Chapter Forty-Six

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Allie sat in front of the mirror of her hotel room, fussing over her hair for what felt like the hundredth time. Furfrou sat at her feet, listening to her trainer mutter to herself as she did her best to make herself presentable. The previous night after the gym, as well as today, had flown by in a flash. Before she knew it, the clock had struck four which meant that in six hours, she'd be heading back home. She knew that the three days would go by fast, and that she'd have to move on to the other suitors eventually. However, she felt somewhat guilty leaving Seth without properly getting to know him. They had spoken quite a bit during the time they had together, but when she recalled her trips with Charles, Thomas and Grayson, she'd talked up a storm! And after seeing a glimpse of who Seth was, she was kicking herself for not asking more questions and treating this time more seriously and sincerely.

Looking in the mirror she finally threw her hands up and undid the hair tie to let her hair fall over her shoulders. Why was she so frustrated? it was just a date. Something she added to the requirements of the competition for all the men to take part in. Time with her was invaluable as far as she was concerned. Yes, she was a princess, and they were all prospects to be sorted through for husband material. And thus far, Seth had scored just as high as the others, meaning giving him the fourth spot on the list was indeed warranted. Glancing at her blue sapphire, off shoulder dress she was wearing, she adjusted it slightly at the top and made sure that the sleeves were rolled down. Adding the finishing touches, she placed her matching crescent earrings in and pulled her hair to one side so that it fell over one shoulder.

"Okay," she breathed, looking in the mirror and giving herself a confident look, "I'm ready for this."

Furfrou gave her a questioning look, earning her a frown from her trainer.

"Don't you start. I may not be able to speak your language, but I don't have to when your face tells me what you're saying," Allie huffed, placing a hand on her hip as she looked back at the mirror. "I'm dressed to kill and you know it."

Furfrou rolled her eyes and jumped up on the hotel bed and looked at Allie, a wolfish grin resting on her features. Allie was happy, despite what she thought of Seth. While Allie may not be entirely aware of it, Furfrou could tell that Allie was starting to like Seth better now that she'd spent time with him. And as much as she wanted to see how their date went, she'd done her job and it was time for Seth to take over from there.

"I take it she's still with the girls?" Furfrou asked as Seth took her for her evening walk as a favor for Allie.

"She is. I asked Shauna and Serena to keep her company while I get ready for tomorrow night. She's actually begun to like those two despite how quirky they can be," Seth laughed.

"I see, and where have the other two gone off to?" Furfrou inquired, stopping as they reached the lakefront.

"They're off practicing for their gym match tomorrow morning. They're gonna be out pretty late, which gives us plenty of time to figure out what I'm doing," Seth replied, taking a seat on the bench so he could look out over the lake.

Boats were going to and fro, ferrying travelers to the various hotels that surrounded the lake. Music could be heard from some of the boats out on the water. After Furfrou finished her business, she hopped onto the bench beside Seth.

"Alright... now that we're undisturbed, I can let you in on what Allie likes. I'm sure you're aware of a few things already, but there's a lot about her that you really don't know. I'd tell you, but I don't do spoilers."

"Fair enough. So, the Cozy Cove was it? you mentioned that when we got here and I did manage to do a little digging on it last night. But seeing as this is the first time I've been on a date..."

"You want to leave a good impression. Seth, you're already doing that. And if my senses weren't so damn good, I'd call you out for lying about this being your first date, but I can clearly tell that it is. At any rate, yes, Allie loves that place. She loves the water as much as she loves forests. Whether it's on the open water or running barefoot in the grass, she feels at home. So here's how this is going to work."

"Wow big bro, you planned all of that?" Melody asked as she sat at her computer, reading over the current chapter she was working on. With the book nearly finished, she wanted to make certain that everything flowed properly.

"Hard to believe isn't it?" Seth replied, adjusting his tie as he looked in the mirror.

Cerise was hovering beside him, looking him over to be certain that every last detail was taken care of.

"I don't know what's harder to believe, the fact that you planned a night like this, or that you and her are actually getting along," Melody laughed.

"I'm as shocked as you are," came Jamie's voice as he sat down next to Melody on her bed.

"Jamie? don't tell me you've been listening to all this..." Seth muttered.

"He's not the only one," Felicity laughed, plopping down by Melody and looking at the screen to see Seth's confused face.

"Oh duh, tonight's game night. It's been a while since you came over Felicity. Then again, now that you guys are graduated and on your journey, I figured you'd do one last one before you two got to it," Seth laughed.

"Actually... we got our first badge already. Sorry we haven't said anything yet. We figured you'd be busy," Jamie said nervously.

"No worries man, I had a feeling you two were already out there. It won't be too long before you're all caught up," Seth said with a grin.

