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HARUNO SAKURA didn't get paid enough for this shit, actually she doesn't get paid at all. But honestly, do any of us do?

She had had enough for today, tomorrow, this week, this year and mayhaps the rest of her life. But she knew shitty situations like this will continue to come and push her down to the rock bottom but as long as she has faith and drive to get back up, it will be fine, everything will be fine.

Fine is not always stable but it's what we have and we need to make the best of it. Because times maybe tough but Haruno Sakura is tougher, it's all gonna be fine.

She understood that when The Secret happened... back in middle school. When she crawled out of her own personal hell.

But right now, she just wanted to crawl up in her mother's lap and cry as her father tells her that they will always be there for her no matter what. And she planned on just doing that.

She didn't rush home cause her parents arrive well into the evening, that is, if they were gonna get home at all.

Her not-so-merry-trek was halted when she felt a huge wave of foreboding cross her. It was strong enough to make her stagger as she took in a ragged gulp of air and kabedonned to the nearest wall for support.

Dread filled her gut and every sense in her body screamed at her to run. But, of course, she had to be a stupid moralist and face challenges head on. And so she started speed walking towards her humble abode.


Actually not a humble abode. Her parents were in a family business. She had a big, successful trading centre for generations in her family, that has now been passed on to her parents, mother to be more specific. And would soon, inevitably, be Sakura's.

She had a two story house in a posh society, excluding the fact that she has a villa too on the outskirts of the town and a mansion near their trading centre which was inhabited, first by her clan and now by the 'special' guests.

As she approached the patio, the key in her pocket grew heavier by the second but at last when she finally reached the door, she didn't use it and instead chose to try and directly open the door.

Her heart clicked in a synchronised way with the door's opening click.

'Her parents always lock the door before leaving for work, she was sure of it. The why is it open now? Are they home early? That's rare but what if it's a burglar or a murder? What if it want to kill her and take over her family money?

Paranoid thoughts plagued her mind as she carefully opened the door, just a finger-breath, and peeked in.

She didn't know whether to sigh in relief or not. There, standing in the centre of the room, were Haruno Mebuki and Kizashi glaring off into nowhere. They seemed really upset which made Sakura recall today's awkward family breakfast.

She cleared her throat to get their attention back from their wonderland. They immediately snapped their gaze to Sakura's nervous form and their glare momentarily softened at her sight.

Her father, Kizashi, let out a sigh and her mother, Mebuki, rubbed her temples.

"Mom.. Dad? Why are you home early?"

"Sakura dear, your father and I need to talk.. to you."

Her mom has dropped her glare and became skittish instead, making Sakura feel like a cat on a hot tin roof too. Her dad still hadn't spoken a word and refused to look at her.

"Let's sit down first, yes Sakura?"

Sakura removed her shoes by the doors and followed her mother to the dinning room as her dad brought up the rear. The previous dread increasing tenfolds by every second.

She took a seat at the end of the table and her parents stood near the head. For a moment they all just stood in tensed silence.

"What is it?" She tried again.

"Well you see.. Sakura.. you uh we.. you know.. we..-"

"-Cut it out Mebuki!"

Sakura and her mother almost jumped to the roof at her father's furious, furious holler.

"Your mother, oh your mother, cheated on me!"


"Kizashi now don't you dare put all the blame on me!"

"Were you or were you not the one who fucked another while in a marriage."


"We had an understanding!"

"No! No, we agreed to stay together till Sakura graduates high school so it won't effect her studies!"

'Me.. my studies?'

"How is it my fault?! She had just started focusing back on her studies! I couldn't–we couldn't take that away from her!"

"We had agreed to stay together till she is old enough! And as far as I am concerned she is not!"


"We hadn't made anything against extra-marital affair!"

"Oh so it's an affair now, huh?"


"Kizashi you —"

"SHUT UP!" Sakura had enough, "calm the fuck down, will ya? What happened? What is this affair thing and cheating and — and me?"

Her father had again chosen to stare off in the corner, leaving her mother to talk. And her mother was a stall-er.

    "Sakura love, well you see —"

     "Say it already!" She didn't care that she was being rude, she knew they were wrongwrongwrong.

     "Your mother and I fell out of love back when you were in middle school. We wanted to split but things were finally looking good for you. We knew if we left, you would lose your way again too so we made a pact to act happy and be together till you get to college. But your mother couldn't keep it in her pants and had an affair and now I found out and we can't stay together like this anymore. We are gonna split."

Sakura blinked once, twice, thrice and cut off her mother who was hissing at the father for being blunt, "You're getting a divorce." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

     "I am going to focus on getting a job since the business is on your mom's side of family."

