"I'm pretty strong you know.." I interrupt him.

He smiles, only slightly. "I know." He whispers.

We're silent again.

"So-so..." I stutter, needing to know the answer so this question

I stop, and then start again.

"So you do want me?"

He looks at me for a while. "Yes Rayne," he says finally. "I do want you. More than you'll ever know.

But I can't be with you, because..."

He pauses. "Because, I know if I'm not with you, I can't hurt you."

He's no longer pacing back and forth but staring at the ground.

After a moment, I walk forward until I'm close to him once again.

I place my hand on his cheek and move his face up until were at the same level.

"Not being with you, hurt me more than anything you could possibly do when were together." I whisper.

He stares in my eyes, making a decision...

And then he kisses me, its no longer hard and demanding, but soft and accepting.

He's come back.

Suddenly he lifts me up so I'm above him. We both laugh and I kiss him again.

"I'm home," he whispers against my mouth.

I quickly pull back and I get extremely serious.

"Alek." I say in a hard voice. "Don't ever, leave again. Ever."

He smirks at me. "What, is that an order?"

"Yes." I reply simply.

He sets me down and kisses me one last time,

Soon I hear a voice behind me.

"Oh, Rayne I heard about what happened to Peter Parker I hope he's-"

I turn to see its Raph speaking, or he was speaking until he saw Alek and me.

He just stops and stares, from me, to Alek, then back to me again.

"Uh...Raph" I say slightly pushing away from Alek. "Hey, uhm, I was-"

"Donavon is fine." Alek interrupts as he puts a possessive arm around me and pulls me close again.

"I brought him back home."

Raph turns his gaze to Alek, "Donavon? Is that the boys name now?Like your father..."

Alek smirks and nods. "Yes, like my father."

"Oh..." Raph whispers.

All of a sudden, Alek grabs me and places a hard kiss on my mouth; it's only then that I realize what he's doing.

After a few seconds I pull back, only to see that Raph is already gone.

"Alek!" I yell hitting his arm.

"What?" he asks feigning innocence.

"You know what you did!"

He opens his mouth as if to deny his actions again, but then changes his mind and just smirks.

"He needed to know who you're with, who you belong to." His smile grows even bigger.

"Me. Your mine." He finishes.

He tries to kiss me again but I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Nope." I say shaking my head. "I'm still mad at you, for leaving AND for what you just did to Raph."

He removes my hand from his mouth.

"Well...let me make up for it." He says as a small smile forms on his face.

"How...?" I ask slowly.

He grins.

I give him strange look.

"I want to be alone with you."He whispers in my ear.

I'm flushed with memories of what happened the last time he said those words.

And then I grin.

"Oh, Just don't bite me again. Kay?"

The smile falls from his face. "Not funny."

I laugh and he picks me up, carries me up the stairs and into his room.

I have my Alek back.


Raph's P.O.V

I stomp away from Lyon hall.

Walking blindly, fuming with fury. That bastard! Why did he come back!?

And Rayne, sweet, beautiful but naïve and stupid Rayne. She took him back. She let him I her life once more.

Can't she see that he's only using her? He'll take what he wants then he'll leave.

She shouldn't be with him.

She should be with me.

I pick up a rock and I fling it. It smashes against a tree with a loud crack.

I having trouble breathing, the anger is almost overwhelming.

"What a shame, what a shame." I hear a voice from behind me that causes me to jump.

I turn around and she a man walk towards me. A vampire.

"What do you want, scum." I hiss.

For some reason he laughs. "It's not what I want. It's what you want. And I know what you want. The girl, no?"

I don't answer, I just glare.

He begins to walk back and forth.

"But she doesn't want you does she. She's fallen for the prince. Oh how terribly cliché."

"Leave me alone." I growl.

"What if I told you I could help you get the girl?"

I'm silent. What does he mean?

As if seeing me interest, he smiles. "You see, you want the girl. And I want the prince. Dead."

"And if you help me, we could both get what we want."

I know I shouldn't trust a vampire, they liars and deceitful, but this one said he could help me get


And kill Alek.

"So are you interested?" He asks.

"What's your name?"I ask after a short moment.

He grins like he's gotten his answer.

"Just call me Kaden."

"Oh please, Superman is like the strongest person ever. Batman's a total wimp."

"What!? Are you kidding me? All you need is a little bit of kryptonite and Superman's DONE for. Batman on the other hand, doesn't have a weakness."

It's a little after midnight and Alek and I have spent the last couple of hours in his room. It raining like nothing I have ever seen, I'm talking serious thunder and lightning, so neither of us is in much of a hurry to get up. We've been lying on the bed talking, making up for the last three weeks.

Right now though, we are arguing over which superhero was better, Superman or Batman.

"Batman so has a weakness," I remark. "Everybody has a weakness,"

He develops a smug expression, "I don't."

I return a smile. "Yes, you do."

"Oh really, and what is this so called weakness of mine?"

I shift so my face is right in front of his.


He seems to think for a second, but then he grins.

"I can't argue with that."

I shriek as he rolls himself on top of me. He lays kisses on my forehead, my eyelids, my nose...

He brushes past my lips and moves down to my neck. I feel his teeth graze me.

I can't control my own reaction, I arch up against him.

He brings his mouth back to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm so happy when I'm with you." I whisper

He lifts his head away from mine and smiles. But then he loses his smile and develops a strange expression.

"Rayne..." he starts slowly, "There's kinda something I need to talk to you about."

I slant my head slightly. "What is it?"

He clears his throat. "Well...We'll be married soon...And I was...kind of...Well I was wondering if...Maybe...uh."

I squint my eyes suspiciously. What's he talking about?

"I mean..." he continues. "We're married and all...and I was thinking...actually..."

He clears his throat.

"I though that maybe. Since were going to be married. Uhm...Husband and wife..."

Holy Mother of Crap.

I get it.

I'm suddenly aware of how close we are to each other.

My eyes widen and gulp.

"Alek..." I start "I-

I'm interrupted by a hard knocking sound coming from our door.

We stare at each other. "We'll continue this conversation later?" he asks

I nod frantically.

Alek rolls of off me "Come in!" he yells.

There, in a pair of feety pajamas, thumb is his mouth and eyes wide in fear is Donovan.

Alek gets off of the bed and kneels in front of the young boy.

"What's wrong buddy?" Alek asks him.

Donavon doesn't even bother taking his hand out of his mouth, he just shrugs.

"Donavon..." I start "Are you scared?"

He starts so shake his head, but a loud clap of thunder interrupts causing him to jump.

"Not scared, huh?" Alek asks,

Donavon shakes his head again.

A slow grin spreads on his face.

"But we are, aren't we?" He turns to look at me, nodding his head urging me to play along.

"Uh...Yeah!" I agree. "Scared to death!" I add dramatically.

"And I think..." Alek continues, "Were gonna need a strong little man to stay in here and protect us."

I smile when I realize what Alek is trying to do.

Donavan's eyes light up. He finally takes his thumb out of his mouth. "I...I could do that."

Alek laughs and picks him up, carries him over to the bed and puts him in the spot between the two of us.

Its two hours later and I'm still not asleep, I'm staring at the ceiling thinking about just how lucky I am.

I'm lying next to the two most beautiful boys in the world

"And so that's why he left..."

Tess is staring at me wide eyed. I had just told her all that had happened the night before; she hadn't said a word since I had started talking.

"Tess?" I ask uncertainly.

Still nothing.



I throw my hands up in exasperation.


"Yeah, yeah," She interrupts "I get it, I get it! Alek is totally sweet and wonderful, you're crazy in love with him and there's no way you're giving up that for Raph...BUT I CANT BELIVE HE KISSED YOU!"

I would have corrected Tess, yelling 'ALMOST kissed me' but I was a little preoccupied by what she had said before that.

You're Crazy In Love With Him.

She said I was crazy in love with Alek.

Could I be? I mean I know he's cute and funny and sweet and wonderful and caring and totally amazing and Holy Mother of Crap.

I am aren't I?

Tess continues to ramble on and on.

But all I could think about was being in love with Alek.

I love him...

I love him.

"I love him." I whisper.

At first Tess lets out a gasp. "Who?!? Raph!?!"

"No!" I reply. "Alek."

She smiles. "Yeah hun, you do."

"Oh no." I sigh as I put my head down in my hands. "Oh no no no no no...."

Tess runs over to put her arm around me. "You know, most people would be happy to find out that their in love."

"Yeah," I agree, "But that's when their sure that the other person loves them back."

Tess grins, " What are talking about, he does."

"What?" I ask

"Love ya back." She answers matter-of-factly.

I slump, "No he doesn't."

"Rayne, he left you, even though it killed him to do so, just to protect you. And that didn't even work out, he came back. Because he wants you, he needs you. He LOVES you."

I shake my head; I refuse to let her give me false hope.

This really sucks, I know for a fact when I leave here and go back to Lyon Hall, this is all I'm going to be thinking about.

My eyes widen I realization.

Oh, crap.

This is really, all I'm going to be thinking about, especially when Alek is near me. And sooner or later he's gonna touch me and then...

"Oh My God. He'll know what I'm thinking! He's gonna find out, he's gonna touch me and then he'll know!"

I start to breath heavily.

"What are you talking about?" Tess ask hurriedly.

"Im gonna think 'I love you.' and he's gonna hear it!" I yell.

"Oh, yeah," Tess starts "The whole mind reading thing."

"What's the big deal?" she continues. "So what if he knows you love him?"

I turn to her in shock. "SO WHAT IS HE KNOWS?!?!?" I yell.

"SO WHAT IF HE KNOWS!?!" I repeat.

"If he knows...Well if he were to find out I mean..." I pause, "Well frankly I don't know what will happen, but I don't want to find out!"

I begin to pace back and forth across the room, trying to think up a solution.

He cant find out, He cant.

Because then I'll be all vounerable. And I never want to feel that way again.

"You're being ridiculous he's gonna find out one way or another, like really, what are you gonna do? Not let him touch you?"

I stop pacing. I slow smile forms on my face.

"Rayne..." Tess starts.

"That's it..." I begin; I turn to look at Tess.

"What have I done? Rayne!" Tess repeats.

"He can't touch me,'' I continue.

"Oh my God, Rayanalise! Do you realize how incredibly outrageous you sound?"

Tess is shaking her head, "You're crazy, you're in LOVE with him and vice versa, how long do you think you'll be able to keep your hands off each other?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "It's a little something called will power Tess."

"You say that now..."

Tess continues to talk but I'm to busy focused on all the things I can't do with Alek anymore.

No hugging not anything even remotely close to hugging. We definitely can't sleep in the same bed anymore, and this also means no kissing and...

Oh crap.

This is gonna be harder than I though.


Kaden's P.O.V

Stupid Humans.

They let their emotions get in the way of their rational thoughts.

Every instinct that boy had was telling him no to trust me.

But still he did.

Out of jealousy and rage.

"I don't understand! That's not fair!" Striker yells. "You said I couldn't keep the girl yet you're allowing this human boy--"

I punch him in the face,

"ARRGHH!!" he yells clasping his nose.

"I am not going to let the boy keep her you idiot, after I'm done with him, I'm going to kill him to. You understand?"

He nods his head.