"You'd better believe it. We're comin' for you man," Jamie laughed.

"Heh, bring it you two. I'll be waiting," Seth replied, smirking. "Anyway, it's good to see you three. I'd talk to mom but I'm willing to bet she's sleeping. Tell mom I said thanks, for lending me her Pokémon to take Allie home afterward."

"Will do big bro! now shoo! you have a date to pick up," Melody said with a stern expression, doing her best to hold back her squeals.

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going. See you guys later," Seth replied before turning off his Holocaster and setting it down.

Reaching for his rapier, he hitched it to his waist and gave himself one last look in the mirror before snatching up his team and lining his belt, tucking the suit jacket over them for concealing purposes. Cerise, while not privy to being confined to a ball, elected to stay in there for the duration of the evening so as not to be completely away from Seth.

Seth glanced over at the time and sighed. It was a quarter to five, meaning he had fifteen minutes to pick her up. Fortunately, he'd elected to stay in the same hotel so that he could avoid being late. Stepping out of his room, he made his way down the stairs and into the lobby where he had told Allie he'd be waiting. As much as he felt confident about what he'd set up, the concept of being almost completely alone with Allie was a little nerve-wracking. He didn't have much time to think about it, because he could hear her coming. The way she carried herself was easily heard no matter how many people were walking around.

Her walk had a certain rhythm that screamed royalty. Looking up, the sight of flowing red curls and bright pink eyes greeted him. To say that she was beautiful would be a grave understatement. She looked stunning. And as far as Allie could tell, Seth cleaned up well as usual. She hated to admit it, but the infuriatingly true fact remained that he was attractive.

"What's the matter Seth? Purrloin got your tongue?" Allie teased, dawning her confident persona while running a hand through her curls.

"It would appear that it does," Seth replied shortly, clearing his throat while adjusting his tie. "I'd be lying if I said that color didn't suit you..."

"And I'd be lying if I said you didn't look handsome. And I'm not just saying that to be polite, Seth. I know I've... said some unsavory things before, and I just wanted to apologize for all of that. This has been fun so far, and I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy the night," Allie said with a bright smile.

Glancing down at the pink rose in his hands, she smiled, taking it as he held it out to her. She had a sneaking suspicion that he chose that specific color due to her eyes. Even if that wasn't the case, it was her favorite flower.

A minute later, the two were out of the hotel and making their way along the lakefront toward the Cozy Cove by the docks. Needless to say, Allie was more than thrilled that Seth had chosen this location for their date. Most men had taken her to fancy restaurants in Lumiose because that's where the majority of the fine dining was. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but for once, she would have liked to have gone to Coumarine to her favorite spot on the water. After having confirmed they had made a reservation, the host allowed them through to the boat in the back where the two would be ferried out onto the water with the rest of the guests.

Classical music filled the air as the two were brought to the candlelit table Seth had reserved for the night. The sound of a soothing Altaria's song blended perfectly with the current mood while Kricketune's natural chirping accompanied the violins. Thanks to Furfrou's insight, Seth managed to get a table at the port bow. Allie and Seth sat down at their table and dove into conversation with each other. After a while, their dinner had arrived, the fresh scent of a Tauros rib-eyed steak topped with Miltank braised qualot berry sauce greeted their nostrils with its heavenly scent. A side of oran berry salad accompanied it as well.

"Dear Arceus, this looks delicious!" Allie exclaimed, practically salivating at the sight of what she'd been given.

How Seth managed to figure out the one thing on their menu that she favored above the rest was beyond her. She'd question it, but right now, she didn't care. Seth, judging by Allie's reaction, could tell that Furfrou had indeed informed him well.

"I'm glad you approve," Seth replied, clearing his throat as he looked down at his own meal.

"Approve? Seth, this is fantastic. Not to sound rude, but I wasn't... you know, expecting this," Allie said in a nervous tone. "But you really surprised me here, and I'm happy you took me here. I don't know if I told you, but, this is my favorite place to go in Coumarine, and possibly all of Kalos next to one other that is," Allie trailed off.

"Is that so? I guess I made the right choice then," Seth replied as he dug into his steak and took the first bite.

Furfrou did not exaggerate. This place had quite possibly one of the best steaks he'd ever had. He wasn't a big meat eater, and rarely ever had any at all, but this... this was something he could eat again. While it was a hefty price to pay for a reservation and the meal itself, it was worth it as far as he was concerned. The blend of flavors satisfied him greatly and had his taste buds dancing with delight.

"It just melts in your mouth doesn't it?" Allie said with a grin as she watched his eyes go wide.

Seth swallowed and nodded in agreement.

"It really does. This place lives up to its reputation," Seth replied, taking another bite of his meal before carrying on a long conversation with Allie.

