Chapter Seventy-Four

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The sounds of battle filled the palace grounds as Allie put her Pokemon through their paces. Floette observed quietly while Allie stood, arms crossed, watching her teammates as they practiced new moves they'd recently learned. A stray Hydro Pump slammed into the ground about three feet in front of them, startling Floette into floating quickly behind Allie. The princess giggled and looked over her shoulder at the timid little one.

"I know, it can be a little scary huh? I guess I've grown so used to it that it doesn't bother me like it used to," Allie said, looking upward as Swanna danced through the skies, utilizing Aqua Jet as a booster to avoid the volley of Dragon Pulses being launched at her from Milotic.

Floette watched, almost mesmorized by the elegance of the black-feathered avian. Soaring skyward, Swanna pulled her body into a culbit before bolting toward her target and loosing a flurry of Air Slashes toward the water serpent. Without missing a beat, Milotic's body lit up, a light pink aura surrounding his frame as the attacks connected. Harnessing the power he was given, Milotic reflected the assault straight back at Swanna. No fool, Swanna dipped her body downward and took a nosedive toward the water below.

"Looks like someone's enjoying the show now," Allie chuckled, observing Floette from the corner of her eye as the little flower Pokemon hovered above her right shoulder. "Believe it or not, those two never used to get along or train that well together. But thanks to Furfrou over there," Allie paused, gesturing to Furfrou who dug her paws into the dirt after tanking a punch from Machamp, "they're good friends now."

Floette seemed to smile as Allie went on about her team and how far they've come since she first obtained each of them.

"Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without them. Especially Furfrou, even though she drives me bonkers," Allie said, smirking as she watched Furfrou cannon into Machamp's abdomen with a Zen Headbutt.

It's been a long time since I've been this excited, Allie thought while watching her companions. So far everyone remaining is making great progress. Most of them are nearly finished collecting the badges and it hasn't been that long since the ball.

Allie reached into her bag and pulled out the list of the remaining trainers and looked them over while she oversaw her team's training.

So let's see... there are at least twelve who have seven badges and are on the hunt for the eighth. Thomas just finished up his sixth along with Grayson. Those two are certainly doing well. And then there's Charles who just completed his seventh last week followed by Seth who earned his three days ago . There are a few others on their way to Anistar City, one of which I will be visiting later today.

Allie looked up as Ampharos joined in with Machamp and Furfrou for a free-for-all spar.

Good... I needed Ampharos to train with those two today. As the final days of the competition approach, I'm going to need everyone in top form, especially after seeing the teammates of those who are vying to be called my husband. If they want me... they're going to have to work for it.

The trio of Seth, Felicity and Jamie walked along Vallée Étroite Way, a resplendent mountain trail that was filled with lush vegetation and a stream that followed all the way down to Couriway Town-the group's next destination. The three had spent a few days in Anistar City to rest from their gym battles as well as prepare themselves for the final gym match that was to come. It had been a day since they left Anistar and they were just now coming upon the scene of a majestic waterfall that crashed into the stream flowing through the town.

"Alright, we made it!" Jamie exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air excitedly as he saw they'd reached their destination.

"Even though I've visited here countless times, that waterfall is still impressive to me," Felicity said with a contented sigh.

Looking over at Seth, Felicity could see that while Seth was physically present with them, he was clearly mentally absent. He'd mentioned that he had a discussion with Olympia prior to leaving Anistar City, but she and Jamie were never given the specifics of it. Whatever he'd been told was definitely unnerving him. As curious as she was, she knew better than to pry into someone's private thoughts, especially if it wasn't any of her business.

"Yo Seth, you okay?" Jamie asked, placing a hand on his shoulder out of concern. "You've been quiet for the past few miles..."

Seth heaved a deep sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. To say that he was stressed would be putting it mildly. After speaking with Olympia about what she'd seen prior to his arrival into Anistar City, Seth began to feel anxious. He couldn't keep his mind focused on training his team due to the worry that had set in.

"Sorry... I've just had a lot on my mind," Seth muttered, taking a deep breath and forcing a smile. "Let's go eat. I think I'll feel better after that."