It's been no more that 12 hours since I left Tess' and honestly this 'no touching' is like...


The first instinct I had when I saw Alek was to go right over there and kiss him, which stupidly, I DID.

We were in real heat and I was about ready to sit myself in his lap when I realized what I was doing.

I quickly jumped back from him; he gave me a strange look.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." I say in strained voice.

I stare at him, waiting for him to say something.


Oh thank God, he didn't hear anything.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yeah." I reply "I'm sure."

He grins and reaches out to pull me into his lap again.

I jump back again. "Uh..." I start. "I'm gonna go find Donny."

I run out of the room and close door behind me.

What the bloody hell was I thinking? How could this POSSIBLY work?

I lean against the door, close my eyes and sigh.

"You okay momma?" I open my eyes to see Donavan.

"Yeah sugar bear just fine."

He squints at me, "You don't look so good."

I give him a sad smile. "Things are just a little bit complicated right now."

"Oh, d'you know what always makes me feel better when I'm sad?"

"What?" I reply.

"Peter Parker." He replies.

I raise an eyebrow. "And who's Peter Parker?"

He grins. "The Teddy bear Aunt Tess got for me, only sometimes he's Bruce Wayne, or Clark Kent. Depending on what I feel like."

I laugh, so we've started with this again.

"Or..." he continues.

"Or what?" I ask.

"Or you could tell the truth." He finishes.

"What do you mean?" I ask slowly

"The truth. How you feel." And the he smiles "'Cuz from what I know, three little words never hurt anybody."

My mouth drops in shock,

I cannot believe he just said-

"Gotta go momma, bye!" And then he turns and scurries right out of the room.

That kid is way too smart for his age

"So how'd your master plan go?"

I snarl.

Tess just laughs, "That good huh?"

I fall down on Tess' bed, I've been here all day; I'm hiding out until I find out what exactly I'm going to do. This 'being in love' thing is a lot more complicated than you could possibly imagine.

And what's even worse is that Alek knows something's wrong.

Last night I slept in my own room for the first time since he came back. When he asked me about it I made up this lame excuse about how I had come down with something and I didn't want to get him sick.

But then he pointed out the fact that he's half vampire, and that he doesn't get sick.

Then I started rambling on about how maybe I'd stay with Donny tonight, so that he wouldn't get scared again.

Then he pointed out that he could always bring Donavon into our room, and for that matter, wasn't I afraid of getting Donny sick too?

Stupid vampire has to be so smart about everything.

And then I said that the real reason was that I thought that we should wait until we were married until we slept in the same room again. Which got me a surprised look, but then nodded and said it was alright with him, if its what I wanted.

Which it's not.

At all.

What I want it to be as close to him as possible.

Without him finding out that I am desperately in love with.

"I have an idea!" Tess yells out suddenly, breaking my thoughts.

I jump off of the bed, "Yeah!? You do!?"

She nods eagerly "Uh huh...Yeah, how about you, I don't know TELL HIM!"

I let out a cry of frustration. "You know I can't do that! It's just not possible! And why are you pushing me so hard!? It's not like I have to tell him right away! I mean the weddings not for another couple of months right?"



Tess looks at me and shakes her head in awe. "Why are you always the last person to know everything?"

I fall on the bed again, this time I put my head in my hands.

"When's the wedding?"

"Rayne..." She starts

"Tess!" I interrupt. "When is it?"

"Three weeks tomorrow."

I swear.

"Don't worry!" Tess says. "It'll be okay."

But I have a feeling it won't. So much has happened so fast and I think it's all catching up to me.

I'm in love with a boy who doesn't love me back.

We're getting married in three weeks.

And I don't think I'm ready.

He's probably going to realize what a mistake he made choosing me and not Tess or Jadealinne.

And then he's going to leave me.


And then I'm going to hurt.

And then I'm going to cry.

I don't want to feel that way again.

And on top of all of that my parents! Who I haven't heard from in over a month.

I wonder if they think of my as much as I think of them.

They don't even know about Donavon, my son.

I can't believe I have a SON.

I clutch the sheets on Tess' bed and begin to breathe heavily.

This is too much, too fast.

"I can't do this." I whisper. "I cant, I cant, I just can't."

"Rayne..." Tess says cautiously.

I shake my head. "He doesn't really want me, he'll leave again. And Donny, I can never be what that boy really needs. He deserves better, they both do...I...I-"

Tess quickly runs and kneels in front of me. "Look at me Rayne."

I avert my eyes, I hate it when people see me cry.

"Look at me." She repeats.

When I finally do, her eyes soften.

"Do you love Donny?" She asks me.

I answer instantly through the tears. "Yes, more than anything."

She nods, "Good."

"And do you love Alek?"

I'm silent. I don't want to say it anymore; I don't want to deal with it. He doesn't love me.I know he doesn't. He cant.

Tess grabs my shoulders, "Do you love him Rayne?"

I bite my lip.


"Yes! Okay?" I yell my voice heavy with emotion. "I love him! So much that it hurts."

Tess slowly smiles.

"Then you can do this." She says simply.

For a second, I'm stunned by how simple she just made all of it seem. I smile through my tears.

This is exactly why I love Tess. She's always so sure, always knows how to make me feel better.

"Tess?" I start my voice still a little bit shaky. "So uhm, you'll be my Maid of Honor...'Kay?"

Once again she smiles, then she nods

I arrive home after many hours of thinking things through at Tess'

And I've decided what I am going to do.

I'm telling him.


When I enter the hall, I pause, thinking about that could happen when I tell him that...

That I love him.

The thought makes me shiver in anticipation and fear.

I advance towards the staircase, my heart practically beating out of my chest.

I'm suddenly hit with a wave of doubts.

You shouldn't do this.

He doesn't love you Rayne, how could he?

He's perfect and you're not.

He can't love you.

I shake my head hard, trying to get the thoughts out of my head.

I need to tell him, he needs to know.

I slowly open our bedroom door.

Alek is sitting on the bed, but he quickly jumps up when he sees me walk in.

He looks...strained almost flustered.

I stare at him suspiciously.

"You okay?" I ask in a small voice.

He nods, and then he takes a deep breath, "Rayne, I need to talk to you."

Uh oh...This cant be good.

I nod anyway.

"I've noticed lately that...that you've been distant..."

I sigh and open my mouth to speak, but he interrupts. "And...I think it's because I've done something wrong,"

I start to shake my head, but he continues anyway. "I'm not sure exactly what it is that I did wrong, but I don't want you to be mad anymore. And so I was thinking that maybe, this could make it better."

I tilt my head, what does he mean?

He walks until he's right in front of me, "I've though about this, I've thought about this a lot...And I think that..." he stops, clutches my hands takes a deep breath and...

Goes down on one knee.

My eyes bulge. Holy Mother of Crap.

"R-Rayne," He stammers. "The things I feel for you...The things I feel when I'm around you, They are so strong, so unnatural, that sometimes I'm afraid that if I show you just how much you mean to me, I'll scare you away. I just want to be close you...All the time. Whenever I'm around you, I just feel...Feel..."

"Light." He finishes.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little box.

My heart stops. He opens it and there is the most beautiful ring, I have every seen. It's...It's...

"I-I got a green emerald, like your eyes." He whispers.

He looks up at me, with his wonderful eyes, the eyes that I'm so in love with.

"Will you marry me Rayne?" He asks the fear apparent in his voice. "I mean I know that were already getting married but...Just...Will you? You're beautiful and wonderful and being around you, I...I..."

He laughs. "I have no idea what I'm saying, I probably sound crazy to you, but you just have to understand. I need you Rayne; I need you with me all the time, Rayne I..."

He's interrupted, because I can no longer contain myself. I throw myself into him and press my lips hard against his. He picks me up and spins me around.

I love you; I love you so much, I just...

The thoughts go flying through my head.

He suddenly freezes, pulls back and puts me down.

He looks at me, and I look away, I feel myself heating up.

"I-" I start but then I just sigh. "I love you."

I'm still not looking at him, were both silent for a moment.

"I know." He answers in a matter of fact tone of voice.

I look at him, and blink once "Wha?"

"I know." he repeats.

"You know?!?"

He grins and starts playing with my hair. "Yeah."

I just stare at him in shock. He knew? All this time I was stressing he...he...KNEW?!?

He sees my distress, he leans his mouth close to mine. "I love you too Rayne,"

My eyes grow even wider, my heart leaps and I shiver, feeling his breath on my lips.

"You do?" I ask, my voice sounding raspy and quiet.

He nods. "Of course I do." His eyes get all soft. "I've loved you since the first day I saw you. You were so pretty and...Angry."

I pull back and scrunch up my face a little. Angry? "The day by the fountain?" I question.

He opens his mouth to say something, but then he hesitates, and then he nods. "Yeah, the day by the fountain."

I'm about to ask him about his hesitation, tell him that I don't remember being angry, but I'm hit with another thought.

"So," I start,

"Yeah?" he asks as he picks up my left hand.

"I found out I was in love with you...A week ago."

He nods, and he takes the ring out of the box.

"When exactly did you find out I was in love with you?"

He grins as he slips the ring on my finger, "A week ago."

I punch him in the arm. "Ow!" he groans still smiling.

Ow my ass! My fist probably hurts more than his arm does.

"And you didn't think it important to tell me!?!" I yell.

He shrugs. "You're so cute when you're all stressed."

I just stare, not sure if I should kiss him, or throttle him.

He grins and leans in to kiss me again when we hear quiet laughter coming from the door.

I raise and eyebrow at Alek, and he does one back.

"Now what exactly is that?" he asks me with a smirk.

"I don't know..." I said advancing towards the door.

"Hmm..." Alek continues following me towards the door. "It was probably nothing..."

"Yeah." I agree "Nothing..."

I fling the door open, and Donavon lets out a shriek.

"Aha!" Alek exclaims as he picks up Donavon and spins him around and around.

Donny lets out a happy squeal and we all crash down on the bed.

Alek and I tickle the little boy furiously until he's begging is to stop.

Donny sighs in what seems to be happiness.

We're quiet for a moment, enjoying just being together.

"Love you momma," he Donny whispers, breaking the silence.

"Love you Donny," I reply.

"Love you daddy," He continues,

"Love you too Donny." Alek answers.

"Now you guys say you love each other." The little boy practically demands.

I smile.

"Love you Rayne," Alek whispers.

"Love you Alek." I whisper back

We are still in our room, it's incredibly late I'm curled up against Alek's chest feeling oh so blissful. He keeps telling me to go to sleep, but I'm too excited to.

He loves me.

"Say it one more time." I mutter against his chest.

"I love you," He whispers.

I sigh.

"Again." I instruct.

But then quickly add a "Please."

I hear him laugh. "I love you."

He pulls back slightly so he can see my face.

"How many more times do I have to say it before you believe me?"

"I do believe you!" I reply "It's just that...You're so perfect, and...I don't understand why you love me."

I sigh and nestle myself close to him. "I'm glad you do though."

I expected him to wrap his arms around me, and kiss me for the hundredth time.

But he doesn't, he pulls away.

He sits off of the edge of the bed and runs his fingers through his dark curls.

"I don't know why you say things like that." He mutters. "I'm not perfect, I'm far from it. You are the closest thing to perfect in my life. You and our son."

