Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Awww! he's so cute!" Shauna squealed upon seeing Tyrunt.

The little theropod stared up at the approaching young woman, a trickle of sweat sliding down the side of his face as his personal space was invaded. His discomfort only grew when she began patting his head. Taking note of this, Seth cleared his throat to get Shauna's attention.

"Sorry Shauna, but Tyrunt's still getting used to people it seems. Best not to get too close," Seth cautioned the chirpy brunette.

"Poo! I wanted to cuddle him," Shauna pouted, getting a laugh from the group.

"Probably not the greatest idea right now," Seth chuckled, glancing down to see Tyrunt sighing in relief as if it was spared a horrible fate.

"So, did you talk to the princess? or did she pretend you didn't exist?" Serena inquired, recalling Charlotte mentioning Allie before leaving.

"Just the opposite in fact. Long story short, she thanked me for a favor I did her a while back. Honestly I wasn't expecting her to do it... ever. Looks like there's an adult in there after all," Seth mused.

At this, the others had to stifle their laughter.

"Just curious, Seth... what made you decide to pick Tyrunt?" Trevor inquired as he snapped a picture of the little dragon.

Seth knelt down and rubbed Tyrunt on his maw, eliciting an approving growl from the theropod.

"My favorite place to go, when I was a kid, was the Battle Chateau. I was ten at the time, and I was with my teacher at the time for a break from my lessons..."

The Battle Chateau's outdoor arena was packed with trainers of all different ranks. It was particularly full due to the highest Writ Of Challenge taking place. A trainer by the name of Valentin had climbed his way to the rank of Duke and decided, against his better judgement, to pay for a challenge that was well above his level. Standing in the midst of the other onlookers were Seth and Mathilde.

"It would appear that someone is a bit too overconfident about their skills. Challenging the Grand Duchess isn't something he should be doing at this point," Mathilde mused.

"Aren't you a Grand Duchess too, teacher?" Seth inquired, looking up at Mathilde with a curious gaze.

"As of now? no. I'm but a Duchess here. I'm afraid that the title of Grand Duchess is a bit out of my reach at the moment. I've just a few wins remaining and then I'll be able to take her on," Mathilde replied with a smirk.

As Seth was about to question her about her statement, the doors to the outdoor arena opened, and emerging from the entryway was the Champion herself, clad in her signature white dress. Her presence drew everyone's attention the moment she entered the arena. Whispers shot through the crowd as she came to a halt in front of Valentin.

"Excellent! you finally came! now I can showcase my brilliance for all to see," Valentin declared with a smirk.

"Calling me out the moment you achieve the rank of a Duke?" Diantha spoke up, arching a brow as she looked him over. "You must be fairly sure of yourself..."

"You are correct. I have worked my way through to the top, and it is now my wish to do battle against the crème de la crème! for I, Valentin, have assembled the perfect team that shall dazzle even you, mon ami!" Valentin boasted.

Diantha tapped her chin in thought and then flashed a smile his way. "If you are as confident as you say, then as Grand Duchess, I gladly accept your challenge!" Diantha declared, pointing imperiously at Valentin.

Stepping between the two, the judge raised his flags and cried out in a loud voice.

"Let the challenge... begin!"

As Valentin released his choice in the form of a Florges, Diantha sent forth a bold and unexpected choice that made others question her decision. A Tyrantrum's roar shattered the air as the Despot Pokémon made his royal presence known. Seth's eyes grew wide with excitement at the sight of the great beast.

"What is this? a Dragon-type? surely you jest," Valentin laughed.

"You have the honor, Valentin..."

"Merci, Champion! I shall not waste this opportunity. Behold! Florges, let us carve a path to victory! Moon Blast!" Valentin ordered.

Florges raised her hands and gathered light between her palms, forming it into a sphere of potent magical energy. With a shrill cry, Florges unleashed the sphere towards Tyrantrum who made no move to evade.

As the sphere approached, Tyrantrum whipped around and slammed an Iron Tail into the orb of light, launching in return to sender fashion, creating an explosion that shook the arena, covering it in a thick cloud of smoke.

"As expected of the Grand Duchess. But we will not be outdone! Moon Blast ag--"

"Checkmate! Poison Fang!"

Faster than Florges and her trainer could react, Tyrantrum leaped forward and sank his poison infused teeth into Florges' neck, knocking her out instantly due to the crushing power of the dino-dragon's jaws.

"Oh wow, so seeing Diantha's Tyrantrum inspired you to get one of your own huh? that's cute," Serena giggled.

"It's pretty much like a childhood dream come true," Seth replied, straightening up.

"So your teacher gave you a pretty good education outside of the school huh?" Trevor inputted.

"Let's just say that her lessons, apart from her verbal instruction, would not be allowed in any school curriculum," Seth pointed out. "Not unless parents are okay with the effects of her methods."

Serena shuddered at the thought. Remembering the aggressive and cold look in Seth's eyes back in the Glittering Caves, she couldn't bring herself to imagine what those effects might be. Normally, Seth had a calm, serene look about him. But back there, that vanished for a short duration. Shaking the image from her mind, she knelt down to look Tyrunt in the eyes and offered him a gentle smile.

Tyrunt tilted his head slightly as the honey-blonde got to his level. She wasn't as overly giddy as the brunette, so that made him feel more at ease. Slowly and cautiously, Serena reached out her hand and stroked his head. Tyrunt pushed his head affectionately into her hand.

"Sounds dangerous," Trevor added nervously. "While we're on the topic of your teacher, you mentioned she was a Duchess at the Battle Chateau? I've been there on several occasions to study up on battling. Maybe I've seen her?"

At this, Seth blinked. "My teacher was a Duchess eight years ago. Right now, she sits up there with Diantha, so unless someone's challenged her recently..."

"Hold on a sec... if what you say is true, then... EH!? you've got to be kidding. Chevalier Bellerose is your teacher!?" Trevor exclaimed, pointing at Seth in utter shock.

"I thought I told you that already," replied Seth with a confused look.

"Well, yeah but I didn't know it was the Chevalier of the Battle Chateau. She's the only one to ever defeat Diantha in a title match. Both hold the same title as they can't ever lose it, and their battles are insane!" Trevor exclaimed with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Mathilde and Diantha are pretty much best friends and rivals as well. Mathilde could vie for the title of Champion if she had the desire to do so, but she has no interest in the pomp and circumstance that comes with it. So she leaves the Elite Four alone," Seth shrugged.

"She sounds intense," Tierno grinned. "I bet her team knows all sorts of dance moves!"

"You don't know the half of it," Seth muttered. "Anyway, it's been a long day, and I need to get some rest. Are we heading for Cyllage City tomorrow?"

The group thought for a moment before answering.

"I vote we head there after breakfast. Maybe we can stop for a swim along the way?" Shauna suggested.

"That sounds pretty good to me! the entire route to Cyllage City is mostly all sandy beaches so it'll be fun!" Serena chimed in.

"It's cool with me. How 'bout you Trev?" Tierno asked.

"I'm alright with that. So we're all in agreement then? after breakfast, let's head for Cyllage City!"

With that in mind, the group began to settle down as evening fell upon them. Soon, the five of them were all sound asleep.

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