     "I-I want to start a family with the g-guy I am seeing."

And then it dawned on her. The reason for their nervousness.

     "You don't want me."

     "No- Sak —"

     "You both don't want me." This is why they were nervous, this is why they had to stay till she was old enough to take care of herself, "You're leaving me alone."

She felt alienated in her own house.

She remembered today's previous events. Isn't that what she was going to do to them? Leave them? If Sasuke hadn't stopped her then.. it would have been better! That would have mourned a little and then split or it would have knocked some sense into them and they would have stayed together.

     "Please.." The initial shock was over and now the gravity of the situation was weighting down on her. What is she supposed to do? Live on the streets?

She needed her parents. She was nothing without them.

     "Please.. w-want me.."

But they didn't want to. Both of them looked away guiltily. She looked at them a moment longer. Pleading with her eyes for them to change their mind but they didn't budge.

She did what she had to do. She ran upstairs to her room.

She grabbed a backpack from under her bed and stuffed it quickly with some clothes and other necessities. She had quite a sum of money stored up but now cursed herself for spending the majority on buying Kurenai Sensei's baby shower gift.

She rushed out just as quickly, ignoring her hysterical mother and stoic father. How else were they expecting her to take the new? She had been lied to by her own parents for the majority of her short life.

On her way out she grabbed a few snacks from pantry and stuffed it in her bag as well. She slipped on her black Louboutin's shoes and slung her Gucci school bag on her right shoulder as left one held her necessities.

Being a Haruno pays.

She swung the door open, giving no flying hoot to her now crying mother and a silently begging father. She was not having any of it. She slammed her door shut on her way out, muttering 'fuck you and fuck you and fuck you too' and cursing every other thing she laid her eyes on.

❀ ❀ ❀

Sakura had no where to go. Her parents have no siblings. Her father's side grandparents lived in Tori no Kuni (Land of Birds) and her mother's side had moved to Tsuki no Kuni (Land of Crescent Moon) after passing the business to Mebuki.

She wandered aimlessly on the streets. Her mind wandered fruitlessly trying to contemplate on where to go.

As mentioned before, she lives in a posh society and all the hotels around here would kill her wallet. And the cheaper hotels were on the outskirts, but that was no option.

As she continued her frivolous footslog, her pent up emotions of today seem to catch up to her: Ino's Judas kiss, Gaara's infidelity and her parent's forsaking.

Tears blurred her vision and she could almost feel their knives twisting in her back, wrenching her heart. Her fatigue of the day finally catching up making her want to just sleep and ..never wake up.

As if Zeus himself felt her depression, the skies turned grey and thunderous voices echoed in her ears. Lighting cackled and wait! Were the higher beings laughing at her?

Has been become so pathetic trying to live up to everyone's expectations and be perfect?

A cold breeze blew past, making her pull her blazer close to her. Sakura let out a tired sigh as the first few rain drops of the oncoming storm fell on her temples. Oh she was just so tired.


Sakura had managed to walk quite far by now. Her legs are aching and her stomach growled. She dropped her bags on the side of the road and sat on the edge of the footpath. She slipped the phone out of her pocket and hunched over, holding her phone below her crouched body as not get it wet.

She tried to turn it on but it was out of battery. She unzipped her school bag and felt around for her power bank and AHA! There it is!

She jammed the plug in and started waiting for it to charge back up. 'I need a new phone.' A stray granola bar was snatched up by her from her bag too and she started munching on it. The rain onslaught was making her clothes and hair wet and sticky. Her shirt was almost transparent. The cold breeze was making her shiver.

The rain was now heavy on her that it physically hurt. She pulled her school blazer closer to her to keep the cold out. She was in quite a vulnerable position with her legs pulled up close to her chest and her arms around her knees.

Her tears that she had bottled up were now free falling. Those who were supposed to protect her were the ones who hurt her.

'Maa Sleeping on the street, neh? I suppose there's a first time for everything.'

She sat there for the longest time watching a few lonely cars pass by, a couple making out in the corner, a stray cat fishing the garbage bags for fish and a few people's running home after a long tiresome day at work.

Does the storm not affect them?

She used her bags to make a pillow and removed her blazer so she could use it as a blanket. She laid down on her side. Her legs were still tucked up and occasional sniffles were let out here and there. She held in a yawn.

The concrete was wet and hard on her back. Being from a rich family, she worst condition she had slept in was in a branded sleeping bag during the school's camping trip to Training Ground Forty-Fourth. She closed her eyes.

Barely a minute had passed and she was woken up by blinding light and beeping horn.

»»———— 🌸 🌸 🌸 ————-««

So who do YOU
want to be
Sakura's saviour?



Next up:

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