"What do you mean...?" I question.

"I've done things," He continues "Things I'm not proud of, things that if you ever found out about, I'm not sure if you would love me anym-"

"Don't say that," I interrupt. I move over close to him, warp my arms around his torso and lay my head on his back.

"I'll love you, always and forever."

For a second he doesn't say anything, but then he lets out a sigh.

"I'll love you too Rayne, forever and always."

Were silent for just a moment,

"Hey Alek?" I ask.

"Hmm?" he responds.

"Why do you love me?"

He groans.

"No! Seriously! I want to know." He shifts and turns slightly so that we're facing each other on the bed.

He stares at me for a second and the he nods, agreeing. "Okay."

I expect him, to start listing off things such as; you're beautiful, funny, and smart, etc. Not to sound conceited, but you know, what they usually say.

Instead, what I got was;

"Rayne," he starts "When my father was...killed, I was only eleven. And...It took a toll on me, something inside me..."


"Broke." He finishes.

"I was angry at everything and everyone...Especially myself. I don't know why, I just felt I should have...Been there, he was my father for Christ sake and..." He trails off, and then takes a deep breath.

"I'd learnt to cope, over the years, but the pain was still there."

He looks at me, his eyes sad and happy at the same time.

"And then you came, and you were so sweet, and...kind, and innocent, you took all the pain away. Rayne, I was hurting, and I was angry all the time. Then for the time, in the longest time...I wasn't anymore...And that was because...I was with you."

He reaches out and touches the side of my face. My breath catches.

"You are my Guardian Angel Rayne, I'm sure of it..." He whispers. "My saving grace."

I bit my lip and forced the tears back. I open my mouth to tell him, just how much I love him, just how much his words mean to me, but I cant bring myself to say anything.

He must have noticed this because he laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Plus." He starts "You're beautiful, funny and smart, etc..."

I laugh.

"And..." he continues, "I love the way your big eyes get even wider when you're shocked, or confused, or you've just heard something you didn't know before."

My eyes widen. "I do not do that! And my eyes are not big!"

He laughs again, "It's okay, I like them."

"Then, I love how you say 'Holy Mother of Crap!' at least fifty times a day."

I smirk at this.

I do that don't I?

"Annnddd...I love the way you sort of whimper when you sleep."

"I, what?"

"You whimper." He states. "You know? Sort of like a squirrel or a mouse."

I gape at him. "I...Do...NOT..."

"Yeah you do..." he says nodding.

But don't worry!" He assures me. "Mice are cute."

I was about to disagree again but, he continues to talk.

"And also...I love you because..." He looks at me slightly with a sort of half smile.

"I've made the two most embarrassing speeches of my life in the last 24 hours, and both of them have been with you."

I smile and he pulls me into him. We get under the covers and he whispers in my hair,

"Now go to sleep."

"No...!" I groaned, "I wanna hear more about why you love me!"

I feel his lips smile against my hair. "Okay..." He whispers,

"I love the way you..."

- - -

I have no idea how long he kept on going, but I knew was that I had never been so happy.

The last thing I remember him saying, before drifting off to sleep was;

"I love you Rayne, for all of those reasons, and for the simple fact that I know that you love me too. You don't care what I am, or what I become you'll stay with me...Always and forever?"

As my eyelids flutter shut, I answer his question. I'm not sure if I said it out loud or not, but I know that he got it.

Forever and Always

"Arms up."

I shoot my arms in the air.


And I do.

"Arms out."

I shoot my arms to the sides.


Another spin.

"Now arms up again."

Instead of doing what I am, told I let my arms drop and slump my shoulders.

I groan "I am sooo tired of this!"

I am standing in the middle of a dressing room, WHICH I have been in since eight o clock this morning.

Yeah, it's FOUR.

I'm surrounded by women who are scurrying around the room, picking out cloth, taking measurements, sticking pins and needles in me.

Yes, that's right; I am getting my wedding dress made.

Oh, Joy.

You know how this is supposed to be all exciting and happy like the stuff you see on TV?

All that's a load of bull.

It is bloody torture.

"Now, Rayne." My mom begins "You know we have to get this done, the wedding is in fourteen days."

"But. I. Have. Been. In. Here. For. Over. Eight. Hours!" I tell her in a strangled voice.

"Just a little bit longer!" She promises.

"You said that four hours agooo!" I whine stomping my foot like Donny does when we tell him to go to bed.

"Princess?" a little woman with graying hair says.

I turn to look at her.

"Which do you prefer?" she asks while holding up two pieces of cloth. "Eggshell? Or light beige."

Eggshell, or light beige...They both look like WHITE to me!

I give her a strained smile, "Uh the...beige." I say, pointing to the one in her right hand.

She looks at me strangely. "You mean the eggshell?"

It takes every once of my strength not to throw my hands up and yell, WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFREENCE?!?

I nod,

"Yes. The eggshell."

The lady given a polite smile and walks away.

I turn and glower at my mother.

She glowers right back. "You have no one to blame but yourself, Rayanalise. If you hadn't spent the last week up there in your room with Prince Alekzander doing God knows what, we could have finished this much earlier."

I can't help but grin.

She was right.

Alek and I had done nothing but be together.

"Queen Avangelana?" The little from before woman says.

"We're finished for today."

I almost shriek with joy.

"Really?" I ask, feigning disappointment. "We're done? Oh darn! Well I guess we'll just have to head on home!"

I turn and begin to walk out of the room when my mom cuts my happiness short.

"Not so fast my dear Princess, we have A LOT more work to do. There are the decorations, the bridesmaid's dresses, OH! And we still have to send out invitations!"

I groan, "Moommm! All that stuff doesn't matter! As long as it's Alek I'm marrying, That's all I need, I'm perfectly happy!"

I hoped that my little speech there would have some sort of effect on my mother. Maybe she would go 'Awww! How sweet! Of course you may go home and spend time with your future husband!'

But instead what I get is "You may not care about this wedding, but I do! I've been dreaming of this day ever since you were born! Now hurry up!"

The next few hours go on non-stop, there were a few times that I think, I actually, passed out from exhaustion.

When I finally get home I go right upstairs and collapse on the bed, Alek is out having dinner with his mother.

I sigh,

I'm all alone.

For about seven seconds.


Donny runs into the room on the bed and begins to jump up and down.

I groan. "Donny, mommy's very, very tired and she needs some quiet, okay?"

Donny stops jumping and sits down crossed legged on the bed. "Okay momma, sorry. I'll be quiet."

I sigh and nod, "Good."

And it's quiet.

For about seven seconds.

"Hey momma? Where have you been?"

I take a deep breath, and calm myself down. "Out getting ready for the wedding Donny, you know that. Now please, quiet."

"Oh, yeah."


Pssht. Right.

"Hey momma-"

"Donny!" I interrupt.

"Sorry!" he yells in return.

And then finally quiet, REAL quiet. For a span of more than seven seconds. Which, now that I'm thinking about it, is quite strange for Donny.

I open one of my eyes, to see what he's doing.

He's biting his lip likes he's concentrating, and he's picking at one of the scars on his left arm.

"Donny!" I yell at him.

"What'd I do now!?" He yells back.

I reach out and a grab his arm, I run my fingers over the scar. I am filled with such anger and hate, and sadness.

I look at Donny to see that he's looking down.

"Donny," I whisper. "Are you ever gonna tell me what happened?"

He doesn't look at me, and he doesn't speak.

"Donny," I try again. "I'm your mother now, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. Donny, please."

His eyes start to fill with tears.

"I-" He starts. "My father...My old father... He didn't like me. My mother died. When I came. And he hated me."

The tears run down his cheeks. "I don't know what I did so wrong; I tried to be good, honest! I tried really, really hard!"

I hold him close to me. "Its okay Donny, I know you did. I know. I wont let anyone hurt you...I promise, I wont."

"He told me that he would make me pay for what I did to her...He would-"

I hush him.

I begin to rock him back and forth as I feel the tears come to my own eyes.

"How could you possibly remember all of this? You're just a baby." I press my lips on his forehead. "You're just my baby."

He quickly looks up at me.

"But I do." He tells me. "I remember everything, always. I never forget."

He rests his head back on me. "That's why I'm so smart."

That would have made me laugh if I want hurting for him so badly.

I held on to Donny for the longest time, until he fell asleep.

Suddenly, when I'm about to fall asleep someone burst into the bedroom.

"Princess!" He yells, it's a servant.

I shush him. "Shh! The little one is asleep."

But the man doesn't lower his voice; it only gets louder and more urgent.

"Princess it is an emergency! It is about the young Prince! There's someone here to see him!"

I move my hand in a shooing motion. "Whoever it is, I'm sure they can wait until morning."

The man shakes his head. "No he cant, he demands to see, the boy."

He pauses. "He says he's his father...His real father

I sprint past the servant down the stairs in a matter of seconds.

My heart is pounding,

This really shouldn't be happening, it can't be.

I reach the main hall and begin to search it frantically.

Where is he?

Where is the bastard who dared laid a hand on my son? I swear to God I will...

I hear someone clearing their throat. I freeze.

It takes me a while to muster enough courage to look behind me.

Slowly, I turn myself around.

I would have gasped if I weren't already holding my breath.

I stand there, silent, in a complete state of shock. Not because there is a smug and slightly dangerous looking person standing a few feet away from. Not because not only is the person, smug and dangerous looking, but also a vampire. No, the reason I am so shocked, is because this smug, dangerous looking vampire...Looks just like Donavon.

He has the same sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes, except his are...Darker. He doesn't look all that old either, maybe around 20. But he's a vampire he could be much, much older.

He grins at me. "Princess! How lovely to finally meet you in person!"

He takes a low bow.

"What..." I start. "Do you want?"

He looks at me in surprise and blinks once. "Why, Princess, why do you think I'm here? I want my son."

I shake my head and glare at him. "You can't have him. He's not 'your son' anymore."

His grin only gets wider. "But he is Princess, and nothing can change that fact."

He starts to walk towards me. "Now if you'll tell me where he is I can-"

"No." I reply forcefully.

He lets out a laugh, and begins to walk even closer.

"I don't think you understand, he is my son. The fact that you're a little human Princess, doesn't give you the right to keep him away from me. Get. Me. The. Boy."

I am on the verge of yelling NO again when I hear whimpering from behind me.

It's Donny.

I have never seen him looked so frightened.

"Go back upstairs Donavon." I tell him.

"No." The vampire contradicts me. "Come here."

Donny just stands there shaking.

I look at the man, with venom in my eyes. "You're very stupid for coming here. All I need to do is call the guards and you'll be removed in a minute."

I open my mouth to yell but I am quickly pressed up against the wall, his hand covering my mouth.

"Momma!" Donny yells out.

"You keep quiet you little runt or I'll break her neck." The man snarls.

Donny snaps his mouth shut.

I'm more furious than I am scared. No one, talks to my son like that.

I begin to kick and struggle but my attempts are useless. He is much stronger than I am.

He chuckles. "I wanted this to go smoothly Princess. Take my son, and leave. But you had to make it all complicated." He squeezes my throat.

I choke.

"Hurts don't it?" he says with a smile. "I'm going to release you, them I'm going to take the boy. And you're not going to say anything. You understand? Blink if you understand."

