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HARUNO SAKURA started her day like any other— at six am with a routine. Breakfast with her parents after she freshened up and then started on her walk to school.

But unlike any other day, she felt a heavy sense of foreboding that she couldn't shrug— the fact that her instincts had always been on point made it hard for her to do so.

During breakfast her parents, Kazashi and Mebuki, seemed a bit quiet and there was tension in the air. It seemed like they had fought. Something they don't usually do, or as far as Sakura was aware.

She decided to shrug that one off. After all, everyone has conflicts, what's important is solving them civilly. Take Gaara and her for example, they fought a couple days back cause Gaara wanted to take their relationship to the next level, But Sakura wasn't ready so, like any sensible girl, she refused.

Sakura usually met Ino at the three-way junction on her way to school but today Ino wasn't there. She checked her watch. She was on time. Where was Ino?

If either one of them couldn't make it to their meeting spot they would text in advance. Sakura tried not to obsess over it. Sure, Ino has her own life. Even though they are best friends it's not necessary to tell each other everything.

Maybe her parents decided to drive her today or maybe she wanted to get to school early for something. Ino wasn't late, Sakura was sure, Ino is never late.

❀ ❀ ❀

The walk was rather unceremonious. The real drama that would turn Sakura's life upside down started when she reached the school's crowded entrance.

Of course it was crowded, students usually hang out here before the first bell rings notifying them that now is the time to push your tush to your designated home room. But today the crowed seemed extra-large and excited. They all were grouped and talking in hushed whispers before Sakura entered the school premises.

At her arrival, the crowd fell silent and all the eyes were on her. Attention doesn't make her recoil, after all, being the top student does earn you all kinds of attention. But this one made her want to crawl in a hole and never come out.

All the crowd's gazes were filled to the brim with a scandalous look. As if, they heard that Sakura's perfect figure is due to plastic surgery (no it isn't!) or that her top grades are from fucking Kakashi sensei (she studied for them!).

Sakura just stood there like a deer in headlights till the crowd parted to allow a certain blonde, whose gorgeous face held a despaired and desperate look, to burst forward.


  "Ino-chan," Sakura tilted her head with a questioning brow high on her rather large forehead.

  "Sakura— Listen: I am sorry, okay? I didn't mean too, really,"

   Sakura pulled her worrying best friend closer and lowered her voice to discuss whatever was going on privately, "hold up, what happened?"

  Ino waved her hands frantically, trying to explain the situation, "I— we were talking and it slipped! I- I'm sorry,"

  Sakura's patience was running thin with the way Ino was acting, "Calm the fuck down. What slipped?" She couldn't understand a thing she was saying, and if she wasn't told what the problem was right then and there, she was going to snap.

  "We were taking and they and- they started saying that your a wimp and that you can't do anything badass and so I tried to defend you but- but they agitated me and it slipped! The secret slipped!"

Sakura's eyes widened at the words that just left her friend's mouth. She blinked slowly, processing the words. This couldn't be happening... she almost refused to believe it— she had spent all her middle school and high school years perfecting her image.

It couldn't be ruined— not like this.

  "I trusted you.."

  "Please just listen to me. It was a mistake. You know I would never do something like this to you!"

But Sakura wasn't having any of it.

  "Fuck off, Ino" She hissed at her former best friend and stomped forward to her class. The stares and whispers followed her to her every step but they seemed to have changed from scandalous to almost pity?

Sakura felt like she had enough for today but she suppose when God decides to fuck with someone, he goes all out.

When she finally reached the classroom through her human-bordered runway, she placed her hand on the knob and just breathed to ready herself for whatever the Hell was on the other side.

She twisted her knob and her heart twisted in her rib cage. She received condescending pats and looks but just shove them out of her conscience.

      She pushed the door open...

Never in a million years she would have expected this, this monstrosity, this treachery! If almost made Ino's betrayal feel minor. But of course it wasn't. Both of them were equally disgusting.


Sabaku-no-Gaara, her boyfriend, now ex, was shagging a no-name slut.

He didn't even bother to even look at her as he continued his slamming. She internally winced. Gods he was rough. She just looked at the sickening scene in front of her. Too stumped to react. It seemed like Gaara was finally done cause he pulled out and zipped back up, doing that with his ever so stoic demeanour.

  "Hey" He didn't even bat an eye.

Tears blurred her vision as her heart gave a painful lurch, "Why?" She had to know.

  "You didn't relieved my urges." He said if like it meant nothing, like a year of them meant nothing, zero, zilch, nada!

They wasn't even a trace of remorse on his aloof face at her heartbroken one.

She did what she had to do, she slapped him and fled the scene.

»»———— 🌸 🌸 🌸 ————-««

That's all for the
first chapter ! I
hope y'all like it !



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