The two were soon finished with their steaks and were now diving into a dark chocolate, pecha berry cake. Seth was completely unprepared for how rich and powerful the flavor was. It was impossibly delicious. It wasn't easy for the two to simply savor each bite. But they ate slow while they continued to talk. It wasn't long before the two realized that time had gotten away from them and that the night was coming to an end. The last song of the night was about to play, and the musicians had even announced the presence of the princess and her date. There were several regulars there who had noticed and were glad she'd joined them tonight. She rarely went due to palace duties and of course her competition, but it was always enjoyable to have her company aboard.

The musicians wasted no time beginning what they knew as her favorite piece to dance to. A piece that Seth had been informed of and oddly enough, knew how to dance to thanks to a certain teacher of his. The only question that remained was: would he dance with her? remembering how things went the first time certainly didn't help. Once again, he was faced with an opportunity that he knew he needed to take. With the advice of his sister in mind and a different view of Allie, he stood up and held out his hand, a gesture that surprised the princess herself.

"Seth, are you—I mean, I thought you said you didn't dance," Allie said, knitting her brow in confusion.

"That's what I said, yes. However... that doesn't mean I don't know how," Seth replied with a faint smile, keeping his hand out for her to take.

And take it she did. Never being one to miss an opportunity to dance, she couldn't have been any happier in that moment if she tried. Curiosity filled her as she studied Seth's face, wondering if he was only doing this because he snuffed her at the party, or because he actually wanted to. The answer she received, was beyond what she'd expected. Seth, was fantastic. Every lunge and slide, every drag, every motion for that matter was fluid and precise. He wasn't sloppy like a certain individual she'd danced with who lorded himself as one of the best. No. Seth had rhythm.

She was honestly surprised that he was able to keep pace with someone as trained as she was. The Paso Doduo was not an easy dance to attempt and yet here he was, challenging her, pushing her to want to explore more of what he was capable of. It wasn't long before the two came out of the grand circle, right as the music concluded. Taking Seth's hand, she instinctively bowed, pulling Seth with her who followed sheepishly. He wasn't one for dancing in public, hence the private training and practice he'd received, but he reminded himself that he was with a princess, and that he was being watched by the guests on board the boat.

As the guests went back to their discussions, Allie found a moment to catch her breath before pinning Seth with a stare and placing her pointer finger on his chest.

"You! how—where did you learn all of that?" Allie demanded, placing a hand over her chest to steady her heart as it was beating far too excitedly for her liking.

"I believe you already know the answer to that, Allie," Seth breathed, looking away as he scratched the back of his head.

Allie's eyes went wide. She did, in fact, know the answer to that.

When he first met you, you were this awkward little boy who had the tendency to trip over his own feet...

"You mean to tell me... that Mathilde Bellerose taught you that? all of that?" Allie asked in surprise.

"Is it that big a deal?" Seth asked somewhat nervously as Allie got a little closer to his face, her eyes now penetrating his as she leaned in.

"You do realize that she's well known for more than her swordsmanship you right?" Allie explained, causing Seth to roll his eyes.

"I'm... aware?" Seth said, his response more of a statement than a question.

Allie sighed in exasperation and crossed her arms.

"Just when I think I have you figured out, you go and throw me another curve ball. I guess that settles it then."

"Settles what?" Seth asked hesitantly, his eyes meeting Allie's as she turned to meet his gaze again.

"Seth, this is going to be painful to admit, I want you to understand that before I say this," Allie said firmly as she took a step toward him, her eyes never leaving his as she spoke. "I'm intrigued by you Seth. Before I didn't even want to have anything to do with you, and I was angry that my mother, without my consent mind you, placed you in the competition after going behind my back to ask you. I had thought of you as, well, ineligible in comparison to the others I thought so highly of, and still do. But the truth is... Seth, you've proved me wrong, and I'm not saying this because of tonight."

"Allie, you don't have to—"

"Yes I do. I singled you out and I need to apologize so let me have this dammit. As I was saying, I've been wrong about you Seth. You may not be wealthy or have the same status as the others, but you have just as much a shot as the others do. Watching how well you treat your companions and your friends, it just... it made me feel guilty for what I've said before. So, I hope you can forgive me for all of that so we can maybe, go forward on a different note?" Allie finished, fidgeting with her dress a little as she spoke.

Seth closed his eyes and let her words sink in. He didn't need to heighten his senses to know she was being sincere. During this time he'd seen her attitude change. He found her fun and surprisingly easy to talk to. Not once, the entire night, did he wish he were anywhere else. Smiling, he opened his eyes and replied, "I accept your apology, and I hope you'll accept mine for the times I've been rude to you as well."