I defiantly keep my eyes wide open.

He squeezes even tighter. I groan in pain.

"Look at our feeble little princess, so small and so weak. It's almost scary to think that you're our future queen. Look at you, human scum. Absolutely nothing without your Prince here to save her."

"Who says he isn't here?" The voice comes from behind him.

I almost cry from relief.


My Alek.

"Aw, crap." The man mutters as he releases me.

He starts to turn around, "Prince Alek! I was just-"

I sickening crack echoes through the hall, the blow happened so fast I didn't even see it.

A scream of rage erupts from Alek as he throws the man on the floor.

I stare at Alek is complete awe; his once grey eyes are now sliver, filled with venom and hate.

He continuously bashes the man's face with his fist. The only other time I had seen him like this was that day in the forest. When he had threatened to kill those men.

It takes me a few seconds to realize that Donny is still in the room.

"Alek!" I scream. "Alek! Stop it! Now!"

His moments abruptly stop and he turns his gaze towards me. His breathing is heavy but it begins to slow, his eye colour gradually changes back.

He gets off of the floor and stands over the man.

"Daddy!" Donny yells as he runs over and throws himself at Alek.

He catches him and Donny clings on.

He retreats his steps until he's standing beside me.

The man slowly rises up off of the floor. I am surprised he's still alive let alone able to get himself up.

And to my absolute shock and horror, he laughs.

"I probably deserved that." He says smoothly as he wipes his lip.

"But I still want my son back."

"Alek," I ask looking up at him. "He can't take Donny can he? He just can't...He-"

"Yes." Alek interrupted. "He can. Donavan is his biological son and we have no right to keep him from him."

"B-but," I stammer. "He hits him!"

"Yes. I know. But he's a vampire Rayne; we have no jurisdiction when it comes to them. They may do as they wish as long as they don't cross the border."

I stared at him in disbelief.

"No." I shake my head. "No I won't let him take my son. I WON'T!"

I can hear Donavon sobbing against Alek's chest. "Please daddy, don't make me go, please...please."

Alek expression is unreadable. I don't know what to think about this, He can't possibly-

"You can't let him take him." My eyes filling up with tears. "Please Alek...please."

Alek looks at me; I start to see flashes of pain in his eyes. He closes them shut tight for a moment.



"How much?" Alek asks.

The man blinks. "What?"

"How much will you take? If we asked to keep the boy."

A skeptical grin forms on his face. "You can't be serious. You're willing to pay? For that brat?"

Alek doesn't reply.

"What's so special about the kid any ways? Except for the fact that he makes a decent punching bag."

Alek and I snarl simultaneously.

"Okay..." The man continues. "How about...One, no three, no...Five million dollars. In gold."

He obviously doesn't believe were actually going to pay him. He's right to think so.

I gasp. "Are you out of your-"

"Done." Alek interrupts.

"Wha...?" The man asks.

"Done." Alek repeats. "Five million dollars worth of gold for the boy."

I'm not sure who is more shocked.

The man or me.

Alek yells for a servant. "Get this man what he needs. And then get him the hell out of here."

We begin to walk from the hall.

"Alek, I can't believe that..." I trail off and I reach out and touch Donny's head.

He's still trembling.

"He's our son Rayne." Alek says in a small voice. "I would die for him. Five million dollars is nothing."

He turns back to the man, "You're lucky my fiancé and son were in the room. Or you would be dead."

The man laughs again. Suddenly, I'm filled with the overwhelming urge to crack his skull.

"You think you're so high and mighty don't you Prince Alekzander. You're the Prince-Soon-To-Be-King. But don't forget who you're father is. Where half of you comes from."

He begins to leave, servants trailing behind him with his newly acquired money.

"Oh and Prince? Enjoy the throne while you can, 'cuz rumor has it, it ain't gonna be yours for much longer. And when that time comes, that kid," he says pointing at Donny. "Is gonna be back where he belongs."

And then he was gone

My eyes flutter open. I take a deep breath.

For a moment I just stare at the ceiling. I raise an eyebrow. This isn't familiar.

Then I roll over and fall off of the bed.

I shoot up in my disarrayed state.

"What the...?"

Where was I? I look around the room a little confused.

And where was Alek?

I blink once.

And then I remember.

I'm no longer at Lyon Hall but at the palace with my mother. It was decided that Donavon and I were to be moved so what happened with Donavon's "father" would not happen again.

Pssht. Right.

It was a know fact that our mothers no longer trusted me and Alek to be alone in the same room.

I've woken up this way for the past two weeks.

I let out a huffy breath.

I'd much rather be back with Alek.

I jump when my alarm clock goes off. I tilt my head and stare at it. It says 5:15am. I look out the window, it's only just beginning to get lighter.

I turn my gaze back to the clock. I squint and stare at it harder, why the hell would I set my alarm to 5:15am?

I let out a short low breath when I realize why I have to be up so early.

Holy Mother of Crap I'm getting married today.

I just sit there on the floor in disbelief for about ten minutes.

I move only when my mom bursts in through the door, "Rise and shine Rayanalise!" She says it with way too much enthusiasm for five in the morning.

"Guess what day it is!?" She continues "And why are you on the floor?"

I look at her without saying anything.

"Well? Up! Up! We still have a lot to do! Go take a shower and meet me downstairs in ten minutes!"

She hurries out of the room and down the stairs.

I still can't move. I am getting married.


I slowly get up.

Climb on my bed.

And begin to jump up and down like a maniac.

"I'm getting married!! I'm getting married!! AHHH!!!"

I scream it so loud I'm sure everyone hears.

"I'm getting married to a hottie vampire prince!" I fall and land on the bed and begin to laugh at my own outrageousness.

I jump off of my bed and run into the shower. I'm so excited I start to sing and dance, all the way downstairs until I reach my mother.

I stop my theatrics but I'm still grinning like an idiot.

"Well are you set?" she asks.

I nod happily.

We walk out and into the car.

"First of all we have to do your hair and makeup, then get you in you're dress. After that we have to drive over to Lyon Hall, you should see it Rayne, it's absolutely beautiful there. Next..."

My mom continues to talk but I'm not listening. A little "I'm getting married" tune is replaying itself over and over in my head.

"I'm getting married," I sigh.

I don't think I've ever been so happy.


Raph's P.O.V

This fake smile I've plastered on my face is beginning to hurt. I stand here beside my uncle as he shamelessly ogles the women passing by. I shake my head in disgust. It's almost impossible to believe we share the same blood.

The hall if filling up with people that are here to watch Alekzander Sinclair and Rayanalise Van Der Laure join in holy matrimony.

But I'm here to ensure that that doesn't happen.

I go over the plan once more in my head.

I turn my head to the clock, it's almost eight. The princess and her mother should be arriving soon.

I just have to wait until I get her alone. And then...

Well and then everything changes.

I sigh, Rayne is going to hate me for this, she fancies herself in love with that half-breed.

She's going to fight me, but sooner or later she'll realize that I'm doing this all for her.

She should be with me.

She should love me.

She should marry me.

I don't understand how she doesn't see this.

But she will soon.


"And here it is!" The tiny lady with graying hair pulls out a white gown from behind her.

I nearly die right there.

"Holy Mother..." I can't even finish the sentence.

"It's..." I begin. "It's..."

She laughs. "Do you want to try it on?"

I immediately begin to strip out of my jeans and t-shirt oblivious to the fact there were at least ten other people in the room.

It isn't until I'm clutching the dress that I realize my half-nakedness.

I quickly run behind a room divider.

I slip myself into the dress, there's no mirror in here so I'll have to wait to see my self.

I take a deep breath before coming out.

The once loud room goes silent when I step out.

I'm being stared at like...Well like I'm a Princess.

My mother's eyes start to brim with tears. "Oh Rayanalise. You...I mean...So beautiful."

I blink in surprise. I wasn't expecting an emotional breakdown.

She runs over and hugs me. "You are going to make Prince Alek so happy."

I turn to look at myself in the mirror. I just sigh and smile. I know Alek would love me no matter what I was wearing.

"I think we should give her a few moments alone." My mother says to the other people in the room. "Out! Out!"

The ladies vacate the room, but my mother looks at me once more, smiles, and then leaves.

I begin to twirl around in my dress, acting like a little girl when I hear a knock at the door open.

Its Jadealinne. She didn't even bother to knock.

Her face scrunches up, "What is that monstrosity you are wearing?"

I've had just about enough of this girl.

"Look!" I yell. "I get it! You're mad that Alek chose me! You think that you would have been the better choice. But that doesn't give you the right to be so evil all of the time! He still chose me! All you ever do about how I'm not good enough for Alek and frankly it takes me a lot of restraint not to smack you every time you do! You wouldn't even be at this wedding if I wasn't FORCED to make you a bridesmaid Do you know how pitiful it is? How pitiful you are? Me and Alek LOVE each other! And you just need to accept it, and GET OVER IT!"

I'm breathing hard by the time I'm done.

She stares at me. After a few moments of silence. " each other?"

My jaw drops in disbelief. "Of COURSE we love each other!"

"Oh..." She replies. "I just thought that...I mean I didn't think....Well then...In that case...I guess I'll leave you alone."

For a moment I'm dumbfounded. "Yes, please."

She nods curtly and begins to walk out of the room. Maybe Jadealinne wasn't as horrible as I though! Maybe she wasn't a COMPLETE monster, maybe somewhere deep, deep, deep down inside there was a beating heart.

But then she turns around "By the way, the dress really is absolutely wretched." She grins and leaves.

Nope. Still the Ice Queen.

It's barely a few moments when I hear a knock at the door. Tess comes hurrying in.

"Oh thank God." She says. "You're still alive. I saw Jadealinne walk out of here and I just got flashes of you lying on the floor with a pool of blood around your head."

I shake my head at Tess, "You're so silly." I tell her.

She smiles in return?

Her eyes drift down to my dress. "Hoolllyyyyy Crrraaaappp!" She drags the words out.

"Alek. Is. Going. To. FREAK."

I smile and blush. "I know right?"

Tess gives me a dangerously wicked look. "So...are you looking forward to the wedding...or the wedding night."

I turn an even darker shade of red.

"I-I..." I stutter. Gosh I haven't even though about this? How could something so big slip my mind?

Tess laughs at my expression. "Don't worry you'll be alright, it wont actually happen for another three least."

I tilt my head. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." she starts "If it's ever going to happen, he'll have to turn you first."

My jaw drops. "He what?"

Tess looks at me in surprise. "Of course he will! know...he...might..." She trails off, thinking.

"Break you."

She laughs at her own words. I personally, do not find anything funny at this current moment in time.

"Don't worry," She repeats. "It will be fine, he'll bite you tonight, three days later, BOOM you're a half-vampire like him, and then...ya know."

She laughs again. She's having so much fun with this conversation.

"Aren't you freaked out?!" I ask her. "I mean, I'm going to be a vampire! What if I don't want to be a vampire?!"

Okay, that isn't exactly true but that fact still has to be taken into account.

Tess shrugs. "It's either that or no sex with Alek."

My expression drops.

I think I like option number one better.

Tess laughs as I realize that I said that out loud,

"I thought you would," she replies.