Nodding in agreement, the trio swiftly made their way into Couriway Town and after fifteen extra minutes of walking, they reached the hotel and walked inside. As they entered, the group caught sight of a familiar face.

"Seth Da Silva, it's been a while hasn't it?" Grayson said, standing up from his seat to meet him.

"I had a feeling I'd see you sooner or later," Seth replied, a slight smile etching itself onto his face. "How've you been?"

"I've been doing pretty well. Just one more badge to go and I can sit tight until the Lumiose Conference. Judging by the fact that you're here, I assume you're on the home stretch too?"

"The three of us just got Olympia's badge a few days ago. Honestly it was one of the hardest battles we've faced in a while," Seth replied with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, that Meowstic duo was extremely annoying, but my team and I managed to pull through. Now all I have to worry about is the last gym leader, Wulfric."

"Well, the last obstacles are usually designed to be the hardest aren't they?" Felicity inputted. "If anything, I'm looking forward to it albeit he won't be my final challenge."

Seth, Felicity and Jamie all exchanged knowing glances. Despite their friendship, they had been known to compete with each other during their time in academy. After seeing how strong Seth and Jamie had become, she was even more driven to beat them, and the league was the perfect place to do so.

"I know what you're saying. Wulfric may be the final gym challenge, but he's far from the last mountain that Seth and I need to conquer, isn't that right?" Grayson replied, casting Seth a determined look that was returned in kind by the sword-wielding brunette.

"So, I don't believe we've been formally introduced. I know I've seen you in Lumiose City, and I think back at the labs in Ambrette Town..." Felicity trailed off.

"Oh, right. I'm Grayson. My mom runs the Fossil Lab in Ambrette Town and my uncle is one of the scientists that work for her."

"Nice to meet you Grayson. I'm Felicity and as you already know, this is Seth and that's Jamie." Jamie waved casually.

"Likewise, though I've been meaning to ask... where are the other four?" Grayson asked curiously. "I remember you traveling with another group. Did you guys just part ways or something?"

"Well... yes and no. They were going to take their journey at their own pace. Last I checked, they had just made it to Lavarre City. They're bound to catch up eventually. In any case, we're gonna grab a bite to eat. You're welcome to join us if you want." Grayson smiled.

"I could eat... I mean, I've been training all day since I got here. If you're up for it later, I have a few new teammates I'd love to test out."

"I wouldn't mind a good match. What do you say to a one on one? I've been meaning to test something out myself..."

"You've got yourself a battle!" Grayson said excitedly.

"Good. Now that that's established, let's go eat."

Perched above the palace grounds was a lone Honchkrow with a collar about its neck. The avian had his sights set on the arena that Allie was training in and was recording everything with the camera that was embedded into the collar. He watched as the princess commanded her team, putting them through multiple rigorous training exercises in order to keep their skills sharp. As he observed, he spotted a small, flower-bearing creature hovering near Allie. Honchkrow had seen many a Floette in his lifetime, but never one as strange as this.

After a few more moments of observation, Honchkrow left the palace and swiftly returned to his owner. It wasn't long before he reached his master's base of operations and was let in after being spotted on a security camera. His calls were heard echoing down the corridors, alerting all personel that he was there. Soon, the doors to Xerosic's laboratory were opened and in flew the obsidian feathered avian.

Xerosic, who had been monitoring the Ultimate Weapon's progress, spotted the large Flying-type and went to him to extract the footage from the collar cam. As he was uploading it, he messaged Lysandre who, moments later, entered the lab upon hearing that his companion had returned.

"So what have you found?"

Xerosic stroked his chin and looked up at the monitor above them as the footage started to play. As the footage showed the Floette, Lysandre immediately paused it and stared at it, almost in disbelief.

"So it does exist..." he said breathlessly, his eyes drinking in every detail of the Eternal Flower.

Finally, an energy source that could power the Ultimate Weapon. If I can capture the Eternal Flower, it will make what King AZ did three thousand years ago look small by comparison. At last, the hour is upon us.

I will have my perfect world...

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