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UCHIHA SASUKE was distracted.

He had been trying to do his homework for the last hour. It should have only taken him fifteen-thirty minutes at maximum. Like c'mon maths is easy! (Sasuke's words, not mine!! I suck at maths)

But he couldn't think straight. His thoughts kept on going to a certain Haruno. The troublesome girl had just tried to end her life. What's stopping her if she tries again? He for sure hadn't talk-no-jutsu'ed her to stop.

It wasn't like Sasuke to be worried about someone other than himself. He supposed it had something to do with that embarrassing period of his life back in play school. He couldn't believe himself, how could he have been so cringey.

He was regretting saving Sakura but at that moment he hadn't actually thought, his body had moved on its own.

But then again he was lying to himself. He didn't regret it even the slightest.

But Gaara. Sasuke did not like that boy. Maybe he should give a Gaara a piece of his fab and smart mind. Wait. Know what? That's stupid.

Sasuke, while being a gossip expert, didn't directly involve himself in other's business. Sure he was the one who wrote Tenten the love letter and signed it off as Neji to get them together cause it was painfully obvious that they were absolutely smitten and talking about gossip he had just heard that Ki—.

His mental tittle-tattle was cut short by the most obnoxious and mocking 'Hn' he had ever heard.

Sasuke didn't even need to turn around to know who the voice belonged to.

"Hn" smirked the one and only Uchiha Itachi.
Hello Itōto

"Hn" Sasuke was already annoyed and the really didn't need his 'perfect' brother to ruin his mood further. That's so not fab.
What do you want Nii-san?

Itachi's smirk widened."Hn"
Oh nothing. I was just amused that you took so long to finish your homework.

"Hn," hissed out the younger Uchiha.
None of your quacking business.

Itachi silently scoffed, but it was loud enough for Sasuke to hear,"Hn"
Actually, it is, considering I am your Japanese teacher.

Sasuke finally turned around to see what his crow of a brother wanted, cause Itachi never approached Sasuke unless he needed something. "Hn"
Weasel out. Are those Japanese quiz results?

Itachi's face redened in anger and embarrassment at being referred to as a Weasel but quickly calmed himself down and allowed a obviously fake upset look to take over his unfairly handsome features. At least Sasuke has his mom's soft yet sharp ones.
Ah yes. I just finished checking them and I gotta say I am...

"Hn..?" Sasuke was used to Itachi's tactics by now. I mean, you can't live with someone your entire life and not pick up their basic behaviour.
You are..?

Itachi let out a whimper, "Hn."
So not fab.

What!? But Sasuke was sure he got everything right! Oh he would so not lose to the pink haired bitch in a subject that his own brother taught. "Hn"
What? I got everything right!

Itachi dropped the facade and smirked, "Hn—"
Not you Itōto. But your jade-eyed, pink-haired, little cru—

"Hn!" A blushing Sasuke defended himself. Yeah, no! This conversation is not going down that road. He was still embarrassed by his younger self.
I was four!

Aha you didn't deny it.

Sasuke got all pink in face. Not fab at all.

"Hn" but now Sasuke was worried. Sakura always got a perfect score in Japanese, hell! She got perfect score in every subject except Maths, that were Sasuke's forte.
What happened to her test score?

She only got 97.

Is the world ending or Sakura just got a 97 in Japanese?!?! (Yeah, not funny anymore)

"Hn" Itachi said with a suggestive look in his eyes.
I just so happen to over hear an interesting piece of conversation between two of my fellow students.

Sasuke knew what was coming and he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about that.

Gaara cheated on Sakura.


And what are you gonna do?

"Hn" Sasuke really wasn't sure what should he do.
What do you mean?

Do you remember how Izumi and I got together?

Sasuke could never forget that.

Uchiha Izumi had a crush on Itachi as long as Sasuke could remember. But she never acted on it. Eventually Itachi got a girlfriend. But that girl was only dating Itachi for money and sex. Itachi found out and they broke up. Itachi did actually like her and had become a moping mess. Izumi couldn't stand this and she personally seek that girl out and gave her a piece of her mind. The news eventually got to Itachi and Izumi confessed to him when he went to talk to her about it.

Ever since then, they have been a happy couple.

But what was Itachi suggesting— oh.

I am not looking for a girlfriend!

I never said you were. Just talk to Gaara and make him see his mistakes. Cheer Sakura up a little. Who knows? It might satisfy your childhood feelings.You'd return her the favour and then you may not feel that way towards her anymore.


A lean arm was throw around Itachi's broad shoulders and did Sasuke just say Itachi has the most obnoxious voice? He takes that back cause Uchiha Shisui invented obnoxious.

"Wassup! Sasuke, Itachi. Being all Uchiha, are we? I don't get why y'all don't talk. I mean it would hurt to say anything other than 'Hn' would it?"

This boy spoke for the fact that the whole clan doesn't.

"So did y'all know the new edition of Ich—"

❀ ❀ ❀

Sasuke and Dobe had made plans to meet up at dobe's house when they were previously texting. Sasuke had just offhandedly told Dobe about Sakura. He was then immediately abandoned by Dobe who had rushed off and wasn't answering Sasuke's calls and texts.

Needless to say Sasuke was a mad, duh, and a little worried too. From what he has heard from Sakura, Dobe was acting weird today. He even heard a flying rumour that Naruto was scheming something. No doubt he had something in mind and as Dobe's best friend it was Sasuke's duty to stop him from pulling some apeshit.

He had told his mom had he was heading out but was stopped at the gates by Itachi and Shisui who teased him and hinted towards 'his chance.' He stomped on Shisui's foot and brushed past them.