"Crap!" She yells suddenly. "I have to go! Wedding in under an hour! Maid of Honor stuff I should be doing!"

She runs out of the room.

I sigh, Tess, Tess, Tess.

I turn once again and look at myself in the mirror; I smile as I remember Tess' words.

Alek is going to freak.


Alek P.O.V

I had heard the entire conversation.

I watch Tess run out of the room and down the hall to attend to her 'Maid of Honor stuff' as she had put it.

I stand out there for a while in shock.

I am willing to admit it; the whole wedding night thing had slipped my mind completely as well.

There's no way what should happen can happen unless I...

I can't do it.

I can't turn her.

The last time I had bit her it...

Almost killed me.

It was only a small nick. She had been in so much pain.

And now she expects it of me, but I won't let myself.

I'm going to have to talk to her about it.

I take a deep breath as I walk into the room.

Rayne hears me but she does not turn around.

"Tess," She starts "I though you said that you..."

She turns around to see me, at first her expression is happiness, and then it moves into confusion, finally surprise.

"Alek!" she shrieks. She jumps and runs behind the room divider. "You're not supposed to see me!" she complains.

I laugh and she peeks her head over the side of the divider.

I crook my finger at her, motioning her to come over.

At first she shakes her head, but then she pauses to think about it. Then she shrugs, "Well you've already seen me."

She runs and throws herself into me, kissing my furiously. We've been separated for weeks and were acting like people deprived for months.

She sighs into my neck, "You look really good in that tux."

I grin.

After a moment she pulls back, "Aren't you going to compliment me on my dress?"

"Don't you just love it?"

She crosses her arms, waiting for an answer.

"Not as much as I love the girl in it." I reply.

Her smile widens. "So you would love me if I was wearing anything? Anything at all?"

"Of course." I reply

"A pair of jeans and a t-shirt..." she ventures.

I nod.

"...a potato sack...?"

I laugh but nod again.

"...nothing at all?" She says it in a completely innocent tone of voice that I almost wouldn't have noticed what she had just said.

I stare at her for a second, grin, and pull her close. "Especially then." I whisper against her lips.

I feel her shiver, and it's not because she's cold, Quite the opposite actually.

"I can't wait for our wedding night," she whispers.

I'm surprised at her boldness, and I can tell by the way she's blushing she is too.

I pull back from her. "That's what I'm here to talk about."

She tilts her head. "Oh?"

"I'm not mean. I don't think I can turn you."

She looks at me in surprise. "But if you don't..." She trails off.

She suddenly breaks out into a smile, she moves closer. "I guess you'll have to be real gentle with me."

I pull back from her. "Rayne...This is serious."

She slumps her shoulders. "I know."

"What are we going to do?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "I dont see anything wrong with you turning me, I think I'd enjoy being a vampire."

"But you know I cant do that."

She stays quiet.

I look at my watch, "We'll have to discuss this later, the wedding will be starting soon."

She smiles at me, and I smile back. "I love you." I tell her.

I turn around and start to leave, but she grabs my hand and forces me to turn around and face her again.

She takes a step so were nose to nose. "Now look here, vampire or not, I will have my wedding night? Okay Alekzander?"

I smile at her second burst of boldness; it was also the first time she's called me my full name without the 'Prince' part.

I nod and but before I turn to leave the room, I look at Rayne one more time.

God my girl is hot.


I pace the room, my hands shaking, I'm trying so hard not to freak out but it's extremely hard under the given circumstances. The wedding is now.

I hear a knock at the door, I groan.

Not again.

"Come in!" I yell.

I look to see the last person I though would be here.

"Raph!" I yell his name out.

I'm not sure if I should run over and hug him or just stand there. I haven't seen him in forever. Where has he been?

He takes care of that problem by coming over to hug me himself.

"I've missed you," He whispers.

For a minute I'm frozen, this seems too intimate. Before I can object he pulls back.

"You look absolutely wonderful."

I smile. "Thank you."

"So do you!" I say to him. And he does, Raph is extremely good looking.

"Maybe you should be marrying me instead then." He says

I frown. "Raph..."

He throws his hands up.

Hey! All I'm sayins is I can't believe you're marrying him."

I sigh; I should have seen this coming.

"Raph...I-I love him."

He cringes at my words.

"Please understand that. Let me be happy, and I won't be until you're happy for me. You're a close friend."

"No Rayne, you won't be happy until you're with me."


I couldn't finish my sentence, not because there was too much emotion or anything like that.

But, see, at that moment, a large candle holder came into contact with my head.

The last think I remember hearing is.

"You should be with me."

I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids feel as though they weigh fifty pounds each.

I begin to breathe hard as a sharp pain moves through my head.

I find myself wishing that I could pass out once again.

What happened?

Where am I?

Oh my God my head...

I groan out loud and squeeze my eyes tightly in a feeble attempt to numb the pain.

I feel like crying, I am so confused, why am I on so much pain?

"She's awake." I hear a voice that sounds somewhat familiar to me, but I can't place it.

Once again I try to open my eyes, but I am only able to open them slightly.

I feel a hand on my cheek and I instinctively jerk away from it.

The same person who spoke before sighs. "Leave her alone for now."

The person who touched my cheek replies him. "Must she be chained up? Can we not keep her locked in here but remove the chains?"

I know this voice. Raph.

The other person replies. "If we do, it will be much easier for her to be liberated when Prince Alekzander comes barreling in here to save her. And knowing my nephew, he will be here very soon."

If I had enough energy, I would have gasped. Kaden.

What did they want with Alek? After a few failed attempts, I am finally able to voice my question, though it comes out as a strangled cry.

I open my eyes widely enough in time to see Kaden smiling taking steps towards me. He grabs both sides of my face in one hand.

He shakes his head. "Such a pretty girl. What a shame how it will end for you."

"What...?" Raph asks his eyes wide. "End for her? What do you mean? When the Prince dies, the girl goes free. With me, right?"

Kaden turns towards him and laughs. "Stupid boy. Did you really think after all of this I would just hand the girl over to you and let you walk out of here?"

Raph begins to stammer. "B-But, but y-you said-"

"I know what I said, but I lied. You understand?"

"No," Raph starts. "I wont let you hurt her...She's...She's mine. I love her."

Kaden laughs again. "You humans sometimes surprise me, you claim you love her but you obviously don't. If you did, she wouldn't be here chained up, with a monstrous gash on the side of her head that you inflicted."

Raph's face begins to turn red in anger.

Kaden turns back towards me, reaches out and touches the injury on my head. He brings his finger up to his lips, licking the blood of off it.

He sighs in satisfaction. "So sweet" He whispers. "After you no longer of any use to me. I'll have all of it."

"ARRGHH!" Raph yells out, exploding in anger, charging towards Kaden.

But with a flick of a finger Kaden has him knocked out.

"Stupid human." Kaden repeats. "Never trust a vampire."

Alek P.O.V

"WWHHAATT!?!" my roar erupts through the hall silencing all who were speaking.

The servant stares at me, the fear very apparent in his eyes. Everybody else was probably looking at me the same way. I couldn't care less.

"S-s...She's...G-gone. Kidnapped I believe...There were signs of an attack, blood stains..."

The anger and rage that fills me is almost impossible to comprehend.

Donavon stands there with tears in his eyes. "Daddy? Where's momma?"

I don't even bother to try and calm myself down.

"Someone get the boy out of here!"

Nobody makes a move.

"NOW!!" In an instants Tess runs forward grabs Donavon and hurries him out of the room.

All the while whispering, "Its going to be okay, I promise. Be strong for your mother Donny. Please."

I almost feel guiltily about raising my voice.


In a second I am in the room that Rayne was last seen.

I enter the room to see that the servant was right, as my eyes drift to the floor I see to splotches of her blood.

My anger grows even fiercer but is quickly replaced by an emotion that I hate more than all the others.


Its this a sickening movement through my stomach, that over time, makes it way up to my heart.

This fear.

Fear for the life of the girl I love.

For a moment I stand there, not sure exactly what to do.

"Rayne." Her name sounding so distant on my lips.

I fall to my knees, clutching my head in my hands.

I have not felt this vulnerable since the day my father died.

I have failed her,


Like I did him.

I promised myself I would never show any emotion, not since that day.

But for that moment, as one solitarily tear slid down my cheek; I did something I have never done before.

I prayed.

Dear God, please let her be alright.

I need her.


"He'll find me. He'll come for me. He loves me. I know he will."

The arrogant man just laughs. "I'm counting on that sweet thing. Now shut up, I'm getting tired of your voice. Be quiet like the pretty little picture you are."

"Bastard." I whisper. I have never called anyone that in my life. But it seems very appropriate in this given situation.

Suddenly he's clutching my face. His eyes changing black with anger. "I'd be careful to watch you say to me little girl, I hold your fragile little life in my hands. If I wanted to, I could..."

He trails off as he moves his bared fangs to my neck.

I won't give him the satisfaction of showing any fear. "But you can't can you? You need me."

He pulls back, looking slightly shocked. But the he laughs, again, shaking his head. "You are one brave little Princess. And you're right, I can't kill you. But I have other means of getting you to respect me."

He smirks. "Striker!"

The unrealistically large man comes barreling through the door. "Yes boss?"

Kaden's evil grin widens.

"I remember you once telling me that you wanted to...keep our Princess here."

I gasp.

The man nods eagerly. "Yes boss."

"Well you can't keep her," Kaden starts, "But you can have her, for now."

My expression twists in horror.

The man shamelessly looks me up and down.

He nods again. "Yes boss."

Kaden looks at me, a twinge of pity in his eyes. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other a little...uhm...better."

He leaves the room, and the man they call Striker begins to walk towards me.

"Don't worry, Princess." He whispers. "It'll be over real soon, you'll hardly feel it. But it'll still be nice, real nice I promise."

I try my hardest not to gag, I do not want this man touching me.

He lays his hand on my stomach and I shudder in disgust. It slowly makes its way higher, and I am praying for God to kill me.

He jerks his head forward and places his lips painfully hard on mine. He gropes me and begins to take off my dress.

"Striker!" I hear Kaden yell as he comes into the room, thankfully interrupting him.

"Where is the human boy!?! I told you to watch him!"

Striker blinks a few times, as if coming out of a daze. "I-I am a little distracted right now boss."

Striker's skull cracks as he receives a blow to the back of the head.

"You IDIOT!" Kaden yells. "He will run back to the palace and retrieve the Prince!"

A confused expression forms on the mans face as he rubs the back of his head. "I thought it's what you wanted!?! The Prince to come here!"

"Yes!" Kaden yells in reply. "But that boy may tell the Prince more than I wanted him to know!"

Striker just stands there stupidly.

And I'm sure, just for good measure, Kaden strikes him again.


Alek's P.O.V

I haven't moved from my spot on the floor. I am furious at myself.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I have to find her.

Suddenly, I head the gasps coming from the other room so I force myself up and out to see what was going on.

I hear a loud voice. "Where is the Prince?! I need to see him right now! It's about Rayne!"

I am there in a blink of an eye.

To my surprise, it's that Raph boy, the one who wants Rayne.

He looks like hell, bruises all over. I can't help but smirk, I'm sure he deserved it.

He turns to look at me, his eyes panicked.