"It's true that you were rude, but you didn't have to say it. Tonight was more than enough of an apology, even if you didn't intend it to be one. So of course I accept it," Allie said with a smile and a laugh.

"I guess that's that then," Seth replied with a slight smile. "What do you say we get you home? the sky's clear so I can fly you back."

"Err... yes, I probably should be getting home shouldn't I? but first, can I say goodbye to the others?" Allie asked hopefully as they exited the Cozy Cove.

"Way ahead of you princess," came Serena's voice as she and the others came to meet them.

Allie gave Seth a knowing look and laughed.

"I just wanted to say goodbye and that I enjoyed my time with you all. While I still think you're all nuts, the good kind mind you, I wouldn't mind being in your company again. Shauna, Serena? perhaps the two of you would like to come to the palace sometime for a visit?" Allie inquired.

"Allie, are you—"

"Wanting to hang out? of course. Aside from my mother, there's no one I can have girl time with. And you two have been fun so I don't see why not," Allie stated with a determined expression flashing in her eyes.

"Well, since you're offering..." Serena paused, looking at Shauna before they both exclaimed: "we're in!"

After a few more goodbyes and a photo snapped by Trevor, Seth walked Allie over to the lakefront and reached for his ride.

"Okay Constance, take us home!" Seth called out, tossing her ball high with a practiced hand.

Constance emerged quietly from her chambers, her sky blue scales glistening in the light of the moon. Spreading her crimson wings, the Salamence looked down at the familiar sight of her trainer's son. She lowered herself so that he and his companion could climb onto her back. Allie, while invited up onto the breathtaking creature's back, was still awestruck by the size of her.

"What's the matter princess? Purrloin got your tongue?" Seth asked with a grin, earning a laugh out of Allie.

"I suppose I had that coming didn't I?" Allie responded, sticking her tongue out playfully before taking Seth's hand and hoisting herself onto Constance's back.

"She's not yours is she?" Allie inquired out of curiosity.

"Well, yes and no. She's my mother's actually. Seeing as I don't have a ride myself, well, you can see where I'm going with this," Seth replied as he steadied himself.

"Your mother has good taste. There's more about your family that I'd love to get to know. It's a shame we only had three days, but rules are rules..." Allie sighed. "I'm ready."

Placing her arms around Seth's middle, she prepared for liftoff as Seth gave the command. Constance spread her wings and lifted off gently, keenly aware of the passengers she was carrying and began the steady flight back to the destination she'd just been given. As they reached their destination, Constance gently touched down and lowered herself to let them off. The grounds were dark with the exception of a few lamps throughout the garden. Everyone had gone to sleep. Seth walked Allie to the doors that lead into the garden from the palace.

"Seth Da Silva. To say that you did well would be an understatement," Allie began, bringing her hands to her front as she spoke. "I'm pleased with how our time together turned out, and I look forward to seeing how you do in the rest of the competition. I... I wish you the best of luck. I want you to know that. So, thank you for having me with you on your journey, even if it was for but a short time."

"I'm happy to hear you say that. I'm willing to admit that I had fun too. You're not so bad princess," Seth replied with a chuckle.

"And you're not so bad yourself, pauper," Allie replied with a smirk.

"I thought you were done with that," Seth said with a raised brow.

"Mmm... see, I thought about it, but the name sorta stuck you know? besides, I think it's endearing, and I won't use it to be mean," Allie snickered. "So if it's alright with you, I'd like to keep in communication with you once in a while. Considering I had planned on doing it with the others, I figured it is only fair to treat you the same."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, it'd be a pleasure, Allie," Seth replied with a half smile.

Allie beamed happily and stepped forward.

"One more thing, Seth. And this stays strictly between us and so you know, I've given the others one as well so don't go feeling special or anything," she said hastily before pressing her lips to Seth's cheek, catching him by surprise as the warmth filled his face.

She pulled back slowly and smiled up at him.

"I owed you something for all you've done, including saving me from that embarrassing fall I took. Just make sure to remove the evidence before you see your friends again," Allie chuckled before taking the door handle in her hand and opening it. "Good night... Seth," she said over her shoulder with a smile.

"Good night... Allie."

The door to the palace closed, leaving Seth outside with Constance. Turning to the dragon, he smiled and reached up to stroke her nose.

"Well that went better than expected. Now, do you think you can get me back to Coumarine? I'll get you back to mom after that okay?" Seth said as he mounted Constance and slowly took off.

Reaching a hand to his cheek, he gently rubbed the spot where the stain was left. While he welcomed the unexpected gesture, he wouldn't be so open to anyone knowing. Knowing he wasn't the only one who received one put him at ease as he wasn't exactly desiring any special treatment. After all, what was a kiss on the cheek between friends?

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