The storm was over but the cold wind still blew. The wet concrete beneath his feet crunched with every step,

The Hokage House was a big and beautiful place. It had a lavish garden and multiple fountains. Not that Uchiha compound was anything to scoff at either but it was more of a colony.

Huddle of individual houses, shops and headquarters of Police all run by Uchiha. It was fenced by long walls and four gates in all four directions, guarded by Uchiha policemen. Sasuke's father, Fugaku, was the clan head and hence they had the biggest house in the heart of the compound.

Uchiha's always had been a core yet isolated part of the town.

The Shodai Hokage, Senju Harishama, had an well known Uchiha advisor-cum-best friend, Madara. Harishama and Madara both died in their late years. Harishama died from old age surrounded by friends and family whereas Madara died alone in a foreign country after being affected by some rare disease during a business trip.

Sasuke always had admired Madara unlike the rest of Uchiha who thought Madara had turned a back on them by prioritising Konoha over the clan. Uchiha Madara was their black sheep.

During the reign of Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha were made the policemen. Tobirama hated the Uchiha and wanted to shift their compound towards a more isolated part of Konoha but then he met Izuna. Izuna was Madara's brother. Brother of the guy he hated the most. But Izuna was different from Madara. Tobirama fell in love with Izuna. They married and Uchiha glory was returned.

And Izuna just so happened to be the person from whom Sasuke inherited his fabulous duckbutt hair. Apparently Tobirama got really turned on by this hair style.

Okay! Sasuke didn't need to have that on his conscious.

Tobirama passed on the Hokage title to one of his students: Sarutobi Hiruzen. In his last moments he was surrounded by his grand niece, three students and Uchiha Kagami. Kagami was Shisui's grandfather and Izuna's pupil.

Sandiame Hokage.. he wasn't big on Uchiha. Hiruzen had a rather insignificant rule. He had three students as well. Jiraya, Orochimaru and Tsunade. Jiraya became a writer and is the author of a famous adult novel series: Icha Icha Paradise. He is also Dobe's godfather. Tsunade is a world known medic. She had much demand abroad but instead chose to stay in Konoha and take on as Konoha High's principle.

But Hiruzen's favourite was Orochimaru. He was a scientist who contributed a lot to his field. He then took some promising students and left Konoha. He collects disciples from different countries and teaches them. Hiruzen wanted Orochimaru to be his successor but Orochimaru had left the country.

And that led Minato to be the Yondaime! Minato and his wife Kushina, Dobe's parents, are best friends with Fugaku and Mikoto, Sasuke's parents. Uchiha and Uzumaki are well allied too. Their parents are very close since their time in Konoha High which inevitably led Sasuke and Naruto to grow up together. Sasuke knew Naruto like Ino knew her flowers.

❀ ❀ ❀

Sasuke wasn't paying attention to where he was going but luckily he managed to get in front the Hokage Mansion. Honestly, he doesn't even remember crossing the concrete pathway parted by extravagant garden that connected the fence gates to the mansion's porch

Sasuke contemplated on whether he should knock or just barge in. He practically lived here, this was his second home. He decided against it cause every time he did that, the Anbu guarding this place would have a heart attack. And he would hate to spend this worrisome day by stuffing an unconscious Neko to the broom closet, again.

He knocked.

No reply.

He knocked again.

Still no reply

He punched the door.

He heard some scuffling instead but that just might be the pulse he is hearing from his slightly swollen and red fist.

He kicked the door.

Or so he thought. His feet didn't collide with the hard surface. Whatever that was beneath his feet felt squishy and– wAIT is- is that- Naruto's—

A loud, painful something between a squeak and a groan of absolute pain confirmed his assumption. He has just bitch-kicked Uzumaki Naruto in the groin.

He didn't even feel an inch of remorse as he watched Naruto wither down, clutching his no-no area. Hn, perhaps that Sai was wrong. Naruto does have a dick. Well whatever that's what this peasant get for making the fab king Sasuke wait.


"Shut up." Sasuke rolled his eyes and tried to pass the door but was surprised to see that Naruto had sprung up like a coil to block his way, "What—"

Sasuke cut himself short when saw the conflicted look in his best friend's eyes.

"Ano Teme what are you doing here?"

"Hn. Don't you remember, Dobe? We made plans when we were previously texting but you oh-so-not-fabulously decided to ignore me."

"Eto.. now is not a good time..."

Sasuke wasn't sure why Dobe was acting this way. Is this what Sakura was talking about? Naruto acting weird. One more glance at Naruto's face confirmed it. He didn't wanted to push it. He knew that Dobe would tell him what's happening when the time is right.

Wait is this about Sakura? Then Sasuke has the right to kno– no, Naruto is aware that Sakura is somewhat important to Sasuke and he would tell him if it was about her. They had made an agreement after all.

Sasuke decided on telling Naruto his plans for tomorrow and then leaving, for now, but before words could leave his tongue, he saw it. The reason behind Naruto conflict.

The first thing he noticed was her complexion. She looked a little flushed. Not the fab flush but the sick flush. She was wearing a black T-shirt with the red Uzumaki clan symbol and orange sweatpants which she had cuffed as to not trip on them. She was patting her wet, pink hair with a fluffy white towel.

Patting instead of rubbing is a good practice for taking care of hair. But —of course— nothing can beat the natural dry. Well- isn't not like Sasuke is a master when it comes to hair right? Right haha.

"Hm..?" He was brought back to reality with her soft voice.

Angry butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he spared one last glance to the guilty looking Naruto before shutting the door in his face.

»»———— 🌸 🌸 🌸 ————-««

Not happy,
with this chapter,
I am.

I just wanted to
put the beginning
and ending.
But the chapter
was too short so
I had to fill it up
with some info that
isn't really all that important.



Next up:
Interlude - Gaara (Part 1)

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