"P-Prince Alekzander...I-I have information on the whereabouts of the Princess."

I squint at him; I have absolutely no reason to trust him. But I know he cares somewhat for Rayne; he wouldn't lie about something like this.

I advance untill I'm right in front of the boy.

"You do?" I ask impatiently. "How?"

He takes a deep breath. "I know because..."

"I'm the one who took her."

(-You KNOW I had to end the chapter there.-)

Alek's P.O.V

At that moment.

I exploded.

Not a second passes and I have Raph pressed against the wall, my eyes, I know, are silver with fury.

As I choke the life out of the boy, I find myself wondering how exactly I should do this.

Should I drag it out, let him run out of air and eventually suffocate?

Or should I do it quickly, and snap his neck?

Both extremely tempting.

But I think I'd like to see him suffer.

Somehow as I increase the pressure on his neck, he manages four words.


I instantly release him.

He curls up on the ground, nursing the new wounds on his neck.

I fists are tight with restraint. "The only reason you are still alive is because I love Rayne more than I hate you."

All he does is whimper.

I pick him up by his collar, "Where. Is. She."

I can tell he's having trouble speaking.

It just irritates me even more.

"SPEAK!" I roar.

"I didn't think that...He would betray me! He seemed so sincere...I-I didn't want anything to happen to her...I swear it. I-I love her...But...but..." He stops.

"Your uncle," he chokes out finally. "She's with your uncle."

And then I'm gone.


Kaden's voice can be heard for miles.

"Guard the doors! Keep a look out! He'll be here soon!"

Kaden and his men are preparing for Alek's attack. And frankly its one of the funniest things I've ever seen. They are all running around, panicked.

They fear him.

I can't help but feel a little bit of pride in that.

I'm fiddling with the chain around my wrists, they was intended for the hands of men which makes them much bigger than mine. I think I am able to squeeze out if I...

"What are you doing?" Kaden asks me.

I stare at him.

Oh crap.

"I...I'm...I'm just wondering why you're all so scared? He's just one person."

This proves as a good distraction, he takes his focus off of my hands. "You don't understand anything do you?"

I don't bother to ask him what he means.

"Alek is only half vampire," he explains obviously irritated "You would think it would cut all of his powers on half,"

He shakes his head.

"It doesn't. All it does...Is cut the craving. The blood lust. And without the constant urge...the need for blood...He's stronger than all of us. And his just going to make it a whole lot worse."

I smile at this fact. "Well then you better get back to it then, I've seen Alek angry...It isn't pretty."

The man glowers at me, and continues with his orders.

I watch them for a good ten minutes. When they are finally prepared, Kaden stops to look at me one more time.

"Today is going to be a day of discovery my dear princess...So try not to be surprised when someone's secrets come tumbling out."

This time, I want to ask him what he means, but I am interrupted.


A large indentation is formed in the door of the cell.

Everybody freezes; staring shocked at the strength of the blow.


Another indent in the door.


"He's here..." Kaden whispers.


The door flies open, and I swear for a split second, time freezes.

What happens next happened too fast for me to even comprehend. All I know, is what I saw was Alek, standing there in all his might and fury. He kind of reminded me of Angel Gabriel, the Archangel, the protector of women and children.

But I'm pretty sure Angel Gabriel didn't have silver eyes...

Or fangs.

Kaden's men slowly closed around him, he looked at them all, and I think...

He was planning how and in what order he's going to kill each of them.

"Close your eyes Rayne." He says without even looking at me.

"Alek..." I start.

"Close. Your. Eyes." He repeats in a voice that lets me know I better do what he says.

And I do.

The screams of agony make me glad I did what I was told.

I keep my eyes shut, afraid to open them. Afraid of what I might see.

After a short moment, I feel hands on me, and I instantly know they don't belong to Alek.

My eyes fly open, to see Alek standing over a pile of dead bodies, staring in my direction looking furious. Kaden has his hands on my head holding it still. He slowly lowers his mouth to my neck.

"Come closer, and I'll suck her dry."

Alek stays where he is, breathing hard. "Let. Her. Go."

Kaden laughs. "Do you really think it's going to be that easy?"

"Whatever you want..." Alek says slowly. "It has nothing to do with her."

"Oh that's where you're wrong..." Kaden starts. "It has EVERYTHING to do with her." Kaden states. "She's your weakness. And I'm using this to my advantage. Stupid immature kid. You let your emotions get the better of you. You let yourself get too close, and look where it's got you. Like father like son."

For a moment we're all quiet.

"What will it take...?" Alek says suddenly, his voice sounding strangled. "Whatever you want...What will it take for you to let her go?"

Kaden grins.

"I want the Kingdom." He states simply. "Relinquish your rule over Argoneeva, and I will give you your Princess."

"No! Alek! Don't-"

Kaden uses one of his hands to cover my mouth.

"Well nephew? What will it be? Because you know you have to choose...Your land or your lover?"

Alek is silent for a minute. He's obviously torn. By giving Kaden the Kingdom, he's risking the lives of millions of people, but he doesn't want to loose me either.

He has to pick the Kingdom over me, he has to...Or...Or so many will die.

"Fine." He whispers. "Take the kingdom. Just...Just let her go."

I gasp in shock. I'm able to shake Kaden's hand off of my mouth. "Don't do it Alek! He'll kill the kingdom! You're a much better king, you-"

Kaden scoffs and laughs. "You really think that?" He asks me. "You really think this...this...coward here would be a better king than I?"

Kaden turns his gaze back to Alek. "You never told her how you got that scar on your back did you?"

Alek quickly averts his gaze to the ground, unable to look at us. Not before I saw the colour of his eyes, they were no longer silver with anger, but dark grey now...

I blink, and Kaden looks back at me.

"He got it when he was twelve, note, Rayanalise that was the same year his father died.

Donavon, my brother...betrayed his kind and fell for the Queen...the human Queen. He left us to be with her...He was so strong...He had so much potential, but he threw it away for love."

He says the word like it was some type of disease.

"We told him they wouldn't accept him, humans and vampires don't mix. But of course, they did. The people were all so very accepting of him, you see, everybody loved Donavon. Everybody. He was so kind, and gentle and caring...Absolutely selfless as well. You couldn't help but love him."

"But he was killed," he smirks. "And little Alekzander, did absolutely nothing to stop it."

Alek begins to shudder.

"Alek and his father went for a walk in the woods; I think it was the day after the young Prince's birthday. They were alone, only be confronted by vampires angry at my brothers' betrayal. They attacked the two."

Alek was shaking hard now, I wanted to tell Kaden to stop, that he was hurting him...But I also wanted to know what happened. So against my better judgment...I kept quiet.

"They went for Donavon first...Leaving Alek with that paltry mark on his back, a stab wound. Now Alek was quite young, but he was still very strong. And instead of doing what any normal good son would do...Instead of staying to help fight off the men that were killing his father...Our dear young Alek...Ran. He ran like the coward he is. He blames me for 'letting his father die.' Because I didn't call off the members of my group who helped in the attack. But we all know the truth; it was your fault Alek. You. Left. Him. To. Die."

I am so shocked at what I am hearing, all I can do in stare.

"Rayne..." Alek's voice comes out extremely weak. "P-Please forgive me...I'm so sorry...I-"

Alek expects me to be angry, that's why he isn't looking at me...He expects me to hate him, to think him nothing but a coward. But I don't I. He was just a boy. He couldn't have really done anything to stop it.

He was just a boy.

"Alek! I don't-"Kaden realizes what I am about to say and quickly covers my mouth.

"She's disgusted with you Alek; she can hardly look at you."

My eyes widen, I want to scream at Alek, to tell him to look at me, to tell him that I don't care what happened that day.

That I love him.

But Kaden continues to provoke him. Lying to him. "You're a weakling; you can not even protect your fiancée. Just give up Alek...Give up."

Alek is shaking violently now, Kaden's words are affecting him more than I could possibly imagine.

"She probably doesn't even love you anymore," Kaden whispers.

That was all it took to break him, Alek collapses to his knees.

Kaden laughs now.

"You're right in your doing Alek...It's much easier this way. Finally, the rightful owners of the throne can take their place. After so many years of waiting...Finally. My brother never understood the power he held..."

He was crazy...He was...was...mad.

Kaden releases me and moves himself over Alek's body.

"Stupid boy..."

SMACK! His foot flies into Alek's chest.

"ALEK!" I scream.

He lets out a low groan and rolls over.

He is kicked once again and I scream.

"God Alek, please get up!!" I yell at the top of lungs but he doesn't seem to hear me.

The vicious beating continues but Alek does nothing to fight back.

Tears are streaming down my face...I can't loose him...I've only just found him. I'm screaming and crying...Furious at Alek for not getting up...For allowing himself to be beaten.

"You're killing him!" I sob

Kaden laughs...Obviously sure he's victorious. And Alek lays there...Taking shot choppy breaths.

"And to think..." Kaden says looking down at Alek. "This could have all been accomplished long ago if the men had killed Donavon as well as you like I had asked them too."


"I guess if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself."

Suddenly, Alek's shaking stops.

Kaden lowers himself until he is at the same level as Alek.

"That's right dear nephew...It was me."

He leans down and whispers into his ear.

"I killed your father."

Alek's hand is up and around Kaden's throat so fast I miss the movement.

Kaden soon realizes his mistake. He shouldn't have let that one fact slip.

Alek looks up at him...His eyes silver once more.

"Oh uncle Kaden...You've gone and made the biggest mistake of you life."

The meeting of a rock hard fist against a rock hard face makes a sound that could wake anybody from the deepest of comas.

"ARRGH!!" Kaden flew back, grasping his face.


Kaden's injury seems to only last a second because in a flash he pounces on Alek. He has his hands around his throat and his back pressed up against the wall.

"I did what I had to do! He was endangering our species! Placing his trust with the humans! He had to be exterminated!"

Alek lets out a scream of fury and knees Kaden in the stomach, right after the blow was initiated, he takes another one, smashing Kaden in the face.

Kaden falls to the ground.

"Alek I really don't want to kill you, we are both extremley powerful! Together we can be unstoppable! We could rule this world! Maybe we should...should...negotiate!"

Alek growls. "You killed my father...You took my wife...There will be no negotiations."

I would have smiled at the fact that Alek already considers me his wife. But I didnt, on account of the fact that he was in the middle of a duel that could ultimately lead to his death.

Once again Kaden lunges for Alek, but he is quick enough to move out of the way in time.

As the men stare at each other, I stare back and forth between both men.

This is bad, this is really bad.

Alek breathing heavily, more than Kaden is. He is already severely beaten and he can not take much more.

I look down at my wrist and continue to fiddle with the chains. I flinch in pain as I to try to squeeze my hands out of the shackles.

I look up only to see another blow inflicted. The battle is becoming more and more ruthless; cries of anger are mixed with ones of pain.

I do not think I can watch this any longer.

"ARRGHH!" This time it's Alek. He's on the ground clutching his stomach; he looks at me, his perfect face covered in bruises, his eyes filled with anguish.

I love you. He mouths the words to me, I feel as if something has gripped my heart, he says it like he's saying goodbye.

He lets out a low moan as Kaden kicks him.

I working desperately now, broken sobs escaping from my lips, tugging hard at the chain, not caring if I hurt myself in the process.

"Please, please, please." I cry.

I gasp.

I've cut myself; a small amount of blood begins to seep from my wrist.

The battle stops abruptly. Both men turn towards me looking dazed, their eyes drift towards my wrist.

Kaden lets out a low sigh. For a moment we are all motionless.

I am afraid to move, afraid if I do, I may cause some sort of reaction from either of the men.

Alek shakes his head, snapping out of his stupor before Kaden does. He charges at him, tackling him to the ground, but Kaden easily puts him on his back, in his weakened state Alek is no match.

"You should have stayed down Alekzander...You should have listened to what I had to offer. But now it's too late. You're going to die now."

Kaden bares his teeth.

I remember reading somewhere, that the only way to kill a vampire is to sever its head from its body. Now I don't know if it's the only way but I know if that's what Kaden is planning to do, it can not be good for Alek.

Oh crap.

"Please!" I repeat desperately.

Ignoring the blood I move my hand further and further along. I'm so close I'm almost free.

I gasp as I feel my hand being released from the shackle.

Kaden lowers his head towards Alek's neck.

"Goodbye Alekzander."

And at that moment,

I did something that was almost natural to me...Something I had to do.

I don't know why I did it; maybe it was out of instinct, out of fear, or maybe out of love.

But what I do know it that I did the one thing, the only thing I could have done.

Without a moments hesitation, without a second though,

I jumped

Will you do something for me? Please?

I want you to imagine, the worst pain you have ever felt, the worst pain humanly possible. The worst pain ever.

You have it?

Good, well that is nothing compared to what I am feeling right now.

I had jumped between Alek and Kaden, I had to save him. I had to.

As Kaden's teeth sink into me, I feel as if every nerve in my body is set on fire.

For a few seconds, I can tell he is in shock. But suddenly, seeing his vulnerable position, he tries willing himself to let me go.

He fails with a groan and clamps down even harder.

The pain is so unbearable I can't even make a sound.

Suddenly I feel his teeth being ripped from me. I hear a faint CRACK. I keep my eyes open long enough to see Kaden's limp body falling to the ground, his neck twisted the wrong way.

Hey, look at that, so the head doesn't have to be completely severed.

"Rayne! Oh my God, no!"

If I wasn't in so much pain I would have sighed, Alek.

My Alek, my life, my other half.

It's sad that I have to leave him so soon.

I feel his arms wrap around me, pulling me up towards him.

He is shaking hard and crying.

"Rayne? Rayne!? Look at me! Keep your eyes open."

I can't.

"Please, God no!" He sobs. "Don't take her! Don't let her leave me!"

I muster up enough strength, and say what I know I have to.

"A-Alek..." my voice comes out as hardly a whisper. "Al-Alek...I-I am so s-sorry."

I say it slowly, making sure he understands me.

"F-forgive me, please. L-love you f-forever, k...kay?"

He shakes his head hard.


I groan

"Rayne..." He moans. "Please, please, please don't go! Stay...Stay with me..."

I think his pain hurts me more than my own; I don't want him to be sad.

"I-I can't." I tell him. "Hurts."

He continues to sob, begging me not to go, All the while pressing his hand over my neck, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I have to save you; I have to do something..."

I hear him talking to himself, I can't fully understand him,

"It's all been bled out...

None left...

She'll die...

Have to put it in myself...

So sorry, Rayne...I love you...

So sorry..."

After a few moments, I finally feel myself letting go, the darkness so consuming.

But I am suddenly pulled back; the pain grows ten times worse as I feel a thin liquid being seeped over my wounds.

This time I cry out, louder than I ever have.

Why is this happening? Please let me just die. Please.

I want to hold on, for Alek, but it just hurts so badly.

So, so badly...

First there is pain.

And then there is darkness.


I groan and shift slightly.

My head in pulsating, my limbs are shaking and my stomach feels absolutely horrible.

Why does everything still hurt?

I'm dead aren't I? There shouldn't be any pain, should there?

I struggle to get my eyes open, when I finally do; I see the most wonderful pair of blue-grey eyes looking back at me. At first I sigh, completely elated, but then I am furious.

"What..." my voice extremely scratchy. "Are you doing here? Huh?"

The eyes look confused and the owner of them remains silent.

"Don't give me that look, we're dead aren't we?"

"I jump in front of a psycho vampire to save your life and you go and get yourself killed anyway!?"

He begins to laugh.

"I don't see anything funny Alek. This absolutely horrible! What about Donny huh? What about our son? Who's going to--" I am interrupted by my own gasp.

"You better not have killed yourself Alekzander! If you did I will be SO mad at you!"

The laughing continues but tears are rolling down his cheeks also.

"That's right!" I say "Feel bad! I can't believe-"

I would have continued to scold him, but he places his lips on mine, promptly silencing me.

"You're not dead silly Princess," He whispers. "Neither of us are."

I stare at him, a little shocked. "We're not?" I ask dumbly.

He sighs, "No Rayne, we're not."

I blink. "How's that possible? I remember all of it! I jumped in front of Kaden and...I mean the only way I could have possibly survived is if..."

I stare at Alek, the worry apparent in his eyes.

"Oh, My, God." I whisper.

I jump up but I suddenly feel very dizzy.

"Whoa!" Alek yells. "Take it easy Rayanalise; you've been asleep for almost a week now."

"A week?" I repeat.

Suddenly the bedroom door flies open.

"MOMMA!" Its Donny, he runs over and throws himself into me.

"You're awake! Finally! Isn't this great momma? Isn't it wonderful? You're like me and Daddy now!"

I stare at him my eyes wide,

Holy Mother of Crap.

I turn towards Alek, shell shocked.

"Does this mean...? Does this make me...?"

At first he hesitates, but then he nods, "I did what I had to do to save you." He whispers. "I...I couldn't loose you."

I let Donny slip off of my lap. I get up and go stand in front of the mirror.

The person staring back isn't me...I mean, it is me but, you know...

It's not.

"Oh crap." I whisper. "I'm a vampire."

I look around the room, and I am amazed at what I see. Everything is just so much...clearer. It's like I've been wearing a pair of foggy glasses for so long, and now, finally, I've taken them off.

Everything is so much louder as well.

I look at Alek, I scan his face them move my eyes down to his chest.

I gasp.

I can hear his heart beating.

"Pretty cool huh?" Donny asks me.

"No doubt," I whisper.

I realize that the room has slowly been filling up with people.

Tess, looking as beautiful as ever.

"RAYNE!" She practically screams. "Oh Thank God! I thought you'd never wake up!"

Her mothers in the room as well, along with Alek's mother, my mother, my other mother, plus my father.

Wait, what?

"MOM?" I yell. "DAD?"

Ignoring my pounding head, I run towards my parents and wrap both my arms tightly around them.

"Cant...breath..." my father says.

At first I think he isn't serious, but soon I realize that I'm actually kinda crushing him.

I quickly release them both.

"When did you get here!? I'm so happy to see you! I can't believe you're here!"

I jump up and down like a giddy seven years old.

My mom laughs. "We've been here since the day you were supposed to get married! We were going to surprise you! But then...well."

I scream and hug them again. Everyone laughs.

I look around the room at the people whom I love the most. I feel tears coming to my eyes. So much has happened since my eighteenth birthday and I'm so happy to have people that I love and people who love me.

Alek wraps his arms around me and kisses me gently. "Are you okay?" He asks me.

I nod. I can't help but feel slightly embarrassed that he was kissing me in front of all of these people.

But then he kisses me again and I couldn't care less.

"I love you Rayanalise, more than I could ever promise."

I hear Tess giggle, but I don't pay any attention to her.

"And I love you too Alekzander, with all of me."

So this is what bliss feels like

I find out a lot happened in the week that I was unconscious. Like firstly, the vampires.

Since Kaden's death, all vampires have signed treaties declaring peace between both sides, but still, no vampire is allowed to cross the boarder.


Well, they are still unsure on the appropriate punishment for him. Alek is all for executing him, but I would never allow that to happen. He did kind of help save me after all.

Alek and I.

We are officially married as of yesterday, and it was absolutely beautiful, I've never had so much fun in my life.


Everything is pretty much the same, you know, except for the whole my being a vampire now. Alek was forced to change me...But I don't really mind.

Honestly, it's really awesome.

Right now though, I am running through the forest, checking out my super speed. I am wicked fast, faster than Alek even. He would never admit that though.

I reach the edge of the forest. I don't dare pass the border, I may be a vampire now but I'm not stupid.

BOOM! Its one so loud it causes me to jump. I stop running and look up, thunder.


Out of nowhere, it starts raining hard; I shriek and make my way back to Lyon Hall.

When I reach there in approximately 6.5 second, heh heh, I'm already soaked.

I walk in the Hall, squeezing my hair in a futile attempt to get the water out.

"May I please get a towel?" I yell for one of the servants, but I get no reply. I wait for a few moments; it's not until after a minute that I realize that nobody's heard me.

I look around, slightly confused, where the heck is everybody?

"Hello?" I start to wander around. "Mom? Donny? Hellllooooo!?" All I get in response is my own echo.

"They aren't here.' I jump at the sound of Alek's voice.

I turn around to face him, I'm happy to see at least one person.

I tilt my head. "Where are they?"

"They are all over at Rhone Palace for the night."

I confused expression forms on my face. "Why did they leave?"

"Because I asked them to."

I stare at him for a second. "Why?"

As Alek advances towards me, I notice something, his heart.

It's beating twice as fast as normal.

He leans into me, not quite touching me and whispers. "I wanted to be alone with you."

My eyes widen in shock, Oh my God.

He looks into my eyes, waiting for a response.

My heart is beating a mile a minute; I know he can hear it.

After a second of thinking, I smile calmly and take a step back from him, looking away. He sighs; I can tell he's trying to hide his disappointment.

I walk around and past him, heading up the stairs. "I-I'm soaking wet, I'm gonna go get out of these clothes."

I see him nod.

I start to head up when I stop suddenly. I slowly turn around to see Alek watching me.

"You know," I start. "You me, if you like?"

He all but leaps right up after me.


When Alek and I enter the bedroom, we don't dare touch each other. Afraid if we do, everything will go too fast. And that's not what I want.

He sits on the bed and watches me. I stand a few feet in front of him, my breath short and shallow. My body overrun with nerves.

I slowly reach my hand up to the zipper on the back of my dress. In one fluid motion I have the dress unzipped, it falls in a pool around my ankles.

I hear Alek's sharp in take of breath as I am left in nothing but my undergarments.

I refuse to look at him, I'm so nervous.

He stares at me for a while; unsure what to do next.

But soon I hear him rising off the bed and taking slow steps towards me. He touches my chin and lifts my head up so my eyes meet his. He has an awestruck starry-eyed expression; one that I'm sure mirrors my own.

I reach my hand up and touch the side of his perfect face. His eyes flutter shut as I run my fingers across his nose and back. Then, like my hand has a mind of its own, it slides down Alek's face. Past his chin, past his neck and finally past his collarbone. It stops only when it reaches the brim of his shirt. I begin to open the buttons, slowly, one at a time.

When my task is completed, Alek's shirt slips off of his body and onto the floor.

He opens his eyes once more staring at me, waiting for me to finish what I started.

I find my hand hovering over the top of his jeans, hesitant of my next actions. My breathing has become more strained; being so close to him is killing me.

Alek reaches over and grabs my hand, placing it on the buckle of his jeans, telling me without words what he wants me to do.

And so I do it.

And now, we're here, staring at each other, our near naked bodies so close.

"Alek..." I whisper.

He groans and grabs me, pulling me into him our lips meeting in a way unlike any other. He picks me up and carries me to the bed. We fall on it, our mouths still fused.

We roll around, messing up the once perfectly made sheets. We only pull apart for a few seconds, taking off the little clothes we had left on.

Our bodies come back together in a hazy passion. We slip under the covers; Alek places himself on top of me, and begins kissing my face and my neck.

"I love you." He whispers. "I love you so much, you're beautiful. And this...I want this. So badly."

He kisses me again.

I want to tell him I love him and that I want this too, but my mind is overheated and I can no longer form coherent sentences.

Suddenly he pulls his lips away from mine and I whimper in protest.

"Are you sure?" He asks me. "I mean, are you sure about this? Do you really want this?"

Is he kidding me? We're here, lying on our bed, our naked bodies pressed together, practically burning with need for one another and he's asking me if I'm sure?

I don't even justify that question with an answer.

He must have heard my thoughts because he chuckles softly.

"I-I just want this to be perfect for you..." He whispers.

I sigh and smile. I'm with you, Alek. It's perfect.

He smiles and presses his lips hard on mine.

And then we are joined in the truest sense.

At first there is pain, and I gasp because of it.

"I'm sorry baby," Alek whispers. "I'm so sorry. Please...Just...Don't move like that...not yet. Just...hold on to me."

At first I want to ask him to stop, it hurts quite a bit. But soon, I am flooded with all sorts of emotions, emotions completely new, unnerving and...beautiful, that I know if he ever stopped, I would die.

"Alek." I moan his name.

Our bodies seem to fit together perfectly, are movements are completely synced as Alek brings us closer and closer to what we both want.

I'm clutching him, and crying out oblivious to anything but reaching that point.

And when we do, we reach it together, simultaneously yelling out each others names.

Alek collapses on me, his breathing choppy and ragged.

For a while we just lie there, content with where our bodies are.

And then out of nowhere,

And to my utter dismay,

I start to laugh.

I mean, at first it's a small giggle, but it only gets worse and worse.

Alek lifts his head from the crook of my shoulder so he can see my face.

I try to stop myself but its no use.

"" I gasp between peals of laughter.

"I just can't believe that I...That we...That all of that...was even...possible."

A grin breaks out on Alek's face. "Yeah." he agrees. "It was pretty unbelievable."

When my laughter subsides we're quiet again.

"Did..." Alek starts, breaking the silence "Did I hurt you?"

I pause for a second, and then nod slowly. "Yeah, but then it got better." I whisper.

He laughs.

The last thing I remember hearing before falling asleep in his arms.


I wake up to Alek kissing me, I smile against his lips. "Hey," I whisper.

"Hey." He whispers back.

We look at each other for a short moment.

But then I burst out laughing.

This causes Alek to smirk, "You're still thinking about it?" he asks.

I don't answer him, I only blush.

"Yeah," He continues, nuzzling his face in mine. "Me too."

Were silent as we both relive what happened the night before, but then I'm hit with a thought.

"Hey Alek...?" I ask him. "How did you happen?"

He looks at me confused, but then gives me a grin that can only be described as wicked. "Ah, you see love, when I put myself inside yo-"

"NO!" I actually it scream it.

"That's not what I meant..." I say a little bit quieter. "I meant...I mean your mother is a human...and your father he was a vampire...I mean how did that work?"

"Ohhhh..." He says in understanding, and then he laughs. "I asked my mother the same question when I was about sixteen. The most awkward conversation of my life."

I laugh and look up at him.

"Well," he begins. "When my mother was about eighteen, she ran away from the castle. She hated being royalty, she said it was to confining, and that she needed release. She saw running a means of escape she ended up in the forest by Lyon Hall," he turns and looks at me. "What is it with you girls and that place?"

I smile. I know he's referring to the day that he saved me from those two vampires.

"Anyway," he continues. "That's where she first met my father. He had been in a fight with another vampire...Severely beaten and left for dead."

He pauses, waiting for me to take it in.

I nod my head, silently urging him to continue.

"Well, back then, vampire-human relations were strictly forbidden, but my mother took him in anyway. She saved him."

I grin. "And then they fell in love."

He nods

"See, in my fathers weakened state, he was able to...ya know. Without hurting my mother."

I bite my lip trying not to laugh; I can tell how uncomfortable this is making Alek.

"So you're telling me they could only...ya know," I say it mocking his words. "Whenever your father was injured?"

He shrugs. "I stopped the conversation after my mother started to go into detail...But yeah...I guess."

I can't help but giggle. Images of Alek's mom pushing his father down a flight stairs flash through my head. And I laugh even harder.

Alek stares at me with a wistful expression.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I whisper. "I'm just so happy."

"Or crazy." He replies.

I stick out my tongue at him then say. "Bite me."

He raises an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

He rolls himself on me, burying his face in my neck grazing his teeth against it.

I scream then laugh. "Stop it! I can bite too you know!"

A wrestling match ensues. He tries to get me flat on my back, but I'm about to let him beat me, We fight for about a minute before, laughing hysterically until I finally pin him down. I looked down at him. At that moment, a stray curl falls across his eye and a smug smile appears on his face.

"I let you win you know."

I shrug. It was probably true. But I didn't care. I had still won.

I stop for a second.


That was strange.

Déjà vu.

"Now get off me." He says.

I shake my head, forgetting the weird feeling.

"No." I simply reply.

"But you have to."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm the husband and you're the wife, so you have to do what I say."

I scoff at that comment.

"No." I say again.

He frowns for a second. But then smiles again. "How about this, if I get you off of me in the next... fifteen seconds, I win, if I don't you win. Sound fair?"

I stare at him. I open my mouth to say something, but then I close it again. This is bizarre.

And familiar.

I think about his offer again it. He could get me off of him no doubt, but in the next fifteen seconds? I'm a girl but I'm not weak.

"Fine." I reply. "Fifteen seconds, that's it."

His smile grows even bigger. I frown a little, slightly suspicious, but I start counting anyway.


He doesn't make a move.

"Two. Three..."

Still, nothing

"Four, five, six..."

He opens his mouth to say something, but then he closes it again.

"Seven, eight, nine..."

The smile on his face gets bigger.

"Ten, eleven, twelve..."

What's he smirking about?


Then suddenly, lightning quick, he shot his had up, grabbed the back of my neck, pulled my face down, and kissed me.

I stare at him, shocked. Why'd he do that? Wasn't he going to try and push me--

And then it all comes back.

Holy Mother of Crap.

I point at him, even though he's right under me. "YOU!!" I scream.

"Finally!" He throws his hands up and laughs. "She remembers."


"Two, actually. And you dropped a rather large one my face if I remember correctly."

"YOU!!" I repeat.

I gape at him. That annoying little boy who totally ruined my eighth birthday, by throwing snowballs at me, tackling me, and then...kissing me...Was Alek!

"YOU!!" I yell hysterically. It's all I can really say.

He rolls over and I roll with him. I'm pressed against him, my back to his chest.

"Remember when I told you I loved you since the day we met?" He mummers in my ear. "And I told you that you were so pretty and-"

"Angry." I finish still a little awestricken.

I feel his lips smile against my ear. "Yeah."

I shake my head still unbelieving. "I can't believe that"

"Yup." He replies happily.

"So you knew we were going to get married...Sine we kids?"

"I hoped for it." He replies.

I shake my head. "It's unbelievable."

"Why...Why did you pick me?"

He shrugs. "I...I had fun with you. You made me laugh. So even if I didn't grow to love you, we could at least still be friends."

I smile. "But you did grow to love me."

"Yeah." He replies. "I did."

"I grew to love you too Alek."

"I know."

Now this is what bliss feels like.

(-Sorry if this one kinda sucked-)

I wake up suddenly, my eyes wide open.

For a second I just lay there.

Thinking about how exactly I am going to do this.

I quickly throw back the covers and run into the bathroom.

I stay hunched over the toilet bowl for a long time, emptying the contents of my stomach.

I groan in agony.

Why is this happening to me? Why?

I start to cry...I do that a lot lately too.

I wish it would just stop.

I cry even harder.

After an hour, I finally get enough strength to make my way into the shower and get dressed.

I sit on the bed, wondering what I should do next.


That in itself is enough motivation to get me up, down the stairs and into the kitchen in a matter of seconds.

My being a vampire and all, you would think that human food would be pretty much not part of my diet. But right now, all I wanted was some cereal...and mustard.

I don't know why, I actually hate mustard. But that's all I can think about right now.

I get a bowl; fill it with milk and Frosted Flakes. I open the fridge and search for the mustard.

I don't see it, I start pulling everything out of the fridge until it's completely empty.

I can't find it.

I can't find the mustard.

"ALLEKK!" I scream. "ALLEEKKKKK!!!"

In a short second he comes running into the room. "What!?! What's wrong!?!"

"WE'RE OUT OF MUSTARD!" I yell on the verge of tears.

He looks at me not saying anything for a while. "Are you serious?"

I nod pouting.

"That's why you were screaming...?"

I nod again.

"Because of mustard."


"I guess....I'll go get some...?"

I grin. "Please."

He leaves the room, and a few seconds later he's back, mustard in hand.

I snatch it from him, only after squirting it all over my cereal, and stuffing a spoonful in my mouth do I remember to say thank you.

He stares at me.

I stare back.

"Want some?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

I shrug and continue eating.

Alek watches me the whole time I eat, normally, this would have made me a little nervous. I'm kind of self conscious around him. But right now all I can think about is food.

When I finish it, I put the bowl in the sink.

I sigh, in content. But then I frown.

I groan. "I'm still hungry!"

I look at Alek, waiting for him to say something. But instead, he slowly breaks out into a grin, his eyes wide and all lit up.

"What?" I ask him.

"Rayne..." he whispers.

I furrow my brow. "What is it?"

He takes steps towards me, until we're right in front of each other. He stares at me, and then kisses me hard on the mouth.

I blink. "What was that for?" Not that I minded or anything, I'm just confused.

He starts to laugh; he picks me up and spins me around.

I shriek. "Alek...! What's going on? What's wrong?"

He places me back on the ground.

"Everything is perfect!" he says still laughing.

"Then why are you acting like a crazy person?" I ask.

For a moment he looks at me, and then the reaches out his hand, and places it on my stomach.

"I'm just happy." He whispers.

I stare at him, what's going on with him? And why is his hand on my...





(-C'est fini! That's French for it's finished...I know I know, it's sad! But be happy! Cuz I'm thinking about making a sequel...Except it won't really be a sequel...I mean it will but...It like...Won't. It'll be called: |-For Every Girl Who Thinks She's Had Her Heart Stolen-|...Well I Have...Literally. And I Plan On Getting It Back. To keep the whole long title thing going. Oh, and it'll be about Tess.

Lemme know if you like this idea! 'Kay? Over and out. Yeah lame. I